
心血管疾病是一种常见病,严重影响人们的健康及日常生活。 近年来随着人们生活习惯的不断变化,心血管疾病对人们影响愈加明显,发病率呈现出逐年攀升的趋势,心血管疾病是中国城乡居民死亡的首要原因。心电图ECG已被广泛用于研究心跳活动。作为一种无创的方法,ECG的相关研究为了解心脏的功能提供了便利。对心电图进行有效分析可以为心血管疾病的诊断和防治提供丰富的信息,进而大大减缓心血管疾病对人们生活的影响。


from typing import Union,List, Tuple
# get signal with wfdb library# using an indexdef get_signal(index:int, as_p_signal:bool=True) -> Union[wfdb.Record, np.ndarray]:    record = wfdb.rdrecord(DATA_FOLDER + "/" +  str(index))    assert type(record) is wfdb.Record
    if as_p_signal:        assert type(record.p_signal) is np.ndarray        return record.p_signal            return record
# get annotations given the ecg leaddef get_annotations(index:int, lead, as_sample=True) -> Union[wfdb.Annotation, np.ndarray]:    annotations = wfdb.rdann(DATA_FOLDER +"/" + str(index), extension = lead)    if as_sample:        return np.array(annotations.sample)    return annotations
# get a full EGC with 12 leadsdef get_full_ecg(index:int):    signal = get_signal(index)    annotations = [        get_annotations(index, lead) for lead in LEADS    ]    return signal, annotations

def get_single_lead_ecg(index, lead) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:    """    return and ecg signal and its annotations    both as ndarray    """    signal = get_signal(index)    assert type(signal) is np.ndarray    signal = signal[:, LEADS.index(lead)]
    samples = get_annotations(index, lead)    assert type(samples) is np.ndarray        return signal, samples

def get_annotations_symbols(index, lead):    ann = get_annotations(index, lead, as_sample=False)    return ann.symbol
def paired_annotation_sample_and_symbol(index, lead):    annotations_symbols = get_annotations_symbols(index, lead)    annotations_sample = get_annotations(index, lead)    return zip(annotations_sample, annotations_symbols)

def get_single_lead_ecg_with_symbols(index, lead):    """    return and ecg signal and its annotations    both as ndarray    """    signal = get_signal(index)    assert type(signal) is np.ndarray    signal = signal[:, LEADS.index(lead)]
    data = paired_annotation_sample_and_symbol(index, lead)        return signal, np.array(list(data))
# plot single lead ecg with annotationsdef plot_single_lead_ecg(index, lead):    signal, samples = get_single_lead_ecg(index, lead)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (28, 3))
    ax.plot(signal)    ax.scatter(samples, signal[samples], c = 'r', marker = 'o')

# now plot every lead with annotationsdef plot_signal_with_annotation(index):    signal, samples = get_full_ecg(index)    # extract sample from annotations    wfdb.plot_items(signal, samples )
plot_signal_with_annotation(index = 199)


class EGCSignal:    """    This class has 4 main purposes:    1. To store the signal and its annotations    2. To cut the signal once at the beginning and once at the end    3. To plot the ECG in different ways    4. To convert the annotation in a one hot encoding
    Note that doesn't store the entire ECG, but only one lead
    Also has a method to initialize the class without explicitly passing the signal and annotations    but with the index and lead of the record    """    def __init__(self, signal, time_points, symbol, categories = None):        self.signal:np.ndarray = signal        self.time_points:np.ndarray = time_points        self.symbols:list[str] = symbol        self.symbol_to_category = {            'N': 0,            't': 1,            'p': 2        }        self.category_to_symbol = {            0: 'N',            1: 't',            2: 'p'        }        self.categories = categories if categories is not None else self.symbols_to_category()        self._cut_beginning( 550)        self._cut_end( 3500)
    def __getitem__(self, key):        return self.signal[key]
    def __len__(self):        return len(self.signal)
    def _cut_beginning(self, start_point):        self.signal = self.signal[start_point:]        self.categories = self.categories[start_point:]
        # now have to check if time_points and symbols are also to cut        if start_point > self.time_points[0]:            # get the index of the first time point greater than start_point            index = np.argmax(self.time_points > start_point)                            self.time_points = self.time_points[index:]            self.symbols = self.symbols[index:]
        self.time_points = self.time_points - start_point
        # check the cut point        if self.categories[0] != -1:            # if the first symbol is a ')' then i have to prepend a '(' and a letter from self.category_to_symbol            if self.symbols[0] == ')':                self.symbols = ['('] + [self.category_to_symbol[self.categories[0]]] + self.symbols                self.time_points = np.concatenate(([0,1], self.time_points))            elif self.symbols[0] in self.symbol_to_category:                # just prepend '('                self.symbols = ['('] + self.symbols                self.time_points = np.concatenate(([0], self.time_points))
    def _cut_end(self, end_point):        self.signal = self.signal[:end_point]        self.categories = self.categories[:end_point]
        index = self.time_points[self.time_points < self.signal.size].size        self.time_points = self.time_points[:index]        self.symbols = self.symbols[:index]
        # check the cut point        if self.categories[-1] != -1:            # if the last symbol is a '(' then i have to append a ')' and a letter from self.category_to_symbol            if self.symbols[-1] == '(':                self.symbols = self.symbols +  [self.category_to_symbol[self.categories[-1]]] + [')']                self.time_points = np.concatenate((self.time_points, [self.signal.size - 1, self.signal.size ]))            elif self.symbols[-1] in self.symbol_to_category:                # just append ')'                self.symbols = self.symbols + [')']                self.time_points = np.concatenate((self.time_points, [self.signal.size]))     def plot(self, ax=None):        if ax is None:            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (28, 3))        ax.plot(self.signal)
    def plot_with_time_point(self):        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (28, 3))        self.plot(ax)        ax.scatter(self.time_points, self.signal[self.time_points], c = 'r', marker = 'o')
    def plot_with_segments(self):        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (28, 3))        self.plot(ax)
        for start, symbol, end in grouped(self.time_points, 3):                        i = np.nonzero(self.time_points == symbol)[0][0]            current_symbol = self.symbols[i]            color = SEGMENT_TO_COLOR[current_symbol]            ax.axvspan(start, end, color=color, alpha=0.4)
    def symbols_to_category(self):        """        converts the symbols list in a numpy array of integers        same length as the signal        """
        # first instantiate an array of -1 same length as the signal        category = np.full(len(self.signal), -1)        # now fill the array with the known category        for section in grouped(self.time_points):            # unpack the section            start, peak, end = section                                    # get the category given the peak            i = np.nonzero(self.time_points == peak)[0][0]            current_symbol = self.symbols[i]
            category[start:end] = self.symbol_to_category[current_symbol]
        return category
    @staticmethod    def from_index_and_lead(index, lead):        return EGCSignal(        get_signal(index)[:, LEADS.index(lead)],        get_annotations(index, lead),        get_annotations_symbols(index, lead) )

EGCSignal.from_index_and_lead(1, LEADS[0]).plot_with_segments()


# plot categories on ecgsignal = X_test[ecg_index]categories = np.argmax(Y_test[ecg_index], axis=1)predicted_categories = np.argmax(Y_test_pred[ecg_index], axis=1)
# get time point where category changestime_points = np.where(categories[:-1] != categories[1:])[0]
# chek if category was at beginning or endif categories[0] != 0:    # if category was at beginning, add first time point    time_points = np.append(0, time_points)if categories[-1] != 0:    # if category was at end, add last time point    time_points = np.append(time_points, len(categories))
# plot the signalplt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))plt.plot(signal)for b,e in grouped(time_points, 2):    plt.axvspan(b, e, facecolor='0.5', alpha=0.5)


signal = X_test[ecg_index]categories = np.argmax(Y_test[ecg_index], axis=1)predicted_categories = np.argmax(Y_test_pred[ecg_index], axis=1)
# get time point where category changestime_points = np.where(predicted_categories[:-1] != predicted_categories[1:])[0]

# chek if category was at beginning or endif predicted_categories[0] != 0:    # if category was at beginning, add first time point    time_points = np.append(0, time_points)if predicted_categories[-1] != 0:    # if category was at end, add last time point    time_points = np.append(time_points, len(predicted_categories))
# plot the signalplt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))plt.plot(signal)for b,e in grouped(time_points, 2):    plt.axvspan(b, e, facecolor='0.5', alpha=0.5)


plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
plt.plot(signal, color = "gray")plt.plot(pred[:,0]*signal, alpha=0.5) # predicted not interesting
plt.plot(pred[:,3]*signal, alpha=0.9, label= "p", c=SEGMENT_TO_COLOR['p']) # predicted p
plt.plot(pred[:,1]*signal, alpha=0.9, label= "qrs", c=SEGMENT_TO_COLOR['N']) # predicted qrsplt.plot(pred[:,2]*signal, alpha=0.9, label= "t", c=SEGMENT_TO_COLOR['t']) # predicted t
plt.legend(    loc='upper right',    ncol=1,


from matplotlib.collections import LineCollectionfrom matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
x   = np.arange(len(signal)) t = np.linspace(0,1,x.shape[0]) # your "time" variable
lightblue  = [(0.3, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99 * p) for p in pred[:,1]]lightred   = [(0.99, 0.6, 0.5, 0.99 * p) for p in pred[:,2]]lightgreen = [(0.55, 0.99, 0.66, 0.99 * p) for p in pred[:,3]]

# set up a list of (x,y) pointspoints = np.array([x,signal]).transpose().reshape(-1,1,2)segs = np.concatenate([points[:-1],points[1:]],axis=1)
# make the collection of segmentslcblue = LineCollection(segs, cmap=ListedColormap( lightblue))lcblue.set_array(t)lcred = LineCollection(segs, cmap=ListedColormap( lightred))lcred.set_array(t)lcgreen = LineCollection(segs, cmap=ListedColormap( lightgreen))lcgreen.set_array(t)

# plot the collectionplt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))plt.plot(signal, alpha = 0.4, linewidth = 2, color='gray')plt.gca().add_collection(lcblue) # add the collection to the plotplt.gca().add_collection(lcred) # add the collection to the plotplt.gca().add_collection(lcgreen) # add the collection to the plotplt.xlim(x.min(), x.max()) # line collections don't auto-scale the plotplt.ylim(signal.min(), signal.max())


工学博士,担任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》《中国电机工程学报》《控制与决策》等期刊审稿专家,擅长领域:现代信号处理,机器学习,深度学习,数字孪生,时间序列分析,设备缺陷检测、设备异常检测、设备智能故障诊断与健康管理PHM等。




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