前端 图片上鼠标画矩形框,标注文字,任意删除













<div class="allbody">
      <div class="body-top">
        <button class="top-item2" @click="clearAnnotations">清空</button>
      <div class="body-btn">
        <div class="btn-content">
          <div class="image-container">
            <!-- <img :src="imageUrl" alt="Character Image" /> -->
            <img :src="state.imageUrls[state.currentPage - 1]" @mousedown="startAnnotation" @mousemove="updateAnnotation" @mouseup="endAnnotation" />
            <!-- 使用canvas覆盖在图片上方,用于绘制临时矩形 -->
            <canvas ref="annotationCanvas"></canvas>
            <div v-for="annotation in annotations[state.currentPage - 1]" :key="annotation.id" class="annotation" :style="annotationStyle(annotation)">
              <div class="label">{{ annotation.label }}</div>
            :show-total="total => `共 ${total} 张`" />
        <div class="sidebar">
          <div class="sidebar-title">标签</div>
          <div class="tags">
            <div class="tags-item" v-for="(tags, index2) in state.tagsList" :key="index2" @click="checkTag(index2)">
              <div class="tags-checkbox">
                <div :class="tags.check === true ? 'checkbox-two' : 'notcheckbox-two'"></div>
              <div class="tags-right">
                <input class="tags-color" type="color" v-model="tags.color" />
                <input type="type" class="tags-input" v-model="tags.name" />
                <button class="tags-not" @click="deleteTag(index2)"><DeleteOutlined style="color: #ff0202" /></button>
          <div class="sidebar-btn">
            <button class="btn-left" @click="addTags()">添加</button>
          <div class="sidebar-title">数据</div>
          <div class="sidebars">
            <div class="sidebar-item" v-for="(annotation, index) in annotations[state.currentPage - 1]" :key="annotation.id">
              <div class="sidebar-item-font">{{ index + 1 }}.{{ annotation.name }}</div>
              <button class="sidebar-item-icon" @click="removeAnnotation(annotation.id)"><DeleteOutlined style="color: #ff0202" /></button> </div
<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
  import { Pagination } from 'ant-design-vue';

  interface State {
    tagsList: any;
    canvasX: number;
    canvasY: number;
    currentPage: number;
    pageSize: number;
    imageUrls: string[];

  const state = reactive<State>({
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    currentPage: 1,
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    imageUrls: [apiUrl.value + '/api/File/Image/annexpic/20241203Q9NHJ.jpg', apiUrl.value + '/api/file/Image/document/20241225QBYXZ.jpg'],

  interface Annotation {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    x: number;
    y: number;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    color: string;
    label: string;
    border: string;

  const annotations = reactive<Array<Annotation[]>>([[]]);
  let currentAnnotation: Annotation | null = null;

  function startAnnotation(event: MouseEvent) {
    // 获取当前选中的标签
    var tagsCon = { id: 1, check: true, color: '#000000', name: '安全帽' };
    // 遍历标签列表,获取当前选中的标签
    for (var i = 0; i < state.tagsList.length; i++) {
      if (state.tagsList[i].check) {
        tagsCon.id = state.tagsList[i].id;
        tagsCon.check = state.tagsList[i].check;
        tagsCon.color = state.tagsList[i].color;
        tagsCon.name = state.tagsList[i].name;
    // 创建新的标注
    currentAnnotation = {
      id: crypto.randomUUID(),
      name: tagsCon.name,
      x: event.offsetX,
      y: event.offsetY,
      width: 0,
      height: 0,
      color: '#000000',
      label: (annotations[state.currentPage - 1].length || 0) + 1 + tagsCon.name,
      border: tagsCon.color,
    annotations[state.currentPage - 1].push(currentAnnotation);

    state.canvasX = event.offsetX;
    state.canvasY = event.offsetY;

    const mouseupHandler = () => {
      window.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseupHandler);
    window.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseupHandler);

  function updateAnnotation(event: MouseEvent) {
    if (currentAnnotation) {
      currentAnnotation.width = event.offsetX - currentAnnotation.x;
      currentAnnotation.height = event.offsetY - currentAnnotation.y;

    if (annotationCanvas.value) {
      const canvas = annotationCanvas.value;
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      canvas.width = imageContainer?.clientWidth || 800;
      canvas.height = imageContainer?.clientHeight || 534;
      const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      if (context) {
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        context.strokeStyle = currentAnnotation?.border || '#000000';
        context.lineWidth = 2;
        context.strokeRect(state.canvasX, state.canvasY, currentAnnotation?.width || 0, currentAnnotation?.height || 0);

  function endAnnotation() {
    //刷新annotations[state.currentPage - 1],触发重新渲染
    annotations[state.currentPage - 1] = annotations[state.currentPage - 1].slice();
    currentAnnotation = null;

  function annotationStyle(annotation: Annotation) {
    const left = annotation.width < 0 ? annotation.x + annotation.width : annotation.x;
    const top = annotation.height < 0 ? annotation.y + annotation.height : annotation.y;
    return {
      left: `${left}px`,
      top: `${top}px`,
      width: `${Math.abs(annotation.width)}px`,
      height: `${Math.abs(annotation.height)}px`,
      border: `2px solid ${annotation.border}`,

  // 选择标签
  function checkTag(index2: number) {
    state.tagsList.forEach((item, index) => {
      if (index === index2) {
        item.check = true;
      } else {
        item.check = false;

  // 删除标签
  function deleteTag(index: number) {
    state.tagsList.splice(index, 1);

  function addTags() {
    state.tagsList.push({ id: state.tagsList.length + 1, check: false, color: '#000000', name: '' });

  // 移除某个标注
  function removeAnnotation(id: string) {
    const index = annotations[state.currentPage - 1].findIndex(a => a.id === id);
    if (index !== -1) {
      annotations[state.currentPage - 1].splice(index, 1);

  // 清空所有标注
  function clearAnnotations() {
    annotations[state.currentPage - 1].splice(0, annotations[state.currentPage - 1].length);

  onMounted(() => {
    for (let i = 0; i < state.imageUrls.length; i++) {

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25年无人机行业资讯 | 1.1 - 1.5

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