section | 题量 | 时间 |
写作 | 1篇issue | 30min |
语文S1 | 12道题(7道填空+5道阅读) | 18min |
数学S1 | 12道题 | 21min |
语文S2 | 15道题(7道填空+8道阅读) | 23min |
数学S2 | 15道题 | 26min |
- issue -> V -> Q -> V -> Q
- issue -> Q -> V -> Q -> V
1. 短阅读 120字左右
- verbal1 短阅读一篇 第4,5题
- verbal2 短阅读一篇 第5,6题, 短阅读第二篇 第14,15题
2. 中阅读 200字左右
- verbal1 中阅读一篇 第10,11,12题
- verbal2 中阅读一篇 第7,8,9题
I am finding someone to learnign 青山学堂GRE全程班 包括 阅读、数学、写作、填空、背单词. (share the bill)。 date from 2025-02-02 to 2025-08-31.
add V - zgpeace
3. officer guide
- active engagement
- relationship
General advice:
Read and analyze the passage carefully before trying to answer…
As this list implies, reading and understanding a piece of text requires far more than a passive understanding of the words and sentences it contains – it requires active engagement with the text, asking questions, formulating and evaluating hypotheses, and reflecting on the relaitionship of the particular text to other texts and information.
General advice:
Read and analyze the passage carefully before trying to answer any of the questions and pay attention to clues that help you understand less explicit aspects of the passage.
4. 作者的角度 还是 他人的角度
Eliot’s work Snowman … has bean received as … replication …
- has bean received as 被动句, 表示他人的角度
5. 视角对主旨题的影响
很多人觉得GRE很难,但小明却觉得GRE很容易。 – 没有作者观点
A. support
B. challenge 质疑(怼人)
C. defend
D. present
E. contrast (对比 A不等于B)
6. 中心语
- A of B, 中心语有可能是A,也可能是是B
replication of a winter view. 猜测这个中心词是 replication (复制品),中心语 也就是 A。
因为 a winter view 比较普通,如果下面的话题是跟季节对比,如果跟summer对比,那中心词就是 a winter view.
举个中心语是B的,比如cat of 会爬树, cat of 不会爬树。那么中心语就是会爬树。
7. 双线阅读,去掉重复的内容
- 功能线:利用一些逻辑标识/ 视角标志对一个句子的逻辑进行【预判】
- 信息线:一定【不是】进行逐字翻译,利用功能预判,进行【验证性】阅读。
比如 第一句话,主语是 Snowman - replication, 第二句是detail 也就是跟第一句话一样,引出replication像 Hirsch。
第三句话However转折,Artour Mirkovic (AM)
- ✔️ idealization
- x reproduction
第四句 Although 让步妥协。
- Although 尽管 AM 承认 (1) replication
- 隐藏的But AM 坚信(2) ideal
第五句 Likewise(同样的), 也就是顺着 AM, 同意 ideal = beyond its surface value
Snowman - replication / like Hirsch
However 【x】 AM:
✔️ idealization
x reproduction
Although 妥协 < exactitude >
x realistic
x surface
sb argue that = believe
argue against 反驳
argue for 支持
10 让步妥协 Although 先说不赞同的观点
tips: 让步-- 妥协的功能提
- acknowledge
- accept
- concede (承认)
- admit
replication = imitation