Copyright(C) 2019- White Noise Team
One dimensional Kalman Filter implementation for
use with BNO055 IMU to filter noisy gyro and
accelerometer measurements.
This software is distributed under the MIT License
This file includes the headers of the Kalman Filter API
*/classKalman{public:float R, Q, A, B, C;float cov;float x;// Signal without noisebool init;Kalman(float r,float q,float a,float b,float c);floatfilter(float z,float u);floatpredict(float u);floatuncertainty();};
Copyright(C) 2019- White Noise Team
One dimensional Kalman Filter implementation for
use with BNO055 IMU to filter noisy gyro and
accelerometer measurements.
This software is distributed under the MIT License
This file includes the source of the Kalman Filter API
*/#include"Kalman.h"Kalman::Kalman(float r,float q,float a,float b,float c){
R = r;
Q = q;
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
init =false;}floatKalman::filter(float z,float u){if(!init){
x =1/ C * z;
cov = Q /(C * C);
init =true;}else{float pred =predict(u);float p_cov =uncertainty();float K = p_cov * C /(C * C * p_cov + Q);
x = pred + K *(z - C * pred);
cov = p_cov - K * C * p_cov;}return x;}floatKalman::predict(float u){return A * x + B * u;}floatKalman::uncertainty(){return A * A * cov + R;}
#include"Kalman.h"#include<cstdlib>#include<iostream>usingnamespace std;floatrandn(){return(float)rand()/(float) RAND_MAX;}intmain(){
Kalman *F =newKalman(1,1,1,1,1);float z;for(int i =0; i <1000; i++){
z =randn();
cout <<"t: "<< i <<" x: "<< F->x <<" z: "<< z << endl;}}
项目参考AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
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