


Scalable High-Resolution Pixel-Space Image Synthesis with Hourglass Diffusion Transformers

We present the Hourglass Diffusion Transformer (HDiT), an image generative model that exhibits linear scaling with pixel count, supporting training at high-resolution (e.g. $1024 \times 1024$) directly in pixel-space. Building on the Transformer architecture, which is known to scale to billions of parameters, it bridges the gap between the efficiency of convolutional U-Nets and the scalability of Transformers. HDiT trains successfully without typical high-resolution training techniques such as multiscale architectures, latent autoencoders or self-conditioning. We demonstrate that HDiT performs competitively with existing models on ImageNet $256^2$, and sets a new state-of-the-art for diffusion models on FFHQ-$1024^2$.

Mastering Text-to-Image Diffusion: Recaptioning, Planning, and Generating with Multimodal LLMs


In this paper, we propose a brand new training-free text-to-image generation/editing framework, namely Recaption, Plan and Generate (RPG), harnessing the powerful chain-of-thought reasoning ability of multimodal LLMs to enhance the compositionality of text-to-image diffusion models. Our approach employs the MLLM as a global planner to decompose the process of generating complex images into multiple simpler generation tasks within subregions. Extensive experiments demonstrate our RPG outperforms state-of-the-art text-to-image diffusion models, including DALL-E 3 and SDXL, particularly in multi-category object composition and text-image semantic alignment.

MotionMix: Weakly-Supervised Diffusion for Controllable Motion Generation


This paper proposed MotionMix, a simple yet effective weakly-supervised diffusion model that leverages both noisy and unannotated motion sequences. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our MotionMix, as a versatile framework, consistently achieves state-of-the-art performances on text-to-motion, action-to-motion, and music-to-dance tasks.

Product-Level Try-on: Characteristics-preserving Try-on with Realistic Clothes Shading and Wrinkles


We propose a novel diffusion-based Product-level virtual try-on pipeline,\ie PLTON, which can preserve the fine details of logos and embroideries while producing realistic clothes shading and wrinkles. To enhance retention, a Two-stage Blended Denoising method is proposed to guide the diffusion process for correct spatial layout and color. PLTON is finetuned only with our collected small-size try-on dataset.

BETA: Binarized Energy-Efficient Transformer Accelerator at the Edge


Existing binary Transformers are promising in edge deployment due to their compact model size, low computational complexity, and considerable inference accuracy. However, deploying binary Transformers faces challenges on prior processors due to inefficient execution of quantized matrix multiplication (QMM) and the energy consumption overhead caused by multi-precision activations. To tackle the challenges above, we first develop a computation flow abstraction method for binary Transformers to improve QMM execution efficiency by optimizing the computation order. Furthermore, a binarized energy-efficient Transformer accelerator, namely BETA, is proposed to boost the efficient deployment at the edge. Experimental results evaluated on ZCU102 FPGA show BETA achieves an average energy efficiency of 174 GOPS/W, which is 1.76~21.92x higher than prior FPGA-based accelerators, showing BETA's good potential for edge Transformer acceleration.





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