


 * Add a frame to the buffer source.
 * @param ctx   an instance of the buffersrc filter
 * @param frame frame to be added. If the frame is reference counted, this
 * function will make a new reference to it. Otherwise the frame data will be
 * copied.
 * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error
 * This function is equivalent to av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags() with the
int av_buffersrc_write_frame(AVFilterContext *ctx, const AVFrame *frame);

 * Add a frame to the buffer source.
 * @param ctx   an instance of the buffersrc filter
 * @param frame frame to be added. If the frame is reference counted, this
 * function will take ownership of the reference(s) and reset the frame.
 * Otherwise the frame data will be copied. If this function returns an error,
 * the input frame is not touched.
 * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error.
 * @note the difference between this function and av_buffersrc_write_frame() is
 * that av_buffersrc_write_frame() creates a new reference to the input frame,
 * while this function takes ownership of the reference passed to it.
 * This function is equivalent to av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags() without the
int av_buffersrc_add_frame(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVFrame *frame);
 * Get a frame with filtered data from sink and put it in frame.
 * @param ctx pointer to a context of a buffersink or abuffersink AVFilter.
 * @param frame pointer to an allocated frame that will be filled with data.
 *              The data must be freed using av_frame_unref() / av_frame_free()
 * @return
 *         - >= 0 if a frame was successfully returned.
 *         - AVERROR(EAGAIN) if no frames are available at this point; more
 *           input frames must be added to the filtergraph to get more output.
 *         - AVERROR_EOF if there will be no more output frames on this sink.
 *         - A different negative AVERROR code in other failure cases.
int av_buffersink_get_frame(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVFrame *frame);



/** An instance of a filter */
struct AVFilterContext {
    const AVClass *av_class;        ///< needed for av_log() and filters common options

    const AVFilter *filter;         ///< the AVFilter of which this is an instance

    char *name;                     ///< name of this filter instance

    AVFilterPad   *input_pads;      ///< array of input pads
    AVFilterLink **inputs;          ///< array of pointers to input links
    unsigned    nb_inputs;          ///< number of input pads

    AVFilterPad   *output_pads;     ///< array of output pads
    AVFilterLink **outputs;         ///< array of pointers to output links
    unsigned    nb_outputs;         ///< number of output pads

    void *priv;                     ///< private data for use by the filter

    struct AVFilterGraph *graph;    ///< filtergraph this filter belongs to

     * Type of multithreading being allowed/used. A combination of
     * AVFILTER_THREAD_* flags.
     * May be set by the caller before initializing the filter to forbid some
     * or all kinds of multithreading for this filter. The default is allowing
     * everything.
     * When the filter is initialized, this field is combined using bit AND with
     * AVFilterGraph.thread_type to get the final mask used for determining
     * allowed threading types. I.e. a threading type needs to be set in both
     * to be allowed.
     * After the filter is initialized, libavfilter sets this field to the
     * threading type that is actually used (0 for no multithreading).
    int thread_type;

     * An opaque struct for libavfilter internal use.
    AVFilterInternal *internal;

    struct AVFilterCommand *command_queue;

    char *enable_str;               ///< enable expression string
    void *enable;                   ///< parsed expression (AVExpr*)
    double *var_values;             ///< variable values for the enable expression
    int is_disabled;                ///< the enabled state from the last expression evaluation

     * For filters which will create hardware frames, sets the device the
     * filter should create them in.  All other filters will ignore this field:
     * in particular, a filter which consumes or processes hardware frames will
     * instead use the hw_frames_ctx field in AVFilterLink to carry the
     * hardware context information.
    AVBufferRef *hw_device_ctx;

     * Max number of threads allowed in this filter instance.
     * If <= 0, its value is ignored.
     * Overrides global number of threads set per filter graph.
    int nb_threads;

     * Ready status of the filter.
     * A non-0 value means that the filter needs activating;
     * a higher value suggests a more urgent activation.
    unsigned ready;

     * Sets the number of extra hardware frames which the filter will
     * allocate on its output links for use in following filters or by
     * the caller.
     * Some hardware filters require all frames that they will use for
     * output to be defined in advance before filtering starts.  For such
     * filters, any hardware frame pools used for output must therefore be
     * of fixed size.  The extra frames set here are on top of any number
     * that the filter needs internally in order to operate normally.
     * This field must be set before the graph containing this filter is
     * configured.
    int extra_hw_frames;


 * Filter definition. This defines the pads a filter contains, and all the
 * callback functions used to interact with the filter.
typedef struct AVFilter {
     * Filter name. Must be non-NULL and unique among filters.
    const char *name;

     * A description of the filter. May be NULL.
     * You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
    const char *description;

     * List of static inputs.
     * NULL if there are no (static) inputs. Instances of filters with
     * AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_INPUTS set may have more inputs than present in
     * this list.
    const AVFilterPad *inputs;

     * List of static outputs.
     * NULL if there are no (static) outputs. Instances of filters with
     * AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_OUTPUTS set may have more outputs than present in
     * this list.
    const AVFilterPad *outputs;

     * A class for the private data, used to declare filter private AVOptions.
     * This field is NULL for filters that do not declare any options.
     * If this field is non-NULL, the first member of the filter private data
     * must be a pointer to AVClass, which will be set by libavfilter generic
     * code to this class.
    const AVClass *priv_class;

     * A combination of AVFILTER_FLAG_*
    int flags;

     * All fields below this line are not part of the public API. They
     * may not be used outside of libavfilter and can be changed and
     * removed at will.
     * New public fields should be added right above.

     * The number of entries in the list of inputs.
    uint8_t nb_inputs;

     * The number of entries in the list of outputs.
    uint8_t nb_outputs;

     * This field determines the state of the formats union.
     * It is an enum FilterFormatsState value.
    uint8_t formats_state;

     * Filter pre-initialization function
     * This callback will be called immediately after the filter context is
     * allocated, to allow allocating and initing sub-objects.
     * If this callback is not NULL, the uninit callback will be called on
     * allocation failure.
     * @return 0 on success,
     *         AVERROR code on failure (but the code will be
     *           dropped and treated as ENOMEM by the calling code)
    int (*preinit)(AVFilterContext *ctx);

     * Filter initialization function.
     * This callback will be called only once during the filter lifetime, after
     * all the options have been set, but before links between filters are
     * established and format negotiation is done.
     * Basic filter initialization should be done here. Filters with dynamic
     * inputs and/or outputs should create those inputs/outputs here based on
     * provided options. No more changes to this filter's inputs/outputs can be
     * done after this callback.
     * This callback must not assume that the filter links exist or frame
     * parameters are known.
     * @ref AVFilter.uninit "uninit" is guaranteed to be called even if
     * initialization fails, so this callback does not have to clean up on
     * failure.
     * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure
    int (*init)(AVFilterContext *ctx);

     * Should be set instead of @ref AVFilter.init "init" by the filters that
     * want to pass a dictionary of AVOptions to nested contexts that are
     * allocated during init.
     * On return, the options dict should be freed and replaced with one that
     * contains all the options which could not be processed by this filter (or
     * with NULL if all the options were processed).
     * Otherwise the semantics is the same as for @ref AVFilter.init "init".
    int (*init_dict)(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVDictionary **options);

     * Filter uninitialization function.
     * Called only once right before the filter is freed. Should deallocate any
     * memory held by the filter, release any buffer references, etc. It does
     * not need to deallocate the AVFilterContext.priv memory itself.
     * This callback may be called even if @ref AVFilter.init "init" was not
     * called or failed, so it must be prepared to handle such a situation.
    void (*uninit)(AVFilterContext *ctx);

     * The state of the following union is determined by formats_state.
     * See the documentation of enum FilterFormatsState in internal.h.
    union {
         * Query formats supported by the filter on its inputs and outputs.
         * This callback is called after the fi




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