vue+dhtmlx-gantt 实现甘特图-快速入门【甘特图】


  • 一、前言
  • 二、使用说明
    • 2.1 引入依赖
    • 2.2 引入组件
    • 2.3 引入dhtmlx-gantt
    • 2.4 甘特图数据配置
    • 2.5 初始化配置
  • 三、代码示例
    • 3.1 Vue2完整示例
    • 3.2 Vue3 完整示例
  • 四、效果图


dhtmlxGantt 是一款功能强大的甘特图组件,支持 Vue 3 集成。它提供了丰富的功能,适合复杂的项目管理需求。



  • 支持拖放操作
  • 多种视图模式(天、周、月、年)
  • 数据导出功能(PDF、PNG、Excel)
  • 任务依赖关系管理



  • GitHub: dhtmlxGantt
  • 文档: dhtmlxGantt 文档


2.1 引入依赖

npm install dhtmlx-gantt

2.2 引入组件

        <div ref="gantt" style="height:500px;" />

2.3 引入dhtmlx-gantt

import gantt from 'dhtmlx-gantt'
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css'

2.4 甘特图数据配置

  • 父级时间是根据子级 start_date 以及 duration 自动计算
  • progress:完成度的最大值为1
  • open:是否展开文件
  • parent:父级 id
  • start_date:开始时间(日月年)
  • text:左边数据展示文件名称(可以自定义添加展示字段,在后面列配置项可以配置)

📢注意: 数据格式类似于树形组件,子级需要父级的 id

tasks: {
                data: [
                    //     {
                    //         id: 11,
                    //         text: 'Project #1',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         progress: 0.5,//完成度
                    //         open: true,//默认打开
                    //         number: '20240227',//显示字段
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         toolTipsTxt: '任务#101-001',
                    //         id: 12,//任务id
                    //         text: '任务#1',//任务名称
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',//开始时间 日月年
                    //         duration: '5',//任务时常
                    //         parent: '11',//父级id
                    //         progress: 1,//完成度
                    //         open: true,//默认打开
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 13,
                    //         text: '任务#2',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.255,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 14,
                    //         text: '任务#3',
                    //         start_date: '01-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '6',
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.8,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 15,
                    //         text: '任务#4',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.2,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 16,
                    //         text: 'Final milestone',
                    //         start_date: '15-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.milestone,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },

                    //     {
                    //         id: 17,
                    //         text: '任务#2.1',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '2',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 1,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 18,
                    //         text: '任务#2.2',
                    //         start_date: '06-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '3',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0.8,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 19,
                    //         text: '任务#2.3',
                    //         start_date: '10-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0.2,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 20,
                    //         text: '任务#2.4',
                    //         start_date: '10-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 21,
                    //         text: '任务#4.1',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0.5,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 22,
                    //         text: '任务#4.2',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0.1,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 23,
                    //         text: 'Mediate milestone',
                    //         start_date: '14-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.milestone,
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },

taskslink 连线配置

tasks: {
                // #字段解释
                // 格式 id:数据id   
                //     source:开始链接的项目id  ----为tasks.data中数据的id
                //     target:要链接项目的id  ----为tasks.data中数据的id
                //     type: 0--进行-开始  `尾部链接头部`  
                //           1--开始-开始  `头部链接头部`
                //           2--进行-进行  `尾部链接尾部`
                //           3--开始-进行  `头部链接尾部`
                // 任务之间连接
                links: [
                    { id: '10', source: '11', target: '12', type: '1' },
                    { id: '11', source: '11', target: '13', type: '1' },
                    { id: '12', source: '11', target: '14', type: '1' },
                    { id: '13', source: '11', target: '15', type: '1' },
                    { id: '14', source: '23', target: '16', type: '0' },
                    { id: '15', source: '13', target: '17', type: '1' },
                    { id: '16', source: '17', target: '18', type: '0' },
                    { id: '17', source: '18', target: '19', type: '0' },
                    { id: '18', source: '19', target: '20', type: '0' },
                    { id: '19', source: '15', target: '21', type: '2' },
                    { id: '20', source: '15', target: '22', type: '2' },
                    { id: '21', source: '15', target: '23', type: '0' },

2.5 初始化配置


gantt.locale.labels = {
                dhx_cal_today_button: "今天",
                day_tab: "日",
                week_tab: "周",
                month_tab: "月",
                new_event: "新建日程",
                icon_save: "保存",
                icon_cancel: "关闭",
                icon_details: "详细",
                icon_edit: "编辑",
                icon_delete: "删除",
                confirm_closing: "请确认是否撤销修改!", //Your changes will be lost, are your sure?
                confirm_deleting: "是否删除计划?",
                section_description: "描述:",
                section_time: "时间范围:",
                section_type: "类型:",
                section_text: "计划名称:",
                section_test: "测试:",
                section_projectClass: "项目类型:",
                taskProjectType_0: "项目任务",
                taskProjectType_1: "普通任务",
                section_head: "负责人:",
                section_priority: '优先级:',
                taskProgress: '任务状态',
                taskProgress_0: "未开始",
                taskProgress_1: "进行中",
                taskProgress_2: "已完成",
                taskProgress_3: "已延期",
                taskProgress_4: "搁置中",
                section_template: 'Details',
                /* grid columns */
                column_text: "计划名称",
                column_start_date: "开始时间",
                column_duration: "持续时间",
                column_add: "",
                column_priority: "难度",
                /* link confirmation */
                link: "关联",
                confirm_link_deleting: "将被删除",
                message_ok: '确定',
                message_cancel: '取消',
                link_start: " (开始)",
                link_end: " (结束)",

                type_task: "任务",
                type_project: "项目",
                type_milestone: "里程碑",
                minutes: "分钟",
                hours: "小时",
                days: "天",
                weeks: "周",
                months: "月",
                years: "年"



gantt.clearAll(); // 清空旧数据



// 初始化
        init() {
            // 格式化日期
   = {
                month_full: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
                month_short: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
                day_full: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"],
                day_short: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"]

            //自适应甘特图的尺寸大小, 使得在不出现滚动条的情况下, 显示全部任务
            gantt.config.autosize = true
            gantt.config.readonly = false
            gantt.config.show_grid = true
            // //表格列设置
            gantt.config.columns = [
                { name: 'text', label: '阶段名字', tree: true, width: '150', align: 'center', },
                // { name: 'number', label: '工单号', tree: false, width: '120', align: 'center', },
                    name: 'duration',
                    label: '工时',
                    align: 'center',
                    template: function (obj) {
                        return obj.duration + '天'
                /*{name:"start_date", label:"开始时间", align: "center" },
                {name:"end_date",   label:"结束时间",   align: "center" },*/
            // 自动延长时间刻度
            gantt.config.fit_tasks = true
            // 允许拖放
            gantt.config.drag_project = true
            // 定义时间格式
            gantt.config.scales = [
                { unit: 'month', step: 1, date: ' %Y,%F' },
                { unit: 'day', step: 1, date: ' %D ,%j' },
            // //当task的长度改变时,自动调整图表坐标轴区间用于适配task的长度
            gantt.config.fit_tasks = true
            // 添加弹窗属性
            gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
                    name: 'description',
                    height: 70,
                    map_to: 'text',
                    type: 'textarea',
                    focus: true,
                { name: 'type', type: 'typeselect', map_to: 'type' },
                { name: 'time', type: 'duration', map_to: 'auto' },
            console.log(, '检查任务数据'); // 检查任务数据
            // 初始化
            /* *******重点******* */
            gantt.clearAll(); // 清空旧数据
            /* ****************** */
            // 数据解析


loadData(arg) {
            if (!this.url.list) {
            //加载数据 若传入参数1则加载第一页的内容
            let params = {
                planId: this.planId,
            this.loading = true;
   = []
            getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => {
                if (res.success) {
                    console.log(res, '甘特图数据');

                    res.result.forEach(obj => {
               = false
           = res.result
                if (res.code === 510) {
                this.loading = false;


3.1 Vue2完整示例

        <div ref="gantt" style="height:500px;" />
import gantt from 'dhtmlx-gantt'
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css'
import { JeecgListMixin } from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin'
import { getAction, putAction } from '@/api/manage'
export default {
    props: {
        planId: {
            type: String,
            required: true,
    // mixins: [JeecgListMixin],
    data() {
        return {
            // 甘特图配置
            tasks: {
                data: [
                    //     {
                    //         id: 11,
                    //         text: 'Project #1',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         progress: 0.5,//完成度
                    //         open: true,//默认打开
                    //         number: '20240227',//显示字段
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         toolTipsTxt: '任务#101-001',
                    //         id: 12,//任务id
                    //         text: '任务#1',//任务名称
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',//开始时间 日月年
                    //         duration: '5',//任务时常
                    //         parent: '11',//父级id
                    //         progress: 1,//完成度
                    //         open: true,//默认打开
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 13,
                    //         text: '任务#2',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.255,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 14,
                    //         text: '任务#3',
                    //         start_date: '01-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '6',
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.8,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 15,
                    //         text: '任务#4',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.project,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0.2,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 16,
                    //         text: 'Final milestone',
                    //         start_date: '15-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.milestone,
                    //         parent: '11',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },

                    //     {
                    //         id: 17,
                    //         text: '任务#2.1',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '2',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 1,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 18,
                    //         text: '任务#2.2',
                    //         start_date: '06-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '3',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0.8,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 19,
                    //         text: '任务#2.3',
                    //         start_date: '10-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0.2,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 20,
                    //         text: '任务#2.4',
                    //         start_date: '10-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '13',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 21,
                    //         text: '任务#4.1',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0.5,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 22,
                    //         text: '任务#4.2',
                    //         start_date: '03-04-2022',
                    //         duration: '4',
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0.1,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                    //     {
                    //         id: 23,
                    //         text: 'Mediate milestone',
                    //         start_date: '14-04-2022',
                    //         // type: gantt.config.types.milestone,
                    //         parent: '15',
                    //         progress: 0,
                    //         open: true,
                    //     },
                // #字段解释
                // 格式 id:数据id   
                //     source:开始链接的项目id  ----为tasks.data中数据的id
                //     target:要链接项目的id  ----为tasks.data中数据的id
                //     type: 0--进行-开始  `尾部链接头部`  
                //           1--开始-开始  `头部链接头部`
                //           2--进行-进行  `尾部链接尾部`
                //           3--开始-进行  `头部链接尾部`
                // 任务之间连接
                links: [
                    { id: '10', source: '11', target: '12', type: '1' },
                    { id: '11', source: '11', target: '13', type: '1' },
                    { id: '12', source: '11', target: '14', type: '1' },
                    { id: '13', source: '11', target: '15', type: '1' },
                    { id: '14', source: '23', target: '16', type: '0' },
                    { id: '15', source: '13', target: '17', type: '1' },
                    { id: '16', source: '17', target: '18', type: '0' },
                    { id: '17', source: '18', target: '19', type: '0' },
                    { id: '18', source: '19', target: '20', type: '0' },
                    { id: '19', source: '15', target: '21', type: '2' },
                    { id: '20', source: '15', target: '22', type: '2' },
                    { id: '21', source: '15', target: '23', type: '0' },

            url: {
                list: "/projectManage/projectPlan/queryProjectPlanGTT",
                // delete: "/projectManage/projectModule/delete",
                // deleteBatch: "/projectManage/projectModule/deleteBatch",
                // exportXlsUrl: "/projectManage/projectModule/exportXls",
                // importExcelUrl: "/projectManage/projectModule/importExcel",
                // budgetExportXlsUrl: "/projectManage/projectModule/budgetExportXls",
                // budgetImportUrl: "/projectManage/projectModule/budgetImportExcel",

    watch: {
    created() {
        console.log(this.planId, '参数');

    mounted() {
    methods: {
        // 初始化
        init() {
            // 格式化日期
   = {
                month_full: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
                month_short: ["1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"],
                day_full: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"],
                day_short: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"]

gantt.locale.labels = {
                dhx_cal_today_button: "今天",
                day_tab: "日",
                week_tab: "周",
                month_tab: "月",
                new_event: "新建日程",
                icon_save: "保存",
                icon_cancel: "关闭",
                icon_details: "详细",
                icon_edit: "编辑",
                icon_delete: "删除",
                confirm_closing: "请确认是否撤销修改!", //Your changes will be lost, are your sure?
                confirm_deleting: "是否删除计划?",
                section_description: "描述:",
                section_time: "时间范围:",
                section_type: "类型:",
                section_text: "计划名称:",
                section_test: "测试:",
                section_projectClass: "项目类型:",
                taskProjectType_0: "项目任务",
                taskProjectType_1: "普通任务",
                section_head: "负责人:",
                section_priority: '优先级:',
                taskProgress: '任务状态',
                taskProgress_0: "未开始",
                taskProgress_1: "进行中",
                taskProgress_2: "已完成",
                taskProgress_3: "已延期",
                taskProgress_4: "搁置中",
                section_template: 'Details',
                /* grid columns */
                column_text: "计划名称",
                column_start_date: "开始时间",
                column_duration: "持续时间",
                column_add: "",
                column_priority: "难度",
                /* link confirmation */
                link: "关联",
                confirm_link_deleting: "将被删除",
                message_ok: '确定',
                message_cancel: '取消',
                link_start: " (开始)",
                link_end: " (结束)",

                type_task: "任务",
                type_project: "项目",
                type_milestone: "里程碑",
                minutes: "分钟",
                hours: "小时",
                days: "天",
                weeks: "周",
                months: "月",
                years: "年"

            //自适应甘特图的尺寸大小, 使得在不出现滚动条的情况下, 显示全部任务
            gantt.config.autosize = true
            gantt.config.readonly = false
            gantt.config.show_grid = true
            // //表格列设置
            gantt.config.columns = [
                { name: 'text', label: '阶段名字', tree: true, width: '150', align: 'center', },
                // { name: 'number', label: '工单号', tree: false, width: '120', align: 'center', },
                    name: 'duration',
                    label: '工时',
                    align: 'center',
                    template: function (obj) {
                        return obj.duration + '天'
                /*{name:"start_date", label:"开始时间", align: "center" },
                {name:"end_date",   label:"结束时间",   align: "center" },*/
            // 自动延长时间刻度
            gantt.config.fit_tasks = true
            // 允许拖放
            gantt.config.drag_project = true
            // 定义时间格式
            gantt.config.scales = [
                { unit: 'month', step: 1, date: ' %Y,%F' },
                { unit: 'day', step: 1, date: ' %D ,%j' },
            // //当task的长度改变时,自动调整图表坐标轴区间用于适配task的长度
            gantt.config.fit_tasks = true
            // 添加弹窗属性
            gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
                    name: 'description',
                    height: 70,
                    map_to: 'text',
                    type: 'textarea',
                    focus: true,
                { name: 'type', type: 'typeselect', map_to: 'type' },
                { name: 'time', type: 'duration', map_to: 'auto' },
            console.log(, '检查任务数据'); // 检查任务数据
            // 初始化
            /* *******重点******* */
            gantt.clearAll(); // 清空旧数据
            /* ****************** */
            // 数据解析
        loadData(arg) {
            if (!this.url.list) {
            //加载数据 若传入参数1则加载第一页的内容
            let params = {
                planId: this.planId,
            this.loading = true;
   = []
            getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => {
                if (res.success) {
                    console.log(res, '甘特图数据');

                    res.result.forEach(obj => {
               = false
           = res.result
                if (res.code === 510) {
                this.loading = false;
<style lang="less" scoped>
.firstLevelTask {
    border: none;

    .gantt_task_content {
        // font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 13px;

.secondLevelTask {
    border: none;

.thirdLevelTask {
    border: 2px solid #da645d;
    color: #da645d;
    background: #da645d;

.milestone-default {
    border: none;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);

.milestone-unfinished {
    border: none;
    background: #5692f0;

.milestone-finished {
    border: none;
    background: #84bd54;

.milestone-canceled {
    border: none;
    background: #da645d;

body {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;

.container {
    height: 900px;

    .left-container {
        height: 100%;

.left-container {
    height: 600px;

.gantt_scale_line {
    border-top: 0;

.weekend {
    color: #000000 !important;

.gantt_selected .weekend {
    background: #f7eb91 !important;

.gantt_task_content {
    text-align: left;
    padding-left: 10px;

.gantt_task_scale {
    height: 45px !important;

.gantt_task .gantt_task_scale .gantt_scale_cell {
    line-height: 30px !important;
    height: 28px !important;

3.2 Vue3 完整示例

  <div style="height: 100%; background-color: white">
    <div ref="ganttRef" style="width: 100%; height: 600px"></div>

<script setup name="gantt-widget">
import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { gantt } from 'dhtmlx-gantt'
import 'dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css'
import { formatDate } from '@/utils/util.js'

import { defineProps } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps({
  widgetObj: {
    type: Object,
    required: true,

const ganttRef = ref()
const tasks = ref({})

const fetchData = () => {
  tasks.value = tasks.value = {
    tasks: [
        id: 10,
        text: 'RFQ&项目启动',
        type: 'project',
        progress: 0.1,
        open: true,
        person: '张三',

        id: 12,
        text: '产品需求 #1.0.1',
        start_date: '02-01-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 1,
        person: '张三',
        id: 13,
        text: '产品数据 #1.0.2',
        start_date: '05-01-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0.8,
        person: '张三',
        id: 14,
        text: '环境数据 #1.0.3',
        start_date: '08-01-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 15,
        text: '项目评估指令 #1.1',
        start_date: '11-01-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 16,
        text: '成立项目小组 #1.2.1',
        start_date: '12-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 17,
        text: '可行性评估 #1.2.2',
        start_date: '13-01-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 18,
        text: '输入评审 #1.2.3',
        start_date: '14-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 19,
        text: '初始产品方案 #1.2.4',
        start_date: '16-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 10,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',

        id: 20,
        text: '产品设计&开发',
        type: 'project',
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        open: false,

        id: 21,
        text: '设计输入信息管理#3.0.1',
        start_date: '18-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 22,
        text: '产品设计过往教训展开 #3.0.2',
        start_date: '20-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 23,
        text: '产品设计进度管理 #3.0.3',
        start_date: '22-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 24,
        text: '产品设计方案 #3.0.4',
        start_date: '24-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 25,
        text: '产品特殊特性识别 #3.0.5',
        start_date: '26-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 26,
        text: '产品设计方案评审 #3.0.6',
        start_date: '28-01-2025',
        duration: 2,
        parent: 20,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',

        id: 30,
        text: '过程设计&开发',
        type: 'project',
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        open: false,
        id: 31,
        text: '场地规划 #5.0.1',
        start_date: '28-02-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 30,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 32,
        text: '场地评审 #5.0.2',
        start_date: '28-02-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 30,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 33,
        text: '过程检验标准 #5.0.3',
        start_date: '29-02-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 30,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 40,
        text: '产品&过程验证',
        type: 'project',
        open: false,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 41,
        text: '量具重复再现性分析 #6.0.1',
        start_date: '29-02-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 40,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 42,
        text: '检具使用验收 #6.0.2',
        start_date: '01-03-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 40,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 43,
        text: '工装-厂外预验收 #6.1.1',
        start_date: '02-03-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 40,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 44,
        text: '设备-厂外预验收 #6.2.1',
        start_date: '03-03-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 40,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 45,
        text: '模具-厂外预验收 #6.3.1',
        start_date: '04-03-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 40,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',

        id: 50,
        text: '过程验证',
        type: 'project',
        open: false,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 51,
        text: '小批量试生产总结 #7.0.1',
        start_date: '28-04-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 50,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 52,
        text: '产品尺寸记录 #7.0.2',
        start_date: '29-04-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 50,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 52,
        text: '过程能力研究 #7.0.3',
        start_date: '30-04-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 50,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 60,
        text: '反馈,纠正和改进',
        type: 'project',
        open: false,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 61,
        text: '模工检移交 #8.0.1',
        start_date: '28-05-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 60,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 62,
        text: '项目移交会议 #8.0.2',
        start_date: '29-05-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 60,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
        id: 63,
        text: '取得量产交付计划 #8.1.1',
        start_date: '30-05-2025',
        duration: 3,
        parent: 60,
        progress: 0,
        person: '张三',
    links: [
      { id: 10, source: 12, target: 13, type: 1 },
      { id: 11, source: 13, target: 14, type: 1 },
      { id: 12, source: 14, target: 15, type: 1 },

const initGantt = () => {
  gantt.plugins({ tooltip: true, quick_info: true })

  // 汉化窗口
  gantt.locale.labels = {
    dhx_cal_today_button: '今天',
    day_tab: '日',
    week_tab: '周',
    month_tab: '月',
    new_event: '新建日程',
    icon_save: '保存',
    icon_cancel: '关闭',
    icon_details: '详细',
    icon_edit: '编辑',
    icon_delete: '删除',
    confirm_closing: '请确认是否撤销修改!', //Your changes will be lost, are your sure?
    confirm_deleting: '是否删除计划?',
    section_description: '描述:',
    section_time: '时间范围:',
    section_type: '类型:',
    section_text: '计划名称:',
    section_test: '测试:',
    section_projectClass: '项目类型:',
    taskProjectType_0: '项目任务',
    taskProjectType_1: '普通任务',
    section_head: '负责人:',
    section_priority: '优先级:',
    taskProgress: '任务状态',
    taskProgress_0: '未开始',
    taskProgress_1: '进行中',
    taskProgress_2: '已完成',
    taskProgress_3: '已延期',
    taskProgress_4: '搁置中',
    section_template: 'Details',
    /* grid columns */
    column_text: '计划名称',
    column_start_date: '开始时间',
    column_duration: '持续时间',
    column_add: '',
    column_priority: '难度',
    /* link confirmation */
    link: '关联',
    confirm_link_deleting: '将被删除',
    message_ok: '确定',
    message_cancel: '取消',
    link_start: ' (开始)',
    link_end: ' (结束)',

    type_task: '任务',
    type_project: '项目',
    type_milestone: '里程碑',
    minutes: '分钟',
    hours: '小时',
    days: '天',
    weeks: '周',
    months: '月',
    years: '年',

  // 格式化日期 = {
    month_full: [
    month_short: [
    day_full: [
    day_short: [

  // 当task的长度改变时,自动调整图表坐标轴区间用于适配task的长度
  gantt.config.fit_tasks = true

  // 允许拖放
  gantt.config.drag_project = true

  // 定义时间格式
  gantt.config.scales = [
    { unit: 'month', step: 1, date: '%F, %Y' },
    { unit: 'day', step: 1, date: '%j, %D' },
  // gantt.config.scale_height = 80
  // gantt.config.row_height = 60
  // gantt.config.bar_height = 40
  // gantt.config.autosize = true
  // gantt.config.readonly = true
  gantt.config.show_grid = true
  gantt.config.show_task_tooltips = true
  gantt.config.show_progress = true
  gantt.config.branches = {
    open: 'open',
    closed: 'closed',

  gantt.templates.tooltip_text = (start, end, task) => `
          <div>开始时间:${formatDate(task.start_date, '{y}-{m}-{d}')}</div>
          <div>结束时间:${formatDate(task.end_date, '{y}-{m}-{d}')}</div>
          <div>进度:${task.progress * 100}%</div>

  gantt.config.columns = [
      name: 'text',
      label: '任务名称',
      width: '250',
      tree: true,
      align: 'left',
    { name: 'start_date', label: '起始时间', width: '100', align: 'center' },
    { name: 'duration', label: '持续时间', width: '80', align: 'center' },
      name: 'progress',
      label: '进度',
      width: '100',
      align: 'center',
      template: function (obj) {
        return obj.progress * 100 + '%'
    { name: 'person', label: '负责人', width: '80', align: 'center' },
  gantt.config.lightbox_zindex = 10000

  // 添加弹窗属性
  gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
      name: 'description',
      height: 70,
      map_to: 'text',
      type: 'textarea',
      focus: true,
    { name: 'type', type: 'typeselect', map_to: 'type' },
    { name: 'time', type: 'duration', map_to: 'auto' },

  // 初始化

  // 清空旧数据

  // 数据解析

onMounted(() => {

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.gantt_cal_light {
  z-index: 9999 !important;
.gantt_cal_cover {
  z-index: 10000 !important;







一、安装Maven插件通过Maven构建项目 1、在Jenkins上安装Maven Integration plugin插件 2、创建一个maven项目 2.1、填写构建的名称和描述等 2.2、填写连接git的url 报错&#xff1a;无法连接仓库&#xff1a;Error performing git command: git ls-remote -h http://192.168.…


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