1. Default Language中设定“zh_CN”简体中文,"zh_TW"繁体中文。2. 插件“Locale plugin”和“Localization: Chinese (Simplified)”不安装不好使。3. “Ignore browser preference and force this language to all users”必须选上。4. 简体中文设定后&…
求两个数列的最长公共子序列(Longest Common Subsequence,LCS)的长度。
数列 X 和 Y 的最长公共子序列 Z,是指 Z 既是 X 的子序列&…
答案 A, C, D, E. A method that declares an exception isnt required to throw one, making option A correct. Unchecked exceptions can be thrown in any method, making options C and E correct. Option D matches the exception type declared, so its also correct…
implementation com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.14.2
// Skip this if you dont want to use integration libraries or configure Glide.
annotationProcessor com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.14.2 //Glide 注解处理器
2.AndroidManifest.xml 中添加…