desc student;
show create table student;
alter table student rename stu;
desc stu;
alter table stu modify weight float(10);
alter table stu modify weight double(2,2),
modify age int(2);
desc stu;
desc student;
alter table stu change age old int(3);
alter table stu add score int(2);
alter table stu add score1 int(2) first;
alter table stu add score2 int(2) after score1;
alter table stu drop score2;
drop table test;
create table student(
id int(8) primary key,
name varchar(20),
age int(2),
sex varchar(1)
create table student1(
id int(8) ,
name varchar(20),
age int(2),
sex varchar(1),
constraint student1 primary key(id)
desc student1;
create table student2(
id int(8) ,
name varchar(20),
age int(2),
sex varchar(1),
constraint student2 primary key(id,name)
desc student2
create table student3(
id int(8) ,
sex varchar(1)
alter table student3 add constraint student3 primary key(id);
desc student3;
alter table student3 drop primary key;
create table student4(
id int(8) primary key,
name varchar(20) unique,
age int(2),
sex varchar(1)
desc student4;
alter table studnet5 drop unique key;
create table student5(
id int(8) primary key,
name varchar(20) unique,
age int(2) not null,
sex varchar(1)
desc student5;
create table student6(
id int(8) primary key,
name varchar(20) unique,
age int(2) not null,
sex varchar(1) default'男'
desc student6;
create table student7(
id int(8) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) unique,
age int(2) not null,
sex varchar(1) default'男'
desc student7;
create table student8(
id int(8) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) unique
create table student8_0(
id int(8) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) unique,
stu_id int(8),
constraint student8_0_stu_id foreign key(stu_id) references student8(id)
desc student8;
desc student8_0;
drop table student8;
drop table student8_0;
全文索引:字符串类型(char varchar text)
空间索引:空间数据类型(deometry point linestring polygon)
create table index_student(
sno int(4)primary key auto_increment,
sname varchar(20) unique,
age int(2)
desc index_student;
show index from index_student;
create table index_student1(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
show index from index_student1;
create table index_student2(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
unique index(sno)
show index from index_student2;
create table index_student3(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
primary key (sno)
show index from index_student3;
create table index_student4(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
fulltext index (sname)
show index from index_student4;
create table index_student5(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
sloc point not null,
spatial index (sloc)
show index from index_student5;
create table index_student6(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
index (sno,sname)
show index from index_student6;
create table index_student7(
sno int(4),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
sinfo varchar(100),
sloc point not null
create index index_student7_sno on index_student7(sno);
show index from index_student7;
drop table index_student7;
create unique index index_student7_sname on index_student7(sname);
show index from index_student7;
create fulltext index index_student7_sinfo on index_student7(sinfo);
show index from index_student7;
create spatial index index_student7_sloc on index_student7(sloc);
show index from index_student7;
create index index_student7_sno_sname on index_student7(sno,sname);
show index from index_student7;
create table index_student8(
sno int(8),
sname varchar(20),
age int(2),
sloc point not null
drop table index_student8;
show index from index_student8;
alter table index_student8
add index(sno)
alter table index_student8
add unique index(sname);
alter table index_student8
add primary key (sno);
alter table index_student8
add fulltext (sname);
alter table index_student8
add spatial (sloc);
alter table index_student8
add index (sno,sname);
show index from index_student8;
alter table index_student8 drop index sno;
drop index sloc on index_student8;
create table student8(
sno int(8) primary key,
sname varchar(10) not null,
age int(2),
sex varchar(5) default'man',
email varchar(30) unique
create table student8_test(
sno int(8) primary key,
sname varchar(10) not null,
age int(2),
sex varchar(5) default'man',
email varchar(30) unique
select * from student8;
select * from student8_test;
insert into student8(sno,sname,age,sex,email)
insert into student8 values(2,'可能',84,'men', '')
insert into student8(sno,sname)
insert into student8 set sno=5,sname='博人',age=19,email='';
insert into student8(sno,sname,age,sex,email)
insert into student8_test select * from student8;
update student8 set sname='阿斯顿' where sname='收到';
update student8 set sex='women';
delete from student8 where sno>6;
delete from student8;
--truncate 关键字删除
truncate student8;
create table emp(
create table emp(
empno int(4) primary key,
emame varchar(10),
job varchar(9),
mgr int(4),
hiredata date,
sal decimal(7,2),
comm decimal(7,2),
deptno int(2)
insert into emp values
( 7369,'Smith','clerk',7902,'1980-12-17',800,null,20),
(7698,'Blake', 'manager',7839,'1981-05-01',2850,null,30),
insert into emp values
select * from emp;
select emame,empno,job,mgr,hiredata date,sal,deptno from emp;
select distinct deptno,emame from emp;
--算术运算符+ - * /(div) %
select deptno*3 from emp;
select sal*12 as 'yearsal&年薪' from emp;
select * from emp order by sal asc;
select *from emp order by sal asc,empno desc;
select * from emp where sal=3000;
select * from emp where job='analyst';
select * from emp where binary job='ANALYST';
select * from emp where binary job='analyst';
select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;
select * from emp where sal not between 2000 and 3000;
select * from emp where sal in(800,3000);
select * from emp where sal not in(800,3000);
select *from emp where comm is not null;
select *from emp where comm is null;
--模糊查询 %开头结尾中间 _相当于代替一个空字符,可与%混用
select * from emp where emame like 's%';
select * from emp where emame like '%s';
select * from emp where emame like '%s%';
select * from emp where emame like '%_____';
select * from emp where emame like '_a%';
--逻辑运算符 and or
select * from emp where deptno=20 or sal>=2000;
select * from emp where deptno=20 and sal>=2000;
--select 查询内容|from 表名|where 条件|order by 字段 asc、desc 升序、降序|limit a,b 从第a条,显示b条数据
select * from emp limit 0,4;
select * from emp limit 4,2;
select * from emp limit 2 offset 4;
select * from emp;
select count(*) from emp;
select count(comm) from emp;
select count(distinct(mgr))from emp;
select count(distinct(ifnull(mgr,1)))from emp;
select sum(sal) from emp;
select sum(distinct(sal)) from emp;
select avg(sal) from emp;
select max(sal),min(sal) from emp;
select deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),count(*) from emp group by deptno;
select job,count(*) from emp group by job;
select deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno having count(*)>2;
select sal,job from emp group by empno,job having avg(sal)>1000;
create table dept(
deptno int(6) primary key,
dname varchar(20),
loc varchar(20)
insert into dept values
(10,'accounting','new york'),
select * from dept;
select count(*) from dept;
create table emp1(
empno int(4) primary key,
job varchar(20),
ename varchar(20),
mgr int(4),
hiredata date,
sal decimal(8,2),
com decimal(8,2),
deptno int(4),
constraint emp1_deptno foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno)
insert into emp1 values
(7654,'Haritn','salesman', 7698,'1981-09-28',1258,1480,30),
(7782,'clark','manager', 7839,'1981-06-09',2450,null,10),
(7788,'Scott ','analyst',7566,'1987-04-19',3000,null, 20),
(7839,'King','president',null,'1981-11-17',5800,null, 10),
(7876,'Adams','clerk',7788,'1987-05-23',1100, null, 20),
(7902,'Ford','analyst', 7566,'1981-12-03',1200,null,20),
select * from emp1;
select count(*) from emp1;
select * from emp1 cross join dept;
select count(*) from emp1;
select count(*) from dept;
select count(*) from emp1 cross join dept;
select * from emp1 natural join dept;
select count(*) from emp1 natural join dept;
select * from emp1,dept where emp1.deptno=dept.deptno;
select * from emp1 e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
select *from emp1 inner join dept on emp1.deptno=dept.deptno;
select *from emp1 inner join dept where emp1.deptno=dept.deptno;
select emp1.ename,dept.* from emp1 inner join dept on emp1.deptno=dept.deptno where emp1.deptno=20;
select * from emp1 e,emp1 m where e.mgr=m.empno;
select *from emp1 e,emp1 m where e.mgr=m.empno and e.empno>m.empno;
select *from emp1 e join emp1 m where e.mgr=m.empno;
select *from emp1 e join emp1 m where e.mgr=m.empno and e.empno>m.empno;
select *from emp1 e join emp1 m on e.mgr=m.empno where e.empno>m.empno;
select * from emp1 e,emp1 m where e.mgr=m.empno;
select * from dept d left outer join emp1 e on e.deptno=d.deptno;
select * from emp1 e right outer join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;
select * from emp1 where sal<(select sal from emp1 where job='King');
select * from emp1 where (deptno,ename)=(select deptno,ename from emp1 where job='Allen')
select * from emp1 where ename in(select ename from emp1 where deptno=10) and deptno=20;
select * from emp1 where sal<any(select sal from emp1 where ename='clerk');
select * from emp1 where sal>all(select sal from emp1 where ename='clerk');
select * from dept where exists(select * from emp1 where emp1.deptno=dept.deptno);
select max(avgsal)from(select avg(sal) avgsal from emp1 group by deptno) avg_sal;
select * from dept d,(select count(*) cou,deptno from emp1 group by deptno) dd where d.deptno=dd.deptno;
select * from dept d inner join (select count(*) cou,deptno from emp1 group by deptno) dd where d.deptno=dd.deptno;
create table emp(
empno int(4) primary key,
ename varchar(10),
job varchar(9),
mgr int(4),
hiredata date,
sal decimal(7,2),
comm decimal(7,2),
deptno int(2)
insert into emp values
( 7369,'Smith','clerk',7902,'1980-12-17',800,null,20),
(7698,'Blake', 'manager',7839,'1981-05-01',2850,null,30),
select * from emp;
select concat('雇员姓名:',ename,'薪资',sal,'职位',job,'入职日期',hiredata,'年薪',sal*13) from emp;
select * from emp where length('ename')=5;
select ename,upper('ename'),lower('ename') from emp;
create table emp1(
name1 varchar(20),
age int(2),
sex varchar(9)
insert into emp1 values(
select * from emp1;
select replace('tom','m','m&jary') from emp1;
select substring(ename,2,4) from emp;
select abs(-3),abs(3);
select pi();
select mod(7,3);
select pow(3,4);
select ceil(3.533),floor(11.334);
select round(23.4466),round(2.23215,3);
select truncate(23.3423,0),truncate(23.3423,2);
select rand(0),rand(1);
select now(),curdate(),curtime(),sleep(2),sysdate();
select sleep(2);
select dayofyear(now()),week(now());
select datediff('2008-1-1',now());
select date_add(now(),interval '5' day),date_sub(now(),interval '2_3' year_month);
select if(1>5,'1','5');
select sal,if(sal>2000,'高','低') from emp;
select sal,comm,(sal+ifnull(comm,0)) from emp;
--nullif 判断两个值是否相等
select nullif(1,2),nullif(1,1);
select deptno,sal,ename,
when deptno=10 then '部门1'
when deptno=20 then '部门2'
else '部门3'
from emp;