6、Lagent AgentLego 智能体应用搭建(homework)


  • 完成 Lagent Web Demo 使用,并在作业中上传截图。文档可见 Lagent Web Demo

0 环境准备

conda create -n agent
conda activate agent
conda install python=3.10
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

##  安装 Lagent 和 AgentLego
cd /root/agent
conda activate agent
git clone https://gitee.com/internlm/lagent.git
cd lagent && git checkout 581d9fb && pip install -e . && cd ..
git clone https://gitee.com/internlm/agentlego.git
cd agentlego && git checkout 7769e0d && pip install -e . && cd ..

1 使用 LMDeploy 部署

        由于 Lagent 的 Web Demo 需要用到 LMDeploy 所启动的 api_server,因此我们首先按照下图指示在 vscode terminal 中执行如下代码使用 LMDeploy 启动一个 api_server。

conda activate agent
lmdeploy serve api_server /root/share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2-chat-7b \
                            --server-name \
                            --model-name internlm2-chat-7b \
                            --cache-max-entry-count 0.1

## 启动并使用 Lagent Web Demo
cd /root/agent/lagent/examples
streamlit run internlm2_agent_web_demo.py --server.address --server.port 7860

  • 完成 AgentLego 直接使用部分,并在作业中上传截图。文档可见 直接使用 AgentLego。

        由于 AgentLego 在安装时并不会安装某个特定工具的依赖,因此我们接下来准备安装目标检测工具运行时所需依赖。

        AgentLego 所实现的目标检测工具是基于 mmdet (MMDetection) 算法库中的 RTMDet-Large 模型,因此我们首先安装 mim,然后通过 mim 工具来安装 mmdet。这一步所需时间可能会较长,请耐心等待。

conda activate agent
pip install openmim==0.3.9
mim install mmdet==3.3.0

        然后通过 touch /root/agent/direct_use.py(大小写敏感)的方式在 /root/agent 目录下新建 direct_use.py 以直接使用目标检测工具,direct_use.py 的代码如下:

import re

import cv2
from agentlego.apis import load_tool

# load tool
tool = load_tool('ObjectDetection', device='cuda')

# apply tool
visualization = tool('/root/agent/road.jpg')

# visualize
image = cv2.imread('/root/agent/road.jpg')

preds = visualization.split('\n')
pattern = r'(\w+) \((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\), score (\d+)'

for pred in preds:
    name, x1, y1, x2, y2, score = re.match(pattern, pred).groups()
    x1, y1, x2, y2, score = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2), int(score)
    cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 1)
    cv2.putText(image, f'{name} {score}', (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 1)

cv2.imwrite('/root/agent/road_detection_direct.jpg', image)


  • 完成 AgentLego WebUI 使用,并在作业中上传截图。文档可见 AgentLego WebUI。

  • 使用 Lagent 或 AgentLego 实现自定义工具并完成调用,并在作业中上传截图。文档可见:
  • 用 Lagent 自定义工具

         1 创建工具文件

首先通过 touch /root/agent/lagent/lagent/actions/weather.py(大小写敏感)新建工具文件,该文件内容如下:

import json
import os
import requests
from typing import Optional, Type

from lagent.actions.base_action import BaseAction, tool_api
from lagent.actions.parser import BaseParser, JsonParser
from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode

class WeatherQuery(BaseAction):
    """Weather plugin for querying weather information."""
    def __init__(self,
                 key: Optional[str] = None,
                 description: Optional[dict] = None,
                 parser: Type[BaseParser] = JsonParser,
                 enable: bool = True) -> None:
        super().__init__(description, parser, enable)
        key = os.environ.get('WEATHER_API_KEY', key)
        if key is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please set Weather API key either in the environment '
                'as WEATHER_API_KEY or pass it as `key`')
        self.key = key
        self.location_query_url = 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/city/lookup'
        self.weather_query_url = 'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now'

    def run(self, query: str) -> ActionReturn:
            query (:class:`str`): The city name to query.
        tool_return = ActionReturn(type=self.name)
        status_code, response = self._search(query)
        if status_code == -1:
            tool_return.errmsg = response
            tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.HTTP_ERROR
        elif status_code == 200:
            parsed_res = self._parse_results(response)
            tool_return.result = [dict(type='text', content=str(parsed_res))]
            tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS
            tool_return.errmsg = str(status_code)
            tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.API_ERROR
        return tool_return
    def _parse_results(self, results: dict) -> str:
        """Parse the weather results from QWeather API.
            results (dict): The weather content from QWeather API
                in json format.
            str: The parsed weather results.
        now = results['now']
        data = [
            f'数据观测时间: {now["obsTime"]}',
            f'温度: {now["temp"]}°C',
            f'体感温度: {now["feelsLike"]}°C',
            f'天气: {now["text"]}',
            f'风向: {now["windDir"]},角度为 {now["wind360"]}°',
            f'风力等级: {now["windScale"]},风速为 {now["windSpeed"]} km/h',
            f'相对湿度: {now["humidity"]}',
            f'当前小时累计降水量: {now["precip"]} mm',
            f'大气压强: {now["pressure"]} 百帕',
            f'能见度: {now["vis"]} km',
        return '\n'.join(data)

    def _search(self, query: str):
        # get city_code
            city_code_response = requests.get(
                params={'key': self.key, 'location': query}
        except Exception as e:
            return -1, str(e)
        if city_code_response.status_code != 200:
            return city_code_response.status_code, city_code_response.json()
        city_code_response = city_code_response.json()
        if len(city_code_response['location']) == 0:
            return -1, '未查询到城市'
        city_code = city_code_response['location'][0]['id']
        # get weather
            weather_response = requests.get(
                params={'key': self.key, 'location': city_code}
        except Exception as e:
            return -1, str(e)
        return weather_response.status_code, weather_response.json()

        2 获取 API KEY

conda activate agent
lmdeploy serve api_server /root/share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2-chat-7b \
                            --server-name \
                            --model-name internlm2-chat-7b \
                            --cache-max-entry-count 0.1

export WEATHER_API_KEY=在2.2节获取的API KEY
# 比如 export WEATHER_API_KEY=1234567890abcdef
conda activate agent
cd /root/agent/Tutorial/agent
streamlit run internlm2_weather_web_demo.py --server.address --server.port 7860

  • 用 AgentLego 自定义工具

AgentLego 在这方面提供了较为详尽的文档,文档地址为 自定义工具 — AgentLego 0.2.0 文档 。自定义工具主要分为以下几步:

  1. 继承 BaseTool 类
  2. 修改 default_desc 属性(工具功能描述)
  3. 如有需要,重载 setup 方法(重型模块延迟加载)
  4. 重载 apply 方法(工具功能实现)

        其中第一二四步是必须的步骤。下面我们将实现一个调用 MagicMaker 的 API 以实现图像生成的工具。

        首先通过 touch /root/agent/agentlego/agentlego/tools/magicmaker_image_generation.py(大小写敏感)的方法新建工具文件。该文件的内容如下:

import json
import requests

import numpy as np

from agentlego.types import Annotated, ImageIO, Info
from agentlego.utils import require
from .base import BaseTool

class MagicMakerImageGeneration(BaseTool):

    default_desc = ('This tool can call the api of magicmaker to '
                    'generate an image according to the given keywords.')

    styles_option = [
        'dongman',  # 动漫
        'guofeng',  # 国风
        'xieshi',   # 写实
        'youhua',   # 油画
        'manghe',   # 盲盒
    aspect_ratio_options = [
        '16:9', '4:3', '3:2', '1:1',
        '2:3', '3:4', '9:16'

    def __init__(self,
        if style in self.styles_option:
            self.style = style
            raise ValueError(f'The style must be one of {self.styles_option}')
        if aspect_ratio in self.aspect_ratio_options:
            self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio
            raise ValueError(f'The aspect ratio must be one of {aspect_ratio}')

    def apply(self,
              keywords: Annotated[str,
                                  Info('A series of Chinese keywords separated by comma.')]
        ) -> ImageIO:
        import cv2
        response = requests.post(
                "official": True,
                "prompt": keywords,
                "style": self.style,
                "poseT": False,
                "aspectRatio": self.aspect_ratio
            headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}
        image_url = response.json()['data']['imgUrl']
        image_response = requests.get(image_url)
        image = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(image_response.content, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        return ImageIO(image)

接下来修改 /root/AgentLego/agentlego/agentlego/tools/__init__.py 文件,将我们的工具注册在工具列表中。如下所示,我们将 MagicMakerImageGeneration 通过 from .magicmaker_image_generation import MagicMakerImageGeneration 导入到了文件中,并且将其加入了 __all__ 列表中。

from .base import BaseTool
from .calculator import Calculator
from .func import make_tool
from .image_canny import CannyTextToImage, ImageToCanny
from .image_depth import DepthTextToImage, ImageToDepth
from .image_editing import ImageExpansion, ImageStylization, ObjectRemove, ObjectReplace
from .image_pose import HumanBodyPose, HumanFaceLandmark, PoseToImage
from .image_scribble import ImageToScribble, ScribbleTextToImage
from .image_text import ImageDescription, TextToImage
from .imagebind import AudioImageToImage, AudioTextToImage, AudioToImage, ThermalToImage
from .object_detection import ObjectDetection, TextToBbox
from .ocr import OCR
from .scholar import *  # noqa: F401, F403
from .search import BingSearch, GoogleSearch
from .segmentation import SegmentAnything, SegmentObject, SemanticSegmentation
from .speech_text import SpeechToText, TextToSpeech
from .translation import Translation
from .vqa import VQA
+ from .magicmaker_image_generation import MagicMakerImageGeneration

__all__ = [
    'CannyTextToImage', 'ImageToCanny', 'DepthTextToImage', 'ImageToDepth',
    'ImageExpansion', 'ObjectRemove', 'ObjectReplace', 'HumanFaceLandmark',
    'HumanBodyPose', 'PoseToImage', 'ImageToScribble', 'ScribbleTextToImage',
    'ImageDescription', 'TextToImage', 'VQA', 'ObjectDetection', 'TextToBbox', 'OCR',
    'SegmentObject', 'SegmentAnything', 'SemanticSegmentation', 'ImageStylization',
    'AudioToImage', 'ThermalToImage', 'AudioImageToImage', 'AudioTextToImage',
    'SpeechToText', 'TextToSpeech', 'Translation', 'GoogleSearch', 'Calculator',
-     'BaseTool', 'make_tool', 'BingSearch'
+     'BaseTool', 'make_tool', 'BingSearch', 'MagicMakerImageGeneration'


cd /root/agent/agentlego/webui
python one_click.py






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