【MQTT】paho.mqtt.cpp 库的 介绍、下载、交叉编译、MQTT客户端例子源码

⏰发布时间⏰:2024-05-13 18:06:13



  • 🎄一、概述
  • 🎄二、paho.mqtt.cpp 库介绍
  • 🎄三、paho.mqtt.cpp 库下载、交叉编译
    • ✨3.1 openssl 的下载、交叉编译
    • ✨3.2 paho.mqtt.c 交叉编译
    • ✨3.3 paho.mqtt.cpp 交叉编译
  • 🎄四、paho.mqtt.cpp库写一个MQTT客户端
    • ✨4.1 订阅——async_subscribe.cpp
    • ✨4.2 发布——async_publish.cpp
  • 🎄五、总结




前面文章 【MQTT】mosquitto 的 “下载、交叉编译、使用” 详细教程,手把手搭建一个MQTT Broker ,介绍了怎样搭建一个MQTT Broker(代理)。MQTT Broker(代理)的搭建很重要,一般很少自己开发一个MQTT Broker,而是搭建好一个开源的MQTT Broker(代理),然后其他的设备或机器都作为MQTT客户端,让MQTT Broker来转发消息。

关于MQTT协议的,作为编程人员更多的是开发MQTT的客户端,本文介绍的paho.mqtt.cpp就是开发MQTT客户端常用的开源库之一。paho.mqtt.cppEclipse Paho 项目的一个开源库。

Eclipse Paho项目提供了以各种编程语言实现的MQTT和MQTT-SN的开源库(主要是客户端)。下面是这个项目的MQTT客户端开源库,想要了解更多Eclipse Paho项目的资料,可以到其官网:https://eclipse.dev/paho/



🎄二、paho.mqtt.cpp 库介绍

之前介绍的 paho.mqtt.c 库可以在C语言编程中使用,而 paho.mqtt.cpp 库是在C++编程中使用的,它可以使标准C++应用程序(C++11及更高版本)能够连接到 MQTT Broker(代理)、发布消息、订阅主题以及从MQTT Broker(代理)接收消息。

paho.mqtt.cpp 库有如下功能:

  • Support for MQTT v3.1, v3.1.1, and v5.
  • Network Transports:
    • Standard TCP
    • Secure sockets with SSL/TLS
    • WebSockets
      • Secure and insecure
      • Proxy support
  • Message persistence
    • User configurable
    • Built-in File persistence
    • User-defined key/value persistence easy to implement
  • Automatic Reconnect
  • Offline Buffering
  • High Availability
  • Blocking and non-blocking APIs
  • Modern C++ interface (C++11 and beyond)

最后,这个库需要依赖于 paho.mqtt.c,所以编译这个库之前需要先编译 paho.mqtt.c 库。


🎄三、paho.mqtt.cpp 库下载、交叉编译

paho.mqtt.cpp 库需要两个依赖库:openssl、paho.mqtt.c,下面依次介绍怎么编译 openssl、paho.mqtt.c、paho.mqtt.cpp。

✨3.1 openssl 的下载、交叉编译

本文下载的是 openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1g.tar.gz


  • 1、解压缩

    tar zxf openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1g.tar.gz
  • 2、进入目录,并配置输出目录和交叉编译器, (linux-generic32表示是32位操作系统,个别文章加了这个选项就不用去掉 -m64,我这里行不通)

    cd openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1g/
    ./config no-asm shared no-async --prefix=`pwd`/ssl_result  --cross-compile-prefix=aarch64-mix210-linux-
  • 3、执行下面命令,删除Makefile文件的 -m64

    sed -i 's/-m64//' Makefile

    执行后,可以避免出现这个编译错误:aarch64-mix210-linux-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-m64'

  • 4、编译、安装

    make && make install


✨3.2 paho.mqtt.c 交叉编译



  • 1、解压缩,创建要安装目录paho.mqtt.c_result

    tar zxf paho.mqtt.c-1.3.13.tar.gz
    mkdir paho.mqtt.c_result/bin -p
    mkdir paho.mqtt.c_result/include -p
    mkdir paho.mqtt.c_result/lib -p
    mkdir paho.mqtt.c_result/share/man/man1 -p
  • 2、进入目录,交叉编译

    cd paho.mqtt.c-1.3.13/
    make  CC=aarch64-mix210-linux-gcc CFLAGS:="-I `pwd`/../ssl_result/include" LDFLAGS:="-L `pwd`/../ssl_result/lib"

    CFLAGS:=“-I `pwd`/…/ssl_result/include”:指定前面编译的 openssl 的头文件;
    LDFLAGS:=“-L `pwd`/…/ssl_result/lib”:指定前面编译的 openssl 的库文件路径;

  • 3、make install,安装编译结果

    make install prefix=`pwd`/../paho.mqtt.c_result 

    prefix=`pwd`/…/paho.mqtt.c_result :指定安装目录路径;

编译完成后,会生成 目录,内容如下:

✨3.3 paho.mqtt.cpp 交叉编译




  • 1、保存下面脚本为 paho.mqtt.cpp_install
    #! /bin/sh
    # 指定编译结果目录
    # 指定交叉编译工具
    # 1、解压缩
    tar zxf paho.mqtt.cpp-1.3.2.tar.gz 
    # 2、进入目录,
    cd paho.mqtt.cpp-1.3.2/
    # 3、执行 cmake
    mkdir build_arm 
    cd build_arm 
    # 编译不需要 openssl 的库
    -DPAHO_MQTT_C_LIBRARIES=${RESULT_MQTT_C}/lib/libpaho-mqtt3a.so \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=gnu++11 -mcpu=cortex-a53"
    # 编译带有 openssl 的库
    -DPAHO_MQTT_C_LIBRARIES=${RESULT_MQTT_C}/lib/libpaho-mqtt3a.so \
    -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=${RESULT_SSL}/lib/libssl.so  \
    -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=${RESULT_SSL}/lib/libcrypto.so \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=gnu++11 -mcpu=cortex-a53"
    # 4、编译
    make && make install
  • 2、将下载的源码包paho.mqtt.cpp-1.3.2.tar.gz 和 上面保存的脚本paho.mqtt.cpp_install 放到同一目录,并且将前面编译好的openssl库、paho.mqtt.c库放在脚本指定的结果目录,我是放到 result_dir 目录,编译目录如下。
  • 3、执行 ./paho.mqtt.cpp_install.sh 编译,编译完成后,在result_dir目录下生成一个名为paho.mqtt.cpp_result的目录,内容如下:



下面提供两个使用了 paho.mqtt.cpp库(libpaho-mqttpp3) MQTT客户端的例子。

运行下面代码前,要先搭建一个MQTT Broker,参考上篇文章:【MQTT】mosquitto 的 “下载、交叉编译、使用” 详细教程,手把手搭建一个MQTT Broker

✨4.1 订阅——async_subscribe.cpp

这是使用了 libpaho-mqttpp3.so 进行订阅消息的源码,源码路径在源码的这个路径:paho.mqtt.cpp-1.3.2/src/samples/async_subscribe.cpp,只更改了服务器地址。完整代码如下:

// async_subscribe.cpp
// This is a Paho MQTT C++ client, sample application.
// This application is an MQTT subscriber using the C++ asynchronous client
// interface, employing callbacks to receive messages and status updates.
// The sample demonstrates:
//  - Connecting to an MQTT server/broker.
//  - Subscribing to a topic
//  - Receiving messages through the callback API
//  - Receiving network disconnect updates and attempting manual reconnects.
//  - Using a "clean session" and manually re-subscribing to topics on
//    reconnect.

 * Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Frank Pagliughi <fpagliughi@mindspring.com>
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *    http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 *   http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * Contributors:
 *    Frank Pagliughi - initial implementation and documentation

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include "mqtt/async_client.h"

const std::string SERVER_ADDRESS("");
const std::string CLIENT_ID("paho_cpp_async_subcribe");
const std::string TOPIC("hello");

const int	QOS = 1;
const int	N_RETRY_ATTEMPTS = 5;


// Callbacks for the success or failures of requested actions.
// This could be used to initiate further action, but here we just log the
// results to the console.

class action_listener : public virtual mqtt::iaction_listener
	std::string name_;

	void on_failure(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		std::cout << name_ << " failure";
		if (tok.get_message_id() != 0)
			std::cout << " for token: [" << tok.get_message_id() << "]" << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl;

	void on_success(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		std::cout << name_ << " success";
		if (tok.get_message_id() != 0)
			std::cout << " for token: [" << tok.get_message_id() << "]" << std::endl;
		auto top = tok.get_topics();
		if (top && !top->empty())
			std::cout << "\ttoken topic: '" << (*top)[0] << "', ..." << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl;

	action_listener(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {}


 * Local callback & listener class for use with the client connection.
 * This is primarily intended to receive messages, but it will also monitor
 * the connection to the broker. If the connection is lost, it will attempt
 * to restore the connection and re-subscribe to the topic.
class callback : public virtual mqtt::callback,
					public virtual mqtt::iaction_listener

	// Counter for the number of connection retries
	int nretry_;
	// The MQTT client
	mqtt::async_client& cli_;
	// Options to use if we need to reconnect
	mqtt::connect_options& connOpts_;
	// An action listener to display the result of actions.
	action_listener subListener_;

	// This deomonstrates manually reconnecting to the broker by calling
	// connect() again. This is a possibility for an application that keeps
	// a copy of it's original connect_options, or if the app wants to
	// reconnect with different options.
	// Another way this can be done manually, if using the same options, is
	// to just call the async_client::reconnect() method.
	void reconnect() {
		try {
			cli_.connect(connOpts_, nullptr, *this);
		catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
			std::cerr << "Error: " << exc.what() << std::endl;

	// Re-connection failure
	void on_failure(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		std::cout << "Connection attempt failed" << std::endl;
		if (++nretry_ > N_RETRY_ATTEMPTS)

	// (Re)connection success
	// Either this or connected() can be used for callbacks.
	void on_success(const mqtt::token& tok) override {}

	// (Re)connection success
	void connected(const std::string& cause) override {
		std::cout << "\nConnection success" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "\nSubscribing to topic '" << TOPIC << "'\n"
			<< "\tfor client " << CLIENT_ID
			<< " using QoS" << QOS << "\n"
			<< "\nPress Q<Enter> to quit\n" << std::endl;

		cli_.subscribe(TOPIC, QOS, nullptr, subListener_);

	// Callback for when the connection is lost.
	// This will initiate the attempt to manually reconnect.
	void connection_lost(const std::string& cause) override {
		std::cout << "\nConnection lost" << std::endl;
		if (!cause.empty())
			std::cout << "\tcause: " << cause << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Reconnecting..." << std::endl;
		nretry_ = 0;

	// Callback for when a message arrives.
	void message_arrived(mqtt::const_message_ptr msg) override {
		std::cout << "Message arrived" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "\ttopic: '" << msg->get_topic() << "'" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "\tpayload: '" << msg->to_string() << "'\n" << std::endl;

	void delivery_complete(mqtt::delivery_token_ptr token) override {}

	callback(mqtt::async_client& cli, mqtt::connect_options& connOpts)
				: nretry_(0), cli_(cli), connOpts_(connOpts), subListener_("Subscription") {}


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// A subscriber often wants the server to remember its messages when its
	// disconnected. In that case, it needs a unique ClientID and a
	// non-clean session.

	mqtt::async_client cli(SERVER_ADDRESS, CLIENT_ID);

	mqtt::connect_options connOpts;

	// Install the callback(s) before connecting.
	callback cb(cli, connOpts);

	// Start the connection.
	// When completed, the callback will subscribe to topic.

	try {
		std::cout << "Connecting to the MQTT server..." << std::flush;
		cli.connect(connOpts, nullptr, cb);
	catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
		std::cerr << "\nERROR: Unable to connect to MQTT server: '"
			<< SERVER_ADDRESS << "'" << exc << std::endl;
		return 1;

	// Just block till user tells us to quit.

	while (std::tolower(std::cin.get()) != 'q')

	// Disconnect

	try {
		std::cout << "\nDisconnecting from the MQTT server..." << std::flush;
		std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
	catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
		std::cerr << exc << std::endl;
		return 1;

 	return 0;


aarch64-mix210-linux-g++ async_subscribe.cpp -I result_dir/paho.mqtt.cpp_result/include/ -I result_dir/paho.mqtt.c_result/include/ -L result_dir/paho.mqtt.cpp_result/lib/ -L result_dir/paho.mqtt.c_result/lib/ -l paho-mqttpp3 -l paho-mqtt3a 


✨4.2 发布——async_publish.cpp

这是使用了 libpaho-mqttpp3.so 进行发布消息的源码,源码路径在源码的这个路径:paho.mqtt.cpp-1.3.2/src/samples/async_publish.cpp,只更改了服务器地址。完整代码如下:

// async_publish.cpp
// This is a Paho MQTT C++ client, sample application.
// It's an example of how to send messages as an MQTT publisher using the
// C++ asynchronous client interface.
// The sample demonstrates:
//  - Connecting to an MQTT server/broker
//  - Publishing messages
//  - Default file persistence
//  - Last will and testament
//  - Using asynchronous tokens
//  - Implementing callbacks and action listeners

 * Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Frank Pagliughi <fpagliughi@mindspring.com>
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *    http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 *   http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * Contributors:
 *    Frank Pagliughi - initial implementation and documentation

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstring>
#include "mqtt/async_client.h"

using namespace std;

const string DFLT_SERVER_ADDRESS	{ "" };
const string CLIENT_ID				{ "paho_cpp_async_publish" };
const string PERSIST_DIR			{ "./persist" };

const string TOPIC { "hello" };

const char* PAYLOAD1 = "Hello World!";
const char* PAYLOAD2 = "Hi there!";
const char* PAYLOAD3 = "Is anyone listening?";
const char* PAYLOAD4 = "Someone is always listening.";

const char* LWT_PAYLOAD = "Last will and testament.";

const int  QOS = 1;

const auto TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(10);


 * A callback class for use with the main MQTT client.
class callback : public virtual mqtt::callback
	void connection_lost(const string& cause) override {
		cout << "\nConnection lost" << endl;
		if (!cause.empty())
			cout << "\tcause: " << cause << endl;

	void delivery_complete(mqtt::delivery_token_ptr tok) override {
		cout << "\tDelivery complete for token: "
			<< (tok ? tok->get_message_id() : -1) << endl;


 * A base action listener.
class action_listener : public virtual mqtt::iaction_listener
	void on_failure(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		cout << "\tListener failure for token: "
			<< tok.get_message_id() << endl;

	void on_success(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		cout << "\tListener success for token: "
			<< tok.get_message_id() << endl;


 * A derived action listener for publish events.
class delivery_action_listener : public action_listener
	atomic<bool> done_;

	void on_failure(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		done_ = true;

	void on_success(const mqtt::token& tok) override {
		done_ = true;

	delivery_action_listener() : done_(false) {}
	bool is_done() const { return done_; }


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// A client that just publishes normally doesn't need a persistent
	// session or Client ID unless it's using persistence, then the local
	// library requires an ID to identify the persistence files.

	string	address  = (argc > 1) ? string(argv[1]) : DFLT_SERVER_ADDRESS,
			clientID = (argc > 2) ? string(argv[2]) : CLIENT_ID;

	cout << "Initializing for server '" << address << "'..." << endl;
	mqtt::async_client client(address, clientID, PERSIST_DIR);

	callback cb;

	auto connOpts = mqtt::connect_options_builder()
		.will(mqtt::message(TOPIC, LWT_PAYLOAD, strlen(LWT_PAYLOAD), QOS, false))

	cout << "  ...OK" << endl;

	try {
		cout << "\nConnecting..." << endl;
		mqtt::token_ptr conntok = client.connect(connOpts);
		cout << "Waiting for the connection..." << endl;
		cout << "  ...OK" << endl;

		// First use a message pointer.

		cout << "\nSending message..." << endl;
		mqtt::message_ptr pubmsg = mqtt::make_message(TOPIC, PAYLOAD1);
		cout << "  ...OK" << endl;

		// Now try with itemized publish.

		cout << "\nSending next message..." << endl;
		mqtt::delivery_token_ptr pubtok;
		pubtok = client.publish(TOPIC, PAYLOAD2, strlen(PAYLOAD2), QOS, false);
		cout << "  ...with token: " << pubtok->get_message_id() << endl;
		cout << "  ...for message with " << pubtok->get_message()->get_payload().size()
			<< " bytes" << endl;
		cout << "  ...OK" << endl;

		// Now try with a listener

		cout << "\nSending next message..." << endl;
		action_listener listener;
		pubmsg = mqtt::make_message(TOPIC, PAYLOAD3);
		pubtok = client.publish(pubmsg, nullptr, listener);
		cout << "  ...OK" << endl;

		// Finally try with a listener, but no token

		cout << "\nSending final message..." << endl;
		delivery_action_listener deliveryListener;
		pubmsg = mqtt::make_message(TOPIC, PAYLOAD4);
		client.publish(pubmsg, nullptr, deliveryListener);

		while (!deliveryListener.is_done()) {
		cout << "OK" << endl;

		// Double check that there are no pending tokens

		auto toks = client.get_pending_delivery_tokens();
		if (!toks.empty())
			cout << "Error: There are pending delivery tokens!" << endl;

		// Disconnect
		cout << "\nDisconnecting..." << endl;
		cout << "  ...OK" << endl;
	catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
		cerr << exc.what() << endl;
		return 1;

 	return 0;


aarch64-mix210-linux-g++ async_publish.cpp -I result_dir/paho.mqtt.cpp_result/include/ -I result_dir/paho.mqtt.c_result/include/ -L result_dir/paho.mqtt.cpp_result/lib/ -L result_dir/paho.mqtt.c_result/lib/ -l paho-mqttpp3 -l paho-mqtt3a -o async_publish




👉本文详细介绍了 paho.mqtt.cpp 库的“下载、交叉编译”、最后给出了怎么写MQTT客户端例子源码的例子

如果文章有帮助的话,点赞👍、收藏⭐,支持一波,谢谢 😁😁😁




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【RabbitMQ】消息队列 - RabbitMQ的使用记录

目录 一、什么是消息队列 二、什么是RabbitMQ 三、安装RabbitMQ 3.1 安装Erlang环境 3.2 安装RabbitMQ 3.3 打开服务管理界面 3.4 常用命令 四、Python示例代码 4.1 发送数据 4.2 接收数据 一、什么是消息队列 消息队列(Message Queue)是一种用于在应用程序之间传递消…

Docker 部署 Prometheus 实现一个极简的 QPS 监控

背景 : Prometheus 是近年来最流行的开源监控框架, 其功能强大且易于使用, 拥有各种主流后端语言(Java/Go/Python/Node.js等)与各种场景(如web handler/ k8s/Nginx/MySQL等)的客户端, 并自带图形化显示页面。分享一个快速入门Prometheus 的教程, 实现一个极简的, 后端开发需要特…

ICRA 2024 成果介绍:基于 RRT* 的连续体机器人高效轨迹规划方法

近来&#xff0c;连续体机器人研究受到越来越多的关注。其灵活度高&#xff0c;可以调整形状适应动态环境&#xff0c;特别适合于微创手术、工业⽣产以及危险环境探索等应用。 连续体机器人拥有无限自由度&#xff08;DoF&#xff09;&#xff0c;为执行空间探索等任务提供了灵…


大家好&#xff0c;我是程序员鱼皮。 不论在企业、毕设还是个人练手项目中&#xff0c;很多同学或多或少都会涉及微信相关生态的开发&#xff0c;例如微信支付、开放平台、公众号等等。 一般情况下&#xff0c;我们需要到官网查阅这些模块对应的 API 接口&#xff0c;自己编写…


目录 1. 线性表2.顺序表2.1自己实现一个List接口2.2 IList接口的实现2.3 测试代码 1. 线性表 线性表&#xff08;linear list&#xff09;是n个具有相同特性的数据元素的有限序列。 线性表是一种在实际中广泛使用的数据结构&#xff0c;常见的线性表&#xff1a;顺序表、链表、…

下载npm I就包错解决方案

npm i xxxx -S --legacy-peer-deps 如果包错就执行以上命令

【CSP CCF记录】202209-1 如此编码

题目 过程 C中"/"的使用 当a和被b均为int, long, char这样的整数类型&#xff0c;此时除法运算的结果为所得商的整数部分&#xff0c;例如&#xff1a;180/100&#xff0c;结果为1&#xff1b; int a 180;int b a / 100;cout << b << endl;#结果为1当…

用Arm CCA解锁数据的力量

安全之安全(security)博客目录导读 目录 CCA将如何改变Arm架构呢? 在实践中部署CCA 释放数据和人工智能的全部力量和潜力 早期计算中最大的挑战之一是管理计算资源&#xff0c;以最大化计算效率同时提供给不同程序或用户分配资源的分离。这导致了我们今天大多数使用的时间…


下载 新建一个目录drawdb,使用git下载&#xff0c;如果没有安装git的话&#xff0c;进入git官网进行下载windows版本 https://git-scm.com/downloads。 空白地方鼠标右键&#xff0c;打开git终端 执行命令&#xff1a; git clone https://github.com/drawdb-io/drawdb 安装依…

阿里巴巴找黄金宝箱(II) - 贪心思维

系列文章目录 文章目录 系列文章目录前言一、题目描述二、输出描述三、输入描述四、java代码五、测试用例 前言 本人最近再练习算法&#xff0c;所以会发布自己的解题思路&#xff0c;希望大家多指教 一、题目描述 一贫如洗的樵夫阿里巴巴在去砍柴的路上&#xff0c;无意中发…

【自动驾驶技术栈学习】1-硬件《大话自动驾驶》| 综述要点总结 by.Akaxi

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 致谢&#xff1a;感谢十一号线人老师的《大话自动驾驶》书籍&#xff0c;收获颇丰 链接&#xff1a;大话自动驾驶 (豆瓣) (douban.com) -------------…

头歌(EduCoder):数据挖掘算法原理与实践 -- 决策树

【头歌】机器学习实训代码 第一关&#xff1a;决策树算法思想 1、下列说法正确的是&#xff1f;&#xff08; AB &#xff09; A、训练决策树的过程就是构建决策树的过程B、ID3算法是根据信息增益来构建决策树C、C4.5算法是根据基尼系数来构建决策树D、决策树模型的可理解性不…


在深度学习服务器上&#xff0c;各种模型的训练&#xff0c;需要监控GPU的情况&#xff0c;并且需要根据使用状态来切换不同的GPU上。 有以下四款软件&#xff0c;可以很好的进行GPU状态监控。 1. nvidia-smi 一个跨平台工具&#xff0c;用于监控和管理NVIDIA GPU的状态和性…