一、 What are servlets?
1. 定义
(1)Servlets are Java’s answer to CGI:
programs that run on a web server acting as middle layer between HTTP request and databases or other applications. |
Used for client requests that cannot be satisfied using pre-built (static) documents. |
Used to generate dynamic web pages in response to client. |
Web Browser | Sending Requests to a Web Server |
Web Server | hold/return static web pages – e.g. index.html does not respond to user input. |
Server Side Programs | different technologies written in various languages
– e.g. CGI scripts, Java Servlets (and JSPs – later), PHP scripts
– Call to http://localhost:8080/servlet/myhelloservlet.HelloServlet
– Not web-browsing but executing program (servlet)
Dynamic response | – database lookup, calculation etc. |
We’ll look at the Java solution | how to write servlets; how the container (Tomcat) works. |
2. A general purpose Web Server

二、Simple Example
<form action=“http://server.com/ExecuteServlet”>
<input type=“submit” value = “press for servlet”>
1. A Basic Servlet
import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
//import jakarta.servlet.*:imports classes in this directory, but not in sub-directories
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();//获取字符输出流
2. Echo Servlet

import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
public class GetEchoServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)throws IOException, ServletException {
String userName = request.getParameter(“fname”);//获取form中输入的参数
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();//获取字符输出流
if (userName != null)
out.println(“mystery person”);
3. BMI Servlet
//Page that asks for weight (kg) and height (cm) :Write the HTML and the HTTP Request (GET)
<form method=“GET”action=“http://server.com/BMIServlet”>
<input type=“text” name=“weight”/>weight<br>
<input type=“text” name=“height”/>height<br>
<input type=“submit” value=“send”>
- Servlet
import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
public class BMIServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException {
String ht = request.getParameter(“height”);
int height = Integer.parseInt(ht);
double weight = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter(“weight”));
double ht_squared = (height/100.0)*(height/100.0);
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(“Your BMI is: ” + weight/ht_squared + “<body></html>”);
4. Name-salary Servlet
import jakarta.servlet.*;
import jakarta.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
String name = request.getParameter("name");
int salary = Integer.parseInt(salary);
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("Your salary is"+salary);
} // end of method
} // end of class
三、Servlet Key Points
1. Servlets: Key points
NO main method | public static void main(String[] args) |
NO constructor | There is one (default) constructor but the developer should never write an explicit constructor – Why——servlet lifecycle |
Two key (service) methods | doGet(); doPost() |
2. Finding things
Tracing the user data |
– e.g. name attribute inside an HTML element
– name in HTTP request message
– argument in request.getParameter(...)
String(int/double required) | then have to use appropriate method on this String to convert - Integer.parseInt(); - Double.parseDouble(); |
Finding the servlet |
– <form> tag action attribute e.g.
<FORM action=“servlet/myServlet” ...>
– Used by deployment descriptor, web.xml (see later), to map to the corresponding servlet class.
3. JavaBeans, JSPs and Servlets
Although a servlet can be a completely self-contained program, to ease server-side programming, generating content should be split into |
The business logic (content generation), which governs the relationship between input, processing, and output.
The presentation logic (content presentation, or graphic design rules), which determines how information is presented to the user. | |
controller | the servlet handles the HTTP protocol and coordination of which other servlets and auxiliary class methods to call |
model | Java classes/JavaBeans handle the business logic |
view | Java Server Pages handle presentation logic |
4. Advantages of Servlets over CGI
Efficient |
– Servlets run in the JVM. Each request is serviced using a thread rather than a new process (so lower overhead).
- Though some scripting languages, e.g. perl on certain web servers do this now.
Convenient | – Provides infrastructure that parses and decodes HTML forms. |
Powerful |
– Can communicate directly with web server.
– Multiple servlets can share database connections.
– Simplifies session tracking.
Portable | – Written in Java and follows standard API. |
Secure |
– CGI often executed using O/S shells, which can cause many security breaches.
– Array checking & exception handling is automatic in Java.
Inexpensive |
– Many Java web servers are freely available.
四、Servlets in Detail
1. A general purpose Web Server

2. What servlets do
request | Read any data sent by the user |
Look up information embedded in HTTP request | |
Generate results.
| |
response |
Format results inside a document (e.g. HTML, XML, GIF, EXCEL).
Set appropriate HTTP response parameters.
| |
Send the document back to the client.
3. Typical generic servlet code
import java.io.*;
import jakarta.servlet.*;
public class AnyServlet extends GenericServlet {
public AnyServlet() {}
// constructor – BUT USE THE DEFAULT
//ONLY creates an object, becomes a “proper” servlet after init().
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
// The method is actually called by container when servlet is
// first created or loaded.
public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException;
// Called by a new thread (in the container) each time a
// request is received.
public void destroy();
// Called when servlet is destroyed or removed.
4. A Servlet is “deployed” in a container
5. Dissecting the Container’s actions
GET /myServlet/BMIInfo height=156&name=paula+fonseca HTTP/1.1
public class BMIServlet extends HttpServlet {public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throwsIOException, ServletException {// ...String ht = request.getParameter(“height”);// ...}}
6. The servlet life cycle

7. methods & inheritance

8. Servlet’s Life cycle
Constructor (no arguments) |
– not written or called by a developer
– called by the container
public void init() |
– called after constructor
– called once, at the beginning (so potentially useful for initialisation of, e.g. databases)
– can be overridden by the developer
public void service(…) |
– rarely overridden by thedeveloper
– called everytime
public void doGet() / public void doPost() |
– must be written by the developer
– must match the HTTP method in <form> in the HTML
public void destroy() | – must be written by the developer |
五、 Configuration Servlets To Run In Tomcat
1. Mapping names using the Deployment Descriptor (DD)
//For each servlet in the web application.
//Internal name of servlet can be “anything” following XML rules.
<web-app ...>
//maps internal name to fully qualified class name (except without .class)
//maps internal name to public URL name e.g. /makebooking
<url-pattern>…</url-pattern >
2. Servlet Mapping Examples
- HTML:<FORM method=“post” action=“/servlet/MyTest.do”>- Server (webapps):WEB-INF/classes/Echo.class<servlet><servlet-name>......</servlet-name><servlet-class>.....</servlet-class></servlet><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>......</servlet-name><url-pattern>.......</url-pattern ></servlet-mapping>- HTML:<FORM method=“post” action=“/servlet/Test”>- Server (webapps):WEB-INF/classes/foo/Name.class<servlet><servlet-name>......</servlet-name><servlet-class>.....</servlet-class></servlet><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>......</servlet-name><url-pattern>.......</url-pattern ></servlet-mapping>
3. Example: A Small Form
<title>Sending Form Information to a Servlet</title>
<form action="http://localhost:8080/servlet/elem004.ProcessSmallForm"method="post">
//Can use absolute or relative URLs or pre-configured names.
Please input your login: <br>
<input type="text" name="Login">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
//the Deployment Descriptor (web.xml) and the servlet
4. Putting everything in the right place
Level 1 | WEB-INF (folder) and .html, .jsp |
Level 2 | (inside WEB-INF folder): web.xml and classes (folder) |
Level 3 | (inside classes folder): servlet .class files (and other “business” class files e.g. JavaBeans) |
5. Servlet initialisation & Servlet Configuration object
6. Example: DD’s init parameters (web.xml for Tomcat)
<web-app xmlns=“http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee”
<servlet-name>Hello World Servlet</servlet-name>
//Container reads these & gives them to ServletConfig object.
out.println(getServletConfig().getInitParameter(“lecturersEmail”));Returns the servlet’s ServletConfig object (all servlets have this method).Getting a parameter value from the ServletConfig object; this code is in servlet.
7. Creating a servlet: ServletConfig and init(…)
Step 1 | container reads the deployment descriptor |
Step 2 | container creates new ServletConfig object |
Step 3 |
container creates name/value pair (Strings) for each
servlet init-param
Step 4
container passes references to these to the
ServletConfig object
Step 5 | container creates new instance of the servlet class |
Step 6 |
container calls servlet’s init() method passing in reference to the ServletConfig object
六、Thread Safety And Putting Things Together
1. Instance Variables
public class ExampletServlet extends HttpServlet {
private int age;
public void init() { age = 0; }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {
age = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(“age”));
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(“<HTML><BODY>You are ” + age + “ weeks old”);
2. The 3 Threads access same Resources
3. Access – introducing the ServletContext object
<web-app ...> ...
</servlet> ... + other servlets
Note: Not inside any servlet. These are parameter namevalue pairs: both are strings.
4. To access web app parameters in servlet code
5. ServletContext also has attributes
6. Servlets – The Basics: Key Points & What we can’t do yet
How to call a servlet in an HTML form | What a deployment descriptor does |
How to write a servlet | Where to deploy files |
How to access client information | Servlet life-cycle |
Initialisation |
– ServletConfig
– ServletContext
Have a conversation with a client |
– Shopping basket
– Session object
Run any code before a servlet starts |
– E.g. Database set up
– Listeners
Send client information, or control, to another servlet/JSP |
– Could be in another web server
– Redirect and forward
7. Extracting unknown parameters and multiple values
String getParameter(String) |
parameter name is known:
– returns null if unknown parameter;
– returns "" (i.e. empty string) if parameter has no value.
Enumeration getParameterNames() | obtain parameter names |
String[] getParameterValues(String) | obtain an array of values for each one:
– returns null if unknown parameter;
– returns a single string ("") if parameter has no values. Case sensitive.
8. Example: A Big Form
<form action="http://localhost:8080/servlet/elem004.ProcessBigForm"method="post">
Please enter: <br><br>
Your login: <input type="text" name="Login"> <br><br>
Your favourite colour:
<input type="radio" name="Colour" value="blue">Blue
<input type="radio" name="Colour" value="red">Red
<input type="radio" name="Colour" value="green">Green <br><br>
//Single-value parameters.
Which of these courses you are taking: <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="Course" value="elem001">ELEM001 <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="Course" value="elem002">ELEM002 <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="Course" value="elem003">ELEM003 <br>
<input type="checkbox" name="Course" value="elem004">ELEM004 <br>
<input type="submit" value="Send to Servlet">
//Multiple-value parameter.
//After BigForm is processed.getParameterNames() returns parameters in no particular order.
//More code here ...
out.println("<table border=1>");
// Obtain all the form’s parameters from the request object.
Enumeration paramNames = req.getParameterNames();
while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String) paramNames.nextElement();
// Obtain values for this parameter and check how many there are.
String[] paramValues = req.getParameterValues(paramName);
if (paramValues.length == 1) { // a single value
String paramVal = req.getParameter(paramName);
out.println("<tr><td>" + paramName +"</td><td>"+ paramVal + "</td></tr>");
}else { // If several values print a list in the table.
out.println("<tr><td>" + paramName +"</td><td><ul>");
for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length; i++)
out.println("<li>" + paramValues[i] + "</li>");