论文概览 |《Urban Analytics and City Science》2023.05 Vol.50 Issue.4

本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年5月第50卷第4期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括19篇SCI论文!


Data analytics and sustainable urban development in global cities



With the majority of the planet’s population now living in cities and urbanisation continuing apace, especially in Africa and Asia, the 21st century is the Urban Age with cities as the primary sites of risk and opportunity. Climate emergencies, vast social inequalities, political upheaval and health crises hit urban areas particularly hard. Yet, technological and social innovations, new politics and economic formations, and novel knowledge – including that generated using digital data and data analytics – disproportionally emerge from and circulate among urban areas. Seen in this light, it is no surprise that one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is devoted specifically to cities: SDG 11 is about Sustainable Cities and Communities. For the UN, making cities sustainable involves, among others, means “creating career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways” (SDG 11).


随着地球上大多数人现在居住在城市和城市化继续快速发展,特别是在非洲和亚洲,21世纪是城市时代,城市既是风险的主要场所,也是机遇的主要场所。气候紧急情况、巨大的社会不平等、政治动荡和健康危机对城市地区造成特别严重的影响。然而,技术和社会创新、新的政治和经济形式以及新颖的知识——包括使用数字数据和数据分析生成的知识——主要源自城市地区并在城市地区之间流通。从这个角度看,联合国专门致力于一个可持续发展目标(SDG 11)来处理城市问题就不足为奇了。对于联合国来说,使城市可持续涉及“创造职业和商业机会、安全和负担得起的住房以及建设有复原力的社会和经济体系。它涉及公共交通的投资、创建绿色公共空间、以参与性和包容性的方式改善城市规划和管理工作”(SDG 11)。






Seraphim Alvanides,英国纽卡斯尔,英国



Modelling and simulating ‘informal urbanization’: An integrated agent-based and cellular automata model of urbanresidential growth in Ghana



The global urban population is expected to grow by 2.5 billion over the next three decades, and 90% of this growth will occur in African and Asian countries. Urban expansion in these regions is often characterised by ‘informal urbanization’ whereby households self-build without planning permission in contexts of ambiguous, insecure or disputed property rights. Despite the scale of informal urbanization, it has received little attention from scholars working in the domains of urban analytics and city science. Towards addressing this gap, we introduce TI-City, an urban growth model designed to predict the locations, legal status and socio-economic status of future residential developments in an African city. In a bottom-up approach, we use agent-based and cellular automata modelling techniques to predict the geospatial behaviour of key urban development actors, including households, real estate developers and government. We apply the model to the city-region of Accra, Ghana, drawing on local data collection, including a household survey, to parameterise the model. Using a multi-spatial-scale validation technique, we compare TI-City’s ability to simulate historically observed built-up patterns with SLEUTH, a highly popular urban growth model. Results show that TI-City outperforms SLEUTH at each scale, suggesting the model could offer a valuable decision support tool in similar city contexts.










Using mobile phone big data to discover the spatial patterns of rural migrant workers’ return to work in China’s three urban agglomerations in the post-COVID-19 era



Knowing how workers return to work is a key policymaking issue for economic recovery in the post-COVID-19 era. This paper uses country-wide time-series mobile phone big data (comparing monthly and annual figures), obtained between February 2019 and October 2019 and between February 2020 and October 2020, to discover the spatial patterns of rural migrant workers’ (RMWs’) return to work in China’s three urban agglomerations (UAs): the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. Spatial patterns of RMWs’ return to work and how these patterns vary with location, city level and human attribute were investigated using the fine-scale social sensing related to post-pandemic human mobility. The results confirmed the multidimensional spatiotemporal differentiations, interaction effects between variable pairs and effects of the actual situation on the changing patterns of RMWs’ return to work. The spatial patterns of RMWs’ return to work in China’s major three UAs can be regarded as a comprehensive and complex interaction result accompanying the nationwide population redistribution, which was affected by various hidden factors. Our findings provide crucial implications and suggestions for data-informed policy decisions for a harmonious society in the post-COVID-19 era.


了解工人如何重返工作岗位是后covid -19时代经济复苏的关键决策问题。本文利用2019年2月至2019年10月和2020年2月至2020年10月的全国时间序列手机大数据(比较月度和年度数据),探讨了京津冀、长三角和珠三角三个城市群的农民工返乡空间格局。利用与大流行后人类流动相关的精细尺度社会感知,研究了农民工回归工作的空间格局,以及这些格局如何随地点、城市级别和人的属性而变化。研究结果证实了多维时空分异、变量对之间的交互效应以及实际情况对农民工返工变化模式的影响。中国三大区域农民工回流空间格局可以看作是伴随全国人口再分配的综合复杂的相互作用结果,受多种隐性因素的影响。我们的研究结果为后covid -19时代构建和谐社会的数据决策提供了重要意义和建议。




Pengjun Zhao,现任北京大学城市规划与设计学院院长、教授。他是《城市》杂志的主编。主要研究方向为城市与交通规划、城市建模


A microsimulation of spatial inequality in energy access: A bayesian multi-level modelling approach for urban India



Access to sustained clean cooking in India is essential to addressing the health burden of indoor air pollution from biomass fuels, but spatial inequality in cities can adversely affect uptake and effectiveness of policies amongst low-income households. Limited data exists on the spatial distribution of energy use in Indian cities, particularly amongst low-income households, and most quantitative studies focus primarily on the effect of economic determinants. A microsimulation approach is proposed, using publicly available data and a Bayesian multi-level model to account for effects of current cooking practices (at a household scale), local socio-cultural context and spatial effects (at a city ward scale). This approach offers previously unavailable insight into the spatial distribution of fuel use and residential energy transition within Indian cities. Uncertainty arising from heterogeneity in the population is factored into fuel use estimates through use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. The model is applied to four cities in the South Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and comparison against ward-level survey data shows consistency with the model estimates. Ward-level effects exemplify how specific wards compare to the city average and to other urban areas in the state, which can help stakeholders design and implement clean cooking interventions tailored to the needs of those households.











Understanding and predicting the occurrence of void street interfaces



Void street interfaces (VSIs) – building plinths with restricted visual interaction, accessibility, and public use – constitute an urban feature often associated with undermining the public domain, limiting free access and preventing interaction between social groups. Moreover, VSIs have been described as products of inequality designed to segregate and hinder integration between public and private urban spaces. This study assesses VSIs across six cities in Brazil, a country notable for its profound inequality and sociospatial fragmentation. The main aims of this research are: (i) to develop and test a predictive model for VSIs using socioeconomic indicators drawn from open-source ground-truth data; (ii) to identify the variance of VSI within selected case studies. In the development phase of the predictive model, data from the city of Recife are used to build the model. The testing phase involves the analysis of VSIs in the cities of Fortaleza, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba and Porto Alegre. The model can potentially assist urban planners in better understanding and locating VSIs and mitigating undesirable outcomes.


街道接口的空洞(Void Street Interfaces,简称VSI)——具有限制视觉互动、无障碍和公共使用的建筑基座——构成了一种常见的城市特征,通常与削弱公共领域、限制自由访问和阻碍社会群体之间的互动有关。此外,VSI被描述为不平等的设计产物,旨在隔离和阻碍公共和私人城市空间之间的融合。本研究评估了巴西六个城市的VSI,该国显著的特点是存在深刻的不平等和社会空间碎片化。这项研究的主要目的是:(i)使用来自公开源代码地面实况数据的社经指标来开发和测试VSI的预测模型;(ii)在选定案例研究中确定VSI的变异。在预测模型的开发阶段,使用累西腓市的数据来建立模型。测试阶段涉及对福塔雷萨、萨尔瓦多、贝洛奥里藏特、库里蒂巴和阿拉哥斯等城市VSI的分析。该模型可帮助城市规划者更好地了解和定位VSI以及减轻不希望的结果。







Unfolding time, race and class inequalities to access leisure



The access to leisure activities is an important element to understand the potential participation and integration of individuals in the society. Despite its importance, urban planners in large urban centers in developing countries seek to prioritize access to mandatory activities. This study quantifies the accessibility to leisure and its inequalities in the municipality of São Paulo, considering the opening hours of leisure opportunities and racial and class population groups. Tracking data from buses and TomTom speed profile were used in the public and the private transport networks, respectively, to analyze and compare accessibility to parks and cultural equipment. A multitemporal analysis was performed to better understand the fluctuation of accessibility to leisure through different hours considering the opening hours of parks and cultural equipment. The population was stratified into four groups according to race and class (higher black, higher white, lower black, and lower white) to perform accessibility inequalities analysis. Results show that accessibility to leisure is higher for private transport users, it decreases from the central to the peripheral areas, and it changes significantly during the day due to traffic conditions, transit supply, and leisure opportunities opening hours. The Lorenz curves, Gini, and the Palma coefficients showed a highly unequal level of accessibility to leisure for different population groups, with the low-black population having the lowest level of leisure accessibility. Our findings may support policy makers in designing strategies to provide more spatial equity in the access to leisure opportunities.









Measuring the local complementarity of population, amenities and digital activities to identify and understand urban areas of interest



Identifying and understanding areas of interest are essential for urban planning. These areas are normally defined from static features of the resident population and urban amenities. Research has emphasised the importance of human mobility activity to capture the changing nature of these areas throughout the day, and the use of digital applications to reflect the increasing integration between material and online activities. Drawing on mobile phone data, this paper develops a novel approach to identify areas of interest based on the degree of complementarity of digital activities, available amenities and population levels. As a case study, we focus on the largest urban agglomeration of Chile, Santiago, where we identify three distinctive groups of areas: those concentrating (1) high availability of amenities; (2) high diversity of amenities and digital activities; and (3) areas lacking amenities, yet, presenting high usage of digital leisure and mobility applications. These findings identify areas where digital activities and local amenities play a complementary role in association with local population levels, and provide data-driven insights into the structure of material and digital activities in urban spaces that may characterise large Latin American cities.






Eduardo Graells-Garrido是智利大学计算机科学系助理教授,专长领域包括城市信息学、信息可视化以及计算社会科学。

Rossano Schifanella是都灵大学计算机科学副教授和ISI基金会研究员,也是社会影响和可持续性数据科学小组的成员。他的研究涵盖了机器学习、城市科学、计算社会科学、复杂系统和数据可视化等多个学科。

Daniela Opitz是智利大学数据科学研究所助理教授,专长领域为智能城市、数字鸿沟和计算机视觉。

Francisco Rowe是利物浦大学地理和规划系人文定量地理学高级讲师,专长领域为国内和国际迁移、人类流动和计算社会科学。


Are neighbourhood amenities associated with more walking and less driving? Yes, but predominantly for the wealthy



Cities are home to a vast array of amenities, from local barbers to science museums and shopping malls. But these are unequally distributed across urban space. Using Google Places data combined with trip-based mobility data for Bogotá, Colombia, we shed light on the impact of neighbourhood amenities on urban mobility patterns. By deriving a new accessibility metric that explicitly takes into account spatial range, we find that a higher density of local amenities is associated with a higher likelihood of walking as well as shorter bus and car trips. Digging deeper, we use an effect modification framework to show that this relationship varies by socioeconomic status. Our main focus is walking and driving, finding that amenities within about a 1-km radius from home are robustly associated with a higher propensity to walk and shorter driving time only for the wealthiest group. These results suggest that wealthier groups may weigh the proximity of local amenities more heavily into travel decisions, perhaps based on differentiated time-money trade-offs. As cities globally aim to boost public transport and green travel, these findings enable us to better understand how commercial structure shapes urban mobility in highly income-segregated settings.











A network-based analysis to assess COVID-19 disruptions in the Bogotá BRT system



The global COVID-19 crisis has severely affected mass transit in the cities of the global south. Fear of widespread propagation in public spaces and the dramatic decrease in human mobility due to lockdowns have resulted in a significant reduction of public transport options. We analyze the case of TransMilenio in Bogotá, a massive Bus Rapid Transit system that is the main mode of transport for an urban area of roughly 10 million inhabitants. Concerns over social distancing and new health regulations reduced the number of trips to under 20% of its historical values during extended periods of time during the lockdowns. This has sparked a renewed interest in developing innovative data-driven responses to COVID-19 resulting in large corpora of TransMilenio data being made available to the public. In this paper we use a database updated daily with individual passenger card swipe validation microdata including entry time, entry station, and a hash of the card’s ID. The opportunity of having daily detailed minute-to-minute ridership information and the challenge of extracting useful insights from the massive amount of raw data (∼1,000,000 daily records) require the development of tailored data analysis approaches. Our objective is to use the natural representation of urban mobility offered by networks to make pairwise quantitative similarity measurements between daily commuting patterns and then use clustering techniques to reveal behavioral disruptions as well as the most affected geographical areas due to the different pandemic stages. This method proved to be efficient for the analysis of large amount of data and may be used in the future to make temporal analysis of similarly large datasets in urban contexts.









Evaluating the impact of water protection policy on urban growth: A case study of Jiaxing



Source water protection can be a greater challenge in cities where the hydric resource is deeply embedded within a rapidly growing urban area. In these types of cities, the delimitation of protection areas along water resources, as one of the main mechanisms for water resource protection, has a direct impact on the way the urban form evolves. On the one hand, narrow protection areas may not be enough to guarantee that the built city does not affect water levels and quality. On the other hand, wide protection areas can result in a fragmented city, with low levels of accessibility and tendencies towards dispersed and disorderly growth. In this article we use the city of Jiaxing, China, as a case study to determine what the optimal size of water protection areas might be. For this, we use two urban growth models and simulate various urban growth scenarios between 2020 and 2040. The results indicate that a protection area of 400 m guarantees a good level of protection of the water resource and a sufficient availability of land that allows an efficient urban growth.


在水利资源深埋于快速发展的城市地区的城市中,水源保护可能是一个更大的挑战。在这类城市中,沿水资源保护区的划定作为水资源保护的主要机制之一,直接影响着城市形态的演变方式。一方面,狭窄的保护区可能不足以保证建成的城市不影响水位和水质。另一方面,广泛的保护区可能导致城市碎片化,可达性水平低,并倾向于分散和无序增长。在本文中,我们以中国嘉兴市为例来确定水保护区的最佳规模。为此,我们使用了两种城市增长模型,并模拟了2020年至2040年间不同的城市增长情景。结果表明,400 m的保护区保证了良好的水资源保护水平和足够的土地可用性,使城市有效发展。




ChengHe Guan,上海市城市设计与城市科学重点实验室(LOUD)的创始联合主任。他是上海纽约大学城市科学与政策助理教授,纽约大学罗伯特·f·瓦格纳公共服务研究生院全球网络助理教授和博士顾问。关博士在城乡空间规划领域被上海高等学校评为“东方”特聘教授。关博士的研究与当前城市面临的挑战和机遇密切相关,并形成了一系列关于计算城市科学规划(CUSP)的研究主题。


Estimating the effects of urban green regions in terms of diffusion



The interaction between cities and their respective green regions corresponds to an interesting issue that has received growing attention over the last decades. These relationships have multiple natures, ranging from providing habitat for animal life to temperature and humidity dynamics. Several methods based on area, size, shape, and distance have been considered in the literature. Given that several important contributions of green regions to urban areas involve temperature, humidity, and gases exchanges, which are intrinsically related to physical diffusion, it becomes particularly interesting to simulate the diffusion of green effects over urban areas as a means of better understanding the respective influences. The present work reports a related approach. Once the green regions of a given city are automatically identified by semantic segmentation and have eventual artifacts eliminated, successive convolutions are applied as a means to obtain the unfolding of the diffusion of the green effects along time. As illustrated, the diffusion dynamics is intrinsically interesting because it can be strongly affected by the spatial distribution of the green mass. In particular, we observed that smaller green regions could substantially contribute to the diffusion. The reported approach has been illustrated with respect to the Brazilian city of Ribeirão Preto, whose small- and medium-sized green regions were found to complement in an effective manner the diffusion of the green effects as inferred from the performed simulations under specific parameter settings.












罗伯托·M·塞萨尔-Jr是圣保罗大学计算机科学系的一名正教授,从事数据科学研究中心的工作,曾任圣保罗大学eScience研究中心主任和计算机科学系主任。他曾担任图像与视觉计算以及信号、图像和视频处理等期刊的编委会成员,是会议和研讨会的主席和邀请发言人(Sibgrapi 2003、CIARP 2010、Sibgrapi 2011;SHAPES 2.0 - 2012、eSon - IEEE eScience 2013、IEEE eScience 2014)。他在计算机科学领域有丰富的经验,尤其在计算机视觉、机器学习和人工智能方面。


Housing price indices from online listing data: Addressing the spatial bias with sampling weights



This paper proposes a method to reduce the inherent sampling bias when estimating housing price indices using online listing data. Producing more accurate and representative metrics is important as new sources of data emerge with higher frequency, detail, and volume, providing more information for policymaking, but usually come with strong sampling biases that are often overlooked. In the case of housing price indices, although the literature around its estimation is abundant, it has concentrated only in traditional and formal sources of housing data, which is normally not available in some markets (i.e. renting) and locations (developing countries). In this paper, I propose a method to create a housing price index (HPI) that is comparable in quality to the industry-standard Case-Shiller HPI but using online listing data. Using online listing data from a developing economy (Chile), this paper shows that large sampling biases present when using raw unweighted data, how these biases can be minimized using sampling weights, and how new and relevant information can be obtained from adjusted HPIs that can lead better policymaking.






Esteban Lopez Ochoa是德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校城市与区域规划系的助理教授。他的研究致力于利用更广泛的可获取“更大”数据来研究住房、劳动力和教育问题,这些问题导致社区空间不平等的不公平负担,无论是在美国还是拉丁美洲的背景下。


Measuring the superblock based on a hierarchy matrix of geometry, configuration, network, and area: The case of Nanjing



A superblock is a core unit of the built form of an old city in China, in which various morphological elements are organized and related through a hierarchical structure. Existing quantitative studies are generally limited to a single perspective or object and do not support the classification of morphological types through comprehensive analysis methods. In this study, a new cognitive framework, the hierarchy matrix, is presented to bridge this knowledge gap. It consists of four dimensions: configuration of network, geometry of network, configuration of area, and geometry of area. These dimensions are formed by the intersection of the two coordinates of perspective and object. Based on their measurement, the overall characteristics of the superblocks are represented and compared through matrix diagrams. Subsequently, the validity and adaptability of this quantitative approach are verified through an empirical analysis of Nanjing’s old city superblocks. The results reveal the morphological type of superblocks, and their causes are analyzed through the correlation with the urban environmental background. hierarchy matrix is potentially a useful method for studying the complex emerging built form of rapidly changing cities, especially in developing countries, such as China. The hierarchical matrix method is not only an analysis tool but also has the potential to develop an evaluation method to provide scientific support for the practice of urban renewal.






Yacheng Song,博士,东南大学建筑学院讲师。从事城市设计的教学、研究和实践。他注重对城市形态学方法的改进和优化,分析中国的城市形态,并将其应用于城市设计实践。近期研究方向为城市街区形态复杂性的定量描述方法。


Income-related spatial concentration of individual social capital in cities



Social connections that span across diverse urban neighborhoods can support prosperity by mobilizing social capital. However, there is limited evidence on the spatial structure of individual social capital inside cities. This paper demonstrates that social capital measured by online social connections is spatially more concentrated for residents of lower-income neighborhoods than for residents of higher-income neighborhoods. We map the micro-geography of individual online social networks in the 50 largest metropolitan areas of the United States using a large-scale geolocalized Twitter dataset. We analyze the spatial dimension of individual social capital by the share of friends, closed triangles, and share of supported ties within circles of short distance radii (1, 3, 5, and 10 km) around users’ home location. We compare residents from below-median income neighborhoods with above-median income neighborhoods, and find that users living in relatively poorer neighborhoods have a significantly higher share of connections in close proximity. Moreover, their network is more cohesive and supported within a short distance from their home. These patterns prevail across the 50 largest US metropolitan areas with only a few exceptions. The found disparities in the micro-geographic concentration of social capital can feed segregation and income inequality within cities constraining social circles of low-income residents.











Let’s discuss our city! Engaging youth in the co-creation of living environments with digital serious geogames and gamified storytelling



This article concentrates on ways in which novel playful technologies can engage youth in co-creation of living environments. The presented study focuses on five selected prototypes of serious digital geogames and gamified storytelling that were developed specifically for younger generations of users. The analysis concentrates on reviewing their goals, game story, outcomes, and the results of testing serious digital geogames prototypes with youth. It leads to a set of identified urban planning engagement forms that can be well supported with the help of serious digital geogames. They include exploring landscapes, learning about places, learning about specific topics, reconstructing the past, envisioning the future, connecting with action projects, and communicating. The article concludes with the discussion of the main findings and perspectives for further research.










Exploring large-scale spatial distribution of fear of crime by integrating small sample surveys and massive street view images



A tremendous amount of research use questionnaires to obtain individuals’ fear of crime and aggregate it to the neighborhood level to measure the spatial distribution of fear of crime. However, the cost of using questionnaires to measure the large-scale spatial distribution of fear of crime is high. The built environment is known to influence people’s perceptions, including fear of crime. This study develops a machine learning model to link built environment extracted from street view images to fear of crime obtained from questionnaires, and then applies this model to extrapolate fear of crime for neighborhoods without the questionnaires. Using massive street view images and a survey among 1,741 residents in 80 neighborhoods in Guangzhou, China, this study developed a novel systematic approach to measuring large-scale spatial fear of crime at the neighborhood level for 1,753 neighborhoods. This is the first study to measure fear of crime at the neighborhood level for a metropolitan area of nearly 20 million people. The integration of survey data and street view images provides an opportunity to develop a more effective way to measure the spatial distribution of fear of crime. This approach could be applied to map other types of perceptions at a spatial resolution of the neighborhood level.






Lin Liu,辛辛那提大学地理系的教授。主要研究方向为犯罪学理论、环境犯罪学、定量方法等。


Network analysis of French inland waterways since 1700



This paper describes the integration of regional navigable networks in France since 1700, using new network connectivity metrics. It shows the progressive integration of the network in the 18th and 19th century and its rapid shrinking in the 20th century.
















GeoInfographic design of the multi-spatiality of borders: A case study of epidemic prevention and control in Ruili, China



We live in a world of borders, which influence our perception and movement. Traditional mapping techniques show limitations as borders have become shifting and complex, and borders’ multi-scale and multi-spatial properties have been strengthened significantly. To fill the knowledge gap, we explored the multi-spatiality of borders and provided approaches for border symbol design and visualization by taking the coronavirus-hit border city, Ruili, China, as an example. This work could shed light on multi-spatial geographic visualization and policy-making.






Xi Tang,200241上海市闵行区东川路500号华东师范大学河口海岸楼A802,地理科学学院博士




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学习环境 kali攻击机:Get Kali | Kali Linux vulnhub靶场:https://download.vulnhub.com/sickos/sick0s1.1.7z 靶场描述: 这次夺旗赛清晰地模拟了在安全环境下如何对网络实施黑客策略从而入侵网络的过程。这个虚拟机与我在进攻性安全认证专…

[极客大挑战 2019]PHP--详细解析

信息搜集 想查看页面源代码,但是右键没有这个选项。 我们可以ctrlu或者在url前面加view-source:查看: 没什么有用信息。根据页面的hint,我们考虑扫一下目录看看能不能扫出一些文件. 扫到了备份文件www.zip,解压一下查看网站源代码…

python学习笔记 - python安装与环境变量配置

目录 前言1. 版本选择1.1 什么版本合适?1.2 版本越新越好吗?1.3 维护中的大版本里,选择最早的好吗?1.4 我的选择1.5 Python 发布周期1.6 Python维护中的版本及截止时间 2. 安装包下载2.1 官网地址2.2 下载安装包3. 环境安装3.1 新…

[Linux] 进程间通信——匿名管道命名管道

标题:[Linux] 进程间通信——匿名管道&&命名管道 水墨不写bug (图片来源于网络) 目录 一、进程间通信 二、进程间通信的方案——匿名管道 (1)匿名管道的原理 (2)使用匿名管道 三、进…


在uniapp(App端)中实现自定义弹框,可以通过创建一个透明页面来实现。点击进入当前页面时,页面背景会变透明,用户可以根据自己的需求进行自定义,最终效果类似于弹框。 遇到问题:当打开弹窗(进入弹窗页面)就会触发当前页…


Linux之信号的产生,保存,捕捉处理 一.信号的概念1.1概念1.2分类 二.信号的产生2.1通过键盘产生的信号2.2系统调用接口产生的信号2.3硬件异常产生的信号2.4软件条件产生的信号 三.信号的保存四.信号的捕捉五.信号的其他杂碎知识5.1可重入函数5.2volatile关…


//本文所写快排的结果都是从小到大排序 思路 快排就是把数组的第一个值记为key,然后定义两个指针,一个叫begin,一个叫end. begin指针从数组的头部出发,寻找比key大的值;end指针从数组的尾部出发,寻找比key小的值; 然后交换begin和end的值 ......最后,begin和end相遇就停下…


因为项目需要做评论功能,领导要求使用mongodb,所以趁机多学习一下。 在服务器我们使用docker安装mongodb 1、拉取mongodb镜像 docker pull mongo (默认拉取最新的镜像) 如果你想指定版本可以这样 docker pull mongo:4.4&#…


CRF(条件随机场-Conditional Random Field) 原始本文:我在北京吃炸酱面 标注示例: 我O在O北B-PLA京I-PLA吃O炸B-FOOD酱I-FOOD面I-FOOD CRF: 目的:提出一些不可能出现的预测组合(例如I-PLA不能…


论文标题:Fredformer: Frequency Debiased Transformer for Time Series Forecasting 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.09009 代码链接:https://github.com/chenzRG/Fredformer 前言 这篇文章发表于KDD2024,作者的出发点…


要想了解带内,私下我 管理IP: 掩码: 网关: 1 首先自己电脑要修改ip 192.168.70.x 段 2 在cmd 去ping 必须通 3 去浏览器 登录192.168.70.125 4 更改ip 5 再次修改电脑IP 网关 掩码 7 检测…



Vue 2.0->3.0学习笔记(Vue 3 (四)- Composition API 的优势)

Vue 2.0->3.0学习笔记(Vue 3 (四)- Composition API 的优势) Composition API 的优势1. Options API 存在的问题2. Composition API 的优势 Composition API 的优势 1. Options API 存在的问题 笔记 使用传统OptionsA…


一、现状洞察 (一)数字化技术应用初现成效 BIM 技术局部应用:部分企业在工程设计阶段利用 BIM 技术实现三维建模和设计可视化,施工前模拟环节可优化流程提高效率,但普及程度有待提高。项目管理软件逐步推广&#xff…

Spring Boot优雅读取配置信息 @EnableConfigurationProperties

很多时候我们需要将一些常用的配置信息比如oss等相关配置信息放到配置文件中。常用的有以下几种,相信大家比较熟悉: 1、Value(“${property}”) 读取比较简单的配置信息: 2、ConfigurationProperties(prefix “property”)读取配置信息并与 …

关于音频 DSP 的接口种类以及其应用场景介绍



1、如何写出高性能SQL语句 1.1、慢SQL原因 1.1.1、无索引、索引失效导致慢查询 如果在一张几千万数据的表中以一个没有索引的列作为查询条件,大部分情况下查询会非常耗时,这种查询毫无疑问是一个慢 SQL 查询。所以对于大数据量的查询,我们需…