

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def roty(t):
    """ Rotation about the y-axis. """
    c = np.cos(t)
    s = np.sin(t)
    return np.array([[c, 0, s], [0, 1, 0], [-s, 0, c]])

def compute_box_3d(obj):
    """ Takes an object and a projection matrix (P) and projects the 3d
        bounding box into the image plane.
            corners_3d: (8,3) array in in rect camera coord.
    # compute rotational matrix around yaw axis
    R = roty(obj.ry)

    # 3d bounding box dimensions
    l = obj.l
    w = obj.w
    h = obj.h

    # 3d bounding box corners
    x_corners = [l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2]
    y_corners = [0, 0, 0, 0, -h, -h, -h, -h]
    z_corners = [w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2]

    corners_3d = np.dot(R, np.vstack([x_corners, y_corners, z_corners]))
    # print corners_3d.shape
    corners_3d[0, :] = corners_3d[0, :] + obj.t[0]
    corners_3d[1, :] = corners_3d[1, :] + obj.t[1]
    corners_3d[2, :] = corners_3d[2, :] + obj.t[2]

    return np.transpose(corners_3d)

def read_label(label_filename):
    lines = [line.rstrip() for line in open(label_filename)]
    objects = [Object3d(line) for line in lines if line[:8]!="DontCare"]
    return objects

def choice_points(points,k=int(1e4)):
    selected_indices = np.random.choice(len(points), k, replace=False)
    return points[selected_indices]
def inverse_rigid_trans(Tr):
    """ Inverse a rigid body transform matrix (3x4 as [R|t])
        [R'|-R't; 0|1]
    inv_Tr = np.zeros_like(Tr)  # 3x4
    inv_Tr[0:3, 0:3] = np.transpose(Tr[0:3, 0:3])
    inv_Tr[0:3, 3] = np.dot(-np.transpose(Tr[0:3, 0:3]), Tr[0:3, 3])
    return inv_Tr

class Calibration(object):
    """ Calibration matrices and utils
        3d XYZ in <label>.txt are in rect camera coord.
        2d box xy are in image2 coord
        Points in <lidar>.bin are in Velodyne coord.

        y_image2 = P^2_rect * x_rect
        y_image2 = P^2_rect * R0_rect * Tr_velo_to_cam * x_velo
        x_ref = Tr_velo_to_cam * x_velo
        x_rect = R0_rect * x_ref

        P^2_rect = [f^2_u,  0,      c^2_u,  -f^2_u b^2_x;
                    0,      f^2_v,  c^2_v,  -f^2_v b^2_y;
                    0,      0,      1,      0]
                 = K * [1|t]

        image2 coord:
         ----> x-axis (u)
        v y-axis (v)

        velodyne coord:
        front x, left y, up z

        rect/ref camera coord:
        right x, down y, front z

        Ref (KITTI paper): http://www.cvlibs.net/publications/Geiger2013IJRR.pdf

        TODO(rqi): do matrix multiplication only once for each projection.

    def __init__(self, calib_filepath, from_video=False):
        if from_video:
            calibs = self.read_calib_from_video(calib_filepath)
            calibs = self.read_calib_file(calib_filepath)
        # Projection matrix from rect camera coord to image2 coord
        self.P = calibs["P2"]
        self.P = np.reshape(self.P, [3, 4])
        # Rigid transform from Velodyne coord to reference camera coord
        self.V2C = calibs["Tr_velo_to_cam"]
        self.V2C = np.reshape(self.V2C, [3, 4])
        self.C2V = inverse_rigid_trans(self.V2C)
        # Rotation from reference camera coord to rect camera coord
        self.R0 = calibs["R0_rect"]
        self.R0 = np.reshape(self.R0, [3, 3])

        # Camera intrinsics and extrinsics
        self.c_u = self.P[0, 2]
        self.c_v = self.P[1, 2]
        self.f_u = self.P[0, 0]
        self.f_v = self.P[1, 1]
        self.b_x = self.P[0, 3] / (-self.f_u)  # relative
        self.b_y = self.P[1, 3] / (-self.f_v)

    def read_calib_file(self, filepath):
        """ Read in a calibration file and parse into a dictionary.
        Ref: https://github.com/utiasSTARS/pykitti/blob/master/pykitti/utils.py
        data = {}
        with open(filepath, "r") as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.rstrip()
                if len(line) == 0:
                key, value = line.split(":", 1)
                # The only non-float values in these files are dates, which
                # we don't care about anyway
                    data[key] = np.array([float(x) for x in value.split()])
                except ValueError:

        return data

    def read_calib_from_video(self, calib_root_dir):
        """ Read calibration for camera 2 from video calib files.
            there are calib_cam_to_cam and calib_velo_to_cam under the calib_root_dir
        data = {}
        cam2cam = self.read_calib_file(
            os.path.join(calib_root_dir, "calib_cam_to_cam.txt")
        velo2cam = self.read_calib_file(
            os.path.join(calib_root_dir, "calib_velo_to_cam.txt")
        Tr_velo_to_cam = np.zeros((3, 4))
        Tr_velo_to_cam[0:3, 0:3] = np.reshape(velo2cam["R"], [3, 3])
        Tr_velo_to_cam[:, 3] = velo2cam["T"]
        data["Tr_velo_to_cam"] = np.reshape(Tr_velo_to_cam, [12])
        data["R0_rect"] = cam2cam["R_rect_00"]
        data["P2"] = cam2cam["P_rect_02"]
        return data

    def cart2hom(self, pts_3d):
        """ Input: nx3 points in Cartesian
            Oupput: nx4 points in Homogeneous by pending 1
        n = pts_3d.shape[0]
        pts_3d_hom = np.hstack((pts_3d, np.ones((n, 1))))
        return pts_3d_hom

    # ===========================
    # ------- 3d to 3d ----------
    # ===========================
    def project_velo_to_ref(self, pts_3d_velo):
        pts_3d_velo = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_velo)  # nx4
        return np.dot(pts_3d_velo, np.transpose(self.V2C))

    def project_ref_to_velo(self, pts_3d_ref):
        pts_3d_ref = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_ref)  # nx4
        return np.dot(pts_3d_ref, np.transpose(self.C2V))

    def project_rect_to_ref(self, pts_3d_rect):
        """ Input and Output are nx3 points """
        return np.transpose(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(self.R0), np.transpose(pts_3d_rect)))

    def project_ref_to_rect(self, pts_3d_ref):
        """ Input and Output are nx3 points """
        return np.transpose(np.dot(self.R0, np.transpose(pts_3d_ref)))

    def project_rect_to_velo(self, pts_3d_rect):
        """ Input: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
            Output: nx3 points in velodyne coord.
        pts_3d_ref = self.project_rect_to_ref(pts_3d_rect)
        return self.project_ref_to_velo(pts_3d_ref)

    def project_velo_to_rect(self, pts_3d_velo):
        pts_3d_ref = self.project_velo_to_ref(pts_3d_velo)
        return self.project_ref_to_rect(pts_3d_ref)

    # ===========================
    # ------- 3d to 2d ----------
    # ===========================
    def project_rect_to_image(self, pts_3d_rect):
        """ Input: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
            Output: nx2 points in image2 coord.
        pts_3d_rect = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_rect)
        pts_2d = np.dot(pts_3d_rect, np.transpose(self.P))  # nx3
        pts_2d[:, 0] /= pts_2d[:, 2]
        pts_2d[:, 1] /= pts_2d[:, 2]
        return pts_2d[:, 0:2]

    def project_velo_to_image(self, pts_3d_velo):
        """ Input: nx3 points in velodyne coord.
            Output: nx2 points in image2 coord.
        pts_3d_rect = self.project_velo_to_rect(pts_3d_velo)
        return self.project_rect_to_image(pts_3d_rect)

    def project_8p_to_4p(self, pts_2d):
        x0 = np.min(pts_2d[:, 0])
        x1 = np.max(pts_2d[:, 0])
        y0 = np.min(pts_2d[:, 1])
        y1 = np.max(pts_2d[:, 1])
        x0 = max(0, x0)
        # x1 = min(x1, proj.image_width)
        y0 = max(0, y0)
        # y1 = min(y1, proj.image_height)
        return np.array([x0, y0, x1, y1])

    def project_velo_to_4p(self, pts_3d_velo):
        """ Input: nx3 points in velodyne coord.
            Output: 4 points in image2 coord.
        pts_2d_velo = self.project_velo_to_image(pts_3d_velo)
        return self.project_8p_to_4p(pts_2d_velo)

    # ===========================
    # ------- 2d to 3d ----------
    # ===========================
    def project_image_to_rect(self, uv_depth):
        """ Input: nx3 first two channels are uv, 3rd channel
                   is depth in rect camera coord.
            Output: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
        n = uv_depth.shape[0]
        x = ((uv_depth[:, 0] - self.c_u) * uv_depth[:, 2]) / self.f_u + self.b_x
        y = ((uv_depth[:, 1] - self.c_v) * uv_depth[:, 2]) / self.f_v + self.b_y
        pts_3d_rect = np.zeros((n, 3))
        pts_3d_rect[:, 0] = x
        pts_3d_rect[:, 1] = y
        pts_3d_rect[:, 2] = uv_depth[:, 2]
        return pts_3d_rect

    def project_image_to_velo(self, uv_depth):
        pts_3d_rect = self.project_image_to_rect(uv_depth)
        return self.project_rect_to_velo(pts_3d_rect)

    def project_depth_to_velo(self, depth, constraint_box=True):
        depth_pt3d = get_depth_pt3d(depth)
        depth_UVDepth = np.zeros_like(depth_pt3d)
        depth_UVDepth[:, 0] = depth_pt3d[:, 1]
        depth_UVDepth[:, 1] = depth_pt3d[:, 0]
        depth_UVDepth[:, 2] = depth_pt3d[:, 2]
        # print("depth_pt3d:",depth_UVDepth.shape)
        depth_pc_velo = self.project_image_to_velo(depth_UVDepth)
        # print("dep_pc_velo:",depth_pc_velo.shape)
        if constraint_box:
            depth_box_fov_inds = (
                (depth_pc_velo[:, 0] < cbox[0][1])
                & (depth_pc_velo[:, 0] >= cbox[0][0])
                & (depth_pc_velo[:, 1] < cbox[1][1])
                & (depth_pc_velo[:, 1] >= cbox[1][0])
                & (depth_pc_velo[:, 2] < cbox[2][1])
                & (depth_pc_velo[:, 2] >= cbox[2][0])
            depth_pc_velo = depth_pc_velo[depth_box_fov_inds]
        return depth_pc_velo

class Object3d(object):
    """ 3d object label """

    def __init__(self, label_file_line):
        data = label_file_line.split(" ")
        data[1:] = [float(x) for x in data[1:]]

        # extract label, truncation, occlusion
        self.type = data[0]  # 'Car', 'Pedestrian', ...
        self.truncation = data[1]  # truncated pixel ratio [0..1]
        self.occlusion = int(
        )  # 0=visible, 1=partly occluded, 2=fully occluded, 3=unknown
        self.alpha = data[3]  # object observation angle [-pi..pi]

        # extract 2d bounding box in 0-based coordinates
        self.xmin = data[4]  # left
        self.ymin = data[5]  # top
        self.xmax = data[6]  # right
        self.ymax = data[7]  # bottom
        self.box2d = np.array([self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax])

        # extract 3d bounding box information
        self.h = data[8]  # box height
        self.w = data[9]  # box width
        self.l = data[10]  # box length (in meters)
        self.t = (data[11], data[12], data[13])  # location (x,y,z) in camera coord.
        self.ry = data[14]  # yaw angle (around Y-axis in camera coordinates) [-pi..pi]

    def estimate_diffculty(self):
        """ Function that estimate difficulty to detect the object as defined in kitti website"""
        # height of the bounding box
        bb_height = np.abs(self.xmax - self.xmin)

        if bb_height >= 40 and self.occlusion == 0 and self.truncation <= 0.15:
            return "Easy"
        elif bb_height >= 25 and self.occlusion in [0, 1] and self.truncation <= 0.30:
            return "Moderate"
        elif (
            bb_height >= 25 and self.occlusion in [0, 1, 2] and self.truncation <= 0.50
            return "Hard"
            return "Unknown"

    def print_object(self):
            "Type, truncation, occlusion, alpha: %s, %d, %d, %f"
            % (self.type, self.truncation, self.occlusion, self.alpha)
            "2d bbox (x0,y0,x1,y1): %f, %f, %f, %f"
            % (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
        print("3d bbox h,w,l: %f, %f, %f" % (self.h, self.w, self.l))
            "3d bbox location, ry: (%f, %f, %f), %f"
            % (self.t[0], self.t[1], self.t[2], self.ry)
        print("Difficulty of estimation: {}".format(self.estimate_diffculty()))

def load_velo_scan(velo_filename, dtype=np.float32, n_vec=4):
    scan = np.fromfile(velo_filename, dtype=dtype)
    scan = scan.reshape((-1, n_vec))
    return scan
def draw_gt_boxes3d(    gt_boxes3d,    ax,    color=(0, 1, 0),    line_width=2,    draw_text=True,    text_scale=(1, 1, 1),    color_list=None,    label=""):
    """ Draw 3D bounding boxes
        gt_boxes3d: numpy array (n,8,3) for XYZs of the box corners
        ax: matplotlib axes handler
        color: RGB value tuple in range (0,1), box line color
        line_width: box line width
        draw_text: boolean, if true, write box indices beside boxes
        text_scale: three number tuple
        color_list: a list of RGB tuple, if not None, overwrite color.
        label: label to display beside the boxes
        ax: updated axes
    num = len(gt_boxes3d)
    # print(gt_boxes3d)
    for n in range(num):
        b = gt_boxes3d[n]
        # b[:, [0,1, 2]] = b[:, [2,0, 1]]
        # b[:, [0,1, 2]] = b[:, [0,2,1]]
        ## b[:, [0,1, 2]] = b[:, [1,0,2]]
        ## b[:, [0,1, 2]] = b[:, [1,2,0]]
        ##b[:, [0,1, 2]] = b[:, [2,1,0]]
        if color_list is not None:
            color = color_list[n]
        if draw_text:
                b[4, 0],
                b[4, 1],
                b[4, 2],
        for k in range(0, 4):
            i, j = k, (k + 1) % 4
                [b[i, 0], b[j, 0]],
                [b[i, 1], b[j, 1]],
                [b[i, 2], b[j, 2]],

            i, j = k + 4, (k + 1) % 4 + 4
                [b[i, 0], b[j, 0]],
                [b[i, 1], b[j, 1]],
                [b[i, 2], b[j, 2]],

            i, j = k, k + 4
                [b[i, 0], b[j, 0]],
                [b[i, 1], b[j, 1]],
                [b[i, 2], b[j, 2]],

    return ax

def MyDraw():
    box_corners = [compute_box_3d(obj) for obj in objs]
    calib = Calibration(calib_path)
    box_corners =[ calib.project_rect_to_velo(box_corner) for box_corner in box_corners]
    if reduce_points:
    xyz = points[:, :3]
    color = points[:, 3]
    min_xyz = np.min(xyz, axis=0)
    max_xyz = np.max(xyz, axis=0)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))  
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], c=color, cmap='jet', s=1,alpha=points[:, 3]) 

    # 设置坐标轴范围
    # ax.set_xlim(min_xyz[0], max_xyz[0])
    # ax.set_ylim(min_xyz[1], max_xyz[1])
    # ax.set_zlim(min_xyz[2], max_xyz[2])
    ax.set_xlim(-70, 70)
    ax.set_ylim(-70, 70)
    ax.set_zlim(-70, 70)

    ax=draw_gt_boxes3d(ax=ax,gt_boxes3d=box_corners,color_list=[color_dt[obj.type] for obj in objs])

    # if save_name:
    #     plt.savefig(save_name)  
lidar_path = "/mnt/kitti/training/velodyne/%s.bin"%(num)
label_path= "/mnt/kitti/training/label_2/%s.txt"%(num)





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跟着Carl大佬学leetcode之977 有序数组的平方



文章目录 目录 文章目录 前言 一、直接看效果 二、实现步骤 1.准备dist文件夹 2.NVM管理node版本 3.准备electron容器并npm run start 4.封装成可执行程序 1.手动下载electron对应版本的zip文件&#xff0c;解决打包缓慢问题 2.安装packager 3.配置打包命令执行内容…


Adaptive Annotation Distribution for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation 摘要&#xff1a; 弱监督点云语义分割因其能够减轻对点云细粒度注释的严重依赖而备受关注。然而&#xff0c;在实际应用中&#xff0c;稀疏注释通常在点云中呈现出明显的非均匀分布…


展开行&#xff1a; <el-table :data"gainData" :border"gainParentBorder" style"width: 100%"><el-table-column type"expand"><template #default"props"><div m"4"><h3>工作经…


// 分页插件类 class PaginationPlugin {constructor(fetchDataURL, options {}) {this.fetchDataURL fetchDataURL;this.options {containerId: options.containerId || paginationContainer,dataSizeAttr: options.dataSizeAttr || toatalsize, // 修改为实际API返回的数据…

Flutter 的 showDialog 和 showCupertinoDialog 有什么区别?

我将我的 App 里用的 Flutter 升级到了 3.19&#xff0c;没想到&#xff0c;以前我用 showDialog 和 AlertDialog 组合创建的二次确认框&#xff0c;变得无敌难看了&#xff0c;大幅度增加了整个框的圆角和里面默认按钮的圆角。不得已&#xff0c;我必须修改一下&#xff0c;以…