文献速递:基于SAM的医学图像分割--SAMUS:适应临床友好型和泛化的超声图像分割的Segment Anything模型



SAMUS: Adapting Segment Anything Model for Clinically-Friendly and Generalizable Ultrasound Image Segmentation

SAMUS:适应临床友好型和泛化的超声图像分割的Segment Anything模型



医学图像分割是一项关键技术,用于辨识和突出显示医学图像中的特定器官、组织和病变,是计算机辅助诊断系统的一个组成部分(刘等,2021)。为自动医学图像分割提出了众多深度学习模型,展示了巨大的潜力(Ronneberger, Fischer, 和 Brox,2015;吴等,2022)。然而,这些模型是为特定对象量身定做的,并且在应用于其他对象时需要重新训练,给临床使用带来了极大的不便。






Segment anything model (SAM), an eminent universal im age segmentation model, has recently gathered considerable attention within the domain of medical image segmenta tion. Despite the remarkable performance of SAM on natu ral images, it grapples with significant performance degrada tion and limited generalization when confronted with med ical images, particularly with those involving objects of low contrast, faint boundaries, intricate shapes, and diminu tive sizes. In this paper, we propose SAMUS, a universal model tailored for ultrasound image segmentation. In con trast to previous SAM-based universal models, SAMUS pur sues not only better generalization but also lower deploy ment cost, rendering it more suitable for clinical applications. Specifically, based on SAM, a parallel CNN branch is intro duced to inject local features into the ViT encoder through cross-branch attention for better medical image segmenta tion. Then, a position adapter and a feature adapter are de veloped to adapt SAM from natural to medical domains and from requiring large-size inputs (1024×1024) to small-size inputs (256×256) for more clinical-friendly deployment. A comprehensive ultrasound dataset, comprising about 30k im ages and 69k masks and covering six object categories, is collected for verification. Extensive comparison experiments demonstrate SAMUS’s superiority against the state-of-the-art task-specific models and universal foundation models under both task-specific evaluation and generalization evaluation. Moreover, SAMUS is deployable on entry-level GPUs, as it has been liberated from the constraints of long sequence encoding. The code, data, and models will be released at https://github.com/xianlin7/SAMUS.






In this paper, we propose SAMUS, a universal founda tion model derived from SAM, for clinically-friendly and generalizable ultrasound image segmentation. Specifically, we present a parallel CNN branch image encoder, a fea ture adapter, a position adapter, and a cross-branch atten tion module to enrich the features for small-size objects and boundary areas while reducing GPU consumption. Further more, we construct a large ultrasound image dataset US30K, consisting of 30,106 images and 68,570 masks for eval uation and potential clinical usage. Experiments on both seeable and unseen domains demonstrate the outstanding segmentation ability and strong generalization ability of SAMUS. Moreover, the GPU memory cost of SAMUS is merely 28% of that required to train the entire SAM, and SAMUS is about 3× faster than SAM for inference.




As depicted in Fig. 8, the overall architecture of SAMUS is inherited from SAM, retaining the structure and param eters of the prompt encoder and the mask decoder without any adjustment. Comparatively, the image encoder is care fully modified to address the challenges of inadequate local features and excessive computational memory consumption, making it more suitable for clinically-friendly segmentation. Major modifications include reducing the input size, over

lapping the patch embedding, introducing adapters to the ViT branch, adding a CNN branch, and introducing cross branch attention (CBA). Specifically, the input spatial reso ution is scaled down from 1024 × 1024 pixels to 256 × 256 pixels, resulting in a substantial reduction in GPU memory cost due to the shorter input sequence in transformers. The overlapped patch embedding uses the same parameters as the patch embedding in SAM while its patch stride is half to the original stride, well keeping the information from patch boundaries. Adapters in the ViT branch include a position adapter and five feature adapters. The position adapter is to accommodate the global position embedding in shorter sequences due to the smaller input size. The first feature adapter follows the overlapped patch embedding to align in put features with the required feature distribution of the pre trained ViT image encoder. The remaining feature adapters are attached to the residual connections of the feed-forward network in the global transformer to fine-tune the pre-trained image encoder. In terms of the CNN branch, it is parallel to the ViT branch, providing complementary local information to the latter through the CBA module, which takes the ViT branch features as the query and builds global dependency with features from the CNN branch. It should be noted that CBA is only integrated into each global transformer. Finallythe outputs of both the two branches are combined as the fi nal image feature embedding of SAMUS.




Figure 1: Structure comparison of different SAM-based foundation models for medical image segmentation.



Figure 2: Overview of the proposed SAMUS.



Figure 3: Comparison between SAMUS and task-specific methods evaluated on seeable (marked in blue) and unseen datasets(marked in orange).



Figure 4: Qualitative comparisons between SAMUS and task-specific methods. From top to bottom are examples of segmenting thyroid nodule, breast cancer, and myocardium.



Figure 5: Qualitative comparisons between SAMUS and foundation models. From top to bottom are examples of seg menting thyroid nodule, breast cancer, and myocardium.



Figure 6: Segmentation and generalization ability compari son of our SAMUS and other foundation models on seeable (in light color) and unseen (in dark color) US30K data.



Figure 7: Comparison of SAMUS and foundation models on GPU memory cost, model parameters, computational com plexity, inference speed, performance, and generalization.




Table 1: Summary of the datasets in US30K. LV, MYO, and LA are short for the left ventricle, myocardium, and left atrium.



Table 2: Quantitative comparison of our SAMUS and SOTA task- specific methods on segmenting thyroid nodule (TN3K), breast cancer (BUSI), left ventricle (CAMUS-LV), myocardium (CAMUS-MYO), and left atrium (CAMUS- LA). The perfor mance is evaluated by the Dice score (%) and Hausdorff distance (HD). The best results are marked in bold.



Table 3: Quantitative comparison of our SAMUS and other foundation models on seeable US30K data. The performance is evaluated by the Dice score (%) and Hausdorff distance (HD).



Table 4: Ablation study on different component combinations of SAMUS on the thyroid nodule and breast cancer segmentation. F-Adapter and P-Adapter represent the feature adapter and the position adapter respectively



Table 5: Ablation study of different prompts. Pt1, pt2, and pt3 represent the single-point prompt in different (randomly deter mined) foreground positions. Multipoint prompts are generated by random sampling on the foreground areas.






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