
1221 Polish

1. Transfer the road coordinates from the UE coordinates system into the CAD coordinates system by using the functions in the file


Changes in the function initialMatrix
        # 初始化标签
        self.outdoor_label[self.wall_matrix == 1] = walls_label
        self.outdoor_label[self.road_matrix == 1] = roads_label
        # self.outdoor_label[self.river_matrix == 1] = river_label
        self.outdoor_label[self.ditch_matrix == 1] = ditch_label
        self.outdoor_label[soil_mask] = soil_label
        # Realize this function.

Changes in the function initial_position

请注意: 在'wall' 调用函数initial_position 的语句使用的文件,已经更新成UE坐标数据文件!!

请注意: 在函数_init_中需要更新self.station_coordinate=[] # remember the dots of the station这句对列表的初始化

    def initial_position(self, file_name, x_shifting, y_shifting, x_scale, y_scale, pos_type):
        参数:file_name(文件路径名字), pos_type(坐标类型)
        # 读取文件
        if pos_type == 'road':
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name, header=None)
            tuple_list = []

            # 遍历每一行
            for index, row in df.iterrows():
                tuple_row = []
                col_index = 1  # 初始列索引
                # 在每行内部,每次读取两列数据,直到读完所有列
                while col_index < len(row):
                    data1 = row.iloc[col_index]  # 第一列的数据
                    data2 = row.iloc[col_index + 1]  # 第二列的数据
                    if pd.notna(data1) and pd.notna(data2):
                        tuple_row.append((data1, data2))
                    col_index += 2  # 更新列索引,跳过已读取的两列
                if tuple_row:
            for sublist in tuple_list:
                # 遍历每一行
                maxy = -100000
                col_index = 0
                while col_index + 1 < len(sublist):
                    # 获取两列数据
                    data1 = sublist[col_index]
                    data2 = sublist[col_index + 1]
                    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = data1[0], data1[1], data2[0], data2[1]

                    # end_x += x_shifting
                    # end_x /= x_scale
                    # # end_x *= self.grid.width
                    # end_x = round(end_x)
                    # end_y += y_shifting
                    # end_y /= y_scale
                    # # end_y *= self.grid.height
                    # end_y = round(end_y)
                    # start_x += x_shifting
                    # start_x /= x_scale
                    # start_x = round(start_x)
                    # start_y += y_shifting
                    # start_y /= y_scale
                    # start_y = round(start_y)
                        Transfer the points from CAD coordinate system into UE coordinate system
                    # apply the transfer function of cad2ue
                    x, y = self.outdoor_transer.cad2ue_plan2(x, y)
                    start_x, start_y = self.outdoor_transer.ue2index_model2(x, y, self.scaled_width, self.scaled_height)
                    x, y = self.outdoor_transer.cad2ue_plan2(x, y)
                    end_x, end_y = self.outdoor_transer.ue2index_model2(x, y, self.scaled_width, self.scaled_height)

                    self.roads.append({"start_x": start_x, "end_x": end_x, "start_y": start_y, "end_y": end_y})
                        Applying 1 to self.road_matrix along the route
                        from the start point(star_x,star_y) to end point (end_x,end_x)
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'road')
                    col_index += 1
        elif pos_type == "river":
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
            num = df['x1'].notna().sum()
            # print(pos_type, "数量:", num)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num):
                start_x, start_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i]
                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale
                start_x = round(start_x)
                # align with roads
                start_x = start_x - 38
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale
                start_y = round(start_y)
                # align with roads
                start_y = start_y + 28
                self.stream_pos.append((start_x, start_y))
                if i > 0:
                        Applying 1 to self.river_matrix along the route
                        from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y)
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'river')
                start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
            num2 = df['x2'].notna().sum()
            # print(pos_type, "add 数量:", num2)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num2):
                start_x, start_y = df['x2'][i], df['y2'][i]
                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale
                start_x = round(start_x)
                # align with roads
                start_x = start_x - 38
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale
                start_y = round(start_y)
                # align with roads
                start_y = start_y + 28
                self.stream_pos2.append((start_x, start_y))
                if i > 0:
                        Applying 1 to self.river_matrix along the route
                        from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y)
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'river')
                start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
            df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
            num = len(df['x1'])
            station_no=0 # remember the round of getting the coordinate
            # print(pos_type, "数量:", num)
            # 坐标变化
            for i in range(num):
                if pos_type == 'wall':
                    # Coordinates in the UE coordinate system are used.
                    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i], df['x2'][i], df['y2'][i]
                    start_x += x_shifting
                    start_x /= x_scale
                    start_x = round(start_x)
                    start_y += y_shifting
                    start_y /= y_scale
                    start_y = round(start_y)
                    end_x += x_shifting
                    end_x /= x_scale
                    end_x = round(end_x)
                    end_y += y_shifting
                    end_y /= y_scale
                    end_y = round(end_y)
                    # apply the transfer function of cad2ue
                    # x, y = self.outdoor_transer.cad2ue_plan2(x, y)
                    start_x, start_y = self.outdoor_transer.ue2index_model2(x, y, self.scaled_width, self.scaled_height)
                    # x, y = self.outdoor_transer.cad2ue_plan2(x, y)
                    end_x, end_y = self.outdoor_transer.ue2index_model2(x, y, self.scaled_width, self.scaled_height)
                    # print(f'({start_x},{start_y}),({end_x},{end_y})')
                    if station_no>=2:
                        self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'wall')
                    start_x, start_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i]

                start_x += x_shifting
                start_x /= x_scale
                start_x = round(start_x)
                start_y += y_shifting
                start_y /= y_scale
                start_y = round(start_y)

                # if pos_type == 'wall':
                #     '''
                #         Applying: 1 to self.wall_matrix along the route
                #         from the start point(start_x,start_y) to end point (end_x,end_y)
                #     '''
                #     self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'wall')
                if pos_type == 'indoor':
                    self.indoors.append((start_x, start_y))
                    if i > 0:
                            Applying 1 to self.indoor_matrix along the route
                            from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y)
                        self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'indoor')
                    start0_x, start0_y = start_x, start_y
                elif pos_type == 'exit':
                    if start_x == end_x:
                        for i in range(start_y, end_y + 1):
                            self.pos_exits.append((start_x, i))
                            # 920 apply coordinates to exits_matrix
                            self.exits_matrix[start_x][i] = 1
                    elif start_y == end_y:
                        for i in range(start_x, end_x + 1):
                            self.pos_exits.append((i, start_y))
                            # 920 apply coordinates to exits_matrix
                            self.exits_matrix[i][start_y] = 1
                elif pos_type == "pillar":
                    pillar_positions = {"start_x": start_x, "end_x": end_x, "start_y": start_y, "end_y": end_y}
                        Applying 1 to self.pillar_matrix along the route
                        from the start point(start_x,start_y) to end point (end_x,end_y)
                    self.apply_matrix_dots(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, 'pillar')
                    # self.water_initial_pos.append((start_x, start_y))
Changes in the function apply_matrix_dots
    def apply_matrix_dots(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, attri):
        Applying Bresenham's line algorithm to find out all the points along the route and updating all the location on matrix as 1.
            attri: Utilized for determining which matrix should be modified.


        # Get the points for the line between start and end
        if attri != 'wall':
            points = bresenham_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
        if attri == 'road':
            # Update the road_matrix for each point on the line
            for x, y in points:
                if 0 <= x < len(self.road_matrix) and 0 <= y < len(self.road_matrix[0]):
                    self.road_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri == 'river':
            for x, y in points:
                if 0 <= x < len(self.river_matrix) and 0 <= y < len(self.river_matrix[0]):
                    self.river_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri == 'wall':
                Considering wall is initialized with two dots, finding out all the dots lying in the rectangular first, 
                then acquiring all the dots lying in the outer line. 
            # todo there is going to have two groups of coordinates, comparing to the original one group
            # rectangle_dots = get_coordinates_in_range((start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y)) # This function only supports one group of points.
            # ditch = get_rectangle_coordinates(start_x - 1, start_y - 1, end_x + 1, end_y + 1)
            rectangle_dots = find_dots_in_rectangle(self.station_coordinate) # Find dots within the rectangle composed with the four dots.
            ditch_dots = [
                self.station_coordinate[0] - 1,
                self.station_coordinate[1] + 1,
                self.station_coordinate[2] + 1,
                self.station_coordinate[3] + 1,
                self.station_coordinate[4] - 1,
                self.station_coordinate[5] - 1,
                self.station_coordinate[6] + 1,
                self.station_coordinate[7] - 1
            ditch = find_outline_dots(ditch_dots)
            for x, y in rectangle_dots:
                if 0 <= x < len(self.wall_matrix) and 0 <= y < len(self.wall_matrix[0]):
                    self.wall_matrix[x][y] = 1
            for x, y in ditch:
                if 0 <= x < len(self.ditch_matrix) and 0 <= y < len(self.ditch_matrix[0]):
                    self.ditch_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri == 'indoor':
            # Question: what's the meaning of indoor? The output of indoor matrix contains nothing.
            for x, y in points:
                self.indoor_matrix[x][y] = 1
        if attri == 'pillar':
            # Question: what's the meaning of pillar? The output of pillar matrix contains nothing.
            for x, y in points:
                self.pillar_matrix[x][y] = 1
New defined functions
  • In the file
    def fill_area(self, array, target_value=3):
            fill the circled area
        # Create a binary mask where the target_value is True
        mask = (array == target_value)

        # Fill the holes in the binary mask
        filled_mask = binary_fill_holes(mask)

        # Set the filled area back to the target_value in the original array
        array[filled_mask] = target_value
        return array

    def initial_river(self):
        valid_time = 0
        sum_time = 0
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        datadir = os.path.join(current_dir, './Model2_data/outdoor_data/outdoor_river')
        filenames = os.listdir(rf'{datadir}')
        # read each river points file
        for file in filenames:
            # 判断文件是否为空
            if os.path.getsize(f'{datadir}/{file}') == 0:
            # 读取txt文件
            with open(f'{datadir}/{file}', 'r') as f:
                data =

            # 将JSON格式的字符串解析为Python对象
            data = json.loads(data)
            # 遍历每个坐标
            for obj in data['selectedObjCoords']:
                # 获取坐标值
                x, y, z = obj['coords']['x'], obj['coords']['y'], obj['coords']['z']
                # 将UE坐标转换为索引坐标
                index_x, index_y = self.outdoor_transer.ue2index_model2(x, y, self.scaled_width, self.scaled_height)
                # print(f'转换前{x}, {y}, 转换后{index_x}, {index_y}')
                # 将z轴的值赋值给索引坐标
                if 0 <= index_x < len(self.outdoor_topographic_matrix) and 0 <= index_y < len(
                    # self.outdoor_topographic_matrix[int(index_x), int(index_y)] = z
                    # get all the points along the straight line
                    if temp_no!=0:
                        if calculate_distance(start_x,start_y,end_x,end_y)<=50:
                            points = bresenham_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) # find all the points within the straight line
                            for x, y in points:
                                self.outdoor_label[int(x), int(y)] = 3 # Represent the river
                            valid_time += 1
                            # find the dots that are too distant
                    start_x, start_y=index_x,index_y
                sum_time += 1
            # connect the last dot with the first dot. And the distance of the two dots should be within certain distance
            if calculate_distance(total_start_x,total_start_y,total_end_x,total_end_y)<=5:
                points = bresenham_line(total_start_x, total_start_y, total_end_x, total_end_y)  # find all the points within the straight line
                for x,y in points:
                    self.outdoor_label[int(x), int(y)] = 3  # Represent the river
        # For the disconnect dots due to the reason of labeling sequence. (712,172),(716,267)
            Given the coordinate of a dot and find the closest dot coordinate with the same label, 
            which is 3, in a 2D numpy array, which is `self.outdoor_label` and it has different label numbers. 
        points = bresenham_line(start_x, start_y, clos_x, clos_y)  # find all the points within the straight line
        for x, y in points:
            self.outdoor_label[int(x), int(y)] = 3  # Represent the river
        points = bresenham_line(start_x, start_y, clos_x, clos_y)  # find all the points within the straight line
        for x, y in points:
            self.outdoor_label[int(x), int(y)] = 3  # Represent the river

        # self.outdoor_label = linear_interpolation(self.outdoor_label)  # 近邻插值,只需要做一次!!
        # 对outdoor_label 补充河流的标签。 并且冲突的时候,河流的优先级最低.
        self.outdoor_label = self.fill_area(self.outdoor_label, target_value=3) # fill the circled area

        # Fill out the content of the river.
        # self.outdoor_topographic_matrix = linear_interpolation(self.outdoor_topographic_matrix)  # 近邻插值,只需要做一次!!
        # self.outdoor_topographic_matrix = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.outdoor_topographic_matrix, (7, 7), 3)

        print(f'all translate time is {sum_time}, valid translate time is {valid_time}')

    def find_closest_dot(self, x, y):
        min_dist = float('inf')
        closest_dot = None

        for i in range(self.outdoor_label.shape[0]):
            for j in range(self.outdoor_label.shape[1]):
                if self.outdoor_label[i, j] == 3:
                    dist = np.sqrt((x - i)**2 + (y - j)**2)
                    if dist < min_dist and dist>10:
                        min_dist = dist
                        closest_dot = (i, j)

        return closest_dot
  • In the file
def calculate_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    The function calculates the distance between two dots
    return ((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)**0.5

def find_dots_in_rectangle(dotsList):
    Find the rectangle between the four dots
    :param dotsList: a list contians the coordinates of the four dots. e.g. [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4]
    :return: a list containing all dots within the rectangle which is composed with the four dots
    # Extract coordinates
    x_coords = dotsList[0::2]
    y_coords = dotsList[1::2]

    # Find the bounding box of the rectangle
    x_min, x_max = min(x_coords), max(x_coords)
    y_min, y_max = min(y_coords), max(y_coords)

    # Generate a list of all dots within the rectangle
    dots_within_rectangle = []
    for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1):
        for y in range(y_min, y_max + 1):
            dots_within_rectangle.append((x, y))

    return dots_within_rectangle

def find_outline_dots(dotsList):
    Find all the dots in the outline of the rectangle composed with the four dots
    :param dotsList: a list contains the coordinates of the four dots. e.g. [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4]
    :return: a list containing all dots within the outline of the rectangle which is composed with the four dots
    # Extract coordinates
    x_coords = dotsList[0::2]
    y_coords = dotsList[1::2]

    # Find the bounding box of the rectangle
    x_min, x_max = min(x_coords), max(x_coords)
    y_min, y_max = min(y_coords), max(y_coords)

    # Generate a list of dots along the outline
    outline_dots = set()
    for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1):
        outline_dots.add((x, y_min))
        outline_dots.add((x, y_max))
    for y in range(y_min, y_max + 1):
        outline_dots.add((x_min, y))
        outline_dots.add((x_max, y))

    return list(outline_dots)
Import packages
import csv
import json
import math
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import cv2
from skimage.util import img_as_float
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from INDEX2UE import INDEX2UE
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from model2_utils import infiltrationRate, create_custom_colormap, get_neighborhood_vectorized, bresenham_line, \
    get_coordinates_in_range, get_rectangle_coordinates, get_specific_neighbors_indices, linear_interpolation, \
from parameters import Parameters
from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes, binary_dilation, generate_binary_structure

Final Output






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NNDL 作业12-优化算法2D可视化 [HBU]

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数独 -- 合法数独与完全数独

一、数独的介绍 从2004年底开始&#xff0c;数独游戏在英国变得非常流行。数独(Sudoku)是一个日语单词意思是数字位置之类的单词(或短语)。谜题的理念非常简单;面对一个9 9的网格&#xff0c;被分成9个3 3的块: 在其中的一些盒子里&#xff0c;设置者放一些数字1-9:求解者的目…


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每日一题:LCR 095.最长公共子序列(DP)

题目描述&#xff1a; 给定两个字符串 text1 和 text2&#xff0c;返回这两个字符串的最长 公共子序列 的长度。如果不存在 公共子序列 &#xff0c;返回 0 。 一个字符串的 子序列 是指这样一个新的字符串&#xff1a;它是由原字符串在不改变字符的相对顺序的情况下删除某些…

R语言基础 | 安徽某高校《统计建模与R软件》期末复习

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