决策树的剪枝方式有两种,预剪枝和后剪枝,后剪枝在python的sklearn方法中提供了CCP代价复杂度剪枝法(Cost Complexity Pruning)具体实现代码如下:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn import tree
import numpy as np
iris = load_iris() # 加载数据
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=10,random_state=0,ccp_alpha=0)
clf = clf.fit(X, y)
pruning_path = clf.cost_complexity_pruning_path(X, y)
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=10,random_state=0,ccp_alpha=0.1)
clf = clf.fit(X, y)
is_leaf =clf.tree_.children_left ==-1
tree_impurities = (clf.tree_.impurity[is_leaf]* clf.tree_.n_node_samples[is_leaf]/len(y)).sum()
#CCP 剪枝方式
def _build_pruned_tree_ccp(
Tree tree, # OUT
Tree orig_tree,
DOUBLE_t ccp_alpha):
"""Build a pruned tree from the original tree using cost complexity
The values and nodes from the original tree are copied into the pruned
tree : Tree
Location to place the pruned tree
orig_tree : Tree
Original tree
ccp_alpha : positive double
Complexity parameter. The subtree with the largest cost complexity
that is smaller than ``ccp_alpha`` will be chosen. By default,
no pruning is performed.
SIZE_t n_nodes = orig_tree.node_count
unsigned char[:] leaves_in_subtree = np.zeros(
shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.uint8)
pruning_controller = _AlphaPruner(ccp_alpha=ccp_alpha)
# CCP方法用于计算哪些节点需要剪枝
_cost_complexity_prune(leaves_in_subtree, orig_tree, pruning_controller)
# 实现剪枝的方法
_build_pruned_tree(tree, orig_tree, leaves_in_subtree,
cdef class _CCPPruneController:
"""Base class used by build_pruned_tree_ccp and ccp_pruning_path
to control pruning.
cdef bint stop_pruning(self, DOUBLE_t effective_alpha) nogil:
"""Return 1 to stop pruning and 0 to continue pruning"""
return 0
cdef void save_metrics(self, DOUBLE_t effective_alpha,
DOUBLE_t subtree_impurities) nogil:
"""Save metrics when pruning"""
cdef void after_pruning(self, unsigned char[:] in_subtree) nogil:
"""Called after pruning"""
cdef class _AlphaPruner(_CCPPruneController):
"""Use alpha to control when to stop pruning."""
cdef DOUBLE_t ccp_alpha
cdef SIZE_t capacity
def __cinit__(self, DOUBLE_t ccp_alpha):
self.ccp_alpha = ccp_alpha
self.capacity = 0
cdef bint stop_pruning(self, DOUBLE_t effective_alpha) nogil:
# The subtree on the previous iteration has the greatest ccp_alpha
# less than or equal to self.ccp_alpha
return self.ccp_alpha < effective_alpha
cdef void after_pruning(self, unsigned char[:] in_subtree) nogil:
"""Updates the number of leaves in subtree"""
for i in range(in_subtree.shape[0]):
if in_subtree[i]:
self.capacity += 1
cdef struct CostComplexityPruningRecord:
SIZE_t node_idx
SIZE_t parent
cdef _cost_complexity_prune(unsigned char[:] leaves_in_subtree, # OUT
Tree orig_tree,
_CCPPruneController controller):
"""Perform cost complexity pruning.
This function takes an already grown tree, `orig_tree` and outputs a
boolean mask `leaves_in_subtree` which are the leaves in the pruned tree.
During the pruning process, the controller is passed the effective alpha and
the subtree impurities. Furthermore, the controller signals when to stop
leaves_in_subtree : unsigned char[:]
Output for leaves of subtree
orig_tree : Tree
Original tree
ccp_controller : _CCPPruneController
Cost complexity controller
SIZE_t i
SIZE_t n_nodes = orig_tree.node_count
# prior probability using weighted samples
DOUBLE_t[:] weighted_n_node_samples = orig_tree.weighted_n_node_samples
DOUBLE_t total_sum_weights = weighted_n_node_samples[0]
DOUBLE_t[:] impurity = orig_tree.impurity
# weighted impurity of each node
DOUBLE_t[:] r_node = np.empty(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.float64)
SIZE_t[:] child_l = orig_tree.children_left
SIZE_t[:] child_r = orig_tree.children_right
SIZE_t[:] parent = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
stack[CostComplexityPruningRecord] ccp_stack
CostComplexityPruningRecord stack_record
int rc = 0
SIZE_t node_idx
stack[SIZE_t] node_indices_stack
SIZE_t[:] n_leaves = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
DOUBLE_t[:] r_branch = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.float64)
DOUBLE_t current_r
SIZE_t leaf_idx
SIZE_t parent_idx
# candidate nodes that can be pruned
unsigned char[:] candidate_nodes = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes,
# nodes in subtree
unsigned char[:] in_subtree = np.ones(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.uint8)
DOUBLE_t[:] g_node = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.float64)
SIZE_t pruned_branch_node_idx
DOUBLE_t subtree_alpha
DOUBLE_t effective_alpha
SIZE_t child_l_idx
SIZE_t child_r_idx
SIZE_t n_pruned_leaves
DOUBLE_t r_diff
DOUBLE_t max_float64 = np.finfo(np.float64).max
# find parent node ids and leaves
with nogil:
for i in range(r_node.shape[0]):
r_node[i] = (
weighted_n_node_samples[i] * impurity[i] / total_sum_weights)
# Push the root node
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": 0, "parent": _TREE_UNDEFINED})
while not ccp_stack.empty():
stack_record = ccp_stack.top()
node_idx = stack_record.node_idx
parent[node_idx] = stack_record.parent
if child_l[node_idx] == _TREE_LEAF:
# ... and child_r[node_idx] == _TREE_LEAF:
leaves_in_subtree[node_idx] = 1
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": child_l[node_idx], "parent": node_idx})
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": child_r[node_idx], "parent": node_idx})
# computes number of leaves in all branches and the overall impurity of
# the branch. The overall impurity is the sum of r_node in its leaves.
for leaf_idx in range(leaves_in_subtree.shape[0]):
if not leaves_in_subtree[leaf_idx]:
r_branch[leaf_idx] = r_node[leaf_idx]
# bubble up values to ancestor nodes
current_r = r_node[leaf_idx]
while leaf_idx != 0:
parent_idx = parent[leaf_idx]
r_branch[parent_idx] += current_r
n_leaves[parent_idx] += 1
leaf_idx = parent_idx
for i in range(leaves_in_subtree.shape[0]):
candidate_nodes[i] = not leaves_in_subtree[i]
# save metrics before pruning
controller.save_metrics(0.0, r_branch[0])
# while root node is not a leaf
while candidate_nodes[0]:
# computes ccp_alpha for subtrees and finds the minimal alpha
effective_alpha = max_float64
for i in range(n_nodes):
if not candidate_nodes[i]:
subtree_alpha = (r_node[i] - r_branch[i]) / (n_leaves[i] - 1)
if subtree_alpha < effective_alpha:
effective_alpha = subtree_alpha
pruned_branch_node_idx = i
if controller.stop_pruning(effective_alpha):
# descendants of branch are not in subtree
while not node_indices_stack.empty():
node_idx = node_indices_stack.top()
if not in_subtree[node_idx]:
continue # branch has already been marked for pruning
candidate_nodes[node_idx] = 0
leaves_in_subtree[node_idx] = 0
in_subtree[node_idx] = 0
if child_l[node_idx] != _TREE_LEAF:
# ... and child_r[node_idx] != _TREE_LEAF:
leaves_in_subtree[pruned_branch_node_idx] = 1
in_subtree[pruned_branch_node_idx] = 1
# updates number of leaves
n_pruned_leaves = n_leaves[pruned_branch_node_idx] - 1
n_leaves[pruned_branch_node_idx] = 0
# computes the increase in r_branch to bubble up
r_diff = r_node[pruned_branch_node_idx] - r_branch[pruned_branch_node_idx]
r_branch[pruned_branch_node_idx] = r_node[pruned_branch_node_idx]
# bubble up values to ancestors
node_idx = parent[pruned_branch_node_idx]
while node_idx != _TREE_UNDEFINED:
n_leaves[node_idx] -= n_pruned_leaves
r_branch[node_idx] += r_diff
node_idx = parent[node_idx]
controller.save_metrics(effective_alpha, r_branch[0])
# 构造对象在下面剪枝使用使用
cdef struct BuildPrunedRecord:
SIZE_t start
SIZE_t depth
SIZE_t parent
bint is_left
# 剪枝方法,传入需要兼职的节点信息leaves_in_subtree
cdef _build_pruned_tree(
Tree tree, # 输出树
Tree orig_tree, # 源树
const unsigned char[:] leaves_in_subtree,
SIZE_t capacity):
"""Build a pruned tree.
Build a pruned tree from the original tree by transforming the nodes in
``leaves_in_subtree`` into leaves.
tree : Tree
Location to place the pruned tree
orig_tree : Tree
Original tree
leaves_in_subtree : unsigned char memoryview, shape=(node_count, )
Boolean mask for leaves to include in subtree
capacity : SIZE_t
Number of nodes to initially allocate in pruned tree
SIZE_t orig_node_id
SIZE_t new_node_id
SIZE_t depth
SIZE_t parent
bint is_left
bint is_leaf
# value_stride for original tree and new tree are the same
SIZE_t value_stride = orig_tree.value_stride
SIZE_t max_depth_seen = -1
int rc = 0
Node* node
double* orig_value_ptr
double* new_value_ptr
stack[BuildPrunedRecord] prune_stack
BuildPrunedRecord stack_record
with nogil:
# push root node onto stack
prune_stack.push({"start": 0, "depth": 0, "parent": _TREE_UNDEFINED, "is_left": 0})
while not prune_stack.empty():
stack_record = prune_stack.top()
orig_node_id = stack_record.start
depth = stack_record.depth
parent = stack_record.parent
is_left = stack_record.is_left
is_leaf = leaves_in_subtree[orig_node_id]
node = &orig_tree.nodes[orig_node_id]
new_node_id = tree._add_node(
parent, is_left, is_leaf, node.feature, node.threshold,
node.impurity, node.n_node_samples,
if new_node_id == SIZE_MAX:
rc = -1
# copy value from original tree to new tree
orig_value_ptr = orig_tree.value + value_stride * orig_node_id
new_value_ptr = tree.value + value_stride * new_node_id
memcpy(new_value_ptr, orig_value_ptr, sizeof(double) * value_stride)
if not is_leaf:
# Push right child on stack
prune_stack.push({"start": node.right_child, "depth": depth + 1,
"parent": new_node_id, "is_left": 0})
# push left child on stack
prune_stack.push({"start": node.left_child, "depth": depth + 1,
"parent": new_node_id, "is_left": 1})
if depth > max_depth_seen:
max_depth_seen = depth
if rc >= 0:
tree.max_depth = max_depth_seen
if rc == -1:
raise MemoryError("pruning tree")
cdef struct PruningRecord:
SIZE_t node_idx
SIZE_t parent
SIZE_t leaves
def prune_tree(
Tree tree, # OUT
Tree orig_tree,
list leaves_redoces):
SIZE_t n_nodes = orig_tree.node_count
unsigned char[:] leaves_in_subtree = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.uint8)
stack[PruningRecord] ccp_stack
PruningRecord stack_record
SIZE_t[:] child_l = orig_tree.children_left
SIZE_t[:] child_r = orig_tree.children_right
SIZE_t capacity = 0
SIZE_t leaves = 0
for leaf_idx in leaves_redoces:
leaves_in_subtree[leaf_idx] = 1
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": 0, "parent": _TREE_UNDEFINED, "leaves": 0})
while not ccp_stack.empty():
stack_record = ccp_stack.top()
leaves = stack_record.leaves
node_idx = stack_record.node_idx
if leaves_in_subtree[node_idx]:
leaves = leaves_in_subtree[node_idx]
if child_l[node_idx] != _TREE_LEAF:
leaves_in_subtree[node_idx] = leaves
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": child_l[node_idx], "parent": node_idx, "leaves": leaves})
ccp_stack.push({"node_idx": child_r[node_idx], "parent": node_idx, "leaves": leaves})
leaves_in_subtree[node_idx] = 1
for i in range(leaves_in_subtree.shape[0]):
if leaves_in_subtree[i]:
capacity += 1
_build_pruned_tree(tree, orig_tree, leaves_in_subtree, capacity)
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Created on 2021年3月4日
@author: xuconghui
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.tree._tree import prune_tree,Tree
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score,recall_score,accuracy_score,f1_score
import pandas as pd
# 加载Iris数据集
iris = load_iris()
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
feature_names = iris.feature_names
# 创建并训练决策树分类器
tree_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
tree_classifier.fit(X, y)
y_predict = tree_classifier.predict(X)
acc = accuracy_score(y, y_predict)
p_score = precision_score(y, y_predict, average='micro')
r_score = recall_score(y, y_predict, average='micro')
f_score = f1_score(y, y_predict, average='micro')
print("准确率="+str(acc)+" 精确度="+str(p_score)+" 召回度="+str(r_score)+"f_score="+str(f_score))
# 手动剪枝决策树
def xprune_tree(tree_model, recodes=[7]):
feature_idx = feature_names.index(feature_name)
feature_idxs = [feature_idx,feature_idx-len(feature_names)]
pruned_tree = Tree(tree_model.n_features_in_, tree_model.classes_, tree_model.n_outputs_)
tree_model.tree_ = pruned_tree
# 输出
with open(iris.dot", 'w') as f:
tree.export_graphviz(tree_classifier, out_file=f)