Similarities between program and module block
- A program block can instantiate another program block in the way how the module is instantiated another module block.
- Both can have no or more inputs, inout, and output ports.
- Both can have tasks, functions, variable declaration.
- Both can have continuous assignments, initial blocks, concurrent assertions, generate blocks, etc.
Difference between program and module block
- A program block can not instantiate a module block. On the opposite side, a module block can instantiate another module or program block.
- A program block can not have an interface, user-defined primitives (UDP), always block or nested program.
- The initial block inside the program block is scheduled in the reactive region whereas the initial blocks inside the module lock are scheduled in the active region.
- program 用在验证; 而module用在design;
- program一般在top引用;
- program 不能用always ; primitives; UDPs ,例化模块; interface; 包含其他program
- It shall not contain always procedures,
primitives, UDPs, or declarations or instances of modules, interfaces, or other programs - References to program signals from outside any program block shall be an error
- Nested programs with no ports or top-level programs that are not
explicitly instantiated are implicitly instantiated once. Implicitly instantiated programs have the same
instance and declaration name.
// Simple Program with ports
program simple(input wire clk,output logic reset,
enable, input logic [3:0] count);
// Initial block inside program block
initial begin
$monitor("@%0dns count = %0d",$time,count);
reset = 1;
enable = 0;
#20 reset = 0;
@ (posedge clk);
enable = 1;
repeat (5) @ (posedge clk);
enable = 0;
// Call task in module
// Task inside a module
task do_it();
$display("%m I am inside program");
// Module which instanciates program block
module simple_program();
logic clk = 0;
always #1 clk ++;
logic [3:0] count;
wire reset,enable;
// Simple up counter
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) count <= 0;
else if (enable) count ++;
// Program is connected like a module
simple prg_simple(clk,reset,enable,count);
// Task inside a module
task do_it();
$display("%m I am inside module");
// Below code is illegal
//initial begin
// prg_simple.do_it();