RabbitMQ 集群部署

RabbiMQ 是用 Erlang 开发的,集群非常方便,因为 Erlang 天生就是一门分布式语言,但其本身并不支持负载均衡。

RabbitMQ 的集群节点包括内存节点、磁盘节点。RabbitMQ 支持消息的持久化,也就是数据写在磁盘上,最合适的方案就是既有内存节点,又有磁盘节点。

RabbitMQ 模式大概分为以下三种:

  • 单一模式;
  • 普通模式(默认的集群模式);
  • 镜像模式(把需要的队列做成镜像队列,存在于多个节点,属于 RabbiMQ 的 HA 方案,在对业务可靠性要求较高的场合中比较适用)。 要实现镜像模式,需要先搭建一个普通集群模式,在这个模式的基础上再配置镜像模式以实现高可用。

1. 集群架构 #

2. 集群部署规划 #

item node 1 node 2 node 3
listeners.tcp.default 5000 5100 5200
management.tcp.port 5020 5120 5220
mqtt.listeners.tcp.default 5040 5140 5240

3. 安装文件 #


请下载 unix generic 版本

  • 以 3.9.11 版本为例: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/download/v3.9.11/rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.9.11.tar.xz

  • 其他版本下载:https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases


xz -d rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.9.11.tar.xz

tar xvf rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.9.11.tar


4. 集群部署 #

4.1 创建文件目录 #

分别创建三个节点(node)目录,多个以此类推 node-N

cd /data

mkdir -p rabbitmq/dc3/node-01 rabbitmq/dc3/node-02 rabbitmq/dc3/node-03


将解压的 rabbitmq 文件放入到每个节点中,其他节点操作一致

cp -r rabbitmq-server/* rabbitmq/dc3/node-01/

# pwd
# /data/rabbitmq/dc3/node-01

# ls
# escript  etc  plugins  sbin  share


为每个节点创建配置和 keys 目录,其他节点操作一致

cd node-N

mkdir -p etc/rabbitmq keys


4.2 配置文件 #

在每个节点的 etc/rabbitmq 下添加配置文件 advanced.configrabbitmq.confrabbitmq-env.confenabled_plugins

4.2.1 advanced.config #

 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% Advanced Erlang Networking/Clustering Options.
 %% See https://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html for details
 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% Sets the net_kernel tick time.
 %% Please see http://erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html and
 %% https://www.rabbitmq.com/nettick.html for further details.
 %% {kernel, [{net_ticktime, 60}]},
 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% RabbitMQ Shovel Plugin
 %% See https://www.rabbitmq.com/shovel.html for details
 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [%% A named shovel worker.
     %% {my_first_shovel,
     %%  [

     %% List the source broker(s) from which to consume.
     %%   {sources,
     %%    [%% URI(s) and pre-declarations for all source broker(s).
     %%     {brokers, ["amqp://user:password@host.domain/my_vhost"]},
     %%     {declarations, []}
     %%    ]},

     %% List the destination broker(s) to publish to.
     %%   {destinations,
     %%    [%% A singular version of the 'brokers' element.
     %%     {broker, "amqp://"},
     %%     {declarations, []}
     %%    ]},

     %% Name of the queue to shovel messages from.
     %% {queue, <<"your-queue-name-goes-here">>},

     %% Optional prefetch count.
     %% {prefetch_count, 10},

     %% when to acknowledge messages:
     %% - no_ack: never (auto)
     %% - on_publish: after each message is republished
     %% - on_confirm: when the destination broker confirms receipt
     %% {ack_mode, on_confirm},

     %% Overwrite fields of the outbound basic.publish.
     %% {publish_fields, [{exchange,    <<"my_exchange">>},
     %%                   {routing_key, <<"from_shovel">>}]},

     %% Static list of basic.properties to set on re-publication.
     %% {publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},

     %% The number of seconds to wait before attempting to
     %% reconnect in the event of a connection failure.
     %% {reconnect_delay, 2.5}

     %% ]} %% End of my_first_shovel
   %% Rather than specifying some values per-shovel, you can specify
   %% them for all shovels here.
   %% {defaults, [{prefetch_count,     0},
   %%             {ack_mode,           on_confirm},
   %%             {publish_fields,     []},
   %%             {publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
   %%             {reconnect_delay,    2.5}]}

  {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap, [
    %% Authorisation
    %% =============

    %% The LDAP plugin can perform a variety of queries against your
    %% LDAP server to determine questions of authorisation. See
    %% https://www.rabbitmq.com/ldap.html#authorisation for more
    %% information.

    %% Set the query to use when determining vhost access
    %% {vhost_access_query, {in_group,
    %%                       "ou=${vhost}-users,ou=vhosts,dc=example,dc=com"}},

    %% Set the query to use when determining resource (e.g., queue) access
    %% {resource_access_query, {constant, true}},

    %% Set queries to determine which tags a user has
    %% {tag_queries, []}


4.2.2 rabbitmq.conf #
## This example configuration file demonstrates various settings
## available via rabbitmq.conf. It primarily focuses core broker settings
## but some tier 1 plugin settings are also covered.
## This file is AN EXAMPLE. It is NOT MEANT TO BE USED IN PRODUCTION. Instead of
## copying the entire (large!) file, create or generate a new rabbitmq.conf for the target system
## and populate it with the necessary settings.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/configure.html to learn about how to configure RabbitMQ,
## the ini-style format used by rabbitmq.conf, how it is different from `advanced.config`,
## how to verify effective configuration, and so on.
## See https://rabbitmq.com/documentation.html for the rest of RabbitMQ documentation.
## In case you have questions, please use RabbitMQ community Slack and the rabbitmq-users Google group
## instead of GitHub issues.

# ======================================
# Core broker section
# ======================================

## Networking
## ====================
## Related doc guide: https://rabbitmq.com/networking.html.
## By default, RabbitMQ will listen on all interfaces, using
## the standard (reserved) AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 port.
listeners.tcp.default = 5000

## To listen on a specific interface, provide an IP address with port.
## For example, to listen only on localhost for both IPv4 and IPv6:
# IPv4
# listeners.tcp.local    =
# IPv6
# listeners.tcp.local_v6 = ::1:5672

## You can define multiple listeners using listener names
# listeners.tcp.other_port = 5673
# listeners.tcp.other_ip   =

## TLS listeners are configured in the same fashion as TCP listeners,
## including the option to control the choice of interface.
# listeners.ssl.default = 5030

## It is possible to disable regular TCP (non-TLS) listeners. Clients
## not configured to use TLS and the correct TLS-enabled port won't be able
## to connect to this node.
# listeners.tcp = none

## Number of Erlang processes that will accept connections for the TCP
## and TLS listeners.k
# num_acceptors.tcp = 10
# num_acceptors.ssl = 10

## Socket writer will force GC every so many 




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