
在这篇博客中,我们将介绍如何使用 React 和 TypeScript 绘制中国地图。教程分为三个部分:介绍 GeoJSON 文件,使用 React 封装 ChinaMap 组件,以及分享遇到的坑和解决方法。

1.GeoJSON 简介与基础语法

1.什么是 GeoJSON?

GeoJSON 是一种基于 JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)格式的开放标准,用于表示各种地理数据结构。它可以表示点、线、多边形以及多点、多线、多边形集合等复杂的地理数据类型。GeoJSON 广泛用于 Web 地图应用程序中,因其易读性和与 JSON 的兼容性而受到欢迎。

2.GeoJSON 的基本结构

一个典型的 GeoJSON 文件包括以下几个部分:

  1. FeatureCollection:一个要素集合,用于包含多个地理要素。
  2. Feature:一个单独的地理要素,包含几何数据和属性信息。
  3. Geometry:几何数据,可以是点、线、多边形等。
  4. Properties:属性信息,用于描述几何数据的属性。

下面是一个基本的 GeoJSON 示例,包含一个多边形(Polygon):

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "name": "中国"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [73.5, 18.2],
            [135.1, 18.2],
            [135.1, 53.6],
            [73.5, 53.6],
            [73.5, 18.2]

3.GeoJSON 基础语法

  1. FeatureCollection

    FeatureCollection 是 GeoJSON 文件的顶级对象,用于包含多个 Feature

      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
        // 这里包含多个 Feature 对象
  2. Feature

    Feature 是一个包含几何数据和属性的对象。每个 Feature 都有一个 geometry 和一个 properties 对象。

      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "name": "某地名"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon", // 几何类型,可以是 Point, LineString, Polygon 等
        "coordinates": [
          // 坐标数组,根据几何类型不同格式也不同
  3. Geometry

    Geometry 包含地理要素的几何数据,主要有以下几种类型:

    • Point:表示一个点。

        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]
    • LineString:表示一条线,由一系列坐标点组成。

        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [102.0, 0.0],
          [103.0, 1.0],
          [104.0, 0.0],
          [105.0, 1.0]
    • Polygon:表示一个多边形,由一系列坐标点组成的闭合环。

        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [100.0, 0.0],
            [101.0, 0.0],
            [101.0, 1.0],
            [100.0, 1.0],
            [100.0, 0.0]
    • MultiPoint:表示多个点。

        "type": "MultiPoint",
        "coordinates": [
          [100.0, 0.0],
          [101.0, 1.0]
    • MultiLineString:表示多条线。

        "type": "MultiLineString",
        "coordinates": [
            [100.0, 0.0],
            [101.0, 1.0]
            [102.0, 2.0],
            [103.0, 3.0]
    • MultiPolygon:表示多个多边形。

        "type": "MultiPolygon",
        "coordinates": [
              [100.0, 0.0],
              [101.0, 0.0],
              [101.0, 1.0],
              [100.0, 1.0],
              [100.0, 0.0]
              [102.0, 2.0],
              [103.0, 2.0],
              [103.0, 3.0],
              [102.0, 3.0],
              [102.0, 2.0]
  4. Properties

    Properties 是一个对象,用于描述几何数据的属性,可以包含任意的键值对。

      "properties": {
        "name": "某地名",
        "population": 1000000

4.GeoJSON 常见应用场景

  1. 地图绘制:GeoJSON 常用于 Web 地图应用中,用于绘制地理边界、标记点和路线等。
  2. 地理数据分析:GeoJSON 可以与 GIS(地理信息系统)结合,用于空间数据分析和可视化。
  3. 数据交换:GeoJSON 是一种标准化的数据格式,适用于地理数据的交换和共享。

通过以上内容,应该对 GeoJSON 有了一个初步的了解。
接下来,我们可以继续学习如何在 React 项目中使用 GeoJSON 数据绘制中国地图。




npm install echarts


yarn add echarts



  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": "xin_jiang",
      "properties": {
        "name": "新疆",
        "cp": [84.9023, 41.748],
        "childNum": 18
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [96.416, 42.7588],
            [96.416, 42.7148],
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            [96.0645, 42.3193],
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            [95.1855, 41.792],
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            [93.0762, 40.6494],
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            [92.373, 39.3311],
            [92.373, 39.1113],
            [92.373, 39.0234],
            [90.1758, 38.4961],
            [90.3516, 38.2324],
            [90.6152, 38.3203],
            [90.5273, 37.8369],
            [91.0547, 37.4414],
            [91.3184, 37.0898],
            [90.7031, 36.7822],
            [90.791, 36.6064],
            [91.0547, 36.5186],
            [91.0547, 36.0791],
            [90.8789, 36.0352],
            [90, 36.2549],
            [89.9121, 36.0791],
            [89.7363, 36.0791],
            [89.209, 36.2988],
            [88.7695, 36.3428],
            [88.5938, 36.4746],
            [87.3633, 36.4307],
            [86.2207, 36.167],
            [86.1328, 35.8594],
            [85.6055, 35.6836],
            [85.0781, 35.7275],
            [84.1992, 35.376],
            [83.1445, 35.4199],
            [82.8809, 35.6836],
            [82.4414, 35.7275],
            [82.002, 35.332],
            [81.6504, 35.2441],
            [80.4199, 35.4199],
            [80.2441, 35.2881],
            [80.332, 35.1563],
            [80.2441, 35.2002],
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            [79.8047, 34.4971],
            [79.1016, 34.4531],
            [79.0137, 34.3213],
            [78.2227, 34.7168],
            [78.0469, 35.2441],
            [78.0469, 35.5078],
            [77.4316, 35.4639],
            [76.8164, 35.6396],
            [76.5527, 35.8594],
            [76.2012, 35.8154],
            [75.9375, 36.0352],
            [76.0254, 36.4746],
            [75.8496, 36.6943],
            [75.498, 36.7383],
            [75.4102, 36.958],
            [75.0586, 37.002],
            [74.8828, 36.9141],
            [74.7949, 37.0459],
            [74.5313, 37.0898],
            [74.5313, 37.2217],
            [74.8828, 37.2217],
            [75.1465, 37.4414],
            [74.8828, 37.5732],
            [74.9707, 37.749],
            [74.8828, 38.4521],
            [74.3555, 38.6719],
            [74.1797, 38.6719],
            [74.0918, 38.54],
            [73.8281, 38.584],
            [73.7402, 38.8477],
            [73.8281, 38.9795],
            [73.4766, 39.375],
            [73.916, 39.5068],
            [73.916, 39.6826],
            [73.8281, 39.7705],
            [74.0039, 40.0342],
            [74.8828, 40.3418],
            [74.7949, 40.5176],
            [75.2344, 40.4297],
            [75.5859, 40.6494],
            [75.7617, 40.2979],
            [76.377, 40.3857],
            [76.9043, 41.001],
            [77.6074, 41.001],
            [78.1348, 41.2207],
            [78.1348, 41.3965],
            [80.1563, 42.0557],
            [80.2441, 42.2754],
            [80.1563, 42.627],
            [80.2441, 42.8467],
            [80.5078, 42.8906],
            [80.4199, 43.0664],
            [80.7715, 43.1982],
            [80.4199, 44.165],
            [80.4199, 44.6045],
            [79.9805, 44.8242],
            [79.9805, 44.9561],
            [81.7383, 45.3955],
            [82.0898, 45.2197],
            [82.5293, 45.2197],
            [82.2656, 45.6592],
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            [83.6719, 47.0215],
            [84.7266, 47.0215],
            [84.9023, 46.8896],
            [85.5176, 47.0654],
            [85.6934, 47.2852],
            [85.5176, 48.1201],
            [85.7813, 48.4277],
            [86.5723, 48.5596],
            [86.8359, 48.8232],
            [86.748, 48.9551],
            [86.8359, 49.1309],
            [87.8027, 49.1748],
            [87.8906, 48.999],
            [87.7148, 48.9111],
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            [87.9785, 48.6035],
            [88.5059, 48.3838],
            [88.6816, 48.1641],
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            [89.5605, 48.0322],
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            [90.0879, 47.8564],
            [90.3516, 47.6807],
            [90.5273, 47.2412],
            [90.8789, 46.9775],
            [91.0547, 46.582],
            [90.8789, 46.3184],
            [91.0547, 46.0107],
            [90.7031, 45.7471],
            [90.7031, 45.5273],
            [90.8789, 45.2197],
            [91.582, 45.0879],
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            [94.7461, 44.3408],
            [95.3613, 44.2969],
            [95.3613, 44.0332],
            [95.5371, 43.9014],
            [95.8887, 43.2422],
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      "type": "Feature",
      "id": "xi_zang",
      "properties": {
        "name": "西藏",
        "cp": [88.7695, 31.6846],
        "childNum": 7
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
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            [80.2441, 35.2881],
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            [89.4727, 35.2441],
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            [89.8242, 34.3652],
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            [91.4063, 33.1348],
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            [92.2852, 32.7393],
            [92.9883, 32.7393],
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            [93.7793, 32.5635],
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            [95.1855, 32.4316],
            [95.0098, 32.2998],
            [95.1855, 32.3438],
            [95.2734, 32.2119],
            [95.3613, 32.168],
            [95.3613, 31.9922],
            [95.4492, 31.8164],
            [95.8008, 31.6846],
            [95.9766, 31.8164],
            [96.1523, 31.5967],
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            [96.5039, 31.7285],
            [96.8555, 31.6846],
            [96.7676, 31.9922],
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            [98.1738, 32.3438],
            [98.4375, 31.8604],
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            [98.6133, 31.2012],
            [98.9648, 30.7617],
            [99.1406, 29.2676],
            [98.9648, 29.1357],
            [98.9648, 28.8281],
            [98.7891, 28.8721],
            [98.7891, 29.0039],
            [98.7012, 28.916],
            [98.6133, 28.5205],
            [98.7891, 28.3447],
            [98.7012, 28.2129],
            [98.3496, 28.125],
            [98.2617, 28.3887],
            [98.1738, 28.125],
            [97.5586, 28.5205],
            [97.2949, 28.0811],
            [97.3828, 27.9053],
            [97.0313, 27.7295],
            [96.5039, 28.125],
            [95.7129, 28.2568],
            [95.3613, 28.125],
            [95.2734, 27.9492],
            [94.2188, 27.5537],
            [93.8672, 27.0264],
            [93.6035, 26.9385],
            [92.1094, 26.8506],
            [92.0215, 27.4658],
            [91.582, 27.5537],
            [91.582, 27.9053],
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            [89.1211, 27.334],
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            [88.1543, 27.9053],
            [87.8906, 27.9492],
            [87.7148, 27.8174],
            [87.0996, 27.8174],
            [86.748, 28.125],
            [86.5723, 28.125],
            [86.4844, 27.9053],
            [86.1328, 28.125],
            [86.0449, 27.9053],
            [85.6934, 28.3447],
            [85.6055, 28.2568],
            [85.166, 28.3447],
            [85.166, 28.6523],
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            [78.75, 31.9043],
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      "type": "Feature",
      "id": "nei_meng_gu",
      "properties": {
        "name": "内蒙古",
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      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
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            [111.9727, 43.8135],
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            [118.916, 46.7578],
            [119.0918, 46.6699],
            [119.707, 46.626],
            [119.9707, 46.7139],
            [119.707, 47.1973],
            [118.4766, 47.9883],
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            [117.334, 47.6807],
            [116.8066, 47.9004],
            [116.1914, 47.8564],
            [115.9277, 47.6807],
            [115.5762, 47.9004],
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            [115.8398, 48.252],
            [115.8398, 48.5596],
            [116.7188, 49.834],
            [117.7734, 49.5264],
            [118.5645, 49.9219],
            [119.2676, 50.0977],
            [119.3555, 50.3174],
            [119.1797, 50.3613],
            [119.5313, 50.7568],
            [119.5313, 50.8887],
            [119.707, 51.0645],
            [120.1465, 51.6797],
            [120.6738, 51.9434],
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            [120.7617, 52.251],
            [120.5859, 52.3389],
            [120.6738, 52.5146],
            [120.4102, 52.6465],
            [120.0586, 52.6025],
            [120.0586, 52.7344],
            [120.8496, 53.2617],
            [121.4648, 53.3496],
            [121.8164, 53.042],
            [121.2012, 52.5586],
            [121.6406, 52.4268],
            [121.7285, 52.2949],
            [121.9922, 52.2949],
            [122.168, 52.5146],
            [122.6953, 52.251],
            [122.6074, 52.0752],
            [122.959, 51.3281],
            [123.3105, 51.2402],
            [123.6621, 51.3721],
            [124.3652, 51.2842],
            [124.541, 51.3721],
            [124.8926, 51.3721],
            [125.0684, 51.6357],
            [125.332, 51.6357],
            [126.0352, 51.0205],
            [125.7715, 50.7568],
            [125.7715, 50.5371],
            [125.332, 50.1416],
            [125.1563, 49.834],
            [125.2441, 49.1748],
            [124.8047, 49.1309],
            [124.4531, 48.1201],
            [124.2773, 48.5156],
            [122.4316, 47.373],
            [123.0469, 46.7139],
            [123.3984, 46.8896],
            [123.3984, 46.9775],
            [123.4863, 46.9775],
            [123.5742, 46.8457],
            [123.5742, 46.8896],
            [123.5742, 46.6699],
            [123.0469, 46.582],
            [123.2227, 46.2305],
            [122.7832, 46.0107],
            [122.6953, 45.7031],
            [122.4316, 45.8789],
            [122.2559, 45.791],
            [121.8164, 46.0107],
            [121.7285, 45.7471],
            [121.9043, 45.7031],
            [122.2559, 45.2637],
            [122.0801, 44.8682],
            [122.3438, 44.2529],
            [123.1348, 44.4727],
            [123.4863, 43.7256],
            [123.3105, 43.5059],
            [123.6621, 43.374],
            [123.5742, 43.0225],
            [123.3105, 42.9785],
            [123.1348, 42.8027],
            [122.7832, 42.7148],
            [122.3438, 42.8467],
            [122.3438, 42.6709],
            [121.9922, 42.7148],
            [121.7285, 42.4512],
            [121.4648, 42.4951],
            [120.498, 42.0996],
            [120.1465, 41.7041],
            [119.8828, 42.1875],
            [119.5313, 42.3633],
            [119.3555, 42.2754],
            [119.2676, 41.7041],
            [119.4434, 41.6162],
            [119.2676, 41.3086],
            [118.3887, 41.3086],
            [118.125, 41.748],
            [118.3008, 41.792],
            [118.3008, 42.0996],
            [118.125, 42.0557],
            [117.9492, 42.2314],
            [118.0371, 42.4072],
            [117.7734, 42.627],
            [117.5098, 42.583],
            [117.334, 42.4512],
            [116.8945, 42.4072],
            [116.8066, 42.0117],
            [116.2793, 42.0117],
            [116.0156, 41.792],
            [115.9277, 41.9238],
            [115.2246, 41.5723],
            [114.9609, 41.6162],
            [114.873, 42.0996],
            [114.5215, 42.1436],
            [114.1699, 41.792],
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            [113.5547, 22.11],
            [113.5437, 22.2034],
            [113.5767, 22.2034],
            [113.5986, 22.1649]



这部分代码中,我下载的china.json文件和tsx文件在同一目录下,因此可以直接使用import china from ‘./china.json’;导入,具体的导入需要根据你下载的china.json存储路径来修改!

import china from './china.json';
import * as echarts from 'echarts'; //全局引入 ,可按需引入
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
const ChinaMap = (props) => {
  const chartRef = useRef();
  const topNumber = props.data[0].value;
  const bottomNumber = props.data[props.data.length - 1].value;
  const echartsMapClick = () => {
  const mapOption = (mapName, data) => {
    const myChart = echarts.init(chartRef.current);
    echarts.registerMap(mapName, data);
    const option = {
      tooltip: {
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(21, 24, 45, 0.9)', // 提示框浮层的背景颜色。
        textStyle: {
          // 提示框浮层的文本样式。
          color: '#fff',
          fontSize: 14,
        extraCssText: 'border-color: rgba(21, 24, 45, 0.9);',
        formatter: function (params) {
          const val = params.value ? params.value : 0;
          if (params.value) {
            return (
              params.name + '<br />' + params.seriesName + ':' + val
          } else {
            return '暂无数据';
      visualMap: {
        min: 0,
        max: topNumber,
        left: 'left',
        top: 'bottom',
        text: [topNumber, bottomNumber ], //取值范围的文字
        inRange: {
          color: ['#D2DDFF', '#6E92FF'], //取值范围的颜色
        show: true, //图注
      geo: {
        map: 'china',
        roam: false, //不开启缩放和平移
        zoom: 1.23, //视角缩放比例
        label: {
          normal: {
            show: true,
            fontSize: '10',
            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
        itemStyle: {
          normal: {
            borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',
          emphasis: {
            areaColor: '#4BD6C7', //鼠标选择区域颜色
            shadowOffsetX: 0,
            shadowOffsetY: 0,
            shadowBlur: 20,
            borderWidth: 0,
            shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
      series: [
          type: 'map',
          geoIndex: 0,
          data: props.data,
    myChart.setOption(option); //绘图
    myChart.getZr().on('click', (params) => {
      if (params.target) {
        myChart.on('click', echartsMapClick); //增加点击事件
  const loadingChina = () => {
    mapOption('china', china); //初始化-创建中国地图
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [props.data]);
  return <div style={{ width: '100%', minHeight: '500px' }} ref={chartRef} />;
export default ChinaMap;


// 使用 Map
<ChainMap data={dataList} />


const list = [{'name':'武汉','value':20000},{'name':'重庆','value':4000}];


  1. 地图无法显示:确保 leaflet.css 被正确引入,且容器的高度和宽度被设置(例如通过 style 属性)。

  2. GeoJSON 数据格式问题:如果 GeoJSON 数据格式不正确,地图可能不会显示。确保你的 GeoJSON 文件是有效的,可以使用 GeoJSONLint 来验证。

  3. 地图中心和缩放级别:根据你的需要调整地图的中心点和缩放级别。在中国地图的例子中,我们选择了 [35.86166, 104.195397] 作为中心点,缩放级别为 4

  4. 性能问题:如果 GeoJSON 数据非常大,可能会导致性能问题。可以考虑简化 GeoJSON 数据或使用 react-leaflet 提供的其他优化技术。


visualMap: {
        min: 0,
        max: topNumber,
        left: 'left',
        top: 'bottom',
        text: [topNumber, bottomNumber ], //取值范围的文字
        inRange: {
          color: ['#D2DDFF', '#6E92FF'], //取值范围的颜色
        show: true, //图注

为什么会出现上面的问题呢,因为,后面接入系统后,地图中的数据是通过请求后端接口获得的,而如果有时候因为各种原因后端没有及时返回数据,那么这个max:topNumber 就没有对应的数值,那么加载地图就会直接报错

SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'addColorStop' on 'CanvasGradient': The value provided ('undefined') could not be parsed as a color.


  const values = props.data.map((item) => item.value);
  const hasValues = values.length > 0;
  const topNumber = hasValues ? Math.max(...values) : 0;
  const bottomNumber = hasValues ? Math.min(...values) : 0;





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