手动实现 git 的 git diff 功能

这是 git diff 后的效果,感觉挺简单的,不就是 比较新旧版本,新增了就用 "+" 显示新加一行,删除了就用 "-" 显示删除一行,修改了一行就用 "-"、"+" 显示将旧版本中的该行干掉了并且新版本中增加了一行,即使用 "删除" + "新增" 操作代替 "修改" 操作,然后就用


import com.goldwind.ipark.common.util.MyStringUitls;
import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MyDiffTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> lines_old = loadTxtFile2List("C:\\E\\javaCode\\git\\outer_project\\guodiantou\\gdtipark-user-servie\\src\\main\\java\\com\\goldwind\\ipark\\base\\test\\DemoClass1.java" );
        List<String> lines_new = loadTxtFile2List("C:\\E\\javaCode\\git\\outer_project\\guodiantou\\gdtipark-user-servie\\src\\main\\java\\com\\goldwind\\ipark\\base\\test\\DemoClass2.java");
        // lines1的起始行和 lines2 的起始行做映射

        // 扫描旧版本中的每一行
        int size = lines_old.size();
        for( int i=0;i<size;i++ ){
            // 从新版本中找该行
            String line_old = lines_old.get(i);
            String line_new = lines_new.get(i);

            // 如果发现版本中中该行的数据变了,那么提示删除了旧的行,添加了新的行
            if( line_new.equals( line_old ) ){
                System.out.println( line_old );
            }else {
                System.out.println( "- " + line_old );
                System.out.println( "+ " + line_new );
        // xxxx        xxxx1          -xxxx
        // yyyy        yyyy           +xxxx1
        // xxxxxx      xxxxxx         xxxxxx
        // zzzz        zzzz           zzzz


    private static List<String> loadTxtFile2List(String filePath) {
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));
            String line = reader.readLine();
            while (line != null) {
                // System.out.println(line);
                lines.add( line );
                line = reader.readLine();
            return lines;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        } finally {
            if (reader != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {



import com.goldwind.ipark.common.exception.BusinessLogicException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance;

public class DemoClass1 {

    private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();

    public static String null2emptyWithTrim( String str ){
        if( str == null ){
            str = "";
        str = str.trim();
        return str;

    public static String requiredStringParamCheck(String param, String paramRemark) {
        param = null2emptyWithTrim( param );
        if( param.length() == 0 ){
            String msg = "操作失败,请求参数 \"" + paramRemark + "\" 为空";
            log.error( msg );
            throw new BusinessLogicException( msg );
        return param;

    public static double calculateSimilarity( String str1,String str2 ){
        int distance = LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE.apply(str1, str2);
        double similarity = 1 - (double) distance / Math.max(str1.length(), str2.length());
        System.out.println("相似度:" + similarity);
        return similarity;


import com.goldwind.ipark.common.exception.BusinessLogicException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance;

public class DemoClass2 {

    private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();
    private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE1 = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();
    private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE2 = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();

    public static String null2emptyWithTrim( String str ){
        if( str == null ){
            str = "";
        str = str.trim();
        return str;

    public static String requiredStringParamCheck(String param, String paramRemark) {
        param = null2emptyWithTrim( param );
        if( param.length() == 0 ){
            String msg = "操作失败,请求参数 \"" + paramRemark + "\" 为空";
            log.error( msg );
            throw new BusinessLogicException( msg );
        return param;

    public static double calculateSimilarity( String str1,String str2 ){
        int distance = LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE.apply(str1, str2);
        double similarity = 1 - (double) distance / Math.max(str1.length(), str2.length());
        System.out.println("相似度:" + similarity);
        return similarity;
DemoClass2.java 相较于 DemoClass1.java 的区别是 "public class" 后面的类名不同,"private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANC..." 多复制了2行并改了名称,然后运行后显示差别如下:
import com.goldwind.ipark.common.exception.BusinessLogicException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance;

- public class DemoClass1 {
+ public class DemoClass2 {

    private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();
+     private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE1 = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();
-     public static String null2emptyWithTrim( String str ){
+     private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE2 = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();
-         if( str == null ){
-             str = "";
+     public static String null2emptyWithTrim( String str ){
-         }
+         if( str == null ){
-         str = str.trim();
+             str = "";
-         return str;
+         }
-     }
+         str = str.trim();
+         return str;
-     public static String requiredStringParamCheck(String param, String paramRemark) {
+     }
-         param = null2emptyWithTrim( param );
-         if( param.length() == 0 ){
+     public static String requiredStringParamCheck(String param, String paramRemark) {
-             String msg = "操作失败,请求参数 \"" + paramRemark + "\" 为空";
+         param = null2emptyWithTrim( param );
-             log.error( msg );
+         if( param.length() == 0 ){
-             throw new BusinessLogicException( msg );
+             String msg = "操作失败,请求参数 \"" + paramRemark + "\" 为空";
-         }
+             log.error( msg );
-         return param;
+             throw new BusinessLogicException( msg );
-     }
+         }
+         return param;
-     public static double calculateSimilarity( String str1,String str2 ){
+     }
-         int distance = LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE.apply(str1, str2);
-         double similarity = 1 - (double) distance / Math.max(str1.length(), str2.length());
+     public static double calculateSimilarity( String str1,String str2 ){
-         System.out.println("相似度:" + similarity);
+         int distance = LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE.apply(str1, str2);
-         return similarity;
+         double similarity = 1 - (double) distance / Math.max(str1.length(), str2.length());
-     }
+         System.out.println("相似度:" + similarity);
- }
+         return similarity;


如上两张图片,旧版本的第10行和新版本的第10行对应,从直观上看新版本的第11、12行是在旧版本的第10行和第11行之间插进去的,但是程序并不这么认为,它会认为将旧版本的第11行的空白行修改为了新版本的 “private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE1 = LevenshteinDistance.getDefaultInstance();” 为什么我们人眼会这么直观的感觉到 新版本的 第11、12行时插进去的,因为我们比较了新旧版本的第7、8、9、10行都差不多,旧版本的11~27行和新版本的 13~29行都差不多,所以自然而然的认为新版本的11、12行是直接插进去的,那么现在我们就来算法实现吧!








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