HarmonyOS NEXT 实战之元服务:静态案例效果---最近播放音乐


前几篇学习了元服务,后面几期就让我们开发简单的元服务吧,里面丰富的内容大家自己加,本期案例 仅供参考

先上本期效果图 ,里面图片自行替换



  • Index
import { authentication } from '@kit.AccountKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
import { TypeShortVideoItem } from './TypeShortVideoItem';

struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World';

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text($r('app.string.EntryAbility_label')).fontSize(20).margin({ bottom: 10 })
      List({ space: 6 }) {
        ForEach(['《星辰大海》- 黄霄雲',
          '《青花瓷》- 周杰伦',
          '《追光者》- 岑宁儿',
          '《小幸运》- 田馥甄',
          '《野狼 disco》- 宝石 Gem',
        ], (item: string) => {
          ListItem() {
            TypeShortVideoItem({ title: item })



    .margin({ top: 40 })

  aboutToAppear() {
    hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');

   * Sample code for using HUAWEI ID to log in to atomic service.
   * According to the Atomic Service Review Guide, when a atomic service has an account system,
   * the option to log in with a HUAWEI ID must be provided.
   * The following presets the atomic service to use the HUAWEI ID silent login function.
   * To enable the atomic service to log in successfully using the HUAWEI ID, please refer
   * to the HarmonyOS HUAWEI ID Access Guide to configure the client ID and fingerprint certificate.
  private loginWithHuaweiID() {
    // Create a login request and set parameters
    let loginRequest = new authentication.HuaweiIDProvider().createLoginWithHuaweiIDRequest();
    // Whether to forcibly launch the HUAWEI ID login page when the user is not logged in with the HUAWEI ID
    loginRequest.forceLogin = false;
    // Execute login request
    let controller = new authentication.AuthenticationController();
    controller.executeRequest(loginRequest).then((data) => {
      let loginWithHuaweiIDResponse = data as authentication.LoginWithHuaweiIDResponse;
      let authCode = loginWithHuaweiIDResponse.data?.authorizationCode;
      // Send authCode to the backend in exchange for unionID, session

    }).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
      hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'error: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(error));
      if (error.code == authentication.AuthenticationErrorCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
        // HUAWEI ID is not logged in, it is recommended to jump to the login guide page

  • Item

function imageExtend(width: Length, height: Length) {

export struct TypeShortVideoItem {
  @Param title: string = ''

  build() {
    Column() {
      RelativeContainer() {
          .borderRadius({ topLeft: 8, topRight: 8 })
            left: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.Start },
            right: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.End }

            middle: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.Center }

          .imageExtend(30, 28)
            left: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.Start }

        Text(`  ${generateFiveDigitRandomNumber()+''}S  `)
          .margin({ left: 8, bottom: 8, top: 146 })

        Column() {
          // Image($r('app.media.ic_video_item_similar')).width(13)
          // Text('12').fontSize(11).fontColor('#ffffff')
          //   .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 6 })

            .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 6 })

            .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 6 })

            .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 6 })
          left: { anchor: 'iv_web_logo', align: HorizontalAlign.Start },
          bottom: { anchor: "iv_web_logo", align: VerticalAlign.Bottom }
        .margin({ left: 3, bottom: 28 })

          .margin({ top: 140, right: 8, bottom: 8 })
            right: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.End },

          .alignRules({ bottom: { anchor: 'll_item_author_avatar', align: VerticalAlign.Top } })
          .margin({ left: 8 })
        Row() {
          Text(generateFiveCharacterRandomString()).fontSize(11).fontColor('#505050').margin({ left: 4, right: 4 })

          Text('发布于 北京').fontSize(11).fontColor('#666666').margin({ left: 4, right: 4 })
            .onClick(() => {


        .alignRules({ bottom: { anchor: '__container__', align: VerticalAlign.Bottom } })
        .padding({ left: 8, right: 8 })

        Row() {
          Toggle({ type: ToggleType.Checkbox, isOn: true }).width(21)
          right: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.End }

      .border({ width: 1, color: '#E3E3E3', radius: 8 })
    //测试用 .width(px2vp(display.getDefaultDisplaySync().width)/2-10)

    // .height('100%')

/** 短视频专属图片+文字 */
export function ImageTextShortVideo(text: TypeShortVideoItem) {
  Text() {
  .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis })
  .padding({ left: 8, top: 8, right: 8 })
  .alignRules({ top: { anchor: 'bg_img_single_top', align: VerticalAlign.Bottom } })

function generateRandomDate(): string {
  const minYear = 2023; // 最小年份
  const maxYear = 2024; // 最大年份
  const minMonth = 1; // 最小月份
  const maxMonth = 12; // 最大月份
  const minDay = 1; // 最小日期
  const maxDay = 31; // 最大日期

  // 生成随机年份
  const year = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxYear - minYear + 1)) + minYear;

  // 生成随机月份
  const month = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxMonth - minMonth + 1)) + minMonth;

  // 根据月份生成合理的日期
  let day = 0;
  if ([1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12].includes(month)) {
    day = Math.floor(Math.random() * (31 - minDay + 1)) + minDay;
  } else if ([4, 6, 9, 11].includes(month)) {
    day = Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - minDay + 1)) + minDay;
  } else if (month === 2) {
    // 处理闰年
    if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0) {
      day = Math.floor(Math.random() * (29 - minDay + 1)) + minDay;
    } else {
      day = Math.floor(Math.random() * (28 - minDay + 1)) + minDay;

  // 返回格式化的日期字符串
  return `${year}-${String(month).padStart(2, '0')}-${String(day).padStart(2, '0')}`;
function generateFiveCharacterRandomString(): string {
  const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
  let result = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length));
  return result;

function generateFiveDigitRandomNumber(): number {
  const min = 100; // 五位数的最小值
  const max = 999; // 五位数的最大值
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;


HarmonyOS NEXT实战:元服务与应用 APP 发布应用市场的详细步骤与流程



  • gitee:https://gitee.com/jiaojiaoone/explore-harmony-next/tree/case%2Fwanandroid/
  • github:https://github.com/JasonYinH/ExploreHarmonyNext.git




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