【opencv】教程代码 —features2D(3)Homography—分解单应性矩阵

decompose_homography.cpp 分解单应性矩阵


left01.jpg  boardSize:9x6  squareSize:0.025







#include <iostream> // 引入输入输出流库
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> // 引入OpenCV的核心功能头文件
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> // 引入OpenCV的GUI功能头文件
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> // 引入OpenCV的相机标定和三维重建功能头文件

using namespace std; // 使用标准命名空间,例如std::vector可以省略std::
using namespace cv; // 使用opencv命名空间,例如cv::Mat可以省略cv::

namespace // 匿名命名空间
// 定义了几种标定板的模式的枚举类型

// 函数用于计算棋盘格的角点
void calcChessboardCorners(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector<Point3f>& corners, Pattern patternType = CHESSBOARD)
    corners.resize(0); // 清空角点向量

    // 根据不同的标定板类型计算角点
    switch (patternType) {
    case CHESSBOARD:
    case CIRCLES_GRID:
        // 对于棋盘格和圆点网格,遍历每行每列生成角点
        for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ )
            for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ )
                                          float(i*squareSize), 0));

        // 对于非对称圆点网格,遍历每行每列生成角点,同时考虑横向位置的偏移
        for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ )
            for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ )
                corners.push_back(Point3f(float((2*j + i % 2)*squareSize),
                                          float(i*squareSize), 0));

    // 如果模式类型未知则报错
        CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown pattern type\n");

// 计算单应性矩阵的函数,基于旋转矩阵、平移向量、平面到相机的逆距离和平面的法向量
Mat computeHomography(const Mat &R_1to2, const Mat &tvec_1to2, const double d_inv, const Mat &normal)
    Mat homography = R_1to2 + d_inv * tvec_1to2*normal.t(); // 计算单应性矩阵
    return homography; // 返回计算出的单应性矩阵

// 根据两次相机位姿计算两个相机之间的位姿关系
void computeC2MC1(const Mat &R1, const Mat &tvec1, const Mat &R2, const Mat &tvec2,
                  Mat &R_1to2, Mat &tvec_1to2)
    //c2Mc1 = c2Mo * oMc1 = c2Mo * c1Mo.inv()
    R_1to2 = R2 * R1.t(); // 计算旋转矩阵
    tvec_1to2 = R2 * (-R1.t()*tvec1) + tvec2; // 计算平移向量

// 主函数,使用两个图像、棋盘格大小、方块大小和内参路径进行标定板的单应性分解
void decomposeHomography(const string &img1Path, const string &img2Path, const Size &patternSize,
                         const float squareSize, const string &intrinsicsPath)
    // 根据路径读取两张图像
    Mat img1 = imread( samples::findFile( img1Path) );
    Mat img2 = imread( samples::findFile( img2Path) );

    // 查找两幅图像中的角点
    vector<Point2f> corners1, corners2;
    bool found1 = findChessboardCorners(img1, patternSize, corners1);
    bool found2 = findChessboardCorners(img2, patternSize, corners2);

    // 如果任一图像无法找到角点则返回错误
    if (!found1 || !found2)
        cout << "Error, cannot find the chessboard corners in both images." << endl;

    //! [compute-poses]
    vector<Point3f> objectPoints; // 存储物体在世界坐标系中的点
    // 计算棋盘格角点的世界坐标
    calcChessboardCorners(patternSize, squareSize, objectPoints); 

    // 读取相机的内参
    FileStorage fs( samples::findFile( intrinsicsPath ), FileStorage::READ);
    Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs;
    fs["camera_matrix"] >> cameraMatrix; // 相机矩阵
    fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distCoeffs; // 畸变系数

    // 对两个图像使用solvePnP求解相机位姿
    // 使用solvePnP来估计两幅图片的相机外参即旋转向量和平移向量
    Mat rvec1, tvec1; // 旋转向量和平移向量
    solvePnP(objectPoints, corners1, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec1, tvec1);
    Mat rvec2, tvec2;
    solvePnP(objectPoints, corners2, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec2, tvec2);
    //! [compute-poses]

    //! [compute-camera-displacement]
    Mat R1, R2;
    Rodrigues(rvec1, R1); // 旋转向量转换成旋转矩阵
    Rodrigues(rvec2, R2);

    // 计算两个相机位姿之间的相对旋转和平移
    Mat R_1to2, t_1to2;
    computeC2MC1(R1, tvec1, R2, tvec2, R_1to2, t_1to2);
    Mat rvec_1to2;
    Rodrigues(R_1to2, rvec_1to2); // 计算得到的旋转矩阵再转换成旋转向量
    //! [compute-camera-displacement]

    //! [compute-plane-normal-at-camera-pose-1]
    Mat normal = (Mat_<double>(3,1) << 0, 0, 1); // 定义一个垂直于棋盘格表面的法向量
    Mat normal1 = R1*normal; //相机1坐标轴z在世界坐标系的表示// 使用相机1的旋转矩阵变换法向量到相机坐标系下
    //! [compute-plane-normal-at-camera-pose-1]

    //! [compute-plane-distance-to-the-camera-frame-1]
    // 计算棋盘格平面到相机坐标系原点的距离
    Mat origin(3, 1, CV_64F, Scalar(0)); // 定义原点
    Mat origin1 = R1*origin + tvec1; // 相机坐标系1原点在世界坐标系下的表示
    double d_inv1 = 1.0 / normal1.dot(origin1); // 计算平面到相机1原点的逆距离
    //! [compute-plane-distance-to-the-camera-frame-1]

    //! [compute-homography-from-camera-displacement]
    // 根据相机位姿差异计算单应性矩阵
    Mat homography_euclidean = computeHomography(R_1to2, t_1to2, d_inv1, normal1);
    Mat homography =cameraMatrix * homography_euclidean * cameraMatrix.inv();
    // 根据欧几里得单应性矩阵计算实际的单应性矩阵
    // 内参解极约束
    homography /= homography.at<double>(2,2);
    homography_euclidean /= homography_euclidean.at<double>(2,2);
    //! [compute-homography-from-camera-displacement]

    //! [decompose-homography-from-camera-displacement]
    // 分解从相机位移计算得到的单应性矩阵
    vector<Mat> Rs_decomp, ts_decomp, normals_decomp;
    // 使用OpenCV函数decomposeHomographyMat进行分解
    int solutions = decomposeHomographyMat(homography, cameraMatrix, Rs_decomp, ts_decomp, normals_decomp);
    // 显示分解得到的解决方案数和每个解决方案
    cout << "Decompose homography matrix computed from the camera displacement:" << endl << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < solutions; i++)
      double factor_d1 = 1.0 / d_inv1;
      Mat rvec_decomp;
      Rodrigues(Rs_decomp[i], rvec_decomp); // 将旋转矩阵转换成旋转向量
      cout << "Solution " << i << ":" << endl;
      cout << "rvec from homography decomposition: " << rvec_decomp.t() << endl;
      cout << "rvec from camera displacement: " << rvec_1to2.t() << endl;
      cout << "tvec from homography decomposition: " << ts_decomp[i].t() << " and scaled by d: " << factor_d1 * ts_decomp[i].t() << endl;
      cout << "tvec from camera displacement: " << t_1to2.t() << endl;
      cout << "plane normal from homography decomposition: " << normals_decomp[i].t() << endl;
      cout << "plane normal at camera 1 pose: " << normal1.t() << endl << endl;
    //! [decompose-homography-from-camera-displacement]

    //! [estimate homography]
    // 使用findHomography()估计两幅图像间点的单应性矩阵
    Mat H = findHomography(corners1, corners2);
    //! [estimate homography]

    //! [decompose-homography-estimated-by-findHomography]
    // 分解由findHomography()函数估计得到的单应性矩阵
    solutions = decomposeHomographyMat(H, cameraMatrix, Rs_decomp, ts_decomp, normals_decomp);
    cout << "Decompose homography matrix estimated by findHomography():" << endl << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < solutions; i++)
      double factor_d1 = 1.0 / d_inv1;
      Mat rvec_decomp;
      Rodrigues(Rs_decomp[i], rvec_decomp); // 将旋转矩阵转换成旋转向量
      cout << "Solution " << i << ":" << endl;
      cout << "rvec from homography decomposition: " << rvec_decomp.t() << endl;
      cout << "rvec from camera displacement: " << rvec_1to2.t() << endl;
      cout << "tvec from homography decomposition: " << ts_decomp[i].t() << " and scaled by d: " << factor_d1 * ts_decomp[i].t() << endl;
      cout << "tvec from camera displacement: " << t_1to2.t() << endl;
      cout << "plane normal from homography decomposition: " << normals_decomp[i].t() << endl;
      cout << "plane normal at camera 1 pose: " << normal1.t() << endl << endl;
    //! [decompose-homography-estimated-by-findHomography]

// 命令行参数解析中用到的参数模板字符串
const char* params
    = "{ help h         |       | print usage }"
      "{ image1         | left02.jpg | path to the source chessboard image }"
      "{ image2         | left01.jpg | path to the desired chessboard image }"
      "{ intrinsics     | left_intrinsics.yml | path to camera intrinsics }"
      "{ width bw       | 9     | chessboard width }"
      "{ height bh      | 6     | chessboard height }"
      "{ square_size    | 0.025 | chessboard square size }";

// main函数 - 程序入口点
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // 解析命令行输入的参数
    CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, params);

    // 如果参数中包含help,则打印程序的帮助信息
    if ( parser.has("help") )
        parser.about("Code for homography tutorial.\n"
                     "Example 4: decompose the homography matrix.\n");
        return 0;

    // 获取棋盘格尺寸参数、方块大小并调用decomposeHomography函数
    Size patternSize(parser.get<int>("width"), parser.get<int>("height"));
    float squareSize = (float) parser.get<double>("square_size");
                        patternSize, squareSize,

    return 0; // 程序正常结束



1. 读取两幅图像并在棋盘格中找到角点。2. 从外部文件读取相机内参。3. 使用solvePnP函数估计两幅图像相对于世界坐标系的姿态。4. 计算相机1到相机2的旋转和平移。5. 计算参考平面的法线向量和到相机1的距离。6. 根据相机间的位移计算出单应性矩阵。7. 使用decomposeHomographyMat函数分解由相机位移计算出的单应性矩阵。8. 通过findHomography函数估计两个视图间的单应性矩阵,并分解之。 代码的最终目的是从两幅图像计算出相机的位移,并从位移中分解出单应性矩阵,这通常用于场景的三维重构和姿态估计。


Decompose homography matrix computed from the camera displacement:

Solution 0:
rvec from homography decomposition: [-0.09198300601684746, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [-0.7747960935447347, -0.02751122265362334, -0.6791979966698382] and scaled by d: [-0.1578091502009057, -0.005603439026252055, -0.1383378924669762]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [-0.1973513031094161, 0.6283452092297845, -0.7524857215914424]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 1:
rvec from homography decomposition: [-0.09198300601684746, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [0.7747960935447347, 0.02751122265362334, 0.6791979966698382] and scaled by d: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252055, 0.1383378924669762]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [0.1973513031094161, -0.6283452092297845, 0.7524857215914424]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 2:
rvec from homography decomposition: [0.1053487844994422, -0.1561929302268701, 1.40135654775989]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [-0.4666552458868745, 0.105003306671971, -0.9130076449288979] and scaled by d: [-0.09504754657871854, 0.02138689486465782, -0.1859598438525694]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [-0.3131715302799941, 0.8421206250806385, -0.4390403687998199]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 3:
rvec from homography decomposition: [0.1053487844994422, -0.1561929302268701, 1.40135654775989]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [0.4666552458868745, -0.105003306671971, 0.9130076449288979] and scaled by d: [0.09504754657871854, -0.02138689486465782, 0.1859598438525694]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [0.3131715302799941, -0.8421206250806385, 0.4390403687998199]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Decompose homography matrix estimated by findHomography():

Solution 0:
rvec from homography decomposition: [0.1552207660862356, -0.1521327237748819, 1.323678685010914]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [-0.4482361641899351, 0.02485247517069353, -1.034409633494862] and scaled by d: [-0.09129597935439666, 0.005061909862158862, -0.2106867943469173]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [-0.1384902519298367, 0.9063331412907092, -0.3992251083267753]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 1:
rvec from homography decomposition: [0.1552207660862356, -0.1521327237748819, 1.323678685010914]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [0.4482361641899351, -0.02485247517069353, 1.034409633494862] and scaled by d: [0.09129597935439666, -0.005061909862158862, 0.2106867943469173]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [0.1384902519298367, -0.9063331412907092, 0.3992251083267753]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 2:
rvec from homography decomposition: [-0.2886605520980661, -0.5210498746612311, 1.381242036724107]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [-0.8705960844288273, 0.1353018264406045, -0.7037701811073137] and scaled by d: [-0.1773215293631533, 0.02755804582536839, -0.1433427131894416]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [-0.2284582164830118, 0.6009247378618285, -0.7659610321335505]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]

Solution 3:
rvec from homography decomposition: [-0.2886605520980661, -0.5210498746612311, 1.381242036724107]
rvec from camera displacement: [-0.09198300601684731, -0.5372581107203847, 1.310868858823169]
tvec from homography decomposition: [0.8705960844288273, -0.1353018264406045, 0.7037701811073137] and scaled by d: [0.1773215293631533, -0.02755804582536839, 0.1433427131894416]
tvec from camera displacement: [0.1578091502009057, 0.005603439026252086, 0.1383378924669763]
plane normal from homography decomposition: [0.2284582164830118, -0.6009247378618285, 0.7659610321335505]
plane normal at camera 1 pose: [0.1973513031094159, -0.6283452092297841, 0.7524857215914428]







Mat homography_euclidean = computeHomography(R_1to2, t_1to2, d_inv1, normal1);



int solutions = decomposeHomographyMat(homography, cameraMatrix, Rs_decomp, ts_decomp, normals_decomp);





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java数组与集合框架(二)-- 集合框架,Iterator迭代器,list

集合框架&#xff1a; 用于存储数据的容器。 Java 集合框架概述 一方面&#xff0c;面向对象语言对事物的体现都是以对象的形式&#xff0c;为了方便对多个对象的操作&#xff0c;就要对对象进行存储。另一方面&#xff0c;使用Array存储对象方面具有一些弊端&#xff0c;而…


文章目录 写在最前第1章 Redis概述1.1 初识Redis1.1.1 NoSQL1.1.2 Redis的特点与优势 1.2 安装Redis1.2.1 安装依赖库1.2.2 安装Redis1.2.3 启动Redis1.2.3.1 默认启动1.2.3.2 指定配置启动1.2.3.3 开机自启 1.3 Redis客户端1.3.1 命令行客户端1.3.2 图形化桌面客户端1.3.3 编程…


环境 硬件&#xff1a;Macbook Pro 系统&#xff1a;macOS 14.1 安装公钥 通过gpg安装公钥失败&#xff0c;报错如下&#xff1a; 换了几个公钥地址&#xff08;hkp://subkeys.pgp.net&#xff0c;hkp://keys.gnupg.net&#xff0c;hkp://pgp.mit.edu&#xff09;&#xff0c;…

Mysql or与in的区别

创建一个表格 内涵一千万条数据 这张表中&#xff0c;只有id有建立索引&#xff0c;且其余都没有 测试1&#xff1a;使用or的情况下&#xff0c;根据主键进行查询 可以看到根据主键id进行or查询 花费了30-114毫秒&#xff0c;后面30多毫秒可能是因为Mysql的Buffer Pool缓冲池的…


Leetcode - 797&#xff1a;所有可能的路径 题目&#xff1a; 给你一个有 n 个节点的 有向无环图&#xff08;DAG&#xff09;&#xff0c;请你找出所有从节点 0 到节点 n-1 的路径并输出&#xff08;不要求按特定顺序&#xff09; graph[i] 是一个从节点 i 可以访问的所有节…



Intellij IDEA / Android studio 可持续开发笔记

Intellij 的Java/安卓工具链有着一种不可持续性&#xff0c;这种不可持续性体现在多个方面。 首先是不可持续运行。IDEA 使用时间越长&#xff0c;内存占用越大&#xff0c;从不主动释放。运行时间越长&#xff0c;日志越多&#xff0c;从不主动清理。 然后是不完整的开源&am…


前言&#xff1a; 学习到多线程了&#xff0c;整理下笔记&#xff0c;daydayup!!! 多线程 什么是线程 线程&#xff08;Thread&#xff09;是一个程序内部的一条执行流程。若程序只有一条执行流程&#xff0c;那这个程序就是单线程的程序。 什么是多线程 多线程是指从软硬件上…