group by 子句使用with rollup关键字之后,具有分组加和的功能。即:在所有的分组记录之后,自动新增一条记录,从全局计算所有记录的数据。
0 问题描述
1 数据准备
create table rollup_test
name varchar(8) COMMENT'',
year int COMMENT'',
score int COMMENT''
)CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
insert into rollup_test
values ('a',2016, 85),
('b',2016, 45),
('c',2016, 90),
('a',2015, 75),
('b',2015, 90);
2 数据分析
select `year`,
round(avg(score) ,2) as avg_score
from rollup_test group by `year`
union all
select '历史至今' as `year`,
round(avg(score) ,2) as avg_score
from rollup_test
方式二:利用group by with rollup 替换union all进行简化
select `year`,
round(avg(score) ,2) as avg_score
from rollup_test
group by `year`
with rollup
由输出结果可知,with rollup 会自动新增一条记录:
year avg_score
null 77.00
select '历史至今' as `year`,
round(avg(score) ,2) as avg_score
from rollup_test
再借助函数ifnull 或 coalesce() 对空字段赋值
select coalesce (`year`,'历史至今') as `year`,
round(avg(score) ,2) as avg_score
from rollup_test
group by `year`
with rollup