publicclassSolution{int[] preorder;HashMap<Integer,Integer> dic =newHashMap<>();publicTreeNodebuildTree(int[] preorder,int[] inorder){this.preorder = preorder;for(int i =0; i < inorder.length; i++){
dic.put(inorder[i], i);}returnrecur(0,0, inorder.length -1);}TreeNoderecur(int root,int left,int right){if(left > right){// 递归终止returnnull;}// 建立根节点TreeNode node =newTreeNode(preorder[root]);// 划分根节点、左子树、右子树int i = dic.get(preorder[root]);// 开启左子树递归
node.left =recur(root +1, left, i -1);// 开启右子树递归 i - left + root + 1 含义为 根节点索引 + 左子树长度 + 1
node.right =recur(root + i - left +1, i +1, right);// 回溯返回根节点return node;}publicclassTreeNode{int val;TreeNode left;TreeNode right;TreeNode(int x){
val = x;}}}
publicclassSolution{publicdoublemyPow(double x,int n){long b = n;double res =1.0;if(b <0){
x =1/ x;
b =-b;}while(b >0){if((b &1)==1){
res *= x;}
x *= x;
b >>=1;}return res;}}
三、打印从 1 到最大的 n 位数
publicclassSolution{publicint[]printNumbers(int n){int[] res =newint[(int)Math.pow(10, n)-1];for(int i =0; i < res.length; i++){
res[i]= i +1;}return res;}}
publicclassSolution{publicbooleanverifyPostorder(int[] postorder){Stack<Integer> stack =newStack<>();int root =Integer.MAX_VALUE;for(int i = postorder.length -1; i >=0; i--){if(postorder[i]> root){returnfalse;}while(!stack.isEmpty()&& stack.peek()> postorder[i]){
root = stack.pop();}
publicclassSolution{int[] nums, tmp;publicintreversePairs(int[] nums){this.nums = nums;
tmp =newint[nums.length];returnmergeSort(0, nums.length -1);}privateintmergeSort(int l,int r){// 终止条件if(l >= r){return0;}// 递归划分int m =(l + r)/2;int res =mergeSort(l, m)+mergeSort(m +1, r);// 合并阶段int i = l, j = m +1;for(int k = l; k <= r; k++){
tmp[k]= nums[k];}for(int k = l; k <= r; k++){if(i == m +1){
nums[k]= tmp[j++];}elseif(j == r +1|| tmp[i]<= tmp[j])
nums[k]= tmp[i++];else{
nums[k]= tmp[j++];
res += m - i +1;// 统计逆序对}}return res;}}
在redis中我们一般存储string、list、hash类型的值,对应的方法分别为 db.StringGet(“key”)、db.ListRange、db.HashGetAll 如果取list类型值时使用了string的方法就会报WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value错误。 redis-cli命令窗…
Docker 官方文档地址: Get Started | Docker 中文参考手册: 1.什么是 Docker 1.1 官方定义 最新官网首页 # 1.官方介绍 - We have a complete container solution for you - no matter who you are and where you are on your contain…
15.1 parser.add_argument
① 像运行Tensorboar一样,在Terminal终端,可以命令运行.py文件。
② 如下图所示,Terminal终端运行.py文件时,--变量 后面的值是给变量进行赋值,赋值后再在.py文件中运行。例如 ./datasets/…