Ultraleap 3Di示例Interactable Objects组件分析

Hover Enabled:悬停功能,手放在这个模型上,会触发我们手放在这个模型上的悬停功能。此时当手靠近模型的时候,手的模型的颜色会发生改变,反之,则不会改变。
Contact Enabled:触摸功能,与场景物体产生碰撞的功能。
Grasping Enabled:抓取功能,手是否具有抓取功能,是否会抓取起物体。
Hover Activation Radius:触发悬停半径,超过这个范围将不会触发悬停
Touch Activation Radius:抓取半径,超过这个范围将不会触发抓取
Multi Grasp Holding Mode:多个人同时抓取,

  • Preserve Pose Per Controller:如果要实现Multi Grasp Holding Mode,我们必须要这个物体允许可以被多个人同时抓取,即被多个手同时抓取,就要求物体开启属性才可以,找到可以交互的物体,挂载组件Interaction Behavior(Script),在下拉栏中选中Allow Multi Grasp;同时,该手还需要有Interaction Manager 这个组件。此时,物体就可以与手发生HoverContactGrasping
  • Reinitialize On Any Release:进行切换,自行体验二者的不同。

Interaction Objects
Ignore Hover Mode:忽略Hover
Ignore Primary Hover:忽略主悬停
Ignore Contact:忽略碰撞
Ignore Grapsing:忽略抓取
Move Objext When Grasp:抓取的物体是否跟着一起动
Use Hover 悬停
Use Primary Hover 主悬停


 * Copyright (C) Ultraleap, Inc. 2011-2024.                                   *
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 * Use subject to the terms of the Apache License 2.0 available at            *
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0, or another agreement           *
 * between Ultraleap and you, your company or other organization.             *

using Leap.Unity;
using Leap.Unity.Interaction;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Leap.Unity.InteractionEngine.Examples
    /// <summary>
    /// This simple script changes the color of an InteractionBehaviour as
    /// a function of its distance to the palm of the closest hand that is
    /// hovering nearby.
    /// </summary>
    public class SimpleInteractionGlow : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("If enabled, the object will lerp to its hoverColor when a hand is nearby.")]
        public bool useHover = true;

        [Tooltip("If enabled, the object will use its primaryHoverColor when the primary hover of an InteractionHand.")]
        public bool usePrimaryHover = false;

        [Header("InteractionBehaviour Colors")]
        public Color defaultColor = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Color.white, 0.1F);

        public Color suspendedColor = Color.red;
        public Color hoverColor = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Color.white, 0.7F);
        public Color primaryHoverColor = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Color.white, 0.8F);

        [Header("InteractionButton Colors")]
        [Tooltip("This color only applies if the object is an InteractionButton or InteractionSlider.")]
        public Color pressedColor = Color.white;

        private Material[] _materials;

        private InteractionBehaviour _intObj;

        private Rend[] rends;

        public class Rend
            public int materialID = 0;
            public Renderer renderer;

        void Start()
            // 1、获取自身的InteractionBehaviour组件
            _intObj = GetComponent<InteractionBehaviour>();

            if (rends.Length > 0)
                _materials = new Material[rends.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < rends.Length; i++)
                    _materials[i] = rends[i].renderer.materials[rends[i].materialID];

        void Update()
            if (_materials != null)

                // The target color for the Interaction object will be determined by various simple state checks.
                Color targetColor = defaultColor;

                // "Primary hover" is a special kind of hover state that an InteractionBehaviour can
                // only have if an InteractionHand's thumb, index, or middle finger is closer to it
                // than any other interaction object.
                // 2、判断isPrimaryHovered是否为True,如果是,则表示我们的手放在了物体上,并且触发悬停。usePrimaryHover选项限制,需要勾选才触发
                if (_intObj.isPrimaryHovered && usePrimaryHover)
                    targetColor = primaryHoverColor;// 2.1、变为设置好的颜色
                    // Of course, any number of objects can be hovered by any number of InteractionHands.
                    // InteractionBehaviour provides an API for accessing various interaction-related
                    // state information such as the closest hand that is hovering nearby, if the object
                    // is hovered at all.
                    // 3、判断isHovered 是否为True
                    if (_intObj.isHovered && useHover)
                        float glow = _intObj.closestHoveringControllerDistance.Map(0F, 0.2F, 1F, 0.0F);
                        targetColor = Color.Lerp(defaultColor, hoverColor, glow);
				 // 3、判断isSuspended是否暂停,如果是则改变颜色
                if (_intObj.isSuspended)
                    // If the object is held by only one hand and that holding hand stops tracking, the
                    // object is "suspended." InteractionBehaviour provides suspension callbacks if you'd
                    // like the object to, for example, disappear, when the object is suspended.
                    // Alternatively you can check "isSuspended" at any time.
                    targetColor = suspendedColor;

                // We can also check the depressed-or-not-depressed state of InteractionButton objects
                // and assign them a unique color in that case.
                if (_intObj is InteractionButton && (_intObj as InteractionButton).isPressed)
                    targetColor = pressedColor;

                // Lerp actual material color to the target color.
                for (int i = 0; i < _materials.Length; i++)
                    _materials[i].color = Color.Lerp(_materials[i].color, targetColor, 30F * Time.deltaTime);// 2.2、 改变颜色





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