- 一、概述
- 二、源码分析
- 2.1 SystemServer fork流程分析
- 2.1.1 [ZygoteInit.java] main()
- 2.1.2 [ZygoteInit.java] forkSystemServer()
- 2.1.3 [Zygote.java] forkSystemServer()
- 2.1.4 [com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp]
- 2.1.5 [com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp] ForkCommon
- 2.1.6 [Zygcom_android_internal_os_Zygoteote.cpp] SpecializeCommon
- 2.1.7 [ZygoteInit.java] handleSystemServerProcess
- 2.1.8 [ZygoteInit.java] zygoteInit
- 2.1.9 [RuntimeInit.java] commonInit
- 2.1.10 [ZygoteInit.java] nativeZygoteInit
- 2.1.11 [RuntimeInit.java] applicationInit
- 2.1.12 [RuntimeInit.java] findStaticMain
- 2.1.13 [RuntimeInit.java] MethodAndArgsCaller
- 2.2 SystemServer 启动后的流程
- 2.2.1 [SystemServer.java] main
- 2.2.2 [SystemServer.java] run
- 2.2.3 [SystemServer.java] performPendingShutdown
- 2.2.4 [SystemServer.java] createSystemContext
- 2.2.5 [SystemServer.java] startBootstrapServices
- 2.2.6 [SystemServer.java] startCoreServices
- 2.2.7 [SystemServer.java] startOtherServices
- 三、服务启动分析
- 3.1 PHASE 0
- 3.2 PHASE 100 (阶段100):
- 3.3 PHASE 480 (阶段480):
- 3.4 PHASE 500 (阶段500):
- 3.5 PHASE 520 (阶段520):
- 3.6 PHASE 550 (阶段550):
- 3.7 PHASE 600 (阶段600):
- 3.8 PHASE 1000 (阶段1000):
- 四、服务分类
- 五、总结
- 六、相关日志
Zygote是所有应用的鼻祖。SystemServer和其他所有Dalivik虚拟机进程都是由Zygote fork而来。Zygote fork的第一个进程就是SystemServer,其在手机中的进程名为 system_server
trinket:/ # ps -A |grep system_server
system 1504 591 7842576 231380 SyS_epoll_wait 0 S system_server
system_server 进程承载着整个framework的核心服务,例如创建 ActivityManagerService、PowerManagerService、DisplayManagerService、PackageManagerService、WindowManagerService、LauncherAppsService等80多个核心系统服务。这些服务以不同的线程方式存在于system_server这个进程中。
2.1 SystemServer fork流程分析
2.1.1 [ZygoteInit.java] main()
public static void main(String argv[]) {
ZygoteServer zygoteServer = null;
try {
zygoteServer = new ZygoteServer(isPrimaryZygote);
if (startSystemServer) {
//fork system_server
Runnable r = forkSystemServer(abiList, zygoteSocketName, zygoteServer);
// {@code r == null} in the parent (zygote) process, and {@code r != null} in the
// child (system_server) process.
if (r != null) {
r.run(); //启动SystemServer.java的main()
return; //Android 8.0之前是通过抛异常的方式来启动,这里是直接return出去,用来清空栈,提高栈帧利用率
caller = zygoteServer.runSelectLoop(abiList);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "System zygote died with exception", ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
if (zygoteServer != null) {
if (caller != null) {
2.1.2 [ZygoteInit.java] forkSystemServer()
private static Runnable forkSystemServer(String abiList, String socketName,
ZygoteServer zygoteServer) {
String args[] = {
+ "1024,1032,1065,3001,3002,3003,3006,3007,3009,3010",
"--capabilities=" + capabilities + "," + capabilities,
"--target-sdk-version=" + VMRuntime.SDK_VERSION_CUR_DEVELOPMENT,
ZygoteArguments parsedArgs = null;
int pid;
try {
parsedArgs = new ZygoteArguments(args);
/* Request to fork the system server process */
pid = Zygote.forkSystemServer(
parsedArgs.mUid, parsedArgs.mGid,
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
if (pid == 0) {
// 处理32_64和64_32的情况
if (hasSecondZygote(abiList)) {
waitForSecondaryZygote(socketName); //需要等待第二个Zygote创建完成
// fork时会copy socket,Zygote原有的socket需要关闭
// system server进程处理自己的工作
return handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs);
return null;
2.1.3 [Zygote.java] forkSystemServer()
说明:这里的nativeForkSystemServer()最终是通过JNI,调用Nativate C空间的com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer()来fork system_server
public static int forkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, int runtimeFlags,
int[][] rlimits, long permittedCapabilities, long effectiveCapabilities) {
// Resets nice priority for zygote process.
//调用native的方法来fork system_server
int pid = nativeForkSystemServer(
uid, gid, gids, runtimeFlags, rlimits,
permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities);
// Enable tracing as soon as we enter the system_server.
if (pid == 0) {
Trace.setTracingEnabled(true, runtimeFlags);
return pid;
static const JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
{ "nativeForkSystemServer", "(II[II[[IJJ)I",
(void *) com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer },
2.1.4 [com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp]
说明:通过 SpecializeCommon进行fork,pid返回0时,表示当前为system_server子进程
当pid >0 时,是进入父进程,即Zygote进程,通过waitpid 的WNOHANG 非阻塞方式来监控
|trinket:/ # ps -A |grep zygote
root 591 1 5421464 170432 poll_schedule_timeout 0 S zygote64
root 592 1 1734388 153892 poll_schedule_timeout 0 S zygote
webview_zygote 2213 592 1739824 57280 poll_schedule_timeout 0 S webview_zygote
static jint com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer(
JNIEnv* env, jclass, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids,
jint runtime_flags, jobjectArray rlimits, jlong permitted_capabilities,
jlong effective_capabilities) {
pid_t pid = ForkCommon(env, true,
if (pid == 0) {
SpecializeCommon(env, uid, gid, gids, runtime_flags, rlimits,
permitted_capabilities, effective_capabilities,
MOUNT_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, true,
false, nullptr, nullptr);
} else if (pid > 0) {
ALOGI("System server process %d has been created", pid);
int status;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == pid) {
ALOGE("System server process %d has died. Restarting Zygote!", pid);
RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "System server process has died. Restarting Zygote!");
return pid;
2.1.5 [com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp] ForkCommon
static pid_t ForkCommon(JNIEnv* env, bool is_system_server,
const std::vector<int>& fds_to_close,
const std::vector<int>& fds_to_ignore) {
BlockSignal(SIGCHLD, fail_fn);
//fork子进程,采用copy on write方式,这里执行一次,会返回两次
//pid=0 表示Zygote fork SystemServer这个子进程成功
//pid > 0 表示SystemServer 的真正的PID
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
// The child process.
// 关闭并清除文件描述符
// Clean up any descriptors which must be closed immediately
DetachDescriptors(env, fds_to_close, fail_fn);
} else {
ALOGD("Forked child process %d", pid);
UnblockSignal(SIGCHLD, fail_fn);
return pid;
2.1.6 [Zygcom_android_internal_os_Zygoteote.cpp] SpecializeCommon
static void SpecializeCommon(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids,
jint runtime_flags, jobjectArray rlimits,
jlong permitted_capabilities, jlong effective_capabilities,
jint mount_external, jstring managed_se_info,
jstring managed_nice_name, bool is_system_server,
bool is_child_zygote, jstring managed_instruction_set,
jstring managed_app_data_dir) {
bool use_native_bridge = !is_system_server &&
instruction_set.has_value() &&
android::NativeBridgeAvailable() &&
if (!is_system_server && getuid() == 0) {
const int rc = createProcessGroup(uid, getpid());
if (rc == -EROFS) {
ALOGW("createProcessGroup failed, kernel missing CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT?");
} else if (rc != 0) {
ALOGE("createProcessGroup(%d, %d) failed: %s", uid, /* pid= */ 0, strerror(-rc));
SetGids(env, gids, fail_fn); //设置设置group
SetRLimits(env, rlimits, fail_fn); //设置资源limit
if (use_native_bridge) {
// Due to the logic behind use_native_bridge we know that both app_data_dir
// and instruction_set contain values.
if (setresgid(gid, gid, gid) == -1) {
fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("setresgid(%d) failed: %s", gid, strerror(errno)));
if (selinux_android_setcontext(uid, is_system_server, se_info_ptr, nice_name_ptr) == -1) {
fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("selinux_android_setcontext(%d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\") failed",
uid, is_system_server, se_info_ptr, nice_name_ptr));
if (nice_name.has_value()) {
} else if (is_system_server) {
// Unset the SIGCHLD handler, but keep ignoring SIGHUP (rationale in SetSignalHandlers).
if (is_system_server) {
//对应 Zygote.java 的callPostForkSystemServerHooks()
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteClass, gCallPostForkSystemServerHooks);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
fail_fn("Error calling post fork system server hooks.");
//对应ZygoteInit.java 的 createSystemServerClassLoader()
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteInitClass, gCreateSystemServerClassLoader);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// Be robust here. The Java code will attempt to create the classloader
// at a later point (but may not have rights to use AoT artifacts).
//等价于调用zygote.java 的callPostForkChildHooks()
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteClass, gCallPostForkChildHooks, runtime_flags,
is_system_server, is_child_zygote, managed_instruction_set);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
fail_fn("Error calling post fork hooks.");
2.1.7 [ZygoteInit.java] handleSystemServerProcess
export SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH=/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/ethernet-service.jar:/system/framework/wifi-service.jar
private static Runnable handleSystemServerProcess(ZygoteArguments parsedArgs) {
if (parsedArgs.mNiceName != null) {
Process.setArgV0(parsedArgs.mNiceName); //设置当前进程名为"system_server"
final String systemServerClasspath = Os.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH");
if (systemServerClasspath != null) {
if (performSystemServerDexOpt(systemServerClasspath)) {
sCachedSystemServerClassLoader = null;
if (parsedArgs.mInvokeWith != null) {
String[] args = parsedArgs.mRemainingArgs;
if (systemServerClasspath != null) {
String[] amendedArgs = new String[args.length + 2];
amendedArgs[0] = "-cp";
amendedArgs[1] = systemServerClasspath;
System.arraycopy(args, 0, amendedArgs, 2, args.length);
args = amendedArgs;
parsedArgs.mNiceName, parsedArgs.mTargetSdkVersion,
VMRuntime.getCurrentInstructionSet(), null, args);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected return from WrapperInit.execApplication");
} else {
// 创建类加载器,并赋予当前线程
ClassLoader cl = sCachedSystemServerClassLoader;
if (cl != null) {
return ZygoteInit.zygoteInit(parsedArgs.mTargetSdkVersion,
parsedArgs.mRemainingArgs, cl);
2.1.8 [ZygoteInit.java] zygoteInit
public static final Runnable zygoteInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv,
ClassLoader classLoader) {
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "ZygoteInit");
RuntimeInit.redirectLogStreams(); //重定向log输出
RuntimeInit.commonInit(); //通用的一些初始化
ZygoteInit.nativeZygoteInit(); // zygote初始化
// 应用初始化
return RuntimeInit.applicationInit(targetSdkVersion, argv, classLoader);
2.1.9 [RuntimeInit.java] commonInit
说明:配置log、时区、http userAgent等基础信息
protected static final void commonInit() {
LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler();
// 设置默认的未捕捉异常处理方法
Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler(loggingHandler));
// 设置时区,通过属性读出中国时区为"Asia/Shanghai"
RuntimeHooks.setTimeZoneIdSupplier(() -> SystemProperties.get("persist.sys.timezone"));
new AndroidConfig();
//设置默认的HTTP User-agent格式,用于 HttpURLConnection
String userAgent = getDefaultUserAgent();
System.setProperty("http.agent", userAgent);
* Wire socket tagging to traffic stats.
2.1.10 [ZygoteInit.java] nativeZygoteInit
说明:nativeZygoteInit 通过反射,进入com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit
int register_com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env)
const JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
{ "nativeZygoteInit", "()V",
(void*) com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit },
return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/internal/os/ZygoteInit",
methods, NELEM(methods));
gCurRuntime = this;
static void com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz)
virtual void onZygoteInit()
sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self();
ALOGV("App process: starting thread pool.\n");
proc->startThreadPool(); //启动新binder线程
2.1.11 [RuntimeInit.java] applicationInit
说明:通过参数解析,得到args.startClass = com.android.server.SystemServer
protected static Runnable applicationInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv,
ClassLoader classLoader) {
// We want to be fairly aggressive about heap utilization, to avoid
// holding on to a lot of memory that isn't needed.
final Arguments args = new Arguments(argv); //解析参数
// Remaining arguments are passed to the start class's static main
//调用startClass的static方法 main()
return findStaticMain(args.startClass, args.startArgs, classLoader);
2.1.12 [RuntimeInit.java] findStaticMain
说明:拿到SystemServer的main()方法,并返回 MethodAndArgsCaller()对象
protected static Runnable findStaticMain(String className, String[] argv,
ClassLoader classLoader) {
Class<?> cl;
try {
//拿到com.android.server.SystemServer 的类对象
cl = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Missing class when invoking static main " + className,
Method m;
try {
m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Missing static main on " + className, ex);
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Problem getting static main on " + className, ex);
int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Main method is not public and static on " + className);
return new MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);
2.1.13 [RuntimeInit.java] MethodAndArgsCaller
static class MethodAndArgsCaller implements Runnable {
/** method to call */
private final Method mMethod;
/** argument array */
private final String[] mArgs;
public MethodAndArgsCaller(Method method, String[] args) {
mMethod = method;
mArgs = args;
public void run() {
try {
mMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { mArgs });
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) cause;
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
2.2 SystemServer 启动后的流程
2.2.1 [SystemServer.java] main
说明:main函数由Zygote进程 fork后运行,作用是new 一个SystemServer对象,再调用该对象的run()方法
public static void main(String[] args) {
//new 一个SystemServer对象,再调用该对象的run()方法
new SystemServer().run();
2.2.2 [SystemServer.java] run
private void run() {
try {
// Record the process start information in sys props.
SystemProperties.set(SYSPROP_START_COUNT, String.valueOf(mStartCount));
SystemProperties.set(SYSPROP_START_ELAPSED, String.valueOf(mRuntimeStartElapsedTime));
SystemProperties.set(SYSPROP_START_UPTIME, String.valueOf(mRuntimeStartUptime));
mStartCount, mRuntimeStartUptime, mRuntimeStartElapsedTime);
//那么很多api 都会因为处理负数而崩溃,尤其是java.io.File#setLastModified
if (System.currentTimeMillis() < EARLIEST_SUPPORTED_TIME) {
Slog.w(TAG, "System clock is before 1970; setting to 1970.");
String timezoneProperty = SystemProperties.get("persist.sys.timezone");
if (timezoneProperty == null || timezoneProperty.isEmpty()) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Timezone not set; setting to GMT.");
SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.timezone", "GMT");
//变更虚拟机的库文件,对于Android 10.0默认采用的是libart.so
SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2", VMRuntime.getRuntime().vmLibrary());
// Mmmmmm... more memory!
//确保当前系统进程的binder调用,总是运行在前台优先级(foreground priority)
//加载android_servers.so库,初始化native service
// Debug builds - allow heap profiling.
if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
mSystemServiceManager = new SystemServiceManager(mSystemContext);
mRuntimeStartElapsedTime, mRuntimeStartUptime);
LocalServices.addService(SystemServiceManager.class, mSystemServiceManager);
// Prepare the thread pool for init tasks that can be parallelized
} finally {
traceEnd(); // InitBeforeStartServices
// Start services.
try {
startBootstrapServices(); // 启动引导服务
startCoreServices(); // 启动核心服务
startOtherServices(); // 启动其他服务
SystemServerInitThreadPool.shutdown(); //停止线程池
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Slog.e("System", "******************************************");
Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting system services", ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
// Loop forever.
throw new RuntimeException("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited");
2.2.3 [SystemServer.java] performPendingShutdown
private void performPendingShutdown() {
final String shutdownAction = SystemProperties.get(
if (shutdownAction != null && shutdownAction.length() > 0) {
boolean reboot = (shutdownAction.charAt(0) == '1');
final String reason;
if (shutdownAction.length() > 1) {
reason = shutdownAction.substring(1, shutdownAction.length());
} else {
reason = null;
if (reason != null && reason.startsWith(PowerManager.REBOOT_RECOVERY_UPDATE)) {
File packageFile = new File(UNCRYPT_PACKAGE_FILE);
if (packageFile.exists()) {
String filename = null;
try {
filename = FileUtils.readTextFile(packageFile, 0, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Error reading uncrypt package file", e);
if (filename != null && filename.startsWith("/data")) {
if (!new File(BLOCK_MAP_FILE).exists()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Can't find block map file, uncrypt failed or " +
"unexpected runtime restart?");
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (this) {
ShutdownThread.rebootOrShutdown(null, reboot, reason);
// ShutdownThread must run on a looper capable of displaying the UI.
Message msg = Message.obtain(UiThread.getHandler(), runnable);
2.2.4 [SystemServer.java] createSystemContext
说明:初始化系统上下文, 该过程会创建对象有ActivityThread,Instrumentation, ContextImpl,LoadedApk,Application
private void createSystemContext() {
ActivityThread activityThread = ActivityThread.systemMain();
mSystemContext = activityThread.getSystemContext();
final Context systemUiContext = activityThread.getSystemUiContext();
2.2.5 [SystemServer.java] startBootstrapServices
说明:用于启动系统Boot级服务,有ActivityManagerService, PowerManagerService, LightsService, DisplayManagerService, PackageManagerService, UserManagerService, sensor服务.
private void startBootstrapServices() {
final Watchdog watchdog = Watchdog.getInstance();
//添加PLATFORM_COMPAT_SERVICE,Platform compat服务被ActivityManagerService、PackageManagerService
new PlatformCompat(mSystemContext));
Installer installer = mSystemServiceManager.startService(Installer.class);
ActivityTaskManagerService atm = mSystemServiceManager.startService(
mActivityManagerService = ActivityManagerService.Lifecycle.startService(mSystemServiceManager, atm);
mWindowManagerGlobalLock = atm.getGlobalLock();
//Power manager需要尽早启动,因为其他服务需要它。
mPowerManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(
//初始化power management
//启动recovery system,以防需要重新启动
mDisplayManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(DisplayManagerService.class);
// Boot Phases: Phase100: 在初始化package manager之前,需要默认的显示.
String cryptState = VoldProperties.decrypt().orElse("");
if (ENCRYPTING_STATE.equals(cryptState)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Detected encryption in progress - only parsing core apps");
mOnlyCore = true;
} else if (ENCRYPTED_STATE.equals(cryptState)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Device encrypted - only parsing core apps");
mOnlyCore = true;
try {
mPackageManagerService = PackageManagerService.main(mSystemContext, installer,
mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_OFF, mOnlyCore);
} finally {
// Set up the Application instance for the system process and get started.
watchdog.init(mSystemContext, mActivityManagerService);
//传感器服务需要访问包管理器服务、app ops服务和权限服务,
mSensorServiceStart = SystemServerInitThreadPool.get().submit(() -> {
TimingsTraceLog traceLog = new TimingsTraceLog(
startSensorService(); //启动传感器服务
2.2.6 [SystemServer.java] startCoreServices
private void startCoreServices() {
if (mPackageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_WEBVIEW)) {
mWebViewUpdateService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(WebViewUpdateService.class);
//启动BinderCallsStatsService, 跟踪在绑定器调用中花费的cpu时间
2.2.7 [SystemServer.java] startOtherServices
private void startOtherServices() {
telephonyRegistry = new TelephonyRegistry(context);
ServiceManager.addService("telephony.registry", telephonyRegistry);
mSystemServiceManager.startService(new AlarmManagerService(context));
inputManager = new InputManagerService(context);
ServiceManager.addService(Context.INPUT_SERVICE, inputManager,
/* allowIsolated= */ false, DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL);
mActivityManagerService.systemReady(() -> {
3.1 PHASE 0
说明:startBootstrapServices() 启动引导级服务
启动完后,进入PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY=100, 即Phase100阶段
atm = mSystemServiceManager.startService(
mPowerManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(PowerManagerService.class);
mDisplayManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(DisplayManagerService.class);
//执行回调函数 onBootPhase,把PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY=100, 传入各个service的 onBootPhase
3.2 PHASE 100 (阶段100):
定义:public static final int PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY = 100;
说明: 启动阶段-Boot Phase, 该阶段需要等待Display有默认显示
进入阶段PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY=100回调服务: onBootPhase(100)
流程:startBootPhase(100) -> onBootPhase(100)
从以下源码可以看到这里遍历了一下服务列表,然后回调到各服务的 onBootPhase() 方法中了。每个服务的onBootPhase()处理都不相同,这里不详细分析
public void startBootPhase(final int phase) {
mCurrentPhase = phase;
final int serviceLen = mServices.size();
for (int i = 0; i < serviceLen; i++) {
final SystemService service = mServices.get(i);
try {
service.onBootPhase(mCurrentPhase); // 轮训前面加过的service,把phase加入服务回调
} catch (Exception ex) {
3.3 PHASE 480 (阶段480):
定义:public static final int PHASE_LOCK_SETTINGS_READY = 480;
说明: 该阶段后, 服务可以获取到锁屏设置的数据了
3.4 PHASE 500 (阶段500):
定义:public static final int PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY = 500;
- PermissionPolicyService
- eviceSpecificServices
3.5 PHASE 520 (阶段520):
定义:public static final int PHASE_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_SERVICES_READY = 520;
告诉AMS可以运行第三方代码,Making services ready
3.6 PHASE 550 (阶段550):
定义:public static final int PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY = 550;
AMS启动native crash监控,启动SystemUI,其余服务调用systemReady()
- AMS启动native crash监控:
- 启动systemUI:
- 其余服务调用systemReady():
3.7 PHASE 600 (阶段600):
定义:public static final int PHASE_THIRD_PARTY_APPS_CAN_START = 600;
3.8 PHASE 1000 (阶段1000):
定义:public static final int PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED = 1000;
说明: 该阶段后,服务可以允许用户与设备交互。此阶段在引导完成且主应用程序启动时发生。
引导服务 Boot Service (10个):
核心服务 Core Service(9个):
其他服务 Other Service(70个+):
.Zygote fork后,进入SystemServer的main()
启动的服务分为 引导服务(Boot Service)、核心服务(Core Service)和其他服务(Other Service)三大类,共90多个服务
搜索 "SystemServer" (1个文件中匹配到420次,总计查找1次)
C:\Users\henry.xue\666.txt (匹配420次)
行 4027: 01-01 08:00:22.187 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InitBeforeStartServices
行 4030: 01-01 08:00:22.194 1504 1504 W SystemServer: System clock is before 1970; setting to 1970.
行 4031: 01-01 08:00:22.195 1504 1504 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
行 4163: 01-01 08:00:22.591 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices took to complete: 403ms
行 4164: 01-01 08:00:22.591 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartServices
行 4165: 01-01 08:00:22.592 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWatchdog
行 4170: 01-01 08:00:22.617 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog took to complete: 25ms
行 4171: 01-01 08:00:22.617 1504 1504 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
行 4172: 01-01 08:00:22.617 1504 1504 I SystemServer: ReadingSystemConfig
行 4173: 01-01 08:00:22.619 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig took to complete: 1ms
行 4174: 01-01 08:00:22.619 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartInstaller
行 4176: 01-01 08:00:22.619 1504 1642 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing ReadingSystemConfig
行 4178: 01-01 08:00:22.621 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller took to complete: 2ms
行 4179: 01-01 08:00:22.621 1504 1504 I SystemServer: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService
行 4181: 01-01 08:00:22.622 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService took to complete: 1ms
行 4182: 01-01 08:00:22.622 1504 1504 I SystemServer: UriGrantsManagerService
行 4184: 01-01 08:00:22.624 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 4185: 01-01 08:00:22.624 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartActivityManager
行 4229: 01-01 08:00:22.768 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager took to complete: 143ms
行 4230: 01-01 08:00:22.768 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPowerManager
行 4235: 01-01 08:00:22.783 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager took to complete: 15ms
行 4236: 01-01 08:00:22.783 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartThermalManager
行 4238: 01-01 08:00:22.784 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager took to complete: 1ms
行 4239: 01-01 08:00:22.784 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InitPowerManagement
行 4240: 01-01 08:00:22.787 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement took to complete: 3ms
行 4241: 01-01 08:00:22.787 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartRecoverySystemService
行 4243: 01-01 08:00:22.789 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService took to complete: 2ms
行 4245: 01-01 08:00:22.790 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartLightsService
行 4247: 01-01 08:00:22.795 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService took to complete: 5ms
行 4248: 01-01 08:00:22.795 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSidekickService
行 4249: 01-01 08:00:22.795 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService took to complete: 0ms
行 4250: 01-01 08:00:22.795 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDisplayManager
行 4253: 01-01 08:00:22.799 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayManager took to complete: 4ms
行 4254: 01-01 08:00:22.799 1504 1504 I SystemServer: WaitForDisplay
行 4263: 01-01 08:00:22.807 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: WaitForDisplay took to complete: 9ms
行 4267: 01-01 08:00:22.808 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPackageManagerService
行 4282: 01-01 08:00:22.833 1504 1642 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing ReadingSystemConfig
行 5304: 01-01 08:00:25.569 1504 1953 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing prepareAppData
行 5327: 01-01 08:00:25.690 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPackageManagerService took to complete: 2883ms
行 5329: 01-01 08:00:25.691 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartOtaDexOptService
行 5333: 01-01 08:00:25.693 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartOtaDexOptService took to complete: 1ms
行 5334: 01-01 08:00:25.693 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartUserManagerService
行 5336: 01-01 08:00:25.693 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartUserManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5337: 01-01 08:00:25.693 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InitAttributerCache
行 5338: 01-01 08:00:25.694 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InitAttributerCache took to complete: 0ms
行 5339: 01-01 08:00:25.694 1504 1504 I SystemServer: SetSystemProcess
行 5344: 01-01 08:00:25.707 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: SetSystemProcess took to complete: 13ms
行 5345: 01-01 08:00:25.707 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InitWatchdog
行 5346: 01-01 08:00:25.707 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InitWatchdog took to complete: 1ms
行 5347: 01-01 08:00:25.708 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartOverlayManagerService
行 5350: 01-01 08:00:25.783 1504 1953 D SystemServerTimingAsync: AppDataFixup took to complete: 214ms
行 5351: 01-01 08:00:25.829 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartOverlayManagerService took to complete: 121ms
行 5353: 01-01 08:00:25.829 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSensorPrivacyService
行 5355: 01-01 08:00:25.830 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSensorPrivacyService took to complete: 1ms
行 5356: 01-01 08:00:25.830 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBatteryService
行 5358: 01-01 08:00:25.830 1504 1959 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing StartSensorService
行 5423: 01-01 08:00:25.843 1504 1959 D SystemServerTimingAsync: StartSensorService took to complete: 13ms
行 5424: 01-01 08:00:25.843 1504 1959 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing StartSensorService
行 5440: 01-01 08:00:25.875 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBatteryService took to complete: 44ms
行 5441: 01-01 08:00:25.875 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartUsageService
行 5445: 01-01 08:00:25.883 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartUsageService took to complete: 9ms
行 5446: 01-01 08:00:25.884 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWebViewUpdateService
行 5448: 01-01 08:00:25.886 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWebViewUpdateService took to complete: 2ms
行 5449: 01-01 08:00:25.886 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartCachedDeviceStateService
行 5451: 01-01 08:00:25.886 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartCachedDeviceStateService took to complete: 0ms
行 5452: 01-01 08:00:25.886 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBinderCallsStatsService
行 5454: 01-01 08:00:25.887 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBinderCallsStatsService took to complete: 1ms
行 5455: 01-01 08:00:25.887 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartLooperStatsService
行 5457: 01-01 08:00:25.888 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartLooperStatsService took to complete: 1ms
行 5458: 01-01 08:00:25.888 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartRollbackManagerService
行 5461: 01-01 08:00:25.893 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartRollbackManagerService took to complete: 5ms
行 5462: 01-01 08:00:25.893 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBugreportManagerService
行 5464: 01-01 08:00:25.894 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBugreportManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5465: 01-01 08:00:25.894 1504 1504 I SystemServer: GpuService
行 5467: 01-01 08:00:25.894 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: GpuService took to complete: 0ms
行 5468: 01-01 08:00:25.894 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartKeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService
行 5469: 01-01 08:00:25.895 1504 1969 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing SecondaryZygotePreload
行 5470: 01-01 08:00:25.895 1504 1969 I SystemServer: SecondaryZygotePreload
行 5471: 01-01 08:00:25.895 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartKeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService took to complete: 0ms
行 5472: 01-01 08:00:25.895 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartKeyChainSystemService
行 5474: 01-01 08:00:25.895 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartKeyChainSystemService took to complete: 0ms
行 5475: 01-01 08:00:25.896 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSchedulingPolicyService
行 5476: 01-01 08:00:25.896 1504 1970 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing SchedulingPolicyService.<init>
行 5477: 01-01 08:00:25.897 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSchedulingPolicyService took to complete: 1ms
行 5478: 01-01 08:00:25.897 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTelecomLoaderService
行 5480: 01-01 08:00:25.897 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTelecomLoaderService took to complete: 0ms
行 5481: 01-01 08:00:25.897 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTelephonyRegistry
行 5482: 01-01 08:00:25.898 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTelephonyRegistry took to complete: 1ms
行 5483: 01-01 08:00:25.898 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartEntropyMixer
行 5496: 01-01 08:00:25.900 1504 1504 W EntropyMixer: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:977)
行 5497: 01-01 08:00:25.900 1504 1504 W EntropyMixer: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:519)
行 5498: 01-01 08:00:25.900 1504 1504 W EntropyMixer: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:356)
行 5509: 01-01 08:00:25.902 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartEntropyMixer took to complete: 4ms
行 5510: 01-01 08:00:25.902 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAccountManagerService
行 5512: 01-01 08:00:25.905 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAccountManagerService took to complete: 3ms
行 5513: 01-01 08:00:25.906 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartContentService
行 5515: 01-01 08:00:25.907 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartContentService took to complete: 1ms
行 5516: 01-01 08:00:25.907 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InstallSystemProviders
行 5520: 01-01 08:00:25.911 1504 1970 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing SchedulingPolicyService.<init>
行 5542: 01-01 08:00:25.930 1504 1504 I SettingsState: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:992)
行 5543: 01-01 08:00:25.930 1504 1504 I SettingsState: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:519)
行 5544: 01-01 08:00:25.930 1504 1504 I SettingsState: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:356)
行 5551: 01-01 08:00:25.947 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InstallSystemProviders took to complete: 40ms
行 5552: 01-01 08:00:25.947 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDropBoxManager
行 5554: 01-01 08:00:25.948 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDropBoxManager took to complete: 1ms
行 5555: 01-01 08:00:25.948 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartVibratorService
行 5559: 01-01 08:00:25.955 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartVibratorService took to complete: 6ms
行 5560: 01-01 08:00:25.955 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDynamicSystemService
行 5561: 01-01 08:00:25.956 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicSystemService took to complete: 1ms
行 5562: 01-01 08:00:25.956 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartConsumerIrService
行 5565: 01-01 08:00:25.958 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartConsumerIrService took to complete: 2ms
行 5566: 01-01 08:00:25.958 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAlarmManagerService
行 5571: 05-08 18:46:58.002 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAlarmManagerService took to complete: 4ms
行 5572: 05-08 18:46:58.002 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartInputManagerService
行 5574: 05-08 18:46:58.006 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputManagerService took to complete: 4ms
行 5575: 05-08 18:46:58.007 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWindowManagerService
行 5580: 05-08 18:46:58.019 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWindowManagerService took to complete: 12ms
行 5581: 05-08 18:46:58.019 1504 1504 I SystemServer: SetWindowManagerService
行 5584: 05-08 18:46:58.043 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: SetWindowManagerService took to complete: 25ms
行 5585: 05-08 18:46:58.044 1504 1504 I SystemServer: WindowManagerServiceOnInitReady
行 5586: 05-08 18:46:58.058 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: WindowManagerServiceOnInitReady took to complete: 14ms
行 5587: 05-08 18:46:58.058 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartInputManager
行 5589: 05-08 18:46:58.059 1504 1977 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing StartHidlServices
行 5593: 05-08 18:46:58.065 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputManager took to complete: 7ms
行 5596: 05-08 18:46:58.065 1504 1504 I SystemServer: DisplayManagerWindowManagerAndInputReady
行 5598: 05-08 18:46:58.065 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: DisplayManagerWindowManagerAndInputReady took to complete: 0ms
行 5599: 05-08 18:46:58.065 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBluetoothService
行 5605: 05-08 18:46:58.068 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBluetoothService took to complete: 2ms
行 5606: 05-08 18:46:58.068 1504 1504 I SystemServer: IpConnectivityMetrics
行 5610: 05-08 18:46:58.070 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: IpConnectivityMetrics took to complete: 3ms
行 5611: 05-08 18:46:58.070 1504 1504 I SystemServer: NetworkWatchlistService
行 5615: 05-08 18:46:58.073 1504 1977 D SystemServerTimingAsync: StartHidlServices took to complete: 14ms
行 5616: 05-08 18:46:58.073 1504 1977 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing StartHidlServices
行 5622: 05-08 18:46:58.075 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: NetworkWatchlistService took to complete: 5ms
行 5623: 05-08 18:46:58.075 1504 1504 I SystemServer: PinnerService
行 5626: 05-08 18:46:58.078 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: PinnerService took to complete: 2ms
行 5627: 05-08 18:46:58.079 1504 1504 I SystemServer: ActivityTriggerService
行 5634: 05-08 18:46:58.079 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: ActivityTriggerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5635: 05-08 18:46:58.079 1504 1504 I SystemServer: SignedConfigService
行 5636: 05-08 18:46:58.079 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: SignedConfigService took to complete: 0ms
行 5652: 05-08 18:46:58.092 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartInputMethodManagerLifecycle
行 5658: 05-08 18:46:58.102 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartInputMethodManagerLifecycle took to complete: 9ms
行 5659: 05-08 18:46:58.102 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAccessibilityManagerService
行 5661: 05-08 18:46:58.105 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAccessibilityManagerService took to complete: 3ms
行 5662: 05-08 18:46:58.105 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeDisplayReady
行 5679: 05-08 18:46:58.128 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayReady took to complete: 23ms
行 5680: 05-08 18:46:58.128 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartStorageManagerService
行 5690: 05-08 18:46:58.138 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartStorageManagerService took to complete: 10ms
行 5691: 05-08 18:46:58.138 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartStorageStatsService
行 5696: 05-08 18:46:58.142 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartStorageStatsService took to complete: 5ms
行 5697: 05-08 18:46:58.143 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartUiModeManager
行 5701: 05-08 18:46:58.145 1504 1985 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing UiModeManager.onStart
行 5703: 05-08 18:46:58.146 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartUiModeManager took to complete: 3ms
行 5704: 05-08 18:46:58.146 1504 1504 I SystemServer: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded
行 5707: 05-08 18:46:58.146 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded took to complete: 0ms
行 5708: 05-08 18:46:58.146 1504 1504 I SystemServer: PerformFstrimIfNeeded
行 5710: 05-08 18:46:58.147 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: PerformFstrimIfNeeded took to complete: 0ms
行 5711: 05-08 18:46:58.147 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartLockSettingsService
行 5716: 05-08 18:46:58.164 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartLockSettingsService took to complete: 17ms
行 5717: 05-08 18:46:58.164 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPersistentDataBlock
行 5720: 05-08 18:46:58.165 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPersistentDataBlock took to complete: 1ms
行 5721: 05-08 18:46:58.166 1504 1986 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing PersistentDataBlockService.onStart
行 5722: 05-08 18:46:58.167 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTestHarnessMode
行 5730: 05-08 18:46:58.168 1504 1986 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.SystemServerInitThreadPool.lambda$submit$0$SystemServerInitThreadPool(SystemServerInitThreadPool.java:72)
行 5731: 05-08 18:46:58.168 1504 1986 E PersistentDataBlockService: at com.android.server.-$$Lambda$SystemServerInitThreadPool$jLyL3DFmbjsFesU5SGktD3NoWSc.run(Unknown Source:6)
行 5737: 05-08 18:46:58.169 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTestHarnessMode took to complete: 3ms
行 5738: 05-08 18:46:58.170 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartOemLockService
行 5744: 05-08 18:46:58.172 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartOemLockService took to complete: 3ms
行 5745: 05-08 18:46:58.172 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDeviceIdleController
行 5747: 05-08 18:46:58.176 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceIdleController took to complete: 3ms
行 5748: 05-08 18:46:58.176 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDevicePolicyManager
行 5750: 05-08 18:46:58.179 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDevicePolicyManager took to complete: 4ms
行 5751: 05-08 18:46:58.180 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartStatusBarManagerService
行 5752: 05-08 18:46:58.181 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartStatusBarManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5753: 05-08 18:46:58.184 1504 1504 D SystemServer: ContentCaptureService disabled because resource is not overlaid
行 5755: 05-08 18:46:58.185 1504 1504 D SystemServer: AttentionService is not configured on this device
行 5756: 05-08 18:46:58.185 1504 1504 D SystemServer: SystemCaptionsManagerService disabled because resource is not overlaid
行 5757: 05-08 18:46:58.185 1504 1504 D SystemServer: AppPredictionService not defined by OEM
行 5758: 05-08 18:46:58.185 1504 1504 D SystemServer: ContentSuggestionsService not defined by OEM
行 5759: 05-08 18:46:58.185 1504 1504 I SystemServer: InitNetworkStackClient
行 5760: 05-08 18:46:58.186 1504 1985 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing UiModeManager.onStart
行 5761: 05-08 18:46:58.191 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: InitNetworkStackClient took to complete: 6ms
行 5762: 05-08 18:46:58.191 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkManagementService
行 5764: 05-08 18:46:58.194 1504 1986 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing PersistentDataBlockService.onStart
行 5765: 05-08 18:46:58.194 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkManagementService took to complete: 3ms
行 5766: 05-08 18:46:58.194 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartIpSecService
行 5767: 05-08 18:46:58.196 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartIpSecService took to complete: 1ms
行 5768: 05-08 18:46:58.196 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTextServicesManager
行 5770: 05-08 18:46:58.197 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTextServicesManager took to complete: 1ms
行 5771: 05-08 18:46:58.197 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTextClassificationManagerService
行 5773: 05-08 18:46:58.198 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTextClassificationManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5774: 05-08 18:46:58.198 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkScoreService
行 5777: 05-08 18:46:58.200 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkScoreService took to complete: 1ms
行 5778: 05-08 18:46:58.200 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkStatsService
行 5780: 05-08 18:46:58.202 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStatsService took to complete: 2ms
行 5781: 05-08 18:46:58.202 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkPolicyManagerService
行 5782: 05-08 18:46:58.205 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkPolicyManagerService took to complete: 3ms
行 5783: 05-08 18:46:58.205 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWifi
行 5808: 05-08 18:46:58.343 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifi took to complete: 139ms
行 5809: 05-08 18:46:58.343 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWifiScanning
行 5815: 05-08 18:46:58.346 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifiScanning took to complete: 3ms
行 5816: 05-08 18:46:58.346 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartRttService
行 5819: 05-08 18:46:58.349 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartRttService took to complete: 2ms
行 5820: 05-08 18:46:58.349 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWifiAware
行 5823: 05-08 18:46:58.351 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifiAware took to complete: 2ms
行 5825: 05-08 18:46:58.351 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWifiP2P
行 5830: 05-08 18:46:58.358 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWifiP2P took to complete: 7ms
行 5831: 05-08 18:46:58.358 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartEthernet
行 5835: 05-08 18:46:58.360 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartEthernet took to complete: 1ms
行 5836: 05-08 18:46:58.360 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartConnectivityService
行 5843: 05-08 18:46:58.373 1504 1953 D SystemServerTimingAsync: AppDataPrepare took to complete: 550ms
行 5845: 05-08 18:46:58.373 1504 1953 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing prepareAppData
行 5856: 05-08 18:46:58.377 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartConnectivityService took to complete: 17ms
行 5857: 05-08 18:46:58.377 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNsdService
行 5862: 05-08 18:46:58.379 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNsdService took to complete: 3ms
行 5863: 05-08 18:46:58.379 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSystemUpdateManagerService
行 5867: 05-08 18:46:58.381 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUpdateManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5868: 05-08 18:46:58.381 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartUpdateLockService
行 5869: 05-08 18:46:58.381 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartUpdateLockService took to complete: 1ms
行 5870: 05-08 18:46:58.381 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNotificationManager
行 5882: 05-08 18:46:58.398 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNotificationManager took to complete: 16ms
行 5883: 05-08 18:46:58.398 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDeviceMonitor
行 5885: 05-08 18:46:58.399 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceMonitor took to complete: 2ms
行 5886: 05-08 18:46:58.399 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartLocationManagerService
行 5889: 05-08 18:46:58.400 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartLocationManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5890: 05-08 18:46:58.401 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartCountryDetectorService
行 5891: 05-08 18:46:58.401 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartCountryDetectorService took to complete: 1ms
行 5892: 05-08 18:46:58.401 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTimeDetectorService
行 5894: 05-08 18:46:58.402 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTimeDetectorService took to complete: 1ms
行 5895: 05-08 18:46:58.403 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSearchManagerService
行 5897: 05-08 18:46:58.404 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSearchManagerService took to complete: 1ms
行 5898: 05-08 18:46:58.404 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWallpaperManagerService
行 5900: 05-08 18:46:58.405 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperManagerService took to complete: 2ms
行 5901: 05-08 18:46:58.405 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAudioService
行 5923: 05-08 18:46:58.448 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAudioService took to complete: 43ms
行 5924: 05-08 18:46:58.448 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDockObserver
行 5927: 05-08 18:46:58.449 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDockObserver took to complete: 1ms
行 5928: 05-08 18:46:58.449 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartWiredAccessoryManager
行 5935: 05-08 18:46:58.452 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartWiredAccessoryManager took to complete: 2ms
行 5936: 05-08 18:46:58.452 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMidiManager
行 5938: 05-08 18:46:58.453 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMidiManager took to complete: 1ms
行 5939: 05-08 18:46:58.453 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAdbService
行 5941: 05-08 18:46:58.454 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAdbService took to complete: 2ms
行 5942: 05-08 18:46:58.454 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartUsbService
行 5957: 05-08 18:46:58.457 1504 1504 I UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServer.startOtherServices(SystemServer.java:1584)
行 5958: 05-08 18:46:58.457 1504 1504 I UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:519)
行 5959: 05-08 18:46:58.457 1504 1504 I UsbDeviceManager: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:356)
行 5983: 05-08 18:46:58.470 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartUsbService took to complete: 15ms
行 5984: 05-08 18:46:58.470 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSerialService
行 5985: 05-08 18:46:58.471 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSerialService took to complete: 1ms
行 5986: 05-08 18:46:58.471 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartHardwarePropertiesManagerService
行 5988: 05-08 18:46:58.472 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartHardwarePropertiesManagerService took to complete: 2ms
行 5989: 05-08 18:46:58.473 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTwilightService
行 5991: 05-08 18:46:58.473 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTwilightService took to complete: 0ms
行 5992: 05-08 18:46:58.473 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartColorDisplay
行 5995: 05-08 18:46:58.474 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartColorDisplay took to complete: 1ms
行 5996: 05-08 18:46:58.474 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartJobScheduler
行 6007: 05-08 18:46:58.484 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartJobScheduler took to complete: 9ms
行 6008: 05-08 18:46:58.484 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSoundTrigger
行 6010: 05-08 18:46:58.485 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTrigger took to complete: 1ms
行 6011: 05-08 18:46:58.485 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartTrustManager
行 6013: 05-08 18:46:58.486 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartTrustManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6014: 05-08 18:46:58.486 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBackupManager
行 6016: 05-08 18:46:58.489 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBackupManager took to complete: 2ms
行 6017: 05-08 18:46:58.489 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAppWidgetService
行 6019: 05-08 18:46:58.494 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAppWidgetService took to complete: 4ms
行 6020: 05-08 18:46:58.494 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartRoleManagerService
行 6021: 05-08 18:46:58.497 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartRoleManagerService took to complete: 2ms
行 6022: 05-08 18:46:58.497 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartVoiceRecognitionManager
行 6026: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartVoiceRecognitionManager took to complete: 5ms
行 6027: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartGestureLauncher
行 6029: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartGestureLauncher took to complete: 0ms
行 6030: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSensorNotification
行 6032: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSensorNotification took to complete: 0ms
行 6033: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartContextHubSystemService
行 6035: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartContextHubSystemService took to complete: 0ms
行 6036: 05-08 18:46:58.502 1504 1642 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing Init ContextHubSystemService
行 6037: 05-08 18:46:58.503 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDiskStatsService
行 6040: 05-08 18:46:58.504 1504 1642 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing Init ContextHubSystemService
行 6041: 05-08 18:46:58.505 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDiskStatsService took to complete: 2ms
行 6042: 05-08 18:46:58.505 1504 1504 I SystemServer: Start HenryService
行 6044: 05-08 18:46:58.506 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: Start HenryService took to complete: 1ms
行 6045: 05-08 18:46:58.506 1504 1504 I SystemServer: RuntimeService
行 6046: 05-08 18:46:58.507 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: RuntimeService took to complete: 1ms
行 6047: 05-08 18:46:58.507 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService
行 6049: 05-08 18:46:58.507 1504 1504 D SystemServer: Using networkTimeUpdater class=class com.android.server.NewNetworkTimeUpdateService
行 6050: 05-08 18:46:58.508 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService took to complete: 2ms
行 6051: 05-08 18:46:58.508 1504 1504 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
行 6052: 05-08 18:46:58.509 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: CertBlacklister took to complete: 0ms
行 6053: 05-08 18:46:58.509 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartEmergencyAffordanceService
行 6055: 05-08 18:46:58.509 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartEmergencyAffordanceService took to complete: 0ms
行 6056: 05-08 18:46:58.509 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDreamManager
行 6058: 05-08 18:46:58.510 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDreamManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6059: 05-08 18:46:58.510 1504 1504 I SystemServer: AddGraphicsStatsService
行 6060: 05-08 18:46:58.512 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: AddGraphicsStatsService took to complete: 2ms
行 6061: 05-08 18:46:58.512 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPrintManager
行 6063: 05-08 18:46:58.513 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPrintManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6064: 05-08 18:46:58.513 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartCompanionDeviceManager
行 6066: 05-08 18:46:58.514 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartCompanionDeviceManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6067: 05-08 18:46:58.515 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartRestrictionManager
行 6069: 05-08 18:46:58.515 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartRestrictionManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6070: 05-08 18:46:58.515 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMediaSessionService
行 6073: 05-08 18:46:58.523 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaSessionService took to complete: 7ms
行 6074: 05-08 18:46:58.523 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMediaResourceMonitor
行 6076: 05-08 18:46:58.523 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaResourceMonitor took to complete: 1ms
行 6077: 05-08 18:46:58.523 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMediaRouterService
行 6078: 05-08 18:46:58.524 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaRouterService took to complete: 1ms
行 6079: 05-08 18:46:58.524 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBackgroundDexOptService
行 6081: 05-08 18:46:58.525 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBackgroundDexOptService took to complete: 0ms
行 6082: 05-08 18:46:58.525 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService
行 6083: 05-08 18:46:58.526 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService took to complete: 0ms
行 6084: 05-08 18:46:58.526 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPruneInstantAppsJobService
行 6085: 05-08 18:46:58.526 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPruneInstantAppsJobService took to complete: 0ms
行 6086: 05-08 18:46:58.526 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle
行 6088: 05-08 18:46:58.528 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle took to complete: 2ms
行 6089: 05-08 18:46:58.528 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartLauncherAppsService
行 6091: 05-08 18:46:58.529 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartLauncherAppsService took to complete: 1ms
行 6092: 05-08 18:46:58.529 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartCrossProfileAppsService
行 6094: 05-08 18:46:58.530 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartCrossProfileAppsService took to complete: 1ms
行 6095: 05-08 18:46:58.530 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMediaProjectionManager
行 6098: 05-08 18:46:58.532 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMediaProjectionManager took to complete: 2ms
行 6099: 05-08 18:46:58.532 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSliceManagerService
行 6101: 05-08 18:46:58.534 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSliceManagerService took to complete: 2ms
行 6102: 05-08 18:46:58.534 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartCameraServiceProxy
行 6104: 05-08 18:46:58.536 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartCameraServiceProxy took to complete: 2ms
行 6105: 05-08 18:46:58.536 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartStatsCompanionService
行 6108: 05-08 18:46:58.540 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartStatsCompanionService took to complete: 4ms
行 6109: 05-08 18:46:58.540 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartIncidentCompanionService
行 6111: 05-08 18:46:58.541 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartIncidentCompanionService took to complete: 1ms
行 6112: 05-08 18:46:58.541 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartMmsService
行 6114: 05-08 18:46:58.542 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartMmsService took to complete: 0ms
行 6115: 05-08 18:46:58.542 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartAutoFillService
行 6122: 05-08 18:46:58.546 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartAutoFillService took to complete: 3ms
行 6123: 05-08 18:46:58.546 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartClipboardService
行 6125: 05-08 18:46:58.547 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartClipboardService took to complete: 2ms
行 6126: 05-08 18:46:58.547 1504 1504 I SystemServer: AppServiceManager
行 6128: 05-08 18:46:58.549 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: AppServiceManager took to complete: 1ms
行 6129: 05-08 18:46:58.549 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeVibratorServiceReady
行 6135: 05-08 18:46:58.550 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeVibratorServiceReady took to complete: 2ms
行 6136: 05-08 18:46:58.550 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady
行 6173: 05-08 18:46:58.570 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady took to complete: 20ms
行 6174: 05-08 18:46:58.571 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBootPhaseLockSettingsReady
行 6178: 05-08 18:46:58.576 1504 1959 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing DevicePolicyManager
行 6179: 05-08 18:46:58.576 1504 1959 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing DevicePolicyManager
行 6180: 05-08 18:46:58.578 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseLockSettingsReady took to complete: 8ms
行 6181: 05-08 18:46:58.578 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBootPhaseSystemServicesReady
行 6243: 05-08 18:46:58.635 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseSystemServicesReady took to complete: 56ms
行 6244: 05-08 18:46:58.635 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady
行 6246: 05-08 18:46:58.642 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady took to complete: 6ms
行 6249: 05-08 18:46:58.644 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakePowerManagerServiceReady
行 6252: 05-08 18:46:58.657 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakePowerManagerServiceReady took to complete: 13ms
行 6253: 05-08 18:46:58.657 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartPermissionPolicyService
行 6256: 05-08 18:46:58.666 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartPermissionPolicyService took to complete: 8ms
行 6257: 05-08 18:46:58.666 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakePackageManagerServiceReady
行 6294: 05-08 18:46:58.704 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakePackageManagerServiceReady took to complete: 38ms
行 6295: 05-08 18:46:58.704 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeDisplayManagerServiceReady
行 6298: 05-08 18:46:58.706 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayManagerServiceReady took to complete: 1ms
行 6300: 05-08 18:46:58.706 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartDeviceSpecificServices
行 6301: 05-08 18:46:58.706 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceSpecificServices took to complete: 0ms
行 6302: 05-08 18:46:58.706 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartBootPhaseDeviceSpecificServicesReady
行 6304: 05-08 18:46:58.706 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartBootPhaseDeviceSpecificServicesReady took to complete: 1ms
行 6361: 05-08 18:46:58.748 1504 1969 D SystemServerTimingAsync: SecondaryZygotePreload took to complete: 813ms
行 6362: 05-08 18:46:58.748 1504 1969 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing SecondaryZygotePreload
行 6364: 05-08 18:46:58.787 1504 1504 I SystemServer: Making services ready
行 6365: 05-08 18:46:58.787 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase
行 6526: 05-08 18:46:58.978 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase took to complete: 191ms
行 6527: 05-08 18:46:58.978 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartObservingNativeCrashes
行 6528: 05-08 18:46:58.979 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartObservingNativeCrashes took to complete: 0ms
行 6532: 05-08 18:46:58.979 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartSystemUI
行 6533: 05-08 18:46:58.979 1504 1970 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Started executing WebViewFactoryPreparation
行 6534: 05-08 18:46:58.979 1504 1970 I SystemServer: WebViewFactoryPreparation
行 6548: 05-08 18:46:58.992 1504 1970 D SystemServerTimingAsync: WebViewFactoryPreparation took to complete: 14ms
行 6549: 05-08 18:46:58.992 1504 1970 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Finished executing WebViewFactoryPreparation
行 6557: 05-08 18:46:58.993 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUI took to complete: 15ms
行 6558: 05-08 18:46:58.993 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkManagementServiceReady
行 6561: 05-08 18:46:58.999 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkManagementServiceReady took to complete: 5ms
行 6562: 05-08 18:46:58.999 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeIpSecServiceReady
行 6566: 05-08 18:46:59.000 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeIpSecServiceReady took to complete: 1ms
行 6567: 05-08 18:46:59.000 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkStatsServiceReady
行 6582: 05-08 18:46:59.028 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkStatsServiceReady took to complete: 29ms
行 6583: 05-08 18:46:59.028 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeConnectivityServiceReady
行 6600: 05-08 18:46:59.040 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeConnectivityServiceReady took to complete: 11ms
行 6601: 05-08 18:46:59.040 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady
行 6602: 05-08 18:46:59.041 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady took to complete: 0ms
行 6603: 05-08 18:46:59.041 1504 1504 I SystemServer: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart
行 6652: 05-08 18:46:59.093 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart took to complete: 53ms
行 6653: 05-08 18:46:59.094 1504 1504 I SystemServer: StartNetworkStack
行 6662: 05-08 18:46:59.099 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStack took to complete: 5ms
行 6663: 05-08 18:46:59.099 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeLocationServiceReady
行 6714: 05-08 18:46:59.131 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeLocationServiceReady took to complete: 32ms
行 6715: 05-08 18:46:59.131 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeCountryDetectionServiceReady
行 6717: 05-08 18:46:59.131 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeCountryDetectionServiceReady took to complete: 0ms
行 6719: 05-08 18:46:59.132 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady
行 6727: 05-08 18:46:59.134 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady took to complete: 3ms
行 6729: 05-08 18:46:59.135 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeInputManagerServiceReady
行 6733: 05-08 18:46:59.136 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeInputManagerServiceReady took to complete: 1ms
行 6734: 05-08 18:46:59.136 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady
行 6738: 05-08 18:46:59.137 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady took to complete: 1ms
行 6740: 05-08 18:46:59.137 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady
行 6742: 05-08 18:46:59.137 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady took to complete: 0ms
行 6743: 05-08 18:46:59.137 1504 1504 I SystemServer: MakeMmsServiceReady
行 6746: 05-08 18:46:59.138 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: MakeMmsServiceReady took to complete: 0ms
行 6747: 05-08 18:46:59.139 1504 1504 I SystemServer: IncidentDaemonReady
行 6754: 05-08 18:46:59.142 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: IncidentDaemonReady took to complete: 4ms
行 7016: 05-08 18:46:59.381 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: ActivityManagerStartApps took to complete: 238ms
行 7017: 05-08 18:46:59.381 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: PhaseActivityManagerReady took to complete: 674ms
行 7027: 05-08 18:46:59.383 1504 1504 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown successful
行 7029: 05-08 18:46:59.383 1504 1504 D SystemServerTiming: StartServices took to complete: 4751ms
行 13520: 05-08 18:47:03.030 1504 1648 D SystemServerTiming: SystemUserUnlock took to complete: 945ms