文章目录 一、报错信息二、问题分析三、解决方案 一、报错信息 在 DevEco Studio 中 , 使用 远程设备 , 向 P40
Failure[INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_USESDK_ERROR] compileSdkVersion and releaseType of the app do not match the apiVersion and releaseType on the device. 二、…
了解Orange Pi AIpro硬件优势,为构建高效云存储基础设施的理想平台。学会使用Orange Pi AIpro硬件平台,搭载Ubuntu Server系统,打造云存储环境。掌握利用Kodbox软件,享受文件管理、多格式…
2.Peach Conference
3.Permutation Subsequence 1.Sequence 题目描述: Given an array a consisting of n integers, on which you are to perform m operations of two types. 1.Given two integers x,y, replace the number of index x with n…