1.5 window
window操作就是窗口函数。Spark Streaming提供了滑动窗口操作的支持,从而让我们可以对一个滑动窗口内的数据执行计算操作。每次掉落在窗口内的RDD的数据,会被聚合起来执行计算操作,然后生成的RDD,会作为window DStream的一个RDD。比如下图中,就是对每三秒钟的数据执行一次滑动窗口计算,这3秒内的3个RDD会被聚合起来进行处理,然后过了两秒钟,又会对最近三秒内的数据执行滑动窗口计算。所以每个滑动窗口操作,都必须指定两个参数,窗口长度以及滑动间隔,而且这两个参数值都必须是batch间隔的整数倍。
这里面每一个time都是时间单元,在官方的例子中,每隔window size是3 time unit, 而且每隔2个单位时间,窗口会slide一次。
window length - The duration of the window (3 in the figure)
slide interval - The interval at which the window-based operation is performed (2 in the figure).
package com.qianfeng.sparkstreaming import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} /** * 统计,截止到目前为止出现的每一个key的次数 * window窗口操作,每个多长M时间,通过过往N长时间内产生的数据 * M就是滑动长度sliding interval * N就是窗口长度window length */ object Demo05_WCWithWindow { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("WordCountUpdateStateByKey") .setMaster("local[*]") val batchInterval = 2 val duration = Seconds(batchInterval) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, duration) val lines:DStream[String] = ssc.socketTextStream("qianfeng01", 6666) val pairs:DStream[(String, Int)] = lines.flatMap(_.split("\\s+")).map((_, 1)) val ret:DStream[(String, Int)] = pairs.reduceByKeyAndWindow(_+_, windowDuration = Seconds(batchInterval * 3), slideDuration = Seconds(batchInterval * 2)) ret.print() ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } }
1.6 SparkSQL和SparkStreaming的整合案例
Spark最强大的地方在于,可以与Spark Core、Spark SQL整合使用,之前已经通过transform、foreachRDD等算子看到,如何将DStream中的RDD使用Spark Core执行批处理操作。现在就来看看,如何将DStream中的RDD与Spark SQL结合起来使用。
案例:top3的商品排序: 最新的top3
package com.qianfeng.sparkstreaming import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream /** * SparkStreaming整合SparkSQL的案例之,热门品类top3排行 * 输入数据格式: * id brand category * 1 huwei watch * 2 huawei phone * */ object Demo06_SQLWithStreaming { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("StreamingIntegerationSQL") .setMaster("local[*]") val batchInterval = 2 val duration = Seconds(batchInterval) val spark = SparkSession.builder() .config(conf) .getOrCreate() val ssc = new StreamingContext(spark.sparkContext, duration) ssc.checkpoint("/Users/liyadong/data/sparkdata/streamingdata/chk-1") val lines:DStream[String] = ssc.socketTextStream("qianfeng01", 6666) //001 mi moblie val pairs:DStream[(String, Int)] = lines.map(line => { val fields = line.split("\\s+") if(fields == null || fields.length != 3) { ("", -1) } else { val brand = fields(1) val category = fields(2) (s"${category}_${brand}", 1) } }).filter(t => t._2 != -1) val usb:DStream[(String, Int)] = pairs.updateStateByKey(updateFunc) usb.foreachRDD((rdd, bTime) => { if(!rdd.isEmpty()) {//category_brand count import spark.implicits._ val df = rdd.map{case (cb, count) => { val category = cb.substring(0, cb.indexOf("_")) val brand = cb.substring(cb.indexOf("_") + 1) (category, brand, count) }}.toDF("category", "brand", "sales") df.createOrReplaceTempView("tmp_category_brand_sales") val sql = """ |select | t.category, | t.brand, | t.sales, | t.rank |from ( | select | category, | brand, | sales, | row_number() over(partition by category order by sales desc) rank | from tmp_category_brand_sales |) t |where t.rank < 4 |; """.stripMargin spark.sql(sql).show() } }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def updateFunc(seq: Seq[Int], option: Option[Int]): Option[Int] = { Option(seq.sum + option.getOrElse(0)) } }
1.7 SparkStreaming整合Reids
val jedis = new Jedis("", 6379) //抽到公共地方即可
jedis.set(w.toString(),c.toString()) //一个key对应多个值,可以考虑hset