reiserfs文件系统分区的前64KB总是为分区标签(partition labels)或启动引导(boot loaders)而保留,接着是超级块(Super block),同其他所有文件系统一样,需要超级块来保存分区相关重要信息,比如block块大小,block块数等等。接着超级块后是一个位图块(Bitmap block),这个位图块记录对应block块的使用状况,每一bit位指示一个block块。假定一个block块的大小为4K(后续类此假定),那么一个位图块可以映射表示4*1024*8=32768个block块的使用状态。
block块大小 | 4,096 | 512 | 1,024 | 8,192 |
一个位图块可以映射的block块数 | 32,768 | 4,096 | 8,192 | 65,536 |
超级块块号 | 16 | 128 | 64 | 8 |
第一个位图块块号 | 17 | 129 | 65 | 9 |
第二个位图块块号 | 32,768 | 4,096 | 8,192 | 65,536 |
第三个位图块块号 | 65,536 | 8,192 | 16,384 | 131,072 |
第四个位图块块号 | 98,304 | 12,288 | 24,576 | 196,608 |
… |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
reiserfs文件系统的磁盘布局大体好像就是这样了,再看一下超级块(Super block)的内部组织,见下表,从上往下一一对应磁盘数据:
Name | Size | Description |
Block count | 4 | The number of blocks in the partition |
Free blocks | 4 | The number of free blocks in the partition |
Root block | 4 | The block number of the block containing the root node |
Journal block | 4 | The block number of the block containing the first journal node |
Journal device | 4 | Journal device number (not sure what for) |
Orig. journal size | 4 | Original journal size. Needed when using partition on systems with different default journal sizes. |
Journal trans. max | 4 | The maximum number of blocks in a transaction |
Journal magic | 4 | A random magic number |
Journal max batch | 4 | The maximum number of blocks in a transaction |
Journal max commit age | 4 | Time in seconds of how old an asynchronous commit can be |
Journal max trans. age | 4 | Time in seconds of how old a transaction can be |
Blocksize | 2 | The size in bytes of a block |
OID max size | 2 | The maximum size of the object id array |
OID current size | 2 | The current size of the object id array |
State | 2 | State of the partition: valid (1) or error (2) |
Magic string | 12 | The reiserfs magic string, should be “ReIsEr2Fs” |
Hash function code | 4 | The hash function that is being used to sort names in a directory |
Tree Height | 2 | The current height of the disk tree |
Bitmap number | 2 | The amount of bitmap blocks needed to address each block of the file system |
Version | 2 | The reiserfs version number |
Reserved | 2 | |
Inode Generation | 4 | Number of the current inode generation. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
Block count:0x1fffd50
Free blocks:0x1ffd93d
Root block:0x2013