
Application of Data-driven Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicle Steering




With the development of autonomous driving technology, there are increasing demands for vehicle control, and MPC has become a widely researched topic in both industry and academia. Existing MPC control methods based on vehicle kinematics or dynamics have challenges such as difficult modeling, numerous parameters, strong nonlinearity, and high computational cost. To address these issues, this paper adapts an existing Data-driven MPC control method and applies it to autonomous vehicle steering control. This method avoids the need for complex vehicle system modeling and achieves trajectory tracking with relatively low computational time and small errors. We validate the control effectiveness of the algorithm in specific scenario through CarSim-Simulink simulation and perform comparative analysis with PID and vehicle kinematics MPC, confirming the feasibility and superiority of it for vehicle steering control.
Index Terms—data-driven control, autonomous vehicle steering, model predictive control, path tracking


Currently, autonomous driving has matured and is gradually coming into the public eye. Numerous internet and vehicle manufacturing companies are investing increasing efforts into researching autonomous driving technology, which has significantly contributed to improving traffic congestion, reducing traffic accidents, and enhancing economic benefits [1], [2]. Mastinu et al. analyzed the reasons and scenarios in which drivers lose control of the vehicle. They pointed out that after severe lane changes, gusts of wind, or other disturbances, drivers might be unable to regain the intended actions, potentially posing traffic safety hazards [3]. Moreover, Ahangar et al. found that the number of fatalities due to road traffic accidents is continually rising, with many accidents resulting from driver fatigue and distraction [4]. Additionally, the proportion of carbon dioxide emissions from road traffic in the total human carbon dioxide emissions is also increasing [5]. Therefore, research on autonomous driving technology is urgently needed.
Autonomous vehicles are composed of multiple modules, including perception, prediction, planning, decision-making, and control. Among them, control is one of the most critical modules, and the control methods have always been a key research focus. In the field of autonomous driving control, PID and adaptive control, etc. are widely used in the industry, which do not require mathematical modeling of the system, and the optimal control quantity can be obtained using the vehicle’s state and reference trajectory [6], [7]. In academia, however, Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a widely researched topic. First proposed by Richalet et al. in 1978 [8], MPC have since evolved with various modifications to suit different control scenarios and controlled objects [9]–[11].
However, general MPC require precise modeling of the controlled system. Currently, most MPC methods for autonomous driving steering control are based on vehicle kinematics or dynamics models [12], [13]. Vehicle kinematics models have fewer parameters and simple structures, but they simplify the autonomous vehicle into a two-wheel model, which significantly deviates from the actual vehicle situation and results in low control precision. On the other hand, vehicle dynamics models contain more parameters and require parameter calibration through experiments, and also the strong nonlinearity of the models leads to high optimization computational costs. Therefore, researchers have begun considering how to avoid the cumbersome modeling process and directly use data for system characteristics analysis [14] and controller design [15]– [17].
Currently, Data-driven MPC becomes widely researched. This control method avoids the precise modeling of system, as required by traditional MPC algorithms, and reduces computational time while maintaining high control accuracy. To address existing vehicle control problems, this paper studies the existing Data-driven MPC and, by integrating vehicle system characteristics, applies it to vehicle steering control and verifies the feasibility of this method. The contributions of this paper are presented as follows:
1.Based on the research of [18]–[21], a Data-driven Model Predictive Control method is applied to autonomous vehicle steering control.
2.The feasibility of the application of DDMPC to autonomous vehicle steering was verified through simulation experiments, and the superiority of this algorithm was demonstrated by comparing it with other algorithms.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II provides a brief introduction to our research problem and discusses Willems’ Lemma. In Section III, we introduce the existing research on DDMPC. Based on this, we make minor modifications to make the algorithm applicable to autonomous vehicle control. In Section IV, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm through CarSim and Simulink simulation experiments and conduct a comparative analysis with PID and vehicle kinematics MPC algorithms. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section V.


The development of autonomous vehicle technology relies on efficient and reliable control algorithms. The advantage of MPC lies in its ability to calculate high-precision control inputs within a limited prediction horizon, based on the vehicle model and reference trajectory. Consequently, MPC often depends on accurate vehicle models, but modeling and parameter calibration of traditional vehicle models—especially dynamic models—become extremely challenging. Additionally, vehicle models often have many parameters and strong nonlinearity, which may consume a significant amount of computational time during optimization. Most scholars and engineers address this issue by linearization, but this often leads to a decrease in model accuracy.
Based on the Willems’s lemma, which is a data-based method for system identification [22], Jeremy first proposed an algorithmic framework called Data-enabled Predictive Control and applied it on aerial robotics [18]. Thereafter, Berberich et al. designed a robust Data-driven MPC control method [19]–[21]. This method can directly use the Hankel matrix constructed from offline input-output trajectory data of the system to replace complex system models, predicting future states of the system and thereby calculating the optimal control inputs. Lu et al. used this method to complete the data-driven identification of vehicle and designed a DDMPC controller for vehicle lateral stability control [23]. Subsequently, many scholars have expanded and applied this method [24], [25].
基于Willems引理,这是一种基于数据的系统辨识方法,Jeremy首次提出了一个名为Data-enabled Predictive Control的算法框架,并将其应用于空中机器人。此后,Berberich等人设计了一种鲁棒的数据驱动MPC控制方法–。这种方法可以直接使用从系统的离线输入输出轨迹数据构建的Hankel矩阵来替代复杂的系统模型,预测系统的未来状态,从而计算出最优的控制输入。Lu等人使用这种方法完成了车辆的数据驱动辨识,并为车辆横向稳定性控制设计了一个DDMPC控制器。随后,许多学者扩展并应用了这种方法,。
We build on this foundation by applying the data-driven MPC algorithm proposed by [18] and [19] to steering control of autonomous vehicles and provide the algorithm application flowchart, as shown in Fig. 1.
我们在[18]和[19]提出的数据驱动MPC算法的基础上,将其应用于自动驾驶车辆的转向控制,并提供了算法应用流程图,如 图1 所示。


A. Willems’ Lemma and Application

Here, we first review the description and application of Willems’ Lemma by [18] and [19].
Suppose the dynamic behavior of a system is described by the following input-output relationship expressed by Eq. 1.
假设系统的动态行为由以下输入输出关系描述,如 方程1 所示。
where u(t) ∈ U ⊂ Rm is the system input at time t, with m being the input dimension; y(t) ∈ Y ⊂ Rp is the system output at time t, with p being the output dimension; G(·) is the system behavior model, generally represented by a transfer function or state-space equations.
其中 u ( t ) ∈ U ⊂ R m u(t) \in U \subset \mathbb{R}^m u(t)URm 是系统在时间 t t t 的输入, m m m 是输入的维度; y ( t ) ∈ Y ⊂ R p y(t) \in Y \subset \mathbb{R}^p y(t)YRp 是系统在时间 t t t 的输出, p p p 是输出的维度; G ( ⋅ ) G(\cdot) G() 是系统行为模型,通常由传递函数或状态空间方程表示。
Apply a set of inputs U to the system, which correspondingly generates a set of outputs Y . The collected open-loop input-output data are represented as two sets of vectors in Eq. 2.
对系统应用一组输入 U U U,相应地产生一组输出 Y Y Y。收集的开环输入输出数据在 方程2 中表示为两组向量。
where N is the number of data sets, and the selection of this parameter will directly influence the subsequent design of the Data-driven MPC.
其中 N N N 是数据集的数量,这个参数的选择将直接影响后续数据驱动MPC的设计

Process the collected input-output data, which mainly includes data cleansing, continuity checking and noise removal, etc. Then, extend the data into Hankel matrices. The resulting order L Hankel matrix is as Eq. 3 and Eq. 4.
处理收集到的输入输出数据,主要包括数据清洗、连续性检查和噪声去除等。然后,将数据扩展成Hankel矩阵。得到的阶数为 L L L 的Hankel矩阵如方程3方程4所示。
where L is the basic prediction horizon of the MPC algorithm. For the input matrix HL(U), we determine whether the input sequence U satisfies the requirement of persistent excitation based on the following definition.
其中 L L L 是MPC算法的基本预测范围。对于输入矩阵 H L ( U ) H_L(U) HL(U),我们根据以下定义判断输入序列 U U U 是否满足持续激励的要求
Definition in [18], [19]: The input sequence U is order L persistently exciting if and only if the rank of the order L Hankel matrix HL(U) constructed from this input sequence satisfies the Eq. 5.
定义来自文献[18]和[19]:如果由输入序列 U U U 构建的阶数为 L L L 的Hankel矩阵 H L ( U ) H_L(U) HL(U) 的秩满足方程5,则称输入序列 U U U 是阶数 L L L 的持续激励的
This means that the input sequence is rich enough to excite all dynamic modes of the system. Based on this definition, we can further explore the relationship between the input-output Hankel matrix and the system under study for predicting system outputs.
Willems’ Lemma [22]: If {U, Y } = {uk, yk}N k=0 −1 is a set of N input-output data measured from system G, and U is order L + n persistently exciting, then {u¯k, y¯k}Lk=0 −1 are the predicted input-output sequences of system G for the future L time steps based on {U, Y }, if and only if there exists an α ∈ RN−L+1 that satisfies Eq. 6.
Willems引理[22]:如果 { U , Y } = { u k , y k } k = 0 N − 1 \{U, Y\} = \{u_k, y_k\}_{k=0}^{N-1} {U,Y}={uk,yk}k=0N1 是从系统 G G G 测量得到的一组 N N N 个输入输出数据,并且 U U U 是阶数 L + n L+n L+n 的持续激励的,那么 { u ˉ k , y ˉ k } k = 0 L − 1 \{ū_k, ȳ_k\}_{k=0}^{L-1} {uˉk,yˉk}k=0L1 是基于 { U , Y } \{U, Y\} {U,Y} 对系统 G G G 未来 L L L 个时间步的预测输入输出序列,当且仅当存在一个 α ∈ R N − L + 1 \alpha \in \mathbb{R}^{N-L+1} αRNL+1 满足方程6
where n is the number of states of the controlled system. According to the previously given definition of persistent excitation, the rank of the order L+n Hankel matrix HL+n(U) constructed from the input sequence U of length N must satisfy the Eq. 7.
其中 n n n 是被控制系统的状态数。根据之前给出的持续激励的定义,由长度为 N N N 的输入序列 U U U 构建的阶数为 L + n L+n L+n 的Hankel矩阵 H L + n ( U ) H_{L+n}(U) HL+n(U)秩必须满足方程7
Therefore, with known historical input-output data, if an optimal α can be found, we can use the above lemma to predict the system’s future inputs and outputs. This lemma is of great interest in the fields of system identification and datadriven control because it provides a new approach that allows us to bypass the derivation of the system model (and even the knowledge of the specific form of the system) and directly obtain dynamic behavior information from the open-loop data generated by the system [18]–[21]. This is because, when the input signal meets certain persistent excitation conditions, the Hankel matrix constructed from a pre-collected known input-output data segment implicitly represents the system’s dynamic characteristics and can be used to represent any inputoutput trajectory of the system of the basic prediction horizon L through linear combinations.
因此,有了已知的历史输入输出数据,如果能找到最优的 α \alpha α,我们就可以利用上述引理来预测系统未来的输入和输出。这个引理在系统辨识和数据驱动控制领域具有极大的兴趣,因为它提供了一种新的方法,使我们能够绕过系统模型的推导(甚至不需要知道系统的具体形式),直接从系统产生的开环数据中获得动态行为信息[18]-[21]。这是因为,当输入信号满足某些持续激励条件时,从预先收集的已知输入输出数据段构建的Hankel矩阵隐含地代表了系统的动态特性,并且可以通过线性组合用来表示基本预测范围 L L L 内系统的任何输入输出轨迹

B. DDMPC for Vehicle Steering Control

Based on Willems’ lemma, existing research combined it with MPC roll optimization and designed the DDMPC optimization model [18], [19], and we adapt it in this subsection for vehicle steering control as shown in Eq. 8 to Eq. 12.
基于Willems引理,现有研究将其与MPC滚动优化相结合,设计了DDMPC优化模型[18],[19],我们在本小节中将其适应于车辆转向控制,如 方程8方程12 所示。
where ykr(t) and ur k(t) represent the expected output and input of the system at time t for k time steps ahead from the current state; Q ∈ Rp×p and R ∈ Rm×m are symmetric positive definite matrices. In the context of autonomous driving control, ykr(t) corresponds to the trajectory point information of the vehicle’s position and state at the current time t extended k time steps ahead; ur k(t), from the perspective of safety and comfort, is generally set to be a zero vector, indicating that the desired control action should be minimized as much as possible. Based on Willems’ lemma, we describe y¯ and u¯ using the Hankel matrix and constrain the system state, thereby forming the equality and inequality constraint equations for the following optimization problem.
其中 y k r ( t ) y_{k}^r(t) ykr(t) u k r ( t ) u_{k}^r(t) ukr(t) 分别代表从当前状态开始,系统在时间 t t t 向前 k k k 个时间步的预期输出和输入; Q ∈ R p × p Q \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times p} QRp×p R ∈ R m × m R \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m} RRm×m 是对称正定矩阵。在自动驾驶控制的背景下, y k r ( t ) y_{k}^r(t) ykr(t) 对应于车辆在当前时间 t t t 向前 k k k 个时间步的位置和状态的轨迹点信息;从安全和舒适的角度来看, u k r ( t ) u_{k}^r(t) ukr(t) 通常被设置为零向量,表示期望的控制动作应尽可能小。基于Willems引理,我们使用Hankel矩阵描述 y ˉ \bar{y} yˉ u ˉ \bar{u} uˉ,并约束系统状态,从而形成了以下优化问题的等式和不等式约束方程
In this context, Eq. 9 represents the initial constraint, where u −n(t) and y−n(t) denote the actual control inputs and outputs of the system for n time steps before time t, respectively. This constraint aims to use the actual dynamic behavior of the system to constrain the decision variable α(t), ensuring that the prediction results closely match the actual system behavior.
在这种情况下,方程9 表示初始约束,其中 u − n ( t ) u_{-n}(t) un(t) y − n ( t ) y_{-n}(t) yn(t) 分别表示在时间 t t t 之前 n n n 个时间步的实际控制输入和输出。这个约束旨在利用系统的实际动态行为来约束决策变量 α ( t ) \alpha(t) α(t),确保预测结果与实际系统行为紧密匹配
Eq. 10 is the application of Willems’ lemma in the Datadriven MPC algorithm. It uses the Hankel matrix to predict the system’s input-output, serving as the equality constraint of this optimization problem. By comparing the predicted system output y¯(t) with the reference trajectory ykr(t), the optimal control sequence u¯(t) is obtained.

方程10 是Willems引理在数据驱动MPC算法中的应用。它使用Hankel矩阵来预测系统的输入输出,作为这个优化问题的等式约束。通过将预测的系统输出 y ˉ ( t ) \bar{y}(t) yˉ(t) 与参考轨迹 y k r ( t ) y_{k}^r(t) ykr(t) 进行比较,可以获得最优的控制序列 u ˉ ( t ) \bar{u}(t) uˉ(t)
Eq. 11 represents the upper and lower bounds constraints on the decision variables. Unlike general systems, in the context of autonomous driving control, constraints on the control input u¯(t) are particularly critical because the control inputs are typically acceleration or front wheel steering angles. We generally need to limit the range of u¯(t) from the perspectives of both safety and comfort. It is worth noting that the prediction horizon chosen here should be L+n, which requires the openloop input sequence to be order L + 2n persistently exciting [19]. Additionally, the Hankel matrix constructed from the open-loop data should be of order L + n, satisfying Eq. 13.
方程11 表示对决策变量的上下界约束。与一般系统不同,在自动驾驶控制的背景下,对控制输入 u ˉ ( t ) \bar{u}(t) uˉ(t) 的约束尤为重要,因为控制输入通常是加速度或前轮转向角度。我们通常需要从安全和舒适的角度限制 u ˉ ( t ) \bar{u}(t) uˉ(t) 的范围。值得注意的是,这里选择的预测范围应该是 L + n L+n L+n,这要求开环输入序列是阶数 L + 2 n L + 2n L+2n 的持续激励[19]。此外,从开环数据构建的Hankel矩阵应该是阶数 L + n L+n L+n,满足方程13
At this point, we have obtained the DDMPC framework for vehicle steering control. We only need to solve the optimization problem Eq. 8 to Eq. 12 at time t, and apply the first control input of the optimal control sequence u¯1(t) (In this study, it is the left and right front wheel angle values) to the autonomous vehicle to complete the control at the current time.
此时,我们已经得到了车辆转向控制的数据驱动MPC框架。我们只需要在时间 t t t 解决优化问题方程8至方程12,并应用最优控制序列 u ˉ 1 ( t ) \bar{u}_1(t) uˉ1(t) 的第一个控制输入(在本研究中,是左右前轮角度值)到自动驾驶车辆上,以完成当前时间的控制。


To verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, simulation experiments are conducted based on CarSim and Simulink softwares. CarSim is a commonly used simulation platform for vehicle experiments, providing precise vehicle dynamics models which can realistically reproduce vehicle operations in real-world scenarios. The simulation experiments are divided into two stages: open-loop data collection and closed-loop algorithm simulation verification, following the same logic as the design of algorithm.
In CarSim, a D-Class Sedan vehicle model is selected as the test vehicle for open-loop data collection and algorithm simulation verification. The specific parameters are shown in Table. I.
在CarSim中,选择了一个D级轿车模型作为开环数据收集和算法仿真验证的测试车辆。具体参数如 表I 所示。

A. Open-Loop Data Collection

In CarSim, we set up a test environment for open-loop data collection. This environment should include as many steering scenarios as possible to ensure that the input sequence is sufficiently rich to activate the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle.
The vehicle’s horizontal coordinate X and vertical coordinate Y are chosen in the global coordinate system, as well as the vehicle’s heading angle ϕ, as the output variables. The left front wheel steering angle δL and the right front wheel steering angle δR are selected as the control variables. Thus, the vehicle’s open-loop input-output sequence can be expressed as Eq. 14 and Eq. 15.
在全局坐标系中,我们选择车辆的水平坐标 X X X 和垂直坐标 Y Y Y,以及车辆的航向角 ϕ \phi ϕ 作为输出变量。左前轮转向角 δ L \delta_L δL 和右前轮转向角 δ R \delta_R δR 被选作控制变量。因此,车辆的开环输入输出序列可以表示为方程14和方程15。
Due to the non-constant speed of the vehicle, it is necessary to interpolate the sparser parts of the collected raw data. Additionally, the data needs to be preprocessed, including data cleaning and outlier removal. The final amount of data obtained is N = 646.
由于车辆的速度不恒定,因此需要对收集到的原始数据中较稀疏的部分进行插值处理。此外,数据还需要进行预处理,包括数据清洗和异常值剔除。最终获得的数据量为 ( N = 646 )。

B. Simulation Experiments

Since we do not need to model the vehicle system, the system order n is unknown here. Therefore, we assign an upper bound v to the system order, and set v = 6 to substitute for n in the algorithm. Additionally, we set the basic prediction horizon L = 24, making the prediction horizon L + v = 30. The weight matrices are set as Q = Ip, R = 10−2 · Im, and λ = 1 · 10−3. To meet the vehicle’s safety and comfort requirements, we set umin = −1.5◦ and umax = +1.5◦. Besides, We don’t bind α(t) and y¯(t), and keep the vehicle speed around 36 km/h.
由于我们不需要对车辆系统进行建模,因此在这里系统阶数 n n n 是未知的。因此,我们给系统阶数指定一个上限 v v v,并设置 v = 6 v = 6 v=6 来替代算法中的 n n n。此外,我们设置基本预测范围 L = 24 L = 24 L=24,使得预测范围 L + v = 30 L + v = 30 L+v=30。权重矩阵设置为 Q = I p Q = I_p Q=Ip R = 1 0 − 2 ⋅ I m R = 10^{-2} \cdot I_m R=102Im,并且 λ = 1 ⋅ 1 0 − 3 \lambda = 1 \cdot 10^{-3} λ=1103。为了满足车辆的安全和舒适性要求,我们设置 u min = − 1. 5 ∘ u_{\text{min}} = -1.5^\circ umin=1.5 u max = + 1. 5 ∘ u_{\text{max}} = +1.5^\circ umax=+1.5。此外,我们不对 α ( t ) \alpha(t) α(t) y ˉ ( t ) \bar{y}(t) yˉ(t) 进行约束,并保持车辆速度在大约36公里/小时。
A dual-lane switching scenario shown in Fig. 2 is selected as the simulation experiment case. Additionally, the experiments are conducted using PID and vehicle kinematics MPC control algorithms in the same scenario and the comparative analysis is performed with the results of the Data-driven MPC experiments to demonstrate the advantages of the application of it in vehicle steering control.
选择了 图2 所示的双车道变换场景作为仿真实验案例。此外,在同一场景下使用PID和车辆运动学MPC控制算法进行实验,并将这些结果与数据驱动MPC实验的结果进行比较分析,以展示数据驱动MPC在车辆转向控制中应用的优势。

C. Results Analysis

Fig. 4 shows the variation of the left and right front wheel steering angles over time under the control of DDMPC. As can be seen, the trends of the left and right front wheel steering angles are almost identical and change smoothly without severe fluctuations, remaining −5◦ to +5◦. This indicates that the algorithm allows for stable lane changes without excessively aggressive steering maneuvers, ensuring vehicle stability and comfort. Moreover, DDMPC can respond quickly in turning scenarios, ensuring vehicle control safety during emergency lane changes.
图4 显示了在数据驱动MPC控制下左右前轮转向角度随时间的变化。可以看出,左右前轮转向角度的趋势几乎相同,变化平稳,没有剧烈波动,保持在-5°到+5°之间。这表明该算法允许在不采取过于激进的转向操作的情况下稳定地变换车道确保车辆的稳定性和舒适性。此外,DDMPC在转弯场景中能够快速响应,确保在紧急变道时的车辆控制安全。
To verify the practical value for steering control of DDMPC, we compared it with PID and vehicle kinematics MPC algorithms. Fig. 3 and Fig. 5 show the global trajectory and tracking error of the three algorithms in the same scenario. All three algorithms can achieve trajectory tracking within a certain error range. However, the vehicle kinematics MPC and PID algorithms exhibit vehicle deviation from the track during the curve-to-straight transition, whereas DDMPC ensures a quick response in steering angles during this transition, allowing the vehicle to follow the desired trajectory continuously. Additionally, as shown in Fig. 5, the error variation range of DDMPC is relatively small and generally maintained between −0.1 m and 0.2 m with almost no outliers, which indicates that there are almost no severe deviations.
为了验证DDMPC在转向控制方面的实际价值,我们将其与PID和车辆运动学MPC算法进行了比较。图3图5 显示了这三种算法在同一场景下的全局轨迹和跟踪误差。所有三种算法都能在一定误差范围内实现轨迹跟踪。然而,车辆运动学MPC和PID算法在曲线到直线的过渡过程中表现出车辆偏离轨迹的情况而DDMPC在这种过渡期间能够快速响应转向角度,使车辆能够连续跟随期望轨迹。此外,如 图5 所示,DDMPC的误差变化范围相对较小,通常保持在-0.1米到0.2米之间,几乎没有异常值,这表明几乎没有严重的偏离
From Fig. 6, it can be observed that the computation time of DDMPC is almost half that of the vehicle kinematics MPC, since the computation time of it is only related to the data volume N and the prediction horizon L + v, and not to the complexity of the system. This shows that we can ensure control accuracy while minimizing computation time by choosing appropriate values for N, L, and v.
图6 可以看出,DDMPC的计算时间几乎是车辆运动学MPC的一半因为其计算时间只与数据量 N N N 和预测范围 L + v L + v L+v 有关,而与系统的复杂性无关。这表明我们可以通过为 N 、 L 和 v N、L 和 v NLv 选择适当的值,在确保控制精度的同时最小化计算时间


In this study, we researched the existing Data-driven Model Predictive Control method proposed by [18]–[21] and apply it to steering control of autonomous vehicle. Our experiments demonstrated that the algorithm could achieve stable front wheel angle control for tracking the reference trajectory, and compared to traditional MPC algorithms, it effectively reduces control errors and computation time. For more demonstrations of the effects of the experimental section go to: https://john0915aaa.github.io/DDMPC-for-AV-steering/.
Our future work will focus on enhancing the algorithm’s robustness and real-time adaptability to further improve its effectiveness in diverse driving conditions.




Elasticsearch 架构及 Lucene 索引结构原理入门

文章目录 Elasticsearch 整体架构Lucene 索引结构Lucene 倒排索引核心原理倒排索引倒排表(Posting List) Elasticsearch 整体架构 一个 ES Index 在集群模式下,有多个Node(节点)组成,每个节点就是ES的 inst…


进程间的通信 为什么需要进程间通信? 操作系统中的进程隔离机制确保了各个进程在独立的内存空间中运行,并通过严格的机制防止进程间的非法访问。然而,在某些场景下,进程间的通信(Inter-process Communication, IPC&a…


直线导轨在使用过程中,润滑是非常重要的一环,它能够减少摩擦、降低磨损、防止腐蚀,并提高导轨的精度和使用寿命。润滑脂和润滑油是两种常用的润滑剂,它们各自有不同的特点和适用场景。 润滑脂是由基础油、增稠剂和添加剂组成的半固…


目录 一、结构分析 二、配置图表各部分 1.名称及排序 2.进度条绘制 3.数据末端圆形绘制 (1)基本配置 (2)数据 (3)坐标轴配置 (4)点的样式 (5)项的样…


前言 仅记录学习过程,有问题欢迎讨论 边缘提取(涉及语义分割): 图象的边缘是指图象局部区域亮度变化显著的部分,也有正负之分,暗到亮为正 求边缘的幅度:sobel,Canny算子 图像分高频分量和低…


👨‍🎓博主简介 🏅CSDN博客专家   🏅云计算领域优质创作者   🏅华为云开发者社区专家博主   🏅阿里云开发者社区专家博主 💊交流社区:运维交流社区 欢迎大家的加入&#xff01…


sgFileLink源代码 <template><div :class"$options.name"><el-link click.stop"clickFile(data)"><img :src"getSrc(data)" /><span>{{ getFileNameAndSize(data) }}</span></el-link><el-linkcl…


如果你用vscode远程在服务器上办公&#xff0c;有一天你用了&#xff1a; rm -rf *然后你发现你的文件不见了&#xff0c;不要着急。 这种方法只适用于不多的几个文件。 这个时候你要做的是&#xff0c;查看右侧的1&#xff1a; 从1里面查找你删除的文件&#xff0c;然后点…

IoTDB 报错 There are no available SchemaRegionGroup RegionGroups currently

现象 现象1&#xff1a; 现象2&#xff1a;时序数据库 IoTDB 系统遇到了一个持续增长的 schema_region 目录问题&#xff0c;导致频繁出现内存溢出&#xff08;OutOfMemory&#xff09;错误。在路径 data/datanode/consensus/schema_region 下&#xff0c;系统每分钟都会创建多…


使用ERA5数据绘制风向玫瑰图的简易流程 今天需要做一个2017年-2023年的平均风向的统计,做一个风向玫瑰图&#xff0c;想到的还是高分辨率的ERA5land的数据&#xff08;0.1分辨率&#xff0c;逐小时分辨率&#xff0c;1950年至今&#xff09;。 风向&#xff0c;我分为了16个&…

hbuilder 安卓app手机调试中基座如何设置

app端使用基座 手机在线预览功能 1.点击运行 2.点击运行到手机或者模拟器 3.制作自定义调试基座 4.先生成证书【可以看我上一篇文档写的有】&#xff0c;点击打包 5.打包出android自定义调试基座【android_debug.apk】,【就跟app打包一样需要等个几分钟】 6.点击运行到手…


一、前言 用ffmpeg做硬解码开发&#xff0c;参考自带的示例hw_decode.c即可&#xff0c;里面提供了通用的dxva2/d3d11va/vaapi这种系统层面封装的硬解码&#xff0c;也就是无需区分用的何种显卡&#xff0c;操作系统自动调度&#xff0c;基本上满足了各种场景的需要&#xff0…


Photoshop提示错误弹窗“DLL缺失”&#xff1a;原因分析与解决方案 在创意设计与图像处理领域&#xff0c;Photoshop无疑是众多专业人士和爱好者的首选工具。然而&#xff0c;在使用Photoshop的过程中&#xff0c;有时会遇到一些令人头疼的问题&#xff0c;比如突然弹出的错误…

EXCEL 数据透视表基础操作

目录 1 选择数据&#xff0c;插入数据透视表 2 选择数据透视表生成位置 3 出现了数据透视表的面板 4 数据透视表的基本结构认识 4.1 交叉表/列联表 4.2 row, column, cell 一个新增的筛选器&#xff0c;就这么简单 4.3 可以只添加 rowcell/值 &#xff0c;也可以colu…


引言 在使用生成式AI时&#xff0c;只要你提出让AI帮你生成mermaid图&#xff0c;AI的生成就会出现丰富的图形&#xff01; 在现代文档编写中&#xff0c;图表的使用不仅能增强文档的可读性&#xff0c;还能更直观地表达复杂的概念和流程。Mermaid 作为一款开源的图表绘制工具…

iOS runtime总结数据结构,消息传递、转发和应用场景

runtime篇 首先看一下runtiem底层的数据结构 首先从objc_class这么一个结构体&#xff08;数据结构&#xff09;开始&#xff0c;objc_class继承于objc_object。 objc_object当中有一个成员变量叫isa_t&#xff0c;那么这个isa_t指针就指向一个objc_class类型的类对象&#xff…

前端编辑器JSON HTML等,vue2-ace-editor,vue3-ace-editor

与框架无关 vue2-ace-editor有问题&#xff0c;ace拿不到&#xff08;brace&#xff09; 一些组件都是基于ace-builds或者brace包装的 不如直接用下面的&#xff0c;不如直接使用下面的 <template><div ref"editor" class"json-editor"><…


QT 学习系列 QT&#xff1a;在线安装与离线安装 QT 学习系列一、安装&#xff08;一&#xff09;离线安装windows系统Linux 系统Mac 系统 &#xff08;二&#xff09;在线安装 二、 环境变量配置三、验证总结 一、安装 &#xff08;一&#xff09;离线安装 windows系统 获取…



Java-DataX 插件机制示例

示例代码 DataXPluginExample: DataX 项目的plugin 机制学习https://gitee.com/wendgit/data-xplugin-example/ 摘要 DataXPluginExample 是一个我编写的专门解读DataX插件机制的示例项目&#xff0c;旨在深入解析和掌握DataX的插件机制。本示例通过简洁明了的实现方式&#…