CS 144 Lab Four 收尾 -- 网络交互全流程解析

CS 144 Lab Four 收尾 -- 网络交互全流程解析

  • 引言
    • Tun/Tap简介
    • tcp_ipv4.cc文件
      • 配置信息初始化
      • cs144实现的fd家族体系
      • 基于自定义fd体系进行数据读写的adapter适配器体系
      • 自定义socket体系
      • 自定义事件循环EventLoop
      • 模板类TCPSpongeSocket详解
        • listen_and_accept方法
          • _tcp_main方法
          • _initialize_TCP初始化Tcp连接和事件循环
          • _tcp_loop函数启动tcp事件循环
        • connect 方法
      • bidirectional_stream_copy方法
      • TCPSpongeSocket的wait_until_closed方法
    • 通道串联起子主线程
  • 小结

对应课程视频: 【计算机网络】 斯坦福大学CS144课程

本节作为Lab Four的收尾,主要带领各位来看看网络交互的整体流程是怎样的。



首先,项目根路径中的 tun.sh 会使用 ip tuntap 技术创建虚拟 Tun/Tap 网络设备。这类接口仅能工作在内核中。不同于普通的网络接口,没有物理硬件。这样做的目的应该是为了模拟真实网络环境下的网络环境。



  • 虚拟设备之TUN和TAP
  • Linux官方内核文档: Tun/Tap驱动程序说明





  • TUN 是一个虚拟网络设备,它模拟的是一个三层设备,通过它可以处理来自网络层的数据包,也就是 IP 数据包。由于它只模拟到了 IP 层,所以它无法与物理网卡做 bridge,也没有 MAC 地址,但是可以通过三层交换的方式来与物理网卡相互通信。
  • TAP 模拟的是一个二层设备,它比 TUN 更加深入,它可以处理数据链路层的数据包,拥有 MAC 地址,可以与物理网卡做 bridge,支持 MAC 层广播,也可以给它设置 IP 地址。



当 Tun/Tap 网络设备建立好后,接下来我们进入到 tcp_ipv4.cc 的main函数中:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    try {
        // 参数个数检查: 第一个参数是编译器传入的程序名,然后是我们需要传入的host和port
        if (argc < 3) {
            show_usage(argv[0], "ERROR: required arguments are missing.");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        // 解析参数,获取TCPConfig,FdAdapterConfig,当前启动的模式(server or client) 和 选择哪个网卡
        auto [c_fsm, c_filt, listen, tun_dev_name] = get_config(argc, argv);
        // 借助Tun/Tap实现一个虚拟网卡,该虚拟网络设备实现到了IP层
        // TunFD是tun设备的文件描述符
        // TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter封装从tun设备读取和写入IPV4数据报的操作
        // LossyTCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter采用装饰器模式在前者基础上,增加写入时根据先前设置的丢包率随机丢包的功能
        // LossyTCPOverIPv4SpongeSocket 对上层提供一个标准Socket接口,进行调用
        LossyTCPOverIPv4SpongeSocket tcp_socket(LossyTCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter(
            TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter(TunFD(tun_dev_name == nullptr ? TUN_DFLT : tun_dev_name))));

        // 如果启动的是server mode,那么在监听指定端口上的消息  
        if (listen) {
            tcp_socket.listen_and_accept(c_fsm, c_filt);
        } else {
            // 如果启动的是client mode,那么主动与对应server建立连接
            tcp_socket.connect(c_fsm, c_filt);
        // 键盘输入的数据会写入socket,socket有可读的数据会输出到屏幕上
        // 同步等待直到_tcp_thread线程结束
    } catch (const exception &e) {
        cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;



//! Config for TCP sender and receiver
class TCPConfig {
    // 发送器和接收器缓冲区的默认容量。缓冲区容量指的是在给定时间内可以存储的最大数据量
    static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 64000;  //!< Default capacity
    // tcp数据报中payload部分最大容量限制
    static constexpr size_t MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 1000;   //!< Conservative max payload size for real Internet
    // 默认的重传超时时间,以毫秒为单位。
    // 当TCP发送器向接收器传输数据时,它期望在规定的超时时间内收到一个确认(ACK)。如果发送器在超时时间内没有收到确认,它会重新传输数据
    static constexpr uint16_t TIMEOUT_DFLT = 1000;     //!< Default re-transmit timeout is 1 second
    // 数据包在放弃之前允许的最大重传次数。如果发送器在经过指定的重传尝试次数后仍未收到确认,它会认为连接不可靠并采取适当的措施
    static constexpr unsigned MAX_RETX_ATTEMPTS = 8;   //!< Maximum re-transmit attempts before giving up
    // 用于保存重传超时的初始值,以毫秒为单位。它指定发送器在重新传输数据之前应等待ACK的时间
    // 由于重传超时时间会在网络拥塞的时候动态增加,因此当重置超时重传计数器时,需要将重传超时时间恢复为初始值 
    uint16_t rt_timeout = TIMEOUT_DFLT;       //!< Initial value of the retransmission timeout, in milliseconds
    // 接收和发送缓冲区默认大小
    size_t recv_capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;  //!< Receive capacity, in bytes
    size_t send_capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;  //!< Sender capacity, in bytes
    // 初始序列号,如果没有设置,那么会采用随机值策略
    std::optional<WrappingInt32> fixed_isn{};

//! Config for classes derived from FdAdapter
class FdAdapterConfig {
    // 源ip地址和端口号
    Address source{"0", 0};       //!< Source address and port
    // 目的ip地址和端口号
    Address destination{"0", 0};  //!< Destination address and port
    // 下行丢包率,即从服务器发往客户端的数据包丢失的概率
    uint16_t loss_rate_dn = 0;  //!< Downlink loss rate (for LossyFdAdapter)
    // 上行丢包率,即从客户端发往服务器的数据包丢失的概率
    uint16_t loss_rate_up = 0;  //!< Uplink loss rate (for LossyFdAdapter)

static tuple<TCPConfig, FdAdapterConfig, bool, char *> get_config(int argc, char **argv) {
    TCPConfig c_fsm{};
    FdAdapterConfig c_filt{};
    char *tundev = nullptr;

    int curr = 1;
    bool listen = false;
    // 如果我们不指定Host和Port,那么使用默认提供的ip地址和随机端口号
    string source_address = LOCAL_ADDRESS_DFLT;
    string source_port = to_string(uint16_t(random_device()()));
    // 判断是否传入了相关参数,保留最后两个host和port值
    while (argc - curr > 2) {
        // 打开server端的Listen模式
        if (strncmp("-l", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            listen = true;
            curr += 1;

        } else if (strncmp("-a", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -a 用来指定自己的ip地址
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -a requires one argument.");
            source_address = argv[curr + 1];
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-s", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -s 用来指定自己的端口号
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -s requires one argument.");
            source_port = argv[curr + 1];
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-w", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -w 用来指定自己接收窗口大小
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -w requires one argument.");
            c_fsm.recv_capacity = strtol(argv[curr + 1], nullptr, 0);
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-t", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -t 指定RTO超时时间
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -t requires one argument.");
            c_fsm.rt_timeout = strtol(argv[curr + 1], nullptr, 0);
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-d", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -d 指定要连接的tundev也就是网卡
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -t requires one argument.");
            tundev = argv[curr + 1];
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-Lu", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -Lu 此选项设置上行丢包率,即从客户端发往服务器的数据包丢失的概率
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -Lu requires one argument.");
            float lossrate = strtof(argv[curr + 1], nullptr);
            using LossRateUpT = decltype(c_filt.loss_rate_up);
            c_filt.loss_rate_up =
                static_cast<LossRateUpT>(static_cast<float>(numeric_limits<LossRateUpT>::max()) * lossrate);
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-Ld", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -Ld 此选项设置下行丢包率,即从服务器发往客户端的数据包丢失的概率
            check_argc(argc, argv, curr, "ERROR: -Lu requires one argument.");
            float lossrate = strtof(argv[curr + 1], nullptr);
            using LossRateDnT = decltype(c_filt.loss_rate_dn);
            c_filt.loss_rate_dn =
                static_cast<LossRateDnT>(static_cast<float>(numeric_limits<LossRateDnT>::max()) * lossrate);
            curr += 2;

        } else if (strncmp("-h", argv[curr], 3) == 0) {
            // -h 显示提示信息
            show_usage(argv[0], nullptr);

        } else {
            show_usage(argv[0], string("ERROR: unrecognized option " + string(argv[curr])).c_str());

    // parse positional command-line arguments
    // 是否打开了server端LISTEN模式
    if (listen) {
        // 说明当前启动的是server端 --> 从参数中获取监听端口号
        //  将过滤器的源地址配置为 "0"(表示监听所有本地网络接口的地址)
        c_filt.source = {"0", argv[curr + 1]};
        if (c_filt.source.port() == 0) {
            show_usage(argv[0], "ERROR: listen port cannot be zero in server mode.");
    } else {
        // 说明当前启动的是client端 -- 目的ip地址和端口号从最后两个参数获取
        c_filt.destination = {argv[curr], argv[curr + 1]};
        // 我们可以通过-a或者-s参数指定启动的客户端监听的ip地址和端口
        c_filt.source = {source_address, source_port};
    return make_tuple(c_fsm, c_filt, listen, tundev);


main函数中会建立一个 TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapterTunFd指的是连接进 Tun 设备上的 socket :

TunFD具体应用可以看app/tun.cc :

int main() {
    try {
        TunFD tun("tun144");
        while (true) {
            auto buffer = tun.read();
            cout << "\n\n***\n*** Got packet:\n***\n";
            hexdump(buffer.data(), buffer.size());

            IPv4Datagram ip_dgram;

            cout << "attempting to parse as ipv4 datagram... ";
            if (ip_dgram.parse(move(buffer)) != ParseResult::NoError) {
                cout << "failed.\n";

            cout << "success! totlen=" << ip_dgram.header().len << ", IPv4 header contents:\n";
            cout << ip_dgram.header().to_string();

            if (ip_dgram.header().proto != IPv4Header::PROTO_TCP) {
                cout << "\nNot TCP, skipping.\n";

            cout << "\nAttempting to parse as a TCP segment... ";

            TCPSegment tcp_seg;

            if (tcp_seg.parse(ip_dgram.payload(), ip_dgram.header().pseudo_cksum()) != ParseResult::NoError) {
                cout << "failed.\n";

            cout << "success! payload len=" << tcp_seg.payload().size() << ", TCP header contents:\n";
            cout << tcp_seg.header().to_string() << endl;
    } catch (const exception &e) {
        cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter是一个 IP 层面的封装接口。当调用 adapter 向其写入 TCP 报文段时,它会自动 wrap 上 IP 段并传输进网络设备中;读取也是亦然,会自动解除 IP 段并返回其内部封装的 TCP报文段。


template <typename AdapterT>
class LossyFdAdapter {
    //! Fast RNG used by _should_drop()
    std::mt19937 _rand{get_random_generator()};
    //! The underlying FD adapter
    AdapterT _adapter;
    bool _should_drop(bool uplink) {
        const auto &cfg = _adapter.config();
        const uint16_t loss = uplink ? cfg.loss_rate_up : cfg.loss_rate_dn;
        return loss != 0 && uint16_t(_rand()) < loss;
    //! \brief Read from the underlying AdapterT instance, potentially dropping the read datagram
    //! \returns std::optional<TCPSegment> that is empty if the segment was dropped or if
    //!          the underlying AdapterT returned an empty value
    std::optional<TCPSegment> read() {
        auto ret = _adapter.read();
        if (_should_drop(false)) {
            return {};
        return ret;

    //! \brief Write to the underlying AdapterT instance, potentially dropping the datagram to be written
    //! \param[in] seg is the packet to either write or drop
    void write(TCPSegment &seg) {
        if (_should_drop(true)) {
        return _adapter.write(seg);






//! Waits for events on file descriptors and executes corresponding callbacks.
class EventLoop {
    // 对fd的读事件还是写事件感兴趣
    enum class Direction : short {
        In = POLLIN,   
        Out = POLLOUT

    using CallbackT = std::function<void(void)>;
    using InterestT = std::function<bool(void)>;
    // 内部类Rule,说白了就是持有用户对哪个fd的那些事件感兴趣的信息载体
    // 同时持有对应事件发生和取消时的回调接口
    class Rule {
        FileDescriptor fd;
        Direction direction;
        // 发生感兴趣事件的时候回调该接口
        CallbackT callback;
        // 返回值决定当前fd是否需要被监听
        InterestT interest;
        // 当对应fd关闭,出错时,回调该接口
        CallbackT cancel;
        // 根据direction的不同返回当前fd已经被读取或者写入了多少次
        unsigned int service_count() const;
    // 用户注册的感兴趣的事件集合
    std::list<Rule> _rules{};

    // 事件监听的返回结果
    enum class Result {
        Success,  //  At least one Rule was triggered.
        Timeout,  //  No rules were triggered before timeout.
        Exit  // All rules have been canceled or were uninterested; make no further calls to EventLoop::wait_next_event.

    // 用户添加感兴趣的事件
    void add_rule(
        const FileDescriptor &fd,
        const Direction direction,
        const CallbackT &callback,
        const InterestT &interest = [] { return true; },
        const CallbackT &cancel = [] {});

    // 等待下一个感兴趣的事件发生 --- 参数是等待超时时间
    Result wait_next_event(const int timeout_ms);
  • add_rule函数: 注册感兴趣的事件
void EventLoop::add_rule(const FileDescriptor &fd,
                         const Direction direction,
                         const CallbackT &callback,
                         const InterestT &interest,
                         const CallbackT &cancel) {
    _rules.push_back({fd.duplicate(), direction, callback, interest, cancel});
  • service_count函数: 当前fd已经被读取或者写入了多少次
unsigned int EventLoop::Rule::service_count() const {
    return direction == Direction::In ? fd.read_count() : fd.write_count();
  • wait_next_event函数: 等待获取下一个发生的感兴趣的事件
EventLoop::Result EventLoop::wait_next_event(const int timeout_ms) {
    vector<pollfd> pollfds{};
    bool something_to_poll = false;

    // set up the pollfd for each rule
    // 遍历所有Rule
    for (auto it = _rules.cbegin(); it != _rules.cend();) {  // NOTE: it gets erased or incremented in loop body
        const auto &this_rule = *it;
        // 如果当前rule期望从fd中读取数据,并且此时fd已经没有数据可以读取了,那么回调当前rule的cacel回调接口
        // 并且将当前rule从已有的rule集合中移除
        if (this_rule.direction == Direction::In && this_rule.fd.eof()) {
            // no more reading on this rule, it's reached eof
            it = _rules.erase(it);
        //  如果当前fd关闭了,同上处理
        if (this_rule.fd.closed()) {
            it = _rules.erase(it);
        //  判断是否对当前rule感兴趣,如果感兴趣则加入pollfds进入下面事件轮询阶段
        if (this_rule.interest()) {
            // pollfd由三个属性: 需要轮询的fd,是对fd的可读还是可写事件感兴趣,实际发生了什么事件
            pollfds.push_back({this_rule.fd.fd_num(), static_cast<short>(this_rule.direction), 0});
            something_to_poll = true;
        } else {
            // 为了保持 pollfds 数组和规则列表 _rules 中的规则一一对应,仍然需要将一个 pollfd 结构体添加到 pollfds 数组中
            // 但是对应的事件设置为 0,表示不关注任何事件,相当于占位符
            pollfds.push_back({this_rule.fd.fd_num(), 0, 0});  // placeholder --- we still want errors

    // quit if there is nothing left to poll --- 没有任何rule需要轮询
    if (not something_to_poll) {
        return Result::Exit;

    // call poll -- wait until one of the fds satisfies one of the rules (writeable/readable)
    try {
        // 通过调用poll对pollfds集合中所有pollfd开启事件轮询
        // 最后一个参数: 如果没有感兴趣事件发生,最多轮询等待多久
        if (0 == SystemCall("poll", ::poll(pollfds.data(), pollfds.size(), timeout_ms))) {
            return Result::Timeout;
    } catch (unix_error const &e) {
        if (e.code().value() == EINTR) {
            return Result::Exit;

    // go through the poll results
    // 遍历poll结果 -- rules和pollfds集合索引是一一对应的
    for (auto [it, idx] = make_pair(_rules.begin(), size_t(0)); it != _rules.end(); ++idx) {
        const auto &this_pollfd = pollfds[idx];
        // revents保存着实际发生的事件 -- 是否发生错误
        const auto poll_error = static_cast<bool>(this_pollfd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL));
        if (poll_error) {
            throw runtime_error("EventLoop: error on polled file descriptor");
        const auto &this_rule = *it;
        // 获取发生了哪些感兴趣的事件 
        const auto poll_ready = static_cast<bool>(this_pollfd.revents & this_pollfd.events);
        // 当描述符关闭时或者对端连接关闭时,会设置描述符挂起事件
        const auto poll_hup = static_cast<bool>(this_pollfd.revents & POLLHUP);
        // 如果当前描述符被挂起了,那么将当前rule移除
        if (poll_hup && this_pollfd.events && !poll_ready) {
            // if we asked for the status, and the _only_ condition was a hangup, this FD is defunct:
            //   - if it was POLLIN and nothing is readable, no more will ever be readable
            //   - if it was POLLOUT, it will not be writable again
            it = _rules.erase(it);
        // 如果存在感兴趣的事件发生
        if (poll_ready) {
            // we only want to call callback if revents includes the event we asked for
            const auto count_before = this_rule.service_count();
            // 回调Rule对应的接口

            // only check for busy wait if we're not canceling or exiting
            if (count_before == this_rule.service_count() and this_rule.interest()) {
                throw runtime_error(
                    "EventLoop: busy wait detected: callback did not read/write fd and is still interested");

        ++it;  // if we got here, it means we didn't call _rules.erase()

    return Result::Success;



using TCPOverUDPSpongeSocket = TCPSpongeSocket<TCPOverUDPSocketAdapter>;
using TCPOverIPv4SpongeSocket = TCPSpongeSocket<TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter>;
using TCPOverIPv4OverEthernetSpongeSocket = TCPSpongeSocket<TCPOverIPv4OverEthernetAdapter>;

using LossyTCPOverUDPSpongeSocket = TCPSpongeSocket<LossyTCPOverUDPSocketAdapter>;
using LossyTCPOverIPv4SpongeSocket = TCPSpongeSocket<LossyTCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter>;


//! Multithreaded wrapper around TCPConnection that approximates the Unix sockets API
template <typename AdaptT>
class TCPSpongeSocket : public LocalStreamSocket {
    //! Stream socket for reads and writes between owner and TCP thread
    LocalStreamSocket _thread_data;

    //! Adapter to underlying datagram socket (e.g., UDP or IP)
    AdaptT _datagram_adapter;

    //! Set up the TCPConnection and the event loop
    void _initialize_TCP(const TCPConfig &config);

    //! TCP state machine -- Lab Four实现的
    std::optional<TCPConnection> _tcp{};

    //! eventloop that handles all the events (new inbound datagram, new outbound bytes, new inbound bytes)
    // 事件循环机制 -- 参考Select和Epoll模型
    EventLoop _eventloop{};

    //! Process events while specified condition is true
    void _tcp_loop(const std::function<bool()> &condition);

    //! Main loop of TCPConnection thread
    void _tcp_main();

    //! Handle to the TCPConnection thread; owner thread calls join() in the destructor
    std::thread _tcp_thread{};

    //! Construct LocalStreamSocket fds from socket pair, initialize eventloop
    TCPSpongeSocket(std::pair<FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor> data_socket_pair, AdaptT &&datagram_interface);

    std::atomic_bool _abort{false};  //!< Flag used by the owner to force the TCPConnection thread to shut down

    bool _inbound_shutdown{false};  //!< Has TCPSpongeSocket shut down the incoming data to the owner?

    bool _outbound_shutdown{false};  //!< Has the owner shut down the outbound data to the TCP connection?

    bool _fully_acked{false};  //!< Has the outbound data been fully acknowledged by the peer?



//! \param[in] c_tcp is the TCPConfig for the TCPConnection
//! \param[in] c_ad is the FdAdapterConfig for the FdAdapter
template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::listen_and_accept(const TCPConfig &c_tcp, const FdAdapterConfig &c_ad) {
    if (_tcp) {
        throw runtime_error("listen_and_accept() with TCPConnection already initialized");
    // 初始化TCP连接和事件循环
    _datagram_adapter.config_mut() = c_ad;

    cerr << "DEBUG: Listening for incoming connection...\n";
    // 启动tcp事件循环,传入的函数为condition,其返回值决定事件循环是否继续
    // 该事件循环只负责将连接建立起来,三次握手结束后,退出事件循环 -- 事务循环函数解析下面会给出
    _tcp_loop([&] {
        const auto s = _tcp->state();
        return (s == TCPState::State::LISTEN or s == TCPState::State::SYN_RCVD or s == TCPState::State::SYN_SENT);
    cerr << "New connection from " << _datagram_adapter.config().destination.to_string() << ".\n";
    //  _tcp_thread线程负责完成当前TCP连接后续数据传输,此时线程已经启动 
    _tcp_thread = thread(&TCPSpongeSocket::_tcp_main, this);

template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::_tcp_main() {
    try {
        if (not _tcp.has_value()) {
            throw runtime_error("no TCP");
        // 开启tcp事件循环,不断运行,直到TCP连接断开
        _tcp_loop([] { return true; });
        // 关闭当前Socket
        if (not _tcp.value().active()) {
            cerr << "DEBUG: TCP connection finished "
                 << (_tcp.value().state() == TCPState::State::RESET ? "uncleanly" : "cleanly.\n");
        // 将optional里面保存的TCPConnection清空
    } catch (const exception &e) {
        cerr << "Exception in TCPConnection runner thread: " << e.what() << "\n";
        throw e;



template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::_initialize_TCP(const TCPConfig &config) {
    // 将tcpConfig设置到TCPConnection中

    // Set up the event loop

    // There are four possible events to handle:
    // 1) Incoming datagram received (needs to be given to
    //    TCPConnection::segment_received method)
    // 2) Outbound bytes received from local application via a write()
    //    call (needs to be read from the local stream socket and
    //    given to TCPConnection::data_written method)
    // 3) Incoming bytes reassembled by the TCPConnection
    //    (needs to be read from the inbound_stream and written
    //    to the local stream socket back to the application)
    // 4) Outbound segment generated by TCP (needs to be
    //    given to underlying datagram socket)

    // rule 1: read from filtered packet stream and dump into TCPConnection
    // 监听网络是否有数据报到达
        // 监听的fd本质是tun设备
        // 当感兴趣事件发生时,会回调该接口
        [&] {
            // 从tun设备读取数据
            auto seg = _datagram_adapter.read();
            // 交给TcpConnection进行处理
            if (seg) {

            // debugging output:
            if (_thread_data.eof() and _tcp.value().bytes_in_flight() == 0 and not _fully_acked) {
                cerr << "DEBUG: Outbound stream to " << _datagram_adapter.config().destination.to_string()
                     << " has been fully acknowledged.\n";
                _fully_acked = true;
        // 只要tcp连接还活跃,那么就继续轮询当前rule
        [&] { return _tcp->active(); });

    // rule 2: read from pipe into outbound buffer
    // 监听应用程序是否有数据需要传输
        // 监听_thread_data -- 竖立在应用程序和协议栈直接的数据传输通道
        [&] {
            // 应用程序向_thread_data中写入数据,然后通知协议栈有数据需要发送
            // 根据tcp写入窗口剩余空闲大小读取指定的需要写出的数据量
            const auto data = _thread_data.read(_tcp->remaining_outbound_capacity());
            const auto len = data.size();
            // 调用TCPConnection的write方法进行写出
            const auto amount_written = _tcp->write(move(data));
            if (amount_written != len) {
                throw runtime_error("TCPConnection::write() accepted less than advertised length");
            // 如果应用程序主动调用close关闭了_thread_data通道,那么tcp写入通道也可以关闭了 
            if (_thread_data.eof()) {
                // 输出通道关闭
                _outbound_shutdown = true;

                // debugging output:
                cerr << "DEBUG: Outbound stream to " << _datagram_adapter.config().destination.to_string()
                     << " finished (" << _tcp.value().bytes_in_flight() << " byte"
                     << (_tcp.value().bytes_in_flight() == 1 ? "" : "s") << " still in flight).\n";
        // 只要当前tcp连接还活跃并且输出通道还没有关闭并且当前tcp写入窗口大小不为0,就继续轮询当前rule
        [&] { return (_tcp->active()) and (not _outbound_shutdown) and (_tcp->remaining_outbound_capacity() > 0); },
        //  fd发生错误时,回调该接口
        [&] {
            _outbound_shutdown = true;

    // rule 3: read from inbound buffer into pipe
    // 监听是否有按序到达的字节流还未写入,同时_thread_data通道还未关闭,如果有则写入_thread_data通道
        // 监听thread_data
        // 关注可写事件
        [&] {
            // 获取tcp接收器的读取流
            ByteStream &inbound = _tcp->inbound_stream();
            // Write from the inbound_stream into
            // the pipe, handling the possibility of a partial
            // write (i.e., only pop what was actually written).
            // 一口气把所有已经按序达到的字节流全部读取出来
            const size_t amount_to_write = min(size_t(65536), inbound.buffer_size());
            const std::string buffer = inbound.peek_output(amount_to_write);
            // 将读取出来的数据全部写入_thread_data管道中
            const auto bytes_written = _thread_data.write(move(buffer), false);
            // 已经成功被应用程序接收的字节流可以丢掉了
            // 如果tcp进入四次挥手阶段或者断开连接了,那么关闭_thread_data管道
            if (inbound.eof() or inbound.error()) {
                _inbound_shutdown = true;
                // debugging output:
                cerr << "DEBUG: Inbound stream from " << _datagram_adapter.config().destination.to_string()
                     << " finished " << (inbound.error() ? "with an error/reset.\n" : "cleanly.\n");
                // 满足下面这个条件说明目前此端为客户端,并且进入了四次挥手的TIME_WAIT阶段
                if (_tcp.value().state() == TCPState::State::TIME_WAIT) {
                    cerr << "DEBUG: Waiting for lingering segments (e.g. retransmissions of FIN) from peer...\n";
        // 如果tcp接收器还存在按序到达的字节流没有读取,或者tcp_receiver还没有接收到FIN包,那么就继续轮询当前rule
        [&] {
            return (not _tcp->inbound_stream().buffer_empty()) or
                   ((_tcp->inbound_stream().eof() or _tcp->inbound_stream().error()) and not _inbound_shutdown);

    // rule 4: read outbound segments from TCPConnection and send as datagrams
    // 监听TCPConnection是否有数据需要发送,如果有则发送,前提是_datagram_adapter可写
        [&] {
            // 如果TCPConnection的segments_out等待队列不为空,说明存在待传输的数据包
            while (not _tcp->segments_out().empty()) {
                // 写入segments_out,进行数据包的实际传输
        // 只要segments_out不为空,就继续轮询当前rule
        [&] { return not _tcp->segments_out().empty(); });



//! \param[in] condition is a function returning true if loop should continue
template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::_tcp_loop(const function<bool()> &condition) {
    auto base_time = timestamp_ms();
    // 什么时候停止事件循环取决于condition函数返回值
    while (condition()) {
        // 等待获取下一个待发生的rule,超时则返回 -- 超时时间为10毫秒
        auto ret = _eventloop.wait_next_event(TCP_TICK_MS);
        // 没有事件发生,说明TCP断开了连接
        if (ret == EventLoop::Result::Exit or _abort) {
        // 如果tcp连接仍然活跃
        if (_tcp.value().active()) {
            // 每隔10毫秒,调用一次TCPConnection的tick方法
            const auto next_time = timestamp_ms();
            // 传入参数: 距离上次调用该方法过了多久
            _tcp.value().tick(next_time - base_time);
            // 只有TCPOverIPv4OverEthernetAdapter的tick函数才有意义 -- lab five会讲解
            // 其他adapter均为空实现
            _datagram_adapter.tick(next_time - base_time);
            base_time = next_time;

connect 方法

//! \param[in] c_tcp is the TCPConfig for the TCPConnection
//! \param[in] c_ad is the FdAdapterConfig for the FdAdapter
template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::connect(const TCPConfig &c_tcp, const FdAdapterConfig &c_ad) {
    if (_tcp) {
        throw runtime_error("connect() with TCPConnection already initialized");
    // 初始化TCP连接和事件循环

    _datagram_adapter.config_mut() = c_ad;
    cerr << "DEBUG: Connecting to " << c_ad.destination.to_string() << "...\n";
    // 开始三次握手,首先由Client发出一个SYN包
    const TCPState expected_state = TCPState::State::SYN_SENT;

    if (_tcp->state() != expected_state) {
        throw runtime_error("After TCPConnection::connect(), state was " + _tcp->state().name() + " but expected " +
    // 使用事件循环,等待三次连接建立完毕
    _tcp_loop([&] { return _tcp->state() == TCPState::State::SYN_SENT; });
    cerr << "Successfully connected to " << c_ad.destination.to_string() << ".\n";
    // 单独开启一个线程用于后续数据传输 
    _tcp_thread = thread(&TCPSpongeSocket::_tcp_main, this);


无论对于 Server 还是 Client,在三次握手之后,都会建立一个新的线程,来专门执行 LossyTCPOverIPv4SpongeSocket 中的 eventloop。而主线程会另起一个 eventloop 以及另外开辟两个缓冲区,用于存放用户写入的数据与即将输出至屏幕的数据。当用户通过 stdin 输入数据时, eventloop 中所注册的 poll 事件被检测到,则数据将会被写入进本地输入缓冲区中。当 TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter 可写时,它会将本地输入缓冲区中的数据全部写入至 TCPOverIPv4OverTunFdAdapter ,并最终传输至远程。

而 webget 与真实服务器通信的原理,也是通过将 IP 报文写入 tun 虚拟网络设备,将其注入进 OS 协议栈中,模拟实际的发包情况。

// 在标准输入(stdin)和标准输出(stdout)之间以及一个自定义的 socket 对象之间进行双向数据复制
// 标准输入 --> socket --> 标准输出
// 键盘输入的数据会写入socket,socket有可读的数据会输出到屏幕上
void bidirectional_stream_copy(Socket &socket) {
    constexpr size_t max_copy_length = 65536;
    constexpr size_t buffer_size = 1048576;

    EventLoop _eventloop{};
    FileDescriptor _input{STDIN_FILENO};
    FileDescriptor _output{STDOUT_FILENO};
    ByteStream _outbound{buffer_size};
    ByteStream _inbound{buffer_size};
    bool _outbound_shutdown{false};
    bool _inbound_shutdown{false};


    // rule 1: read from stdin into outbound byte stream
    // 标准输入有数据可读则写入_outbound通道
        [&] {
            if (_input.eof()) {
        [&] { return (not _outbound.error()) and (_outbound.remaining_capacity() > 0) and (not _inbound.error()); },
        [&] { _outbound.end_input(); });

    // rule 2: read from outbound byte stream into socket
    // socket可写,则将_outbound通道中数据写入socket
        [&] {
            const size_t bytes_to_write = min(max_copy_length, _outbound.buffer_size());
            const size_t bytes_written = socket.write(_outbound.peek_output(bytes_to_write), false);
            if (_outbound.eof()) {
                _outbound_shutdown = true;
        [&] { return (not _outbound.buffer_empty()) or (_outbound.eof() and not _outbound_shutdown); },
        [&] { _outbound.end_input(); });

    // rule 3: read from socket into inbound byte stream
    // socket有可读数据,则读取数据并写入_inbound通道
        [&] {
            if (socket.eof()) {
        [&] { return (not _inbound.error()) and (_inbound.remaining_capacity() > 0) and (not _outbound.error()); },
        [&] { _inbound.end_input(); });

    // rule 4: read from inbound byte stream into stdout
    // 如果标准输出可写,则将数据从_inbound中读取出来,然后写入标准输出
        [&] {
            const size_t bytes_to_write = min(max_copy_length, _inbound.buffer_size());
            const size_t bytes_written = _output.write(_inbound.peek_output(bytes_to_write), false);

            if (_inbound.eof()) {
                _inbound_shutdown = true;
        [&] { return (not _inbound.buffer_empty()) or (_inbound.eof() and not _inbound_shutdown); },
        [&] { _inbound.end_input(); });

    // loop until completion -- 死循环,每次都阻塞到下一次事件发生
    while (true) {
        if (EventLoop::Result::Exit == _eventloop.wait_next_event(-1)) {



template <typename AdaptT>
void TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::wait_until_closed() {
    // 关闭当前socket
    // 同步等待直到_tcp_thread线程结束
    if (_tcp_thread.joinable()) {
        cerr << "DEBUG: Waiting for clean shutdown... ";
        cerr << "done.\n";



// socketpair系统调用的作用是在本地进程间创建一对已连接的套接字(sockets)。
// 这对套接字可用于本地通信,类似于网络套接字的用法,但是不需要通过网络协议栈进行通信,而是直接在内核中完成通信,因此效率更高。
static inline pair<FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor> socket_pair_helper(const int type) {
    int fds[2];
    // 具体来说,socketpair创建了两个相关联的套接字,一个作为读取套接字(reading socket),另一个作为写入套接字(writing socket)。
    // 这两个套接字之间形成了一条双向的通信通道,任何通过写入套接字发送的数据都可以通过读取套接字接收,并且反之亦然。  
    SystemCall("socketpair", ::socketpair(AF_UNIX, type, 0, static_cast<int *>(fds)));
    return {FileDescriptor(fds[0]), FileDescriptor(fds[1])};

//! \param[in] datagram_interface is the underlying interface (e.g. to UDP, IP, or Ethernet)
template <typename AdaptT>
TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::TCPSpongeSocket(AdaptT &&datagram_interface)
    : TCPSpongeSocket(socket_pair_helper(SOCK_STREAM), move(datagram_interface)) {}

template <typename AdaptT>
TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::TCPSpongeSocket(pair<FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor> data_socket_pair,
                                         AdaptT &&datagram_interface)
    // 主线程拿着通道一端                                      
    : LocalStreamSocket(move(data_socket_pair.first))
    // 子线程拿着通道的另一端
    , _thread_data(move(data_socket_pair.second))
    , _datagram_adapter(move(datagram_interface)) {

template <typename AdaptT>
TCPSpongeSocket<AdaptT>::~TCPSpongeSocket() {
    try {
        if (_tcp_thread.joinable()) {
            cerr << "Warning: unclean shutdown of TCPSpongeSocket\n";
            // force the other side to exit
    } catch (const exception &e) {
        cerr << "Exception destructing TCPSpongeSocket: " << e.what() << endl;


  • 主线程中发生键盘输入事件,到输入的内容通过socktpair创建的双向通道传输到子线程,然后由子线程将数据最终通过tun设备发送出去,这中间结合了两个eventloop共同协作完成


  • 当tun设备接收到网络数据包的时候,会将数据包传输给TCP协议栈进行处理,TCP协议栈处理完后,如果发现_thread_data双向通道可写,则将处理完毕的数据包丢到通道中,主线程中的Socket发现来数据了,将数据写入_inbound通道中,此时发现标准输出可写,最终将接收到的数据包输出到屏幕上
    • 这中间同样结合了两个eventloop共同协作工作,大家可以好好理解一下


以上就是我个人对cs144 Lab Four测试文件tcp_ipv4.cc文件大体流程的理解,可能会存在错误,欢迎各位大佬评论区指出,同时由于篇幅有限,不能将所有源码一一贴出讲解,所以阅读过程中大家可以对照cs144 lab four相关源码进行学习





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Codejock Skin Framework Visual C MFC Crack Codejock Visual CMFC皮肤框架为Windows开发人员提供了一种高度复杂的应用程序皮肤框架技术&#xff0c;该技术是在考虑Windows主题(视觉样式)的情况下开发的。只需几行代码就可以实现一个完全主题化的应用程序。 功能概述 Codejoc…


text-transform 属性用于指定文本中的大写和小写字母。 uppercase&#xff1a;将字母转为大写lowercase&#xff1a;将字母转为小写capitalize&#xff1a;将每个单词首字母转为大写 代码&#xff1a; <style> p.uppercase {text-transform: uppercase; }p.lowercase …

Android学习之路(1) App工程的项目结构

一、App工程的项目结构 1.项目下面有两个分类 一个是app(代表app模块)&#xff0c;另一个是Gradle Scripts。其中app下面又有3个子目录&#xff0c;其功能说明如下&#xff1a; manifests 子目录下面只有一个XML文件&#xff0c;即AndroidManifest.xmljava子目录&#xff0c;…