上一页 当前页面 下一页
step1: E:\projectgood\ajnine\untitled4\src\app\car\car.component.css
.example-form-fields {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
background: antiquewhite;
stp2: E:\projectgood\ajnine\untitled4\src\app\car\car.component.html
<button style="margin-top: 50px" mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="inPassClick()">上一页</button>
<p>当前页数:{{this.onPage +1}}</p>
<button mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="inNextClick()">下一页</button>
<button mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="onNum()">当前数组</button>
<mat-list-item *ngFor="let user of users" (click)="onAddClick(user.id)">
<span style="font-size: 20px;color: red;margin-right: 50px">{{ user.id }}</span>
<span>{{ user.name }}</span>
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {MatButton} from '@angular/material/button';
import {MatListItem, MatNavList} from '@angular/material/list';
import {NgForOf} from '@angular/common';
selector: 'app-car',
standalone: true,
imports: [
templateUrl: './car.component.html',
styleUrl: './car.component.css'
export class CarComponent implements OnInit {
onPage: number = 0 //当前页数
users: Details[] = []
numLength = 3; //最大页数 最小页数为0
result: any = [];
numPage = 3; /*每页显示条目数*/
ngOnInit(): void {
// let data = ['刘备','张飞','关羽','马超','诸葛亮','华雄','潘凤','赵云','孙权','曹操','吕布','董卓','貂蝉','孙尚香','周瑜','小乔',];
for (let i = 0, len = userDatas.length; i < len; i += this.numPage) {
this.result.push(userDatas.slice(i, i + this.numPage));
this.users = this.result[0]
this.numLength = this.result.length - 1
inPassClick(): void {
if (this.onPage > 0) {
this.users = this.result[ this.onPage]
inNextClick(): void {
if (this.onPage < this.numLength) {
this.users = this.result[ this.onPage]
onNum(): void {
onAddClick(key: number): void {
interface Details {
id: number;
name: string;
avatar: string;
details: string;
isAdmin: boolean;
isCool: boolean;
const userDatas = [
id: 0,
name: 'Lia Lugo',
avatar: 'svg-11',
details: 'I love cheese, especially airedale queso. Cheese and biscuits halloumi cauliflower cheese cottage ' +
'cheese swiss boursin fondue caerphilly. Cow port-salut camembert de normandie macaroni cheese feta ' +
'who moved my cheese babybel boursin. Red leicester roquefort boursin squirty cheese jarlsberg blue ' +
'castello caerphilly chalk and cheese. Lancashire.',
isAdmin: true,
isCool: false
id: 1,
name: 'George Duke',
avatar: 'svg-12',
details: 'Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata ' +
'corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor ' +
'dictum mauris.',
isAdmin: false,
isCool: true
id: 2,
name: 'Gener Delosreyes',
avatar: 'svg-13',
details: 'Raw denim pour-over readymade Etsy Pitchfork. Four dollar toast pickled locavore bitters McSweeney\'s ' +
'blog. Try-hard art party Shoreditch selfies. Odd Future butcher VHS, disrupt pop-up Thundercats ' +
'chillwave vinyl jean shorts taxidermy master cleanse letterpress Wes Anderson mustache Helvetica. ' +
'Schlitz bicycle rights chillwave irony lumberhungry Kickstarter next level sriracha typewriter ' +
'Intelligentsia, migas kogi heirloom tousled. Disrupt 3 wolf moon lomo four loko. Pug mlkshk fanny pack ' +
'literally hoodie bespoke, put a bird on it Marfa messenger bag kogi VHS.',
isAdmin: true,
isCool: true
id: 3,
name: 'Lawrence Ray',
avatar: 'svg-14',
details: 'Scratch the furniture spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum so eat a plant, kill ' +
'a hand pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms run in circles, or claw drapes. ' +
'Always hungry pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms.',
isAdmin: false,
isCool: false
id: 4,
name: 'Ernesto Urbina',
avatar: 'svg-10',
details: 'Webtwo ipsum dolor sit amet, eskobo chumby doostang bebo. Bubbli greplin stypi prezi mzinga heroku ' +
'wakoopa, shopify airbnb dogster dopplr gooru jumo, reddit plickers edmodo stypi zillow etsy.',
isAdmin: false,
isCool: true
id: 5,
name: 'Gani Ferrer',
avatar: 'svg-16',
details: 'Lebowski ipsum yeah? What do you think happens when you get rad? You turn in your library card? ' +
'Get a new driver\'s license? Stop being awesome? Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit praesent ' +
'ac magna justo pellentesque ac lectus. You don\'t go out and make a living dressed like that in the ' +
'middle of a weekday. Quis elit blandit fringilla a ut turpis praesent felis ligula, malesuada suscipit ' +
isAdmin: true,
isCool: true
id: 6,
name: 'fans Ferrer',
avatar: 'svg-17',
details: 'Lebowski ipsum yeah? What do you think happens when you get rad? You turn in your library card? ' +
'Get a new driver\'s license? Stop being awesome? Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit praesent ' +
'ac magna justo pellentesque ac lectus. You don\'t go out and make a living dressed like that in the ' +
'middle of a weekday. Quis elit blandit fringilla a ut turpis praesent felis ligula, malesuada suscipit ' +
isAdmin: true,
isCool: true