Stable Diffusion - 俯视 (from below) 拍摄的人物图像 LoRA 与配置



图像来自 哥特风格 LoRA + 俯视 LoRA,提升视觉冲击力,核心配置 <lora:view_from_below:0.6>,(from below, view from shoes:1.35)

俯视 (from below) 拍摄,即从下面或底部拍摄,可以创造出一些有趣和独特的效果,突出人物的身材、姿态、表情和气场,也可以增加画面的视觉冲击力和动感。摄影技巧如下:

  • 使用广角镜头。广角镜头可以拍出更大的视野,让人物看起来更高大和有力。广角镜头也可以产生一些有趣的透视变形,让人物的某些部位看起来更大或更近,比如头部、手臂或腿部。这种变形可以增加画面的戏剧性和艺术性,但也要注意不要过度失真,否则会影响人物的美感。
  • 调整拍摄高度和角度。拍摄高度和角度会影响画面的氛围和效果。一般来说,拍摄高度越低,角度越大,画面就越夸张和夸张。如果想要拍出一种威严、霸气或者超现实的感觉,可以尽量降低拍摄高度,让相机与地面平行或者向上仰角。
  • 注意背景和光线。背景和光线也很重要。背景可以为人物提供一个有意义或有趣的环境,也可以为画面增加一些色彩或纹理。光线可以为人物塑造一个有层次或有气氛的光影效果,也可以为画面增加一些明暗或对比。在选择背景和光线时,要注意与人物的主题、情绪和风格相协调,避免与人物产生冲突或分散注意力。
  • 指导人物的姿态和表情。人物的姿态和表情也很关键。姿态和表情可以表达人物的性格、心情和态度,也可以与画面产生一些互动或对比。在指导人物的姿态和表情时,要注意与拍摄角度相匹配,避免造成不自然或不协调的感觉。如果从下面拍摄人物的正面,可以让人物抬头挺胸,展现自信或傲慢。

俯视 (from below) 的关键词汇,如下:

shooting from below or bottom, 
highlight body and posture and expression and aura, increase visual impact and dynamism,
wide-angle lens, larger field of view, look taller and more powerful and bigger or closer, drama and artistry and beauty,
lower shooting height and larger angle, camera parallel ground and tilt up,
background and light with color and texture and brightness and contrast,
posture and expression and personality, mood and attitude and lift head and chest, show confidence and arrogance,

1. 俯视 view_from_below 的 LoRA

相关 LoRA:view_from_below,建议预设权重 0.7~0.8,低于 0.7 效果较差,建议与关键词 from below 联合使用,即:

<lora:view_from_below:0.8>,(from below:1.2)

注意:LoRA 影响脸部效果,建议开启 ADetailer 插件,同时,添加相关提示词。

view_from_below 的介绍,发布时间 2023.4.12:

  • 推荐给那些欣赏低角度拍摄的人。在理想的输出之间或在较弱的设置下,产生其他不错的低角度。
  • NAI由91张自定义图像训练而成,并由少量照片来源生成。
  • 权重在0.7-0.8 左右,一致性可以通过 from below 的标签来提高。


2. 测试效果

以朋克 (Punk) 风格的女孩为主题,提示词与参数配置,如下:

cinematic look,soothing tones,insane details,intricate details,hyperdetailed,
(asian girl:1.1),a 29 yo girl,cute smile,dynamic sexy pose,
(turtleneck:1.1),(contemptuous expression),
(highly detailed torn clothes),(wearing purple straps thighhighs, porcelain white skin, short denim shorts, punk tshirt, open leather jacket, choker:1.1),(thighgap:0.8),
(perfect face),earring,(face freckles:0.8),beautiful detailed eyes,black lips,blue hair pigtails,hair between eyes,
low contrast,dim colors,exposure blend,faded,slate gray atmosphere,symetrical,35mm,(intricate details:1.12),
hdr,(hyperdetailed:1.15),(natural skin texture, hyperrealism, soft cinematic light, sharp:1.2),(skinny, thin body:0.2),
<lora:more_details:0.5>,, <lora:view_from_below:0.6>,(from below, view from shoes:1.35),(eye contact),
shooting from below or bottom,
highlight body and posture and expression and aura,increase visual impact and dynamism,
wide-angle lens,larger field of view,look taller and more powerful and bigger or closer,drama and artistry and beauty,
lower shooting height and larger angle,camera parallel ground and tilt up,
background and light with color and texture and brightness and contrast,
mood and attitude and lift head and chest,show confidence and arrogance,
Negative prompt: (ng_deepnegative_v1_75t:1.3),negative_hand,
(cgi:0.9),(deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3),poorly drawn,
bad anatomy,wrong anatomy,extra limb,missing limb,floating limbs,(mutated hands and fingers:1.3),disconnected limbs,mutation,mutated,
realistic proportions and muted colors,, extra fingers,missing fingers,fused fingers,too many fingers,mutated hands,malformed hands,poorly drawn hands,bad hands,
Steps: 35, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, CFG scale: 5, Seed: 1420539032, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 879db523c3, Model: Dreamshaper_8, Denoising strength: 0.35, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model:, ADetailer prompt: "(asian girl:1.3),porcelain white skin,dark purple lips,perfect makeup,", ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 0, ADetailer ControlNet model: control_v11p_sd15_inpaint [ebff9138], ADetailer ControlNet module: inpaint_global_harmonious, ADetailer version: 23.7.6, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 5, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Lora hashes: "more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef, view_from_below: bb32e9d14681", TI hashes: "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t: 54e7e4826d53, negative_hand: 73b524a2da12", ControlNet 0: "preprocessor: inpaint_global_harmonious, model: control_v11p_sd15_inpaint [ebff9138], weight: 1.0, starting/ending: (0.0, 1.0), resize mode: ResizeMode.INNER_FIT, pixel perfect: True, control mode: ControlMode.BALANCED, preprocessor params: (-1, -1, -1)", Version: v1.5.1


  • 俯视:<lora:view_from_below:0.8>,(from below:1.2)
  • 深度俯视:<lora:view_from_below:0.6>,(from below, view from shoes:1.35)


3. 固定提示词


# 正向提示词
<lora:view_from_below:0.8>,(from below:1.2),(eye contact),
shooting from below or bottom,
highlight body and posture and expression and aura,increase visual impact and dynamism,
wide-angle lens,larger field of view,look taller and more powerful and bigger or closer,drama and artistry and beauty,
lower shooting height and larger angle,camera parallel ground and tilt up,
background and light with color and texture and brightness and contrast,
posture and expression and personality,mood and attitude and lift head and chest,show confidence and arrogance,

# 负向提示词,修复手指
extra fingers,missing fingers,fused fingers,too many fingers,mutated hands,malformed hands,poorly drawn hands,

测试与 哥特风格 结合,图像效果如下:

面部修复 (ADetailer) 关键词,即 (asian girl:1.2),porcelain white skin,dark purple lips,perfect makeup,goth style,


1 girl,(full body:1.3),portrait,(looking at the viewer:1.2),
(asian girl:1.3),beautiful woman,
(gothgal,lace,frills,choker,porcelain white skin,dress:1.3),gothgal leather boots,(turtleneck and crewneck:1.2),
standing pose with legs apart,
gothic style clothing,
dark and mysterious and noble and romantic and decadent,
combinations of red and black and white,cold and heavy and strong contrast effect,
leather and PVC and rubber and latex and gloss and texture,
silk and brocade and velvet and lace and luxury and vintage,
embroidery and badges and crosses and skulls,
tight fitting and poulaine pointed shoes and chausses leggings and hennin conical hat,
religious and ornaments and jewelry and pointed shoes and veils and gloves,
RAW,analog,Nikon Z 85mm,(best quality:1.2),(masterpiece:1.2),(realistic:1.2),4k,god rays,
photorealistic,realistic,photorealism,photography,8k uhd,photography,
Negative prompt: (nsfw:1.2),naked,nipple,(ng_deepnegative_v1_75t:1.35),
(out of frame:1.3),
(3d, render, cgi, doll, painting, fake, cartoon, 3d modeling:1.4),(worst quality, low quality:1.4),
deformed face,bad teeth,bad hands,bad fingers,bad eyes,long body,blurry,duplicate,cloned,
duplicate body parts,disfigured,
extra limbs,fused fingers,extra fingers,twisted,distorted,malformed hands,mutated hands and fingers,mutated legs,extra legs,too many legs,conjoined,missing limbs,bad anatomy,bad proportions,
logo,watermark,text,copyright,signature,lowres,mutated,mutilated,artifacts,gross,ugly,bad hands,bunch of peoples,lowres,
tattoos,panties,bra,big hands,
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3811659508, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 879db523c3, Model: Dreamshaper_8, Denoising strength: 0.35, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model:, ADetailer prompt: "(asian girl:1.2),porcelain white skin,dark purple lips,perfect makeup,goth style,", ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 23.7.6, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 5, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Lora hashes: "more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef, clothing_goth: fe028c537173", TI hashes: "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t: 54e7e4826d53, negative_hand: 73b524a2da12", Version: v1.5.1

基础图像、(from below:1.2) 图像、+LoRA 图像,如下:






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