AUTOSAR 汽车开放系统架构



AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a global partnership of leading companies in the automotive and software industry to develop and establish the standardized software framework and open E/E system architecture for intelligent mobility.

AUTOSAR(汽车开放系统架构)是汽车和软件行业领先公司之间的全球合作伙伴关系,旨在开发和建立智能移动的标准化软件框架和开放式 E/E 系统架构。

Nine companies founded the AUTOSAR partnership to consolidate the expertise of partner companies in the automotive industries and define an automotive open system architecture standard to support the needs of future automotive applications

九家公司成立了 AUTOSAR 合作伙伴关系,旨在整合合作伙伴公司在汽车行业的专业知识,并定义汽车开放系统架构标准,以支持未来汽车应用的需求

Standards 标准

The primary goal of the AUTOSAR development partnership is the standardization of basic system functions and functional interfaces. Find out more about our standards.

AUTOSAR 开发合作伙伴关系的主要目标是实现基本系统功能和功能接口的标准化。详细了解我们的标准。

AUTOSAR Classic Platform

The AUTOSAR Classic Platform is a software platform with a layered software architecture defined by AUTOSAR which is used for deeply embedded systems and application software with high requirements for predictability, safety, security and responsiveness. It distinguishes at the highest level of abstraction between three software layers running on a microcontroller: Application, Runtime Environment (RTE) and Basic Software (BSW), and provides a modular and scalable approach to software development.

AUTOSAR Classic 平台是一个由 AUTOSAR 定义的分层软件架构的软件平台,用于对可预测性、安全性、保密性和响应性有较高要求的深度嵌入式系统和应用软件。它在最高抽象级别区分了在微控制器上运行的三个软件层:应用程序、运行时环境 (RTE) 和基础软件 (BSW),并为软件开发提供了模块化和可扩展的方法。

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform

The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform implements the AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications (ARA) and consists of functional clusters grouped into Services and the AUTOSAR Adaptive Basis. It provides two types of interfaces, Services and APIs, and is the AUTOSAR solution for high-performance ECUs to build safety-related systems. The platform is designed to meet the requirements of highly automated vehicles and supports dynamic updates and reconfigurations of software systems.

AUTOSAR 自适应平台实现了自适应应用的 AUTOSAR 运行时 (ARA),由分为服务和 AUTOSAR 自适应基础的功能集群组成。它提供两种类型的接口,即服务和 API,是高性能 ECU 构建安全相关系统的 AUTOSAR 解决方案。该平台旨在满足高度自动化车辆的要求,并支持软件系统的动态更新和重新配置。

The AUTOSAR Foundation Standard

The AUTOSAR Foundation Standard is intended to ensure interoperability between AUTOSAR platforms and contains common requirements and technical specifications (e.g. protocols) that are used by the other AUTOSAR standards. Special attention was paid to the interoperability of the AUTOSAR classic and adaptive platform standards. Accordingly, the generic artifacts of these two platforms are included. In addition, the standard also provides artifacts that enable compatibility between non-AUTOSAR and AUTOSAR platforms.

AUTOSAR 基础标准旨在确保 AUTOSAR 平台之间的互操作性,并包含其他 AUTOSAR 标准使用的通用要求和技术规范(例如协议)。特别关注 AUTOSAR 经典和自适应平台标准的互操作性。因此,这两个平台的通用工件也包括在内。此外,该标准还提供实现非 AUTOSAR 和 AUTOSAR 平台之间兼容性的工件。

The AUTOSAR application interfaces

The AUTOSAR application interfaces are standardized signals of the application software that can be used by applications to communicate with each other. This standardization allows applications from different manufacturers to be combined with each other or an application from one manufacturer to be reused in different projects. The standardization is carried out in terms of syntax and semantics for the various vehicle domains. In addition, AUTOSAR defines implementation patterns for the provision of certain signals from the sensor data.

AUTOSAR 应用程序接口是应用软件的标准化信号,应用程序可以使用这些信号相互通信。这种标准化允许来自不同制造商的应用程序相互组合,或允许来自同一制造商的应用程序在不同项目中重复使用。标准化是针对不同车辆域的语法和语义进行的。此外,AUTOSAR 还定义了提供来自传感器数据的某些信号的实施模式。

Classic Platform


The AUTOSAR Classic Platform architecture distinguishes on the highest abstraction level between three software layers which run on a microcontroller: application, runtime environment (RTE) and basic software (BSW).

  • The application software layer is mostly hardware independent.
  • Communication between software components and access to BSW via RTE.
  • The RTE represents the full interface for applications.
  • The BSW is divided in three major layers and complex drivers:
    • Services, ECU (Electronic Control Unit) abstraction and microcontroller abstraction.
  • Services are divided furthermore into functional groups representing the infrastructure for system, memory and communication services.



One essential concept is the virtual functional bus (VFB). This virtual bus decouples the applications from the infrastructure. It communicates via dedicated ports, which means that the communication interfaces of the application software must be mapped to these ports. The VFB handles communication both within the individual ECU and between ECUs. From an application point of view, no detailed knowledge of lower-level technologies or dependencies is required. This supports hardware-independent development and usage of application software.

The AUTOSAR layered architecture is offering all the mechanisms needed for software and hardware independence. It distinguishes between three main software layers which run on a Microcontroller (µC): application layer, runtime environment (RTE), and basic software (BSW).

The applications of the different automotive domains interface the basic software by means of the RTE.

In addition to defining architecture and interfaces, AUTOSAR also defines a methodology which enables the configuration of the complete AUTOSAR stack and enhances interoperability between different tool chains. On the one hand this is important for the collaboration within development projects and on the other hand this is important to cut down development costs.


The main concept of the standardized ECU software architecture is the separation of hardware-independent application software and hardware-oriented basic software (BSW) by means of the software abstraction layer RTE (runtime environment). On the upper side of the RTE, this abstraction layer enables the development of OEM-specific and competitive software applications. On the lower side of the RTE, it enables the standardization and OEM-independence of basic software. Further characteristics of the AUTOSAR software architecture are the scalability of ECU software for several car lines and variants, the possibility to distribute applications (functional software modules) across ECUs, and the ability to integrate software modules from different sources.

The basic software within the AUTOSAR software architecture is further divided into the following layers: services, ECU abstraction, and microcontroller abstraction. The separation of the application layer from the basic software, realized by the RTE, includes the control of the data exchange between these layers. This forms the basis for a component-oriented, hardware-independent software structure on application level, with software components (SWCs) as individual units. Because of their hardware independence, it is thus possible to develop SWCs without specific knowledge of the hardware used or planned, as well as to flexibly relocate existing SWCs to ECUs during development.

Methodology and Templates

In addition to a software architecture, AUTOSAR introduced a harmonized methodology approach for the development of automotive software. This is mainly driven by the need to improve the collaboration between the different parties involved in today’s automotive projects.  

AUTOSAR provides means to specify all aspects necessary to integrate a software component on an ECU and to integrate different ECUs to the whole network communication over a variety of different bus systems. The methodology defines the dependencies of activities on work products and is foreseen to support activities, descriptions and usage of tools in AUTOSAR.

The descriptions (.arxml) are based on the AUTOSAR Templates which define the formal exchange format (AUTOSAR Schema) and the semantic constraints which go along with the exchange format.  The descriptions are used to hold the information that is produced or consumed in the AUTOSAR methodology. Various generators can utilize the information from the descriptions to support the configuration and generation of the RTE and the AUTOSAR basic software (including the operating system).





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