林浩然的哲学冒险乐园:尼采与超人哲学的诙谐解读与深度探索 Lin Haoran’s Philosophical Adventureland: A Whimsical Exploration of Nietzsche and the Philosophy of the Superman 在一场思维的盛宴中,林浩然同学勇敢地踏入了尼采哲学的探险乐园&…
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {int n, q;cin >> n >> q;vector<int> a(n 1);vector<int> diff(n 2, 0); // 初始化差分数组// 读取初始球数,构建差分数组for (int i 1; i < …
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