


	<view class="container">
		<view class="top" style="height: 10%; margin-bottom: 20rpx; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);">
			<view class="box" style="flex: 1; background-color: #4CAF50; display: flex; ">
			<view class="box" style="flex: 2; background-color: #4CAF50;">
				<view class="inner-box"
					style="background-color: #fafafa; margin: 20rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx; border-radius: 10px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center;"
					<view class="sub-inner-box">
						<image src="/static/money.png" class="icon"></image>
						<text class="icon-text">收银</text>
				<view class="inner-box"
					style="background-color: #fafafa; margin: 20rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx; border-radius: 10px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center;">
					<view class="sub-inner-box" @click="toUrl(`/pages/menstore/store/ceshipage`)">
						<image src="/static/yuangongtotal.png" class="icon"></image>
						<text class="icon-text">测试页面</text>
			<view class="box" style="flex: 2; background-color: #4CAF50;">
				<view class="inner-box-container" style="flex: 1; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end;">
					<view class="inner-box" style="background-color: #4CAF50; margin: 60rpx 20rpx 15rpx 30rpx;">
						<view class="sub-inner-box"
							style="background-color: #4CAF50; width: 50px; height: 30px; margin: 10rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx;">
								style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 40rpx; font-weight: 600;">{{userData.userName }}</text>
					<view class="inner-box" style="background-color: #4CAF50; margin: 60rpx 20rpx 15rpx 30rpx;"
						<view class="sub-inner-box"
							style="background-color: #4CAF50; width: 50px; height: 30px; margin: 10rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx;">
								style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 40rpx; font-weight: 600;">退出</text>
		<view class="bottom" style="height: 90% margin-bottom: 10rpx;">
			<view class="left"
				style="width: 34%; margin-right: 20rpx; margin-left: 15rpx; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);">
				<view class="upper"
					style="height: 12%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; background-color: whitesmoke; border-bottom: 2px solid #4CAF50;">
					<view class="avatar-name"
						style="flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between;">
						<view class="avatar-text"
							style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; margin-right: 10px; ">
								style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start;">
								<view class="textt" style="margin-left: 15px; font-size: 36rpx;">
									{{ member.userName || '散客' }}
								<view class="textt" style="margin-left: 15px; font-size: 30rpx;">
									{{ member.phone || '' }}
								style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-start: center; justify-content: flex-start;">
								<view v-if="member && member.userAccountVo" class="textt"
									style="margin-left: 3rpx; font-size: 26rpx;">
									{{ '积分 : ' + member.userAccountVo.principal }}
								<view v-if="member && member.userAccountVo" class="textt"
									style="margin-left: 3rpx; font-size: 26rpx;">
									{{ 'ZJT : ' + member.userAccountVo.qtValue }}
								<view v-if="member && member.userAccountVo" class="textt"
									style="margin-left: 3rpx; font-size: 26rpx;">
									{{ '代金券 : ' + member.userAccountVo.cashCoupon }}
					<view class="login-button" style="flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center;">
						<view style="flex: 1;"></view>
						<view style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; margin-right: 50rpx;">
				<view class="lower"
					style="height: 87%; background-color: whitesmoke; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
					<view style="height: 90%; width: 100%;">
						<view class="shop-cart-no-list"
							style="text-align: center; flex: 1; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"
								<image src="../../../static/cart.png" style="width: 240rpx; height: 240rpx;"></image>
								<view class="con">购物车空空的哦~</view>
						<view style="height: 1040rpx; overflow: auto;">
							<scroll-view :scroll-y="isScroll" :style="{ height: windowHeight + 'px' }">
								<block :key="item.id" v-for="(item, index) in dataList">
									<view :data-index="index" class="shop-cart-list-item" @touchstart="drawStart"
										@touchmove="drawMove" @touchend="drawEnd" :style="{ right: item.right + 'rpx'}">
										<image :src="item.images[0]" mode="widthFix" class="img"></image>
										<view class="desc">
											<view class="title">{{item.title}}</view>
											<view class="num">
												<view class="price"><text>¥</text> {{item.mallPrice}}</view>
												<view class="shu">
													<text class="jian" :class="item.number==1?'disable':''"
													<text class="num">{{item.number}}</text>
													<text class="jia" @click="onJia(item)">+</text>
										<view class="content">{{ item.content }}</view>
										<view @click="delItem(index, $event)">
											<view class="remove">删除</view>
							<uni-load-more :status="status" :icon-size="16" :content-text="contentText" />
					<view class="new-price"
						style="height: 9%; width: 100%; background-color: whitesmoke; border-top: 2px solid #4CAF50; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
						<view class="price" style="flex: 1.6; display: flex; align-items: center;">
							<view class="pricetext" style="display: flex; align-items: center; margin-right: 10px;">
								<view>选择共计{{ totalItems }}件</view>
								<view class="texttt" style="margin-left: 15px; font-size: 33rpx;">
						<!-- 让这两句话在一行显示,你可以使用内联样式,并将它们包裹在一个 <text> 元 -->
						<view class="totleprice"
							style="flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end; margin-right: 5px;">
							<text style="color: #000000; font-size: 34rpx;">合计</text>
							<text style="color: #ff5733; font-size: 50rpx;">¥0.00</text>
			<view class="right"
				style="width: 76%; margin-left: 4rpx; margin-right: 15rpx; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch;">
				<view style="flex: 5%; background-color: white; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
						style="display: flex;flex: 60%; background-color: white; margin-left: 80rpx; margin-right: 40rpx; border: 2px solid #4CAF50; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
						<input confirm-type="search" type="text" @input="handleBarcodeInput" v-model="content" />
						style="flex: 10%; background-color: #4CAF50; margin-left: 40rpx; margin-right: 40rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"
							style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; font-size: 40rpx; font-weight: 600;">查询</text>
						style="flex: 10%; background-color: #4CAF50; margin-left: 40rpx; margin-right: 80rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
							style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 40rpx; font-weight: 600;">刷新</text>
				<view style="flex: 75%; background-color: whitesmoke; position: relative;">
					<view style="display: none;">监听到的内容:{{ inputString }}</view>
					<view style="height: 1000rpx; overflow: auto;">
						<view class="index-list">
							<view class="index-list-item" v-for="(item,idx) in listt" :key="idx"
								<image :src="item.images[0]||'../../static/index_img3.png'" mode="heightFix"
								<view class="title">{{item.title}}</view>
								<view class="num">
									<view class="price"><text>¥</text>{{item.mallPrice}} </view>
										<view style="color: #7f7f7f; font-size: 27rpx; margin-right: 20rpx;">
							<uni-load-more :status="status" :icon-size="16" :content-text="contentText" />
				<view style="flex: 10%; background-color: #ffffff; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
						style="flex: 40%; background-color: #ffffff; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-right: 200rpx;">
					<view style="flex: 60%; background-color: #ffffff; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
							style="flex: 33.33%; background-color: #4CAF50; margin: 10rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
								style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 50rpx; font-weight: 400;">整单取消</text>
							style="flex: 33.33%; background-color: #ffaa00; margin: 10rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">
								style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 50rpx; font-weight: 400;">挂单</text>
							style="flex: 33.33%; background-color: #ff7259; margin: 10rpx 20rpx 15rpx 20rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"
								style="color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; font-size: 60rpx; font-weight: 400;">结算</text>

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				delBtnWidth: 160,
				// dataList: [{
				// 	id: 1,
				// 	number: '1',
				// 	content: '1',
				// 	right: 0
				// },  ],
				dataList: [],
				isScroll: true,
				windowHeight: 0,
				content: "", //商品搜索条件
				member: {},
				isReferrer: '1', // 添加会员默认选中第一个
				referrerPhone: '', //添加会员第三个按钮推荐人手机号
				showInput: false, //添加会员第三个按钮推荐人手机号输入框的显示与隐藏
				othersname: null, //添加会员输入会员名
				othersPhone: null, //添加会员输入会员手机号

				inputString: '', //监听到的内容,则是用户最终确认输入后的结果
				inputCache: '', //像是一个正在输入的字符的容器
				userData: null, // 用于存储从本地存储获取的用户数据
				contentText: {
					contentdown: '上拉加载更多',
					contentrefresh: '加载中',
					contentnomore: '没有更多'
				status: 'more',
				checkAll: false,
				listt: [], //仓库的商品数量
				reload: false, //是否下拉重新加载     //reload (Boolean): 一个标志,用来指示是否需要重新加载数据。这通常在下拉刷新时设置为true
				status: 'more', //  用于在列表底部显示加载更多的提示信息。状态(status)
				size: 24, //size (Number): 指定每次从服务器加载数据时获取的项目数量。
				current: 1, //current (Number): 当前加载的数据页码,用于实现分页加载。
				total: 0, //total (Number): 数据的总数量,用于判断是否还有更多数据可加载
				// contentText (Object): 定义了加载更多组件(uni-load-more)的不同状态下显示的文本,如“上拉加载更多”、“加载中”、“没有更多”。
				contentText: {
					contentdown: '上拉加载更多',
					contentrefresh: '加载中',
					contentnomore: '没有更多'
				clockweightdata: '', // 会员手机号
				passwordData: '', // 会员密码
				activeInput: 'phone', // 当前激活的输入框
				showKeyboard: true, // 键盘的显示状态
		onLoad(options) {
			this.getUserData(); //从缓存里面拿到登陆的user信息
			this.getList(); //仓库的商品信息
				success: res => {
					this.windowHeight = res.windowHeight;
		// 处理下拉刷新
		onPullDownRefresh() {
			this.reload = true;
		// 上拉加载更多的逻辑
		onReachBottom() {
			this.status = this.listt.length >= this.total ? '' : 'more';
		computed: {
			// 购物车的数量
		    totalItems() {
		        return this.dataList.reduce((total, item) => total + parseInt(item.number), 0);
			  totalPrice() {
			        return this.dataList.reduce((total, item) => {
			            return total + (parseFloat(item.mallPrice) * parseInt(item.number));
			        }, 0).toFixed(2); // 结果保留两位小数
		mounted() {
			// #ifdef APP-PLUS
			plus.key.addEventListener("keyup", this.keypress);
			// #endif 
			// #ifdef H5
			document.addEventListener("keyup", this.keypress);
			// #endif
		watch: {
			isReferrer(newVal) {
				this.showInput = newVal === '3';
		methods: {
			addToCart(item) {
				// 检查商品是否已经在购物车中
				let found = this.dataList.find(cartItem => cartItem.id === item.id);
				if (found) {
					// 如果商品已在购物车中,则增加其数量
				} else {
					// 如果商品不在购物车中,添加到购物车并设置初始数量为 1
						number: 1
			onSearch() {
				// 检查是否输入了搜索的内容
				if (!this.content) {
				// 重置当前页码
				this.current = 1;
				// 构建搜索查询字符串
				let query = `?current=${this.current}&size=${this.size}&content=${this.content}`;
				let url = this.jk.storeMyWarehouse + query;
				// 执行搜索
				this.ajax.get(url).then(res => {
					this.total = res.data.total;
					let list = res.data.records;
					// 使用搜索结果更新listt,而不是将其附加到原有列表
					this.listt = list;

					// 其他必要的状态更新
					if (list.length < this.size) this.status = '';
					this.reload = false;
			// 输入框扫码枪输入商品条形码
			handleBarcodeInput() {},
			getList() {
				if (this.listt.length != 0 && this.listt.length == this.total)
				if (this.listt.length < this.total) {
					this.current = this.reload ? 1 : this.current + 1;
				let query =`?current=${this.current}&size=${this.size}`;
				let url = this.jk.storeMyWarehouse + query;
				this.ajax.get(url).then(res => {
					this.total = res.data.total;
					let list = res.data.records;
					this.listt = this.reload ? list : this.listt.concat(list);
					if (list.length < this.size) this.status ='';
					this.reload = false;
			// 添加会员按钮
			onRadioGroupChange(event) {
				// 更新 isReferrer 值
				this.isReferrer = event.target.value;
			keypress(e) {
				if (e.key === 'Enter') {
					this.inputString = this.inputCache;
					// 判断扫码类型
					if (this.isProductBarcode(this.inputString)) {
						// 处理商品条形码
					} else {
						// 处理会员二维码
					this.inputCache = '';
				} else {
					this.inputCache += e.key;
			isProductBarcode(input) {
				// 检查是否全为数字且长度符合商品条形码的常见长度
				return /^\d{12,13}$/.test(input); // 例子中假设商品条形码是12或13位数字
			// 处理会员二维码逻辑
			handleMemberQRCode(code) {
				console.log("这是会员扫码传入的code", code);
				// 对code进行URL编码
				let cleanedResult = this.restoreUpperCase(code);
				console.log("去除Shift后的code", cleanedResult);
				// 对清理后的code进行URL编码
				const encodedData = encodeURIComponent(cleanedResult);
				console.log("URL编码后的code:", encodedData);
				// 调用API或进行其他处理
			restoreUpperCase(input) {
				// 首先,处理Shift=的情况,将其转换为+
				input = input.replace(/Shift=/g, '+');
				// 然后,使用正则表达式匹配所有的"Shift"后跟一个小写字母的模式
				return input.replace(/Shift([a-z])/g, (match, p1) => {
					// 将捕获的小写字母转换为大写
					return p1.toUpperCase();
			callApiWithEncodedData(imageData) {
				// console.log("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
				// 使用 imageData 调用API的逻辑
				// console.log('调用API,传送数据:', imageData);
				this.ajax.get(this.jk.getUserByQRCode + '?qrcode=' + imageData).then(res => {
					this.member = res.data;
					// 其他代码(如果有的话)
				// 例如:axios.post('/your-api-endpoint', { image: imageData });
			handleProductBarcode(barcode) {
			    // 通过条形码查询商品
			    // 假设 ajax.get(url) 能够根据条形码获取商品信息
			   let query = `?current=${this.current}&size=${this.size}&content=${this.inputString}`;
			    let url = this.jk.storeMyWarehouse + query;
			   this.ajax.get(url).then(res => {
			       let products = res.data.records;
			       if (products.length > 0) {
			           let productToAdd = products[0]; // 假设我们添加第一个商品
			           let found = this.dataList.find(cartItem => cartItem.id === productToAdd.id);
			           if (found) {
			           } else {
			                   number: 1
			// 获取用户数据
			getUserData() {
				const user = uni.getStorageSync('user');
				if (user) {
					this.userData = user;
					// 在这里你可以根据 userData 渲染页面
				} else {
					// 用户数据不存在的处理逻辑
					// console.log('No user data found in local storage');6901826888138

			toUrl(url) {
				// 实现跳转逻辑,你可以根据自己的需求来实现
				console.log('跳转到', url);
			getType(categoryId) {
				// 实现获取类型逻辑,你可以根据自己的需求来实现
				return categoryId;
			// 跳转页面
			toUrl(url) {
			// 退出按钮
			onQuit() {
					.clearStorage(); //使用uni.clearStorage();清除了UniApp中的本地存储内容。这意味着所有通过uni.setStorageSync(或相似方法)存储的数据都会被清除。它通常用于用户登出或退出应用时清除用户的会话数据或其他敏感信息。
			// 购物车的逻辑
			drawStart: function(e) {
				// console.log("drawStart");
				var touch = e.touches[0];
				console.log(touch, 'touch');
				for (var index in this.dataList) {
					this.dataList[index].right = 0;
				this.startX = touch.clientX;
			drawMove: function(e) {
				var touch = e.touches[0];
				var item = this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index];
				var disX = this.startX - touch.clientX;

				if (disX >= 20) {
					if (disX > this.delBtnWidth) {
						disX = this.delBtnWidth;
					this.isScroll = false;
					this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].right = disX;
				} else {
					this.isScroll = true;
					this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].right = 0;
			drawEnd: function(e) {
				var item = this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index];
				if (item.right >= this.delBtnWidth / 2) {
					this.isScroll = true;
					this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].right = this.delBtnWidth;
				} else {
					this.isScroll = true;
					this.dataList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].right = 0;
			delItem(index, event) {
				console.log("Deleting item at index:", index);
				event.stopPropagation(); // 阻止事件冒泡
				event.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认行为
				this.dataList.splice(index, 1);
			onJia(item) {
				item.number = parseInt(item.number) + 1;
			onJian(item) {
				if (parseInt(item.number) > 1) {
					item.number = parseInt(item.number) - 1;
		beforeDestroy() {
			// #ifdef APP-PLUS
			plus.key.removeEventListener("keyup", this.keypress);
			// #endif
			// #ifdef H5
			document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.keypress);
			// #endif

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Spark Streaming

目录 一、流计算概述 &#xff08;一&#xff09;静态数据和流数据 &#xff08;二&#xff09;批量计算和实时计算 &#xff08;三&#xff09;流计算概念 &#xff08;四&#xff09;流计算框架 &#xff08;五&#xff09;流计算处理流程 二、Spark Streaming &…

提升数据库性能的关键指南-Oracle AWR报告

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android studio 将含有jni c++ 的library项目封装成jar并调用

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Django 文件上传(十二)

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本文介绍了如何使用Finder应用程序、iTunes for Windows、iCloud和谷歌照片将照片从Mac或PC传输到iPhone。 如何将照片从Mac传输到iPhone 如果你有一台Mac电脑&#xff0c;里面装满了你想转移到iPhone的照片&#xff0c;这是一件非常简单的事情。只需遵循以下步骤&#xff1a…


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跨进程通信 macOS XPC 创建实例

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