用AI生成rtl设计(a simple synchronous FIFO)的一个实验


1. 前言

2. RTL  and testbench generation

2.1 RTL generation



2.2 Testbench generation


2.3 Add fsdb dump to testbench

3. 仿真与调试

3.1 RTL中的语法问题

3.2 testbench的问题        

3.3 RTL中empty/full状态标志逻辑问题

3.3.1 full generation logic

3.3.2 read empty and write full protection

4. 小结

1. 前言


2. RTL  and testbench generation

2.1 RTL generation



Can you generate one synchronous FIFO RTL implementation?


 Certainly! Below is a basic synchronous FIFO (First-In-First-Out) implementation in Verilog RTL (Register-Transfer Level). This FIFO uses a fixed-size array to store data and simple counters to manage the read and write pointers. It assumes a synchronous clock domain and includes basic functionality for writing, reading, checking if the FIFO is empty, and checking if it is full.

module SFIFO #(  
    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8,    // Width of each data element  
    parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16    // Depth of the FIFO  
    input wire clk,              // Clock signal  
    input wire rst_n,            // Active-low reset signal  
    input wire wr_en,            // Write enable  
    input wire rd_en,            // Read enable  
    input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din, // Data input  
    output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout, // Data output  
    output wire full,            // FIFO full flag  
    output wire empty           // FIFO empty flag  
    // Internal memory array to store FIFO data  
    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_mem [0:FIFO_DEPTH-1];  
    // Pointers for write and read operations  
    reg [3:0] wr_ptr = 0;  // Write pointer (assuming FIFO_DEPTH <= 16)  
    reg [3:0] rd_ptr = 0;  // Read pointer (assuming FIFO_DEPTH <= 16)  
    // Count of valid entries in the FIFO  
    reg [3:0] count = 0;  
    // Write operation  
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin  
        if (!rst_n) begin  
            wr_ptr <= 0;  
        end else if (wr_en && !full) begin  
            fifo_mem[wr_ptr] <= din;  
            wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1;  
    // Read operation  
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin  
        if (!rst_n) begin  
            rd_ptr <= 0;  
            dout <= 0;  
        end else if (rd_en && !empty) begin  
            dout <= fifo_mem[rd_ptr];  
            rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1;  
    // Count of valid entries  
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin  
        if (!rst_n) begin  
            count <= 0;  
        end else begin  
            The originally generated code segment.
            case ({wr_en, rd_en, full, empty})  
                // Write without read when not full  
                {1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b0, _}: count <= count + 1;  // change "_" to "1'bx"
                // Write without read when already full (should not happen due to wr_en condition)  
                {1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, _}: count <= count;  
                // Read without write when not empty  
                {1'b0, 1'b1, _, 1'b0}: count <= count - 1;  
                // Read without write when already empty (should not happen due to rd_en condition)  
                {1'b0, 1'b1, _, 1'b1}: count <= count;  
                // Both read and write (balance)  
                {1'b1, 1'b1, _, _}: count <= count;  
                // No operation  
                default: count <= count;  
    // FIFO full flag  
    assign full = (count == FIFO_DEPTH);  
    // FIFO empty flag  
    assign empty = (count == 0);  



  1. Parameters:
    • DATA_WIDTH: Width of each data element in the FIFO.
    • FIFO_DEPTH: Depth (number of elements) of the FIFO.
  2. Inputs and Outputs:
    • clk: Clock signal.
    • rst_n: Active-low reset signal.
    • wr_en: Write enable signal.
    • rd_en: Read enable signal.
    • din: Data input.
    • dout: Data output.
    • full: FIFO full flag.
    • empty: FIFO empty flag.
  3. Internal Registers:
    • fifo_mem: Array to store FIFO data.
    • wr_ptr and rd_ptr: Write and read pointers.
    • count: Number of valid entries in the FIFO.
  4. Logic:
    • The write pointer increments on a write enable and the read pointer increments on a read enable.
    • The count register tracks the number of valid entries.
    • The full and empty flags are derived from the count register.


  • FIFO_DEPTH is less than or equal to 16, so a 4-bit pointer is sufficient.
  • rst_n is an active-low reset.
  • This FIFO does not handle overflow or underflow conditions; it assumes that wr_en will not be asserted when the FIFO is full, and rd_en will not be asserted when the FIFO is empty.

You can adjust the DATA_WIDTH and FIFO_DEPTH parameters as needed for your application.

2.2 Testbench generation



Please create one testbench for the above synchronous FIFO design 


Certainly! Below is a testbench for the synchronous FIFO design provided earlier. This testbench will simulate the FIFO's behavior by applying various write and read operations and observing the FIFO's state, output, and flags. 

module tb_top;  
    // Parameters for the FIFO  
    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8;  
    parameter FIFO_DEPTH = 16;  
    // Signals for the FIFO instance  
    reg clk;  
    reg rst_n;  
    reg wr_en;  
    reg rd_en;  
    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din;  
    wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout;  
    wire full;  
    wire empty;  
    // Instantiate the FIFO  
    fifo #(  
    ) fifo_inst (  
    // Clock generation  
    initial begin  
        clk = 0;  
        forever #5 clk = ~clk; // 10 time units clock period (5 up, 5 down)  
    // Test sequence  
    initial begin  
        // Initialize signals  
        rst_n = 0;  
        wr_en = 0;  
        rd_en = 0;  
        din = 0;  
        // Apply reset  
        #10 rst_n = 1;  
        // Write data to FIFO  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hAA;  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hBB;  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hCC;  
        #10 wr_en = 0;  
        // Check FIFO state  
        #10 if (full) $display("Error: FIFO should not be full yet.");  
        #10 if (!empty) $display("FIFO is not empty (expected).");  
        #10 if (dout != 0) $display("Error: dout should be 0.");  
        // Read data from FIFO  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hAA) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hAA.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hBB) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hBB.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        // Write and read simultaneously  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hDD;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hCC) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hCC.");  
        #10 wr_en = 0; rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hDD) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hDD.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        // Fill FIFO to capacity  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hEE;  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'hFF;  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'h00;  
        #10 wr_en = 1; din = 8'h01;  
        #10 wr_en = 0;  
        #10 if (!full) $display("Error: FIFO should be full.");  
        // Read until FIFO is empty  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hEE) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hEE.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hFF) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hFF.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'h00) $display("Error: dout should be 8'h00.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'h01) $display("Error: dout should be 8'h01.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 if (!empty) $display("Error: FIFO should be empty.");  
        // End simulation  
        #10 $finish;  



  1. Parameters:
    • The DATA_WIDTH and FIFO_DEPTH parameters are set to match the FIFO instance.
  2. Signals:
    • The testbench includes all the signals required by the FIFO instance: clkrst_nwr_enrd_endindoutfull, and empty.
  3. Clock Generation:
    • A simple clock generator is created using an initial block that toggles the clk signal every 10 time units.
  4. Test Sequence:
    • The test sequence is defined in another initial block.
    • The FIFO is reset by setting rst_n to 0 and then to 1 after a delay.
    • Various write and read operations are performed, and the FIFO's state, output, and flags are checked using if statements.
    • If any check fails, an error message is displayed using $display.
    • The simulation ends after all the test operations are completed using the $finish system task.

To run this testbench, you would need to compile and simulate it using a Verilog simulator like ModelSim, Quartus, Vivado, or any other Verilog-compatible tool. The testbench will apply the specified sequences of write and read operations and verify that the FIFO behaves as expected.

2.3 Add fsdb dump to testbench



I think you'd better add fsdb waveform dump statements to the testbench


Understanding your suggestion, it seems you are proposing to incorporate fsdb waveform dump statements into a testbench for better signal tracing and debugging in a hardware design or verification environment. Fsdb (Fast Signal Database) is commonly used in EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools for capturing and visualizing signal behavior during simulation.

Here’s how you might approach adding fsdb waveform dump statements to a testbench:

  1. Identify Key Signals: First, determine which signals in your design are critical for debugging. This could include input signals, internal states, and output signals.

  2. Incorporate Dump Statements: In your testbench code, you will need to add specific commands or function calls to dump these signals to an fsdb file. The exact syntax depends on the simulation tool you are using (e.g., ModelSim, Questasim, VCS, etc.).

    For example, if you are using a tool that supports SystemVerilog and fsdb dumping through a specific library or API, your code might look something like the code segment shown below.
    Alternatively, some tools may require you to configure the simulation environment or use specific directives in your testbench to enable fsdb dumping.

  3. Configure Simulation Tool: Ensure that your simulation tool is configured to generate fsdb files. This may involve setting environment variables, command-line options, or modifying simulation scripts.

  4. Run Simulation: Execute your testbench with the added fsdb dump statements. The simulation tool should now capture the specified signals and store them in an fsdb file.

  5. Analyze Fsdb File: Use a compatible waveform viewer or debugger to load and analyze the fsdb file. This will allow you to visualize the signal behavior and debug your design.

Keep in mind that the specific implementation details will vary depending on the simulation tool and language you are using. Therefore, it is essential to consult the documentation for your specific EDA tool to understand how to properly incorporate fsdb waveform dump statements into your testbench.

// Assuming 'fsdb_dump' is a predefined function or task for dumping signals  
initial begin  
    fsdb_dump("signal_dump.fsdb"); // Start dumping signals to fsdb file  
    // Add dump commands for specific signals here  
    // For instance: fsdb_dump_signal(signal_name);  
    // (Note: The exact function name and usage may differ based on the tool)  
    // Wait for the simulation to end  

大模型balabala说了一大堆,看上去对fsdb波形及其dump是有一定了解的,但是似乎并不知道verilog中用于fsdb waveform dump的语句,所以比较保守地只给出了以上几行示意性的伪代码。。。这个就没啥意义了,好在也比较简单,自己手动添加了以下代码:


3. 仿真与调试


3.1 RTL中的语法问题




Not what I expected. I mean codes segement like below, is it correct?

always @(*) begin

        case (sel)

        4'b110x: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1100 or 1101

        4'b1110: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1110

        4'b1111: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1111

        default: result = 1'b0; // Matches any other value endcase end


In Verilog, the case statement does not support the use of wildcards like x in the way you might be used to in regular expressions or some other programming languages. The case statement in Verilog requires exact binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal matches for its branches.

However, you can achieve a similar effect using a combination of logical operations within the case statement or by using the casez (case with don't cares) or casex (case with don't cares and hexadecimal) statements, which do support the use of z (high-impedance state, treated as a don't care) and x (unknown value, also treated as a don't care) respectively.

Here's how you could rewrite your code using the casez statement to allow for the wildcard behavior you're looking for:

always @(*) begin  
    casez (sel)  
        4'b110z: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1100 or 1101 (z is a don't care)  
        4'b1110: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1110  
        4'b1111: result = 1'b1; // Matches 1111  
        default: result = 1'b0; // Matches any other value  

In this code:

  • The casez statement allows the use of z to represent a don't care bit. This means that any value (0 or 1) in the position of z will match the pattern.
  • The pattern 4'b110z will match both 4'b1100 and 4'b1101 because the least significant bit is a don't care.
  • The other patterns (4'b1110 and 4'b1111) match exactly as specified.
  • The default case handles any other value of sel.

This should achieve the behavior you're looking for in your code.


3.2 testbench的问题        


FIFO is not empty (expected).
Error: dout should be 8'hBB.
Error: dout should be 8'hCC.
Error: FIFO should be full.
Error: dout should be 8'hFF.
Error: dout should be 8'h00.
$finish called from file "tb_top.sv", line 108.
$finish at simulation time                  410




(1) 都是异步产生的。这个问题不致命,但是没有必要。同步设计的验证时用同步信号驱动更简单明了。

(2) wr_en和rd_en的脉冲宽度控制不对。第一次连续写三个数据的操作只是恰好正确,然后接下来两次读操作,

        // Read data from FIFO  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hAA) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hAA.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  
        #10 rd_en = 1;  
        #10 if (dout != 8'hBB) $display("Error: dout should be 8'hBB.");  
        #10 rd_en = 0;  


搞清楚出错原因后,解决就比较简单了。最好是全部激励信号改为时钟同步驱动,但是如上所述这个不是致命的,为了节约时间暂时就不改了。以上语句的根本问题在于rd_en deassert与rd_en assert之间还插入了一条判断语句,而该判断语句前面也有一个延时操作。直接的解决方案是将判断语句前面的延时操作删除,或者将rd_en de-assert语句放到前面去,or both。比如说如下修改后,这个问题就解决了。

// Read data from FIFO  
#10 rd_en = 1;  
#10 rd_en = 0;  
    if (dout != 8'hAA) $display("Error: The 1st read: dout should be 8'hAA.");  
#10 rd_en = 1;  
#10 rd_en = 0;  
    if (dout != 8'hBB) $display("Error: The 2nd read: dout should be 8'hBB.");  



3.3 RTL中empty/full状态标志逻辑问题




3.3.1 full generation logic


    // FIFO full flag  
    assign full = (count == FIFO_DEPTH);  

在该实现中count其实是用于计数FIFO中所剩下的有效数据。但是verilog中的计数是从0开始,所以以上条件应该是(count == (FIFO_DEPTH-1))。 

3.3.2 read empty and write full protection


当前代码中,在full(count == 15)时继续写入的话,count又变回0。同理,empty时继续读的话,count也会从0变为15。这样的动作显然不是所想看到的。


4. 小结





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