type ValidationError struct{
Field string
Value interface{}}func(e *ValidationError)Error()string{return fmt.Sprintf("验证错误:字段 %s 值 %v 不合法", e.Field, e.Value)}funcvalidateAge(age int)error{if age <0|| age >150{return&ValidationError{
Value: age,}}returnnil}funcmain(){
err :=validateAge(-5)if err !=nil{if ve, ok := err.(*ValidationError); ok {
fmt.Printf("特定错误处理:%s\n", ve.Error())}}}
#include<windows.h>int main() {int i,j;int x 5;int y 10;int height 20;int velocity_x 1;int velocity_y 1;int left 0;int right 20;int top 0;int bottom 10;while(1){…
文章目录 Understanding Large Language ModelsWhat is an LLM?Applications of LLMSStages of building and using LLMsUsing LLMS for different tasksA closer look at the GPT architectureBuilding a large language modelSummary Understanding Large Language Models
VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network,虚拟局域网)是一种将物理局域网划分成多个逻辑上独立的虚拟网络的技术。VLAN不依赖于设备的物理位置,而是通过逻辑划分,将局域网内的设备虚拟地组织到同一组。这种技术允许网络管理员…