ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘podm.metrics‘报错等解决方法

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'podm.metrics’报错等解决方法



ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘podm.metrics’




pip show podm





import sys
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple

import numpy as np

from podm import box
from podm.coco import PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, PCOCOBoundingBox, PCOCOSegments

class BoundingBox(box.Box):
    image: image.
    category: category.
    xtl: the X top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
    ytl: the Y top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
    xbr: the X bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
    ybr: the Y bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
    score: (optional) the confidence of the detected class.
    def __init__(self):
        super(BoundingBox, self).__init__()
        self.image = None
        self.category = None
        self.score = None  # type: float or None

    def of_bbox(cls, image, category, xtl: float, ytl: float, xbr: float, ybr: float, score: float = None) \
            -> 'BoundingBox':
        bbox = BoundingBox()
        bbox.xtl = xtl
        bbox.ytl = ytl
        bbox.xbr = xbr
        bbox.ybr = ybr
        bbox.image = image
        bbox.score = score
        bbox.category = category
        return bbox

def get_bounding_boxes(dataset: PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, use_name: bool = True) -> List[BoundingBox]:
    bboxes = []
    for ann in dataset.annotations:
        if isinstance(ann, PCOCOBoundingBox):
            bb = BoundingBox.of_bbox(ann.image_id, ann.category_id, ann.xtl, ann.ytl, ann.xbr, ann.ybr, ann.score)
        elif isinstance(ann, PCOCOSegments):
            bb = BoundingBox.of_bbox(ann.image_id, ann.category_id,
                                     ann.bbox.xtl, ann.bbox.ytl, ann.bbox.xbr, ann.bbox.ybr, ann.score)
            raise TypeError
        if use_name:
            bb.image = dataset.get_image(id=ann.image_id).file_name
            bb.category = dataset.get_category(id=ann.category_id).name
    return bboxes

class MethodAveragePrecision(Enum):
    Class representing if the coordinates are relative to the
    image size or are absolute values.

        Developed by: Rafael Padilla
        Last modification: Apr 28 2018
    AllPointsInterpolation = 1
    ElevenPointsInterpolation = 2

class MetricPerClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.label = None
        self.precision = None
        self.recall = None
        self.ap = None
        self.interpolated_precision = None  # type: None or np.ndarray
        self.interpolated_recall = None  # type: None or np.ndarray
        self.num_groundtruth = None
        self.num_detection = None = None
        self.fp = None

    def mAP(results: Dict[Any, 'MetricPerClass']):
        return np.average([m.ap for m in results.values() if m.num_groundtruth > 0])

def get_pascal_voc_metrics(gold_standard: List[BoundingBox],
                           predictions: List[BoundingBox],
                           iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
                           method: MethodAveragePrecision = MethodAveragePrecision.AllPointsInterpolation
                           ) -> Dict[str, MetricPerClass]:
    """Get the metrics used by the VOC Pascal 2012 challenge.

        gold_standard: ground truth bounding boxes;
        predictions: detected bounding boxes;
        iou_threshold: IOU threshold indicating which detections will be considered TP or FP (default value = 0.5);
        method: It can be calculated as the implementation in the official PASCAL VOC toolkit (EveryPointInterpolation),
            or applying the 11-point interpolation as described in the paper "The PASCAL Visual Object Classes(VOC)
            Challenge" or AllPointsInterpolation" (ElevenPointInterpolation);
        A dictionary containing metrics of each class.
    ret = {}  # list containing metrics (precision, recall, average precision) of each class

    # Get all classes
    categories = sorted(set(b.category for b in gold_standard + predictions))

    # Precision x Recall is obtained individually by each class
    # Loop through by classes
    for category in categories:
        preds = [b for b in predictions if b.category == category]  # type: List[BoundingBox]
        golds = [b for b in gold_standard if b.category == category]  # type: List[BoundingBox]
        npos = len(golds)

        # sort detections by decreasing confidence
        preds = sorted(preds, key=lambda b: b.score, reverse=True)
        tps = np.zeros(len(preds))
        fps = np.zeros(len(preds))

        # create dictionary with amount of gts for each image
        counter = Counter([cc.image for cc in golds])
        for key, val in counter.items():
            counter[key] = np.zeros(val)

        # Pre-processing groundtruths of the some image
        image_name2gt = defaultdict(list)
        for b in golds:

        # Loop through detections
        for i in range(len(preds)):
            # Find ground truth image
            gt = image_name2gt[preds[i].image]
            max_iou = sys.float_info.min
            mas_idx = -1
            for j in range(len(gt)):
                iou = box.intersection_over_union(preds[i], gt[j])
                if iou > max_iou:
                    max_iou = iou
                    mas_idx = j
            # Assign detection as true positive/don't care/false positive
            if max_iou >= iou_threshold:
                if counter[preds[i].image][mas_idx] == 0:
                    tps[i] = 1  # count as true positive
                    counter[preds[i].image][mas_idx] = 1  # flag as already 'seen'
                    # - A detected "cat" is overlaped with a GT "cat" with IOU >= IOUThreshold.
                    fps[i] = 1  # count as false positive
                fps[i] = 1  # count as false positive
        # compute precision, recall and average precision
        cumulative_fps = np.cumsum(fps)
        cumulative_tps = np.cumsum(tps)
        recalls = np.divide(cumulative_tps, npos, out=np.full_like(cumulative_tps, np.nan), where=npos != 0)
        precisions = np.divide(cumulative_tps, (cumulative_fps + cumulative_tps))
        # Depending on the method, call the right implementation
        if method == MethodAveragePrecision.AllPointsInterpolation:
            ap, mrec, mpre, _ = calculate_all_points_average_precision(recalls, precisions)
            ap, mrec, mpre = calculate_11_points_average_precision(recalls, precisions)
        # add class result in the dictionary to be returned
        r = MetricPerClass()
        r.label = category
        r.precision = precisions
        r.recall = recalls
        r.ap = ap
        r.interpolated_recall = np.array(mrec)
        r.interpolated_precision = np.array(mpre) = np.sum(tps)
        r.fp = np.sum(fps)
        r.num_groundtruth = len(golds)
        r.num_detection = len(preds)
        ret[category] = r
    return ret

def calculate_all_points_average_precision(recall: List[float], precision: List[float]) \
        -> Tuple[float, List[float], List[float], List[int]]:
    All-point interpolated average precision

        average precision
        interpolated recall
        interpolated precision
        interpolated points
    mrec = [0.0] + [e for e in recall] + [1.0]
    mpre = [0.0] + [e for e in precision] + [0]
    for i in range(len(mpre) - 1, 0, -1):
        mpre[i - 1] = max(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i])
    ii = []
    for i in range(len(mrec) - 1):
        if mrec[i + 1] != mrec[i]:
            ii.append(i + 1)
    ap = 0
    for i in ii:
        ap = ap + np.sum((mrec[i] - mrec[i - 1]) * mpre[i])
    return ap, mrec[0:len(mpre) - 1], mpre[0:len(mpre) - 1], ii

def calculate_11_points_average_precision(recall: List[float], precision: List[float]) -> Tuple[float, List[float], List[float]]:
    11-point interpolated average precision. This is done by segmenting the recalls evenly into 11 parts:

        recall: recall list
        precision: precision list

        average precision, interpolated recall, interpolated precision

    mrec = [e for e in recall]
    mpre = [e for e in precision]
    recall_values = np.linspace(0, 1, 11)
    recall_values = list(recall_values[::-1])
    rho_interp = []
    recall_valid = []
    # For each recallValues (0, 0.1, 0.2, ... , 1)
    for r in recall_values:
        # Obtain all recall values higher or equal than r
        arg_greater_recalls = np.argwhere(mrec[:] >= r)
        pmax = 0
        # If there are recalls above r
        if arg_greater_recalls.size != 0:
            pmax = max(mpre[arg_greater_recalls.min():])
    # By definition AP = sum(max(precision whose recall is above r))/11
    ap = sum(rho_interp) / 11
    # Generating values for the plot
    rvals = [recall_valid[0]] + [e for e in recall_valid] + [0]
    pvals = [0] + [e for e in rho_interp] + [0]
    # rhoInterp = rhoInterp[::-1]
    cc = []
    for i in range(len(rvals)):
        p = (rvals[i], pvals[i - 1])
        if p not in cc:
        p = (rvals[i], pvals[i])
        if p not in cc:
    recall_values = [i[0] for i in reversed(cc)]
    precision_values = [i[1] for i in reversed(cc)]
    return ap, recall_values, precision_values


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘podm.coco’


from enum import Enum
from typing import Tuple

class Box:
                0,0 ------> x (width)
         |  (Left,Top)
         |      *_________
         |      |         |
                |         |
         y      |_________|
      (height)            *

    xtl: the X top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
    ytl: the Y top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
    xbr: the X bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
    ybr: the Y bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
    def __init__(self):
        self.xtl = None  # type: float or None
        self.ytl = None  # type: float or None
        self.xbr = None  # type: float or None
        self.ybr = None  # type: float or None

    def of_box(cls, xtl: float, ytl: float, xbr: float, ybr: float) -> 'Box':
        :param xtl: the X top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
        :param ytl: the Y top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
        :param xbr: the X bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
        :param ybr: the Y bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
        box = Box()
        box.xtl = xtl
        box.ytl = ytl
        box.xbr = xbr
        box.ybr = ybr
        return box

    def set_box(self, box: 'Box'):
        self.xtl = box.xtl
        self.ytl = box.ytl
        self.xbr = box.xbr
        self.ybr = box.ybr

    def verify(self):
        assert self.xtl <= self.xbr, f'xtl < xbr: xtl:{self.xtl}, xbr:{self.xbr}'
        assert self.ytl <= self.ybr, f'ytl < ybr: ytl:{self.ytl}, xbr:{self.ybr}'

    def segment(self):
        return [self.xtl, self.ytl, self.xtl, self.ybr, self.xbr, self.ybr, self.xbr, self.ytl]

    def width(self) -> float:
        return self.xbr - self.xtl

    def height(self) -> float:
        return self.ybr - self.ytl

    def area(self) -> float:
        return (self.xbr - self.xtl) * (self.ybr - self.ytl)

    def center(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        return (self.xbr + self.xtl) / 2, (self.ybr + self.ytl) / 2

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if not type(item) == list and not type(item) == tuple:
            raise TypeError('Has to be a list or a tuple: %s' % type(item))
        if len(item) == 2:
            return self.xtl <= item[0] < self.xbr and self.ytl <= item[1] < self.ybr
            raise ValueError('Only support a point')

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Box[xtl={},ytl={},xbr={},ybr={}]'.format(self.xtl, self.ytl, self.xbr, self.ybr)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Box):
            return False
        return self.xtl == other.xtl and self.ytl == other.ytl and self.xbr == other.xbr and self.ybr == other.ybr

def intersection_over_union(box1: 'Box', box2: 'Box') -> float:
    Intersection Over Union (IOU) is measure based on Jaccard Index that evaluates the overlap between
    two bounding boxes.
    # if boxes dont intersect
    if not is_intersecting(box1, box2):
        return 0
    intersection_area = intersection(box1, box2).area
    union = union_areas(box1, box2, intersection_area=intersection_area)
    # intersection over union
    iou = intersection_area / union
    assert iou >= 0, '{} = {} / {}, box1={}, box2={}'.format(iou, intersection, union, box1, box2)
    return iou

def is_intersecting(box1: 'Box', box2: 'Box') -> bool:
    if box1.xtl > box2.xbr:
        return False  # boxA is right of boxB
    if box2.xtl > box1.xbr:
        return False  # boxA is left of boxB
    if box1.ybr < box2.ytl:
        return False  # boxA is above boxB
    if box1.ytl > box2.ybr:
        return False  # boxA is below boxB
    return True

def union_areas(box1: 'Box', box2: 'Box', intersection_area: float = None) -> float:
    if intersection_area is None:
        intersection_area = intersection(box1, box2).area
    return box1.area + box2.area - intersection_area

def union(box1: 'Box', box2: 'Box'):
    xtl = min(box1.xtl, box2.xtl)
    ytl = min(box1.ytl, box2.ytl)
    xbr = max(box1.xbr, box2.xbr)
    ybr = max(box1.ybr, box2.ybr)
    return Box.of_box(xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr)

def intersection(box1: 'Box', box2: 'Box'):
    xtl = max(box1.xtl, box2.xtl)
    ytl = max(box1.ytl, box2.ytl)
    xbr = min(box1.xbr, box2.xbr)
    ybr = min(box1.ybr, box2.ybr)
    return Box.of_box(xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr)

class BBFormat(Enum):
    Class representing the format of a bounding box.
    It can be (X,Y,width,height) => XYWH
    or (X1,Y1,X2,Y2) => XYX2Y2

        Developed by: Rafael Padilla
        Last modification: May 24 2018
    XYWH = 1
    X1Y1X2Y2 = 2

# class BoundingBox(Box):
#     def __init__(self):
#         """Constructor.
#         Args:
#             image: image.
#             category: category.
#             xtl: the X top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
#             ytl: the Y top-left coordinate of the bounding box.
#             xbr: the X bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
#             ybr: the Y bottom-right coordinate of the bounding box.
#             score: (optional) the confidence of the detected class.
#         """
#         super(BoundingBox, self).__init__()
#         self.image = None
#         self.category = None
#         self.score = None  # type: float or None
#     @classmethod
#     def of_bbox(cls, image, category, xtl: float, ytl: float, xbr: float, ybr: float, score: float = None) \
#             -> 'BoundingBox':
#         bbox = BoundingBox()
#         bbox.xtl = xtl
#         bbox.ytl = ytl
#         bbox.xbr = xbr
#         bbox.ybr = ybr
#         bbox.image = image
#         bbox.score = score
#         bbox.category = category
#         return bbox



import copy
import json
from typing import Dict

from podm.coco import PCOCOLicense, PCOCOInfo, PCOCOImage, PCOCOCategory, PCOCOBoundingBox, PCOCOSegments, \

def parse_infon(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOInfo:
    info = PCOCOInfo()
    info.contributor = obj['contributor']
    info.description = obj['description']
    info.url = obj['url']
    info.date_created = obj['date_created']
    info.version = obj['version']
    info.year = obj['year']
    return info

def parse_license(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOLicense:
    lic = PCOCOLicense() = obj['id'] = obj['name']
    lic.url = obj['url']
    return lic

def parse_image(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOImage:
    img = PCOCOImage() = obj['id']
    img.height = obj['height']
    img.width = obj['width']
    img.file_name = obj['file_name']
    img.flickr_url = obj['flickr_url']
    img.coco_url = obj['coco_url']
    img.date_captured = obj['date_captured']
    img.license = obj['license']
    return img

def parse_bounding_box(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOBoundingBox:
    ann = PCOCOBoundingBox() = obj['id']
    ann.category_id = obj['category_id']
    ann.image_id = obj['image_id']
    ann.xtl = obj['bbox'][0]
    ann.ytl = obj['bbox'][1]
    ann.xbr = ann.xtl + obj['bbox'][2]
    ann.ybr = ann.ytl + obj['bbox'][3]
    if 'contributor' in obj:
        ann.contributor = obj['contributor']
    if 'score' in obj:
        ann.score = obj['score']
    if 'attributes' in obj:
        ann.attributes = obj['attributes']
    return ann

def parse_segments(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOSegments:
    ann = PCOCOSegments() = obj['id']
    ann.category_id = obj['category_id']
    ann.image_id = obj['image_id']
    ann.iscrowd = obj['iscrowd']
    ann.segmentation = obj['segmentation']
    if 'score' in obj:
        ann.score = obj['score']
    if 'contributor' in obj:
        ann.contributor = obj['contributor']
    if 'attributes' in obj:
        ann.attributes = obj['attributes']
    return ann

def parse_category(obj: Dict) -> PCOCOCategory:
    cat = PCOCOCategory() = obj['id'] = obj['name']
    cat.supercategory = obj['supercategory']
    return cat

def parse_object_detection_dataset(coco_obj: Dict) -> PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset:
    dataset = PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset() = parse_infon(coco_obj['info'])

    for lic_obj in coco_obj['licenses']:
        lic = parse_license(lic_obj)

    for img_obj in coco_obj['images']:
        img = parse_image(img_obj)

    for ann_obj in coco_obj['annotations']:
        if 'segmentation' in ann_obj and len(ann_obj['segmentation']) > 0:
            ann = parse_segments(ann_obj)
            ann = parse_bounding_box(ann_obj)

    for cat_obj in coco_obj['categories']:
        cat = parse_category(cat_obj)

    return dataset

def load_true_object_detection_dataset(fp, **kwargs) -> PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset:
    coco_obj = json.load(fp, **kwargs)
    return parse_object_detection_dataset(coco_obj)

def load_pred_object_detection_dataset(fp, dataset: PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, **kwargs) \
        -> PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset:
    new_dataset = PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset() = copy.deepcopy(
    new_dataset.licenses = copy.deepcopy(dataset.licenses)
    new_dataset.images = copy.deepcopy(dataset.images)
    new_dataset.categories = copy.deepcopy(dataset.categories)
    # check annotation
    coco_obj = json.load(fp, **kwargs)
    annotations = []
    for obj in coco_obj:
        ann = parse_bounding_box(obj)
        if new_dataset.get_image(id=ann.image_id) is None:
            print('%s: Cannot find image' % ann.image_id)
        if new_dataset.get_category(id=ann.category_id) is None:
            print('%s: Cannot find category' % ann.category_id)
    new_dataset.annotations = annotations
    return new_dataset



import json
from typing import Union, TextIO, Dict, List

from podm.coco import PCOCOImage, PCOCOLicense, PCOCOInfo, \
    PCOCOCategory, PCOCOBoundingBox, \
    PCOCOSegments, PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset

PCOCO_OBJ = Union[
    PCOCOImage, PCOCOLicense, PCOCOInfo,

class PCOCOJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Extensible BioC JSON encoder for BioC data structures.

    def default(self, o):
        # print('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
        # print(type(o))
        # print(isinstance(o, PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset))
        # print(repr(o.__class__), repr(PCOCOObjectDetectionResult))
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOImage):
            return {
                "width": o.width,
                "height": o.height,
                "flickr_url": o.flickr_url,
                "coco_url": o.coco_url,
                "file_name": o.file_name,
                "date_captured": o.date_captured,
                "license": o.license,
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOLicense):
            return {
                "url": o.url,
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOInfo):
            return {
                "year": o.year,
                "version": o.version,
                "description": o.description,
                "contributor": o.contributor,
                "url": o.url,
                "date_created": o.date_created,
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOCategory):
            return {
                "supercategory": o.supercategory,
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOBoundingBox):
            return {
                "image_id": o.image_id,
                "category_id": o.category_id,
                "bbox": [o.xtl, o.ytl, o.width, o.height],
                "score": o.score,
                "contributor": o.contributor,
                "attributes": json.dumps(o.attributes)
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOSegments):
            bb = o.bbox
            return {
                "image_id": o.image_id,
                "category_id": o.category_id,
                "segmentation": o.segmentation,
                "bbox": [bb.xtl, bb.ytl, bb.width, bb.height],
                "area": bb.area,
                "iscrowd": o.iscrowd,
                "score": o.score,
                "contributor": o.contributor,
                "attributes": json.dumps(o.attributes)
        if isinstance(o, PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset):
            return {
                "info": self.default(,
                'images': [self.default(img) for img in o.images],
                "licenses": [self.default(l) for l in o.licenses],
                'annotations': [self.default(ann) for ann in o.annotations],
                'categories': [self.default(cat) for cat in o.categories],
        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

def toJSON(o) -> Dict:
    Convert a pcoco obj to a Python `dict`
    return PCOCOJSONEncoder().default(o)

def dumps(obj: PCOCO_OBJ, **kwargs) -> str:
    Serialize a BioC ``obj`` to a JSON formatted ``str``. kwargs are passed to json.
    return json.dumps(obj, cls=PCOCOJSONEncoder, indent=2, **kwargs)

def dump(obj: PCOCO_OBJ, fp: TextIO, **kwargs):
    Serialize ``obj`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``fp``
    (a ``.write()``-supporting file-like object). kwargs are passed to json.
    return json.dump(obj, fp, cls=PCOCOJSONEncoder, indent=2, **kwargs)
    ## podm.coco
    import copy
from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Collection
from datetime import date, datetime
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
from podm import box

class PCOCOInfo:
    def __init__(self):
        self.year =  # type:int
        self.version = ''  # type: str
        self.description = ''  # type: str
        self.contributor = ''  # type: str
        self.url = ''  # type: str
        self.date_created ='%m/%d/%Y')  # type:str

class PCOCOAnnotation(ABC):
    def __init__(self): = None  # type:int or None
        self.image_id = None  # type:int or None
        self.score = None  # type:float or None
        self.contributor = ''  # type: str
        self.attributes = {}  # type: dict

class PCOCOImage:
    def __init__(self): = None  # type:int or None
        self.width = 0  # type:int
        self.height = 0  # type:int
        self.file_name = ''  # type:str
        self.license = None  # type:int or None
        self.flickr_url = ''  # type:str
        self.coco_url = ''  # type:str
        self.date_captured ='%m/%d/%Y')  # type:str

class PCOCOLicense:
    def __init__(self): = None  # type:int or None = ''  # type:str
        self.url = ''  # type:str

class PCOCOCategory:
    def __init__(self): = None  # type:int or None = ''  # type:str
        self.supercategory = ''  # type:str

class PCOCODataset(ABC):
    def __init__(self): = PCOCOInfo()  # type: PCOCOInfo or None
        self.images = []  # type: List[PCOCOImage]
        self.licenses = []  # type: List[PCOCOLicense]

    def add_license(self, license: PCOCOLicense):
        for lic in self.licenses:
            if == or ==
                raise KeyError('%s: License exists' %

    def add_image(self, image: PCOCOImage):
        for img in self.images:
            if == or img.file_name == image.file_name:
                raise KeyError('%s: Image exists' %

    def get_image(self, id: int = None, file_name: str = None, default=None) -> PCOCOImage:
        if id is None and file_name is None:
            raise KeyError('%s %s: Cannot set both to None' % (id, file_name))
        if id is not None and file_name is not None:
            raise KeyError('%s %s: Cannot set both' % (id, file_name))

        imgs = self.images
        if id is not None:
            imgs = [img for img in imgs if == id]
            if len(imgs) == 0:
                return default
            elif len(imgs) == 1:
                return next(iter(imgs))
                raise KeyError('%s: more than one image with the same id' % id)

        if file_name is not None:
            imgs = [img for img in imgs if img.file_name == file_name]
            if len(imgs) == 0:
                return default
            elif len(imgs) == 1:
                return next(iter(imgs))
                raise KeyError('%s: more than one image with the same name' % file_name)

        raise Exception('Should not be here')

    def get_images(self, ids: Collection[int] = None) -> List[PCOCOImage]:
        Load anns with the specified ids.
        :param ids: integer ids specifying img
        :return: imgs: loaded img objects
        return [img for img in self.images if in ids]

# object detection

class PCOCOBoundingBox(PCOCOAnnotation, box.Box):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PCOCOBoundingBox, self).__init__()
        self.category_id = None  # type:int or None

class PCOCOSegments(PCOCOAnnotation):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PCOCOSegments, self).__init__()
        self.category_id = None  # type:int or None
        self.segmentation = []  # type: List[List[float]]
        self.iscrowd = False  # type:bool

    def add_box(self, box: box.Box):

    def add_segmentation(self, segmentation: List[float]):

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if not type(item) == list and not type(item) == tuple:
            raise TypeError('Has to be a list or a tuple: %s' % type(item))
        if len(item) == 2:
            point = Point(item[0], item[1])
            for p in self.polygons:
                if p.contains(point):
                    return True
            return False
            raise ValueError('Only support a point')

    def polygons(self) -> List[Polygon]:
        return [Polygon([(seg[i], seg[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(seg), 2)]) for seg in self.segmentation]

    def bbox(self) -> 'box.Box' or None:
        if len(self.segmentation) == 0:
            return None
            b = self.box_polygon(self.segmentation[0])
            for polygon in self.segmentation[1:]:
                b = box.union(b, self.box_polygon(polygon))
            return b

    def box_polygon(cls, polygon: List[float]) -> 'box.Box':
        xtl = min(polygon[i] for i in range(0, len(polygon), 2))
        ytl = min(polygon[i] for i in range(1, len(polygon), 2))
        xbr = max(polygon[i] for i in range(0, len(polygon), 2))
        ybr = max(polygon[i] for i in range(1, len(polygon), 2))
        return box.Box.of_box(xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr)

class PCOCOImageCaptioning(PCOCOAnnotation):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PCOCOImageCaptioning, self).__init__()
        self.caption = None  # type:str or None

class PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset(PCOCODataset):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, self).__init__()
        self.annotations = []  # type: List[PCOCOBoundingBox or PCOCOSegments]
        self.categories = []  # type: List[PCOCOCategory]

    def add_annotation(self, annotation: 'PCOCOBoundingBox' or 'PCOCOSegments'):
        for ann in self.annotations:
            if ==
                raise KeyError('%s: Annotation exists' %

    def add_category(self, category: PCOCOCategory):
        for cat in self.categories:
            if == or ==
                raise KeyError('%s: Category exists' %

    def get_max_category_id(self):
        return max( for cat in self.categories)

    def get_category(self, id: int = None, name: str = None, default=None) -> PCOCOCategory:
        if id is None and name is None:
            raise KeyError('%s %s: Cannot set both to None' % (id, name))
        if id is not None and name is not None:
            raise KeyError('%s %s: Cannot set both' % (id, name))

        cats = self.categories
        if id is not None:
            cats = [cat for cat in cats if == id]
            if len(cats) == 0:
                return default
            elif len(cats) == 1:
                return next(iter(cats))
                raise KeyError('%s: more than one category with the same id' % id)

        if name is not None:
            cats = [cat for cat in cats if == name]
            if len(cats) == 0:
                return default
            elif len(cats) == 1:
                return next(iter(cats))
                raise KeyError('%s: more than one category with the same name' % name)

        raise Exception('Should not be here')

    def get_annotation(self, id: int, default=None) -> PCOCOAnnotation:
        anns = [ann for ann in self.annotations if == id]
        if len(anns) == 0:
            return default
        elif len(anns) == 1:
            return next(iter(anns))
            raise KeyError('%s: more than one annotation' % id)

    def get_new_dataset(self, annotations: Collection[PCOCOBoundingBox or PCOCOSegments]):
        new_dataset = PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset() = copy.deepcopy(
        new_dataset.licenses = copy.deepcopy(self.licenses)
        new_dataset.images = copy.deepcopy(self.images)
        new_dataset.categories = copy.deepcopy(self.categories)
        for ann in annotations:
        return new_dataset

    def get_category_ids(self, category_names: Collection[str] = None,
                         supercategory_names: Collection[str] = None) -> Collection[int]:
        filtering parameters. default skips that filter.
        :param category_names: get cats for given cat names
        :param supercategory_names: get cats for given supercategory names
        :return: integer array of cat ids
        itr = iter(self.categories)
        if category_names is not None:
            itr = filter(lambda x: in category_names, itr)
        if supercategory_names is not None:
            itr = filter(lambda x: x.supercategory in supercategory_names, itr)
        return [ for cat in itr]

    def get_annotation_ids(self, image_ids: Collection[int] = None,
                           category_ids: Collection[int] = None,
                           area_range: Tuple[float, float] = None) -> Collection[int]:
        Get ann ids that satisfy given filter conditions. default skips that filter
        :param image_ids: get anns for given imgs
        :param category_ids: get anns for given cats
        :param area_range: get anns for given area range (e.g. [0 inf])
        :return: integer array of ann ids
        # image_ids = convert_array_argument(image_ids)
        # category_ids = convert_array_argument(category_ids)
        # area_range = convert_array_argument(area_range)

        itr = iter(self.annotations)
        if image_ids is not None:
            itr = filter(lambda x: x.image_id in image_ids, itr)
        if category_ids is not None:
            itr = filter(lambda x: x.category_id in category_ids, itr)
        if area_range is not None:
            itr = filter(lambda x: area_range[0] <= x.area <= area_range[1], itr)
        return [ for ann in itr]

    def get_image_ids(self, category_ids: Collection[int] = None) -> Collection[int]:
        Get img ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
        :param category_ids: get imgs with all given cats
        :return: ids: integer array of img ids
        ids = set( for img in self.images)
        for i, cat_id in enumerate(category_ids):
            if i == 0 and len(ids) == 0:
                ids = set(ann.image_id for ann in self.annotations if ann.category_id == cat_id)
                ids &= set(ann.image_id for ann in self.annotations if ann.category_id == cat_id)
        return list(ids)

    def get_annotations(self, ids: Collection[int] = None) -> Collection[PCOCOAnnotation]:
        Load anns with the specified ids.
        :param ids: integer ids specifying anns
        :return: anns: loaded ann objects
        return [ann for ann in self.annotations if in ids]

    def get_categories(self, ids: Collection[int] = None) -> Collection[PCOCOCategory]:
        Load cats with the specified ids.
        :param ids: integer ids specifying cats
        :return: cats: loaded cat objects
        return [cat for cat in self.categories if in ids]



from podm.coco import PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, PCOCOBoundingBox, PCOCOSegments

def coco2labelme(cocodataset: PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset):
    objs = []
    for img in cocodataset.images:
        obj = {
            "version": "5.0.1",
            "flags": {},
            "imagePath": img.file_name,
            "imageData": None,
            "imageHeight": img.height,
            "imageWidth": img.width,
            "shapes": []
        for annid in cocodataset.get_annotation_ids(image_ids=[]):
            ann = cocodataset.get_annotation(annid)
            if isinstance(ann, PCOCOBoundingBox):
                shape = {
                    "label": ann.attributes['ID'],
                    "points": [[ann.xtl, ann.ytl], [ann.xbr, ann.ybr]],
                    "group_id": None,
                    "shape_type": "rectangle",
                    "flags": {}
            elif isinstance(ann, PCOCOSegments):
                shape = {
                    "label": ann.attributes['ID'],
                    "points": [[ann.segmentation[0][i], ann.segmentation[0][i+1]]
                               for i in range(0, len(ann.segmentation[0]), 2)],
                    "group_id": None,
                    "shape_type": "polygon",
                    "flags": {}
                raise TypeError


    return objs



Convert from a PASCAL VOC zip file to a COCO file.

    pascal2coco gold --gold=<file> --output-gold=<file>
    pascal2coco pred --gold=<file> --pred=<file> --output-gold=<file> --output-pred=<file>

    --gold=<file>           PASCAL VOC groundtruths zip file
    --pred=<file>           PASCAL VOC predictions zip file
    --output-gold=<file>    Groundtruths JSON file
    --output-pred=<file>    Predictions JSON file
import json
import zipfile
import io
import warnings

import docopt
import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from podm import coco_encoder
from import BBFormat, Box
from podm.coco import PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset, PCOCOImage, PCOCOCategory, PCOCOBoundingBox

def convert_pascal_to_df(src):
    rows = []
    with zipfile.ZipFile(src, 'r') as myzip:
        namelist = myzip.namelist()
        for name in tqdm.tqdm(namelist):
            if not name.endswith('.txt'):
            with, 'r') as fp:
                name = name[name.find('/') + 1:]
                items_file = io.TextIOWrapper(fp)
                for line in items_file:
                    toks = line.strip().split(' ')
                    if len(toks) == 5:
                        row = {
                            'name': name,
                            'label': toks[0],
                            'xtl': int(toks[1]),
                            'ytl': int(toks[2]),
                            'xbr': int(toks[3]),
                            'ybr': int(toks[4])
                    elif len(toks) == 6:
                        row = {
                            'name': name,
                            'label': toks[0],
                            'score': float(toks[1]),
                            'xtl': int(toks[2]),
                            'ytl': int(toks[3]),
                            'xbr': int(toks[4]),
                            'ybr': int(toks[5])
                        raise ValueError
    return pd.DataFrame(rows)

class PascalVoc2COCO:
    def __init__(self, format: BBFormat = BBFormat.X1Y1X2Y2):
        self.format = format

    def convert_gold(self, src) -> PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset:
        df = convert_pascal_to_df(src)

        dataset = PCOCOObjectDetectionDataset()
        # add image
        for i, name in enumerate(df['name'].unique()):
            img = PCOCOImage()
   = i
            img.file_name = name
        # add category
        for i, label in enumerate(df['label'].unique()):
            cat = PCOCOCategory()
   = i
   = label
        # add annotation
        for i, row in tqdm.tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)):
            box = Box.of_box(row['xtl'], row['ytl'], row['xbr'], row['ybr'])
            if self.format == BBFormat.XYWH:
                box.xbr += box.xtl
                box.ybr += box.ytl
            ann = PCOCOBoundingBox()
            ann.image_id = dataset.get_image(file_name=row['name']).id
   = i
            ann.category_id = dataset.get_category(name=row['label']).id
        return dataset

    def convert_gold_file(self, src, dest):
        dataset = self.convert_gold(src)
        with open(dest, 'w') as fp:
            coco_encoder.dump(dataset, fp)

    def convert_gold_pred(self, src_gold, src_pred):
        gold_dataset = self.convert_gold(src_gold)

        df = convert_pascal_to_df(src_pred)
        # check cat
        subrows = []
        for i, row in tqdm.tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)):
            if gold_dataset.get_category(name=row['label']) is None:
                warnings.warn('%s: Category does not exist' % row['label'])
            if gold_dataset.get_image(file_name=row['name']) is None:
                warnings.warn('%s: Image does not exist' % row['name'])
        if len(subrows) < len(df):
            warnings.warn('Remove %s rows' % (len(df) - len(subrows)))

        annotations = []
        for i, row in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(subrows), total=len(subrows)):
            box = Box.of_box(row['xtl'], row['ytl'], row['xbr'], row['ybr'])
            if self.format == BBFormat.XYWH:
                box.xbr += box.xtl
                box.ybr += box.ytl
            ann = PCOCOBoundingBox()
            ann.image_id = gold_dataset.get_image(file_name=row['name']).id
   = i
            ann.category_id = gold_dataset.get_category(name=row['label']).id
            ann.score = row['score']

        pred_dataset = gold_dataset.get_new_dataset(annotations)
        return gold_dataset, pred_dataset

    def convert_gold_pred_file(self, src_gold, src_pred, dest_gold, dest_pred):
        gold_dataset, pred_dataset = self.convert_gold_pred(src_gold, src_pred)
        with open(dest_gold, 'w') as fp:
            coco_encoder.dump(gold_dataset, fp)

        with open(dest_pred, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(pred_dataset.annotations, fp, cls=coco_encoder.PCOCOJSONEncoder, indent=2)

def main():
    argv = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
    converter = PascalVoc2COCO(BBFormat.X1Y1X2Y2)
    if argv['gold']:
        converter.convert_gold_file(argv['--gold'], argv['--output-gold'])
    if argv['pred']:
        converter.convert_gold_pred_file(argv['--gold'], argv['--pred'], argv['--output-gold'], argv['--output-pred'])

if __name__ == '__main__':







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