看涨期权(Call Option):Delta 范围在 0, 1 之间。
看跌期权(Put Option):Delta 范围在 −1, 0 之间。
Delta 接近 1 或 -1:期权价格几乎与标的资产价格同步变动。
Delta 接近 0:期权价格对标的资产价格变动不敏感。
隐含波动率(Implied Volatility)
隐含波动率 是市场对期权在未来一段时间内价格波动的预期估计。它反映了市场参与者对标的资产未来波动性的预期。
隐含波动率是通过期权定价模型(如 Black-Scholes 模型)反推出来的。
未平仓合约数"(Open Interest)
“未平仓合约数” 是指在某一交易日结束时,市场上所有尚未通过相反交易平仓的合约总数。它反映了市场上未平仓合约的规模。
计算方法:未平仓合约数 = 买入合约数 - 卖出合约数(或相反)。
Delta Imbalance 的定义
Delta Imbalance 是指市场中看涨期权和看跌期权的 Delta 值总和不平衡的状态。
当看涨期权的 Delta 总和显著高于看跌期权的 Delta 总和时,称为正 Delta Imbalance;反之,称为负 Delta Imbalance。
3. Delta Imbalance 的影响
市场方向性: 正 Delta Imbalance 可能表明市场看涨情绪较强,而负 Delta Imbalance 可能表明市场看跌情绪较强。
波动率分析:IV / HV /IV Rank /IV Percentile
为有效评估隐含波动率水平,moomoo波动率分析模块提供四项核心指标:IV(隐含波动率)、HV(历史波动率)、IV Rank(波动率排名)和IV Percentile(波动率分位)。该功能综合期权链各合约IV值,反映标的股票整体波动水平,而非单一期权合约的波动特征。
标的证券详情页 > 期权 > 分析 > 波动率分析
IV Rank
IV Rank = (当前IV - 52周最低IV)/(52周最高IV - 52周最低IV)*100
例如:某股52周IV区间为30%-60%,当前IV为45%,则IV Rank=50。
IV Percentile
IV分位 = 过去一年IV低于当前值的天数/总交易日数*100
IV Rank=60:当前IV处于52周波动区间的60%分位
IV Percentile=78.50%:当前IV高于过去一年78.5%交易日的水平
此案例揭示重要洞见:虽然IV绝对值低于HV,但结合IV Rank和IV Percentile可发现,当前波动率实际处于历史较高水平。这凸显多指标联合分析的重要性。
Volatility Analysis: IV / HV / IV Rank / IV Percentile
Implied volatility (IV) measures the market’s forecast of a stock’s potential price changes.
It is calculated using known variables such as the stock’s current price, option premiums, interest rates, and the time remaining until option expiration, typically through a standard pricing model.
In essence, IV helps gauge the cost of options:
high IV suggests they’re pricier, while low IV indicates they’re less expensive, all other factors being equal.
Investors often adopt a strategy of buying options when IV is low and selling when it’s high, aiming to stay delta neutral—unaffected by the stock’s direction.
However, there’s no universal benchmark for IV, its interpretation varies across stocks:
For frequently traded stocks with minor price movements, a 30% IV could indicate high volatility.
In contrast, for less traded stocks with large price swings, an 80% IV might be deemed low.
Thus, IV doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all prediction of a stock’s future movement.
To help determine if implied volatility (IV) stands at a high or low level, use moomoo’s Volatility Analysis.
This feature encompasses four metrics:
Implied Volatility (IV), Historical Volatility (HV), IV Rank, and IV Percentile.
It weighs the IV of individual options, reflecting the stock’s overall volatility rather than that of a single option.
Let’s now delve into how to use this feature.
How to find [Volatility Analysis] on moomoo
Detailed Quotes of underlying stock > Options > Analysis > Volatility Analysis -
Indicator Explained
What is Implied Volatility (IV)?
Implied Volatility (IV) is a metric that represents the options market’s forecast of a stock’s volatility over the next 30 days.
It’s calculated by aggregating the IV of various options within the options chain to indicate the stock’s Total IV.
This figure sheds light on expected price fluctuations that could happen for both the options chain and the underlying stock.
Keep in mind that IV constantly fluctuates because options prices are always changing, depending on how the market anticipates future price moves.
What is Historical Volatility (HV)?
Historical Volatility (HV) measures how much a stock’s price has moved in the last 30 days.
A high HV means the price has varied widely, indicating more volatility.
A low HV indicates minor price changes, suggesting stability.
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What is IV Rank?
Total IV Rank compares the current IV to the stock’s IV range over the past year, scoring it from 0 to 100.
A rank of 0 means the IV is at its lowest for the year, and 100 is the highest.
To calculate IV Rank:
IV Rank = (Current IV - 1 Year IV Low) / (1 Year IV High - 1 Year IV Low)*100
For instance, if a stock’s IV was between 30 and 60 last year and is 45 now, its IV Rank would be 50.
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What is IV Percentile?
IV Percentile measures how often the current IV has been exceeded in the past year.
It’s calculated by counting number of the days over the last year when the IV was below the current level, then dividing by the total number of trading days.
IV Pctl = Number of Days with Lower Than Current IV / Number of Trading Days
For example, an 80% IV Percentile means the current IV is higher than 80% of the days in the past year, indicating high volatility now.
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- Example
From the chart below, we can infer the following information about XYZ stock:
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HV = 40.50%. This tells us that over the past 30 days, the price of XYZ stock has varied by 40.50% from its average.
IV = 32.50%. At first glance, this number is lower than HV, which might imply that the expected future volatility is less than what was experienced historically.
This could lead one to believe the stock’s IV is currently low.
However, when we consider IV Rank and IV Percentile:
IV Rank = 60. This indicates that the current IV is higher than 60% of its values over the past year, placing it in the upper middle range.
Despite the IV being lower than HV, this rank shows that the IV is relatively high based on its own historical range.
IV Percentile = 78.50%. This figure suggests that the current IV is higher than what was observed on 78.50% of the days in the past year.
confirming that the current volatility is relatively high.
As we can see, it’s important to analyze these indicators together to make more informed trading decisions.
Keep in mind that implied volatility values, IV Rankings, and IV Percentiles are theoretical estimates, and the actual market conditions may not always align with the theoretical information shown.
Therefore, traders should exercise caution and use multiple sources of information when making investment decisions.
There is no guarantee or assurance that the use of any tools or data provided on the moomoo app will result in investment success or reduce investment risk.