【BUG记录】Apifox 参数传入 + 号变成空格的 BUG


  • 1. 问题描述
  • 2. 原因
    • 2.1 编码
    • 2.2 解码
  • 3. 解决方法

1. 问题描述

之前写了一个接口,用 Apifox 请求,参数传入一个 +86 的电话,结果到服务器 + 就变成空格了。
Java 接收请求的接口:

2. 原因

2.1 编码

进行 URL 请求的时候我们需要用 URLEncoder 对参数进行编码,下面是编码的规则。

 * Utility class for HTML form encoding. This class contains static methods
 * for converting a String to the <CODE>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</CODE> MIME
 * format. For more information about HTML form encoding, consult the HTML
 * <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/">specification</A>.
 * <p>
 * When encoding a String, the following rules apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The alphanumeric characters &quot;{@code a}&quot; through
 *     &quot;{@code z}&quot;, &quot;{@code A}&quot; through
 *     &quot;{@code Z}&quot; and &quot;{@code 0}&quot;
 *     through &quot;{@code 9}&quot; remain the same.
 * <li>The special characters &quot;{@code .}&quot;,
 *     &quot;{@code -}&quot;, &quot;{@code *}&quot;, and
 *     &quot;{@code _}&quot; remain the same.
 * <li>The space character &quot; &nbsp; &quot; is
 *     converted into a plus sign &quot;{@code +}&quot;.
 * <li>All other characters are unsafe and are first converted into
 *     one or more bytes using some encoding scheme. Then each byte is
 *     represented by the 3-character string
 *     &quot;<i>{@code %xy}</i>&quot;, where <i>xy</i> is the
 *     two-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte.
 *     The recommended encoding scheme to use is UTF-8. However,
 *     for compatibility reasons, if an encoding is not specified,
 *     then the default encoding of the platform is used.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * For example using UTF-8 as the encoding scheme the string &quot;The
 * string &#252;@foo-bar&quot; would get converted to
 * &quot;The+string+%C3%BC%40foo-bar&quot; because in UTF-8 the character
 * &#252; is encoded as two bytes C3 (hex) and BC (hex), and the
 * character @ is encoded as one byte 40 (hex).
 * @author  Herb Jellinek
 * @since   JDK1.0
public class URLEncoder {

直接上 GPT,解释如下:

  • 保留字符:

    • 字母(a-z, A-Z)和数字(0-9)保持不变。
    • 特殊字符 .(点)、-(减号)、*(星号)和 _(下划线)保持不变。
  • 空格:

    • 空格字符( )被转换为加号(+)。
  • 其他字符:

    • 所有其他字符被认为是“不安全的”,需要先使用某种编码方案(如UTF-8)转换为一个或多个字节,然后每个字节表示为%xy,其中xy是该字节的十六进制表示。

举个例子:假设使用UTF-8编码,字符串 “The string ü@foo-bar” 将被转换为 “The+string+%C3%BC%40foo-bar”,因为:
字符 ü 在UTF-8中编码为两个字节 C3 和 BC。
字符 @ 编码为一个字节 40。

2.2 解码

编码之后就能发送请求到服务器了,而我们直接在 Postman 上面请求的 URL 如下:
可以理解成编码之后的 URL,所以接收请求的时候同样会进行 URL 解码。那么 URL 是如何解码的呢?我们可以同样到 URLDecoder 里面去找答案:

 * Utility class for HTML form decoding. This class contains static methods
 * for decoding a String from the <CODE>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</CODE>
 * MIME format.
 * <p>
 * The conversion process is the reverse of that used by the URLEncoder class. It is assumed
 * that all characters in the encoded string are one of the following:
 * &quot;{@code a}&quot; through &quot;{@code z}&quot;,
 * &quot;{@code A}&quot; through &quot;{@code Z}&quot;,
 * &quot;{@code 0}&quot; through &quot;{@code 9}&quot;, and
 * &quot;{@code -}&quot;, &quot;{@code _}&quot;,
 * &quot;{@code .}&quot;, and &quot;{@code *}&quot;. The
 * character &quot;{@code %}&quot; is allowed but is interpreted
 * as the start of a special escaped sequence.
 * <p>
 * The following rules are applied in the conversion:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The alphanumeric characters &quot;{@code a}&quot; through
 *     &quot;{@code z}&quot;, &quot;{@code A}&quot; through
 *     &quot;{@code Z}&quot; and &quot;{@code 0}&quot;
 *     through &quot;{@code 9}&quot; remain the same.
 * <li>The special characters &quot;{@code .}&quot;,
 *     &quot;{@code -}&quot;, &quot;{@code *}&quot;, and
 *     &quot;{@code _}&quot; remain the same.
 * <li>The plus sign &quot;{@code +}&quot; is converted into a
 *     space character &quot; &nbsp; &quot; .
 * <li>A sequence of the form "<i>{@code %xy}</i>" will be
 *     treated as representing a byte where <i>xy</i> is the two-digit
 *     hexadecimal representation of the 8 bits. Then, all substrings
 *     that contain one or more of these byte sequences consecutively
 *     will be replaced by the character(s) whose encoding would result
 *     in those consecutive bytes.
 *     The encoding scheme used to decode these characters may be specified,
 *     or if unspecified, the default encoding of the platform will be used.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * There are two possible ways in which this decoder could deal with
 * illegal strings.  It could either leave illegal characters alone or
 * it could throw an {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException}.
 * Which approach the decoder takes is left to the
 * implementation.
 * @author  Mark Chamness
 * @author  Michael McCloskey
 * @since   1.2

public class URLDecoder {

还是一样,直接用 GPT 解释:

  • 字母和数字: 字母a到z、A到Z和数字0到9保持不变。
  • 特殊字符: 点号.、连字符-、星号*和下划线_保持不变。
  • 加号: 加号+被转换为空格字符。
  • 百分号编码: 形式为"%xy"的序列被视为表示一个字节,其中xy是该字节的两位十六进制表示。连续的这些字节序列将被替换为那些字节所表示的字符。字符的编码方案可以指定,如果没有指定,则使用平台的默认编码。

服务端这边的接收:.-*_aA0 +,可以看到 + 号解码成空格,同时 %2B 解码成 + 号了。因为 + 的 Ascii 十六进制就是 2B。

3. 解决方法

既然 + 号是被解码成空格了,那我们可以不把 + 号放在 URL 中,可以放在 Body 中,也就是使用 Post 请求,把参数放到请求体中传入就不会解码了。

public class DemoController {

    public void reqDemo(@RequestBody DataDemo dataDemo){

public class DataDemo {
    private String name;

此外,还有一种方法,就是上面说的:传入 %2B 就行了。






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