文字识别,也称为光学字符识别(Optical Character Recognition, OCR),是一种将不同形式的文档(如扫描的纸质文档、PDF文件或数字相机拍摄的图片)中的文字转换成可编辑和可搜索的数据的技术。随着技…
文章目录 项目地址一、Basic InterviewQuestions1. tell me about yourself?2. tell me about a time when you had to solve a complex code problem?3. tell me a situation that you persuade someone at work?4. tell me a about a confict with a teammate and how you…
文章目录 某些背景知识的科普(依赖GPT)GPT简短总结摘要-Abstract引言-Introduction1 I/O Scheduling and the BIO LayerThe 2.6 Deadline I/O Scheduler2.1 The 2.6 Anticipatory I/O scheduler2.2 The 2.6 CFQ Scheduler2.3 The 2.6 noop I/O scheduler…