1.C#调用Lua 1.1C#调用Lua文件中的全局变量
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using XLua;/*
public class XLuaManager
{public static LuaEnv le;//Lua环…
目录 前言原文文章商务谈判常用会话前言
继续💪 原文文章 商务谈判常用会话
❶ I cannot understand your point well. 我不太理解你的观点。
❷ I’m conferring with my customers about online orders. 我现在跟我的顾客协商网上订单的事。
❸ We express our pleasur…
原文 天气常用会话
❶ It looks as though it might clear up. 看起来天好像要转晴。
❷ The forecast is not accurate. 预报不准确。
❸ The weatherman says we’ll have a cold spell before the end of this week. 天气预报员说,在这个周末之前会有一股寒…