VSCode之C++ CUDA入门:reduce的N+1重境界

  1. 背景


  1. 结果展示
chapter2 reduce test
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 0: 8389334.000, 4.3356 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 1: 8389335.000, 1.3475 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 2: 8389335.000, 1.3096 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 3: 8389335.000, 1.3098 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 4: 8389335.000, 1.3093 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 5: 8389335.000, 1.3119 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 6: 8389335.000, 1.3132 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 7: 8389335.000, 1.3157 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, L1 v7: 8389335.000, 1.3086 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, L1 Co: 8389335.000, 2.6103 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, L any: 8389335.000, 1.6096 ms 
sum of 16777216 random nums, host: 8389334.731, 18.6554 ms, GPU 8: 8389335.000, 1.3160 ms 
  1. 源码
#include"cooperative_groups.h" // for cg namespace
#include"cooperative_groups/reduce.h" // for cg::reduce
#include"../include/utils/helper_math.h" // for overload += operator for reinterpret (CYDA SDK)

namespace cg = cooperative_groups;

__global__ void reduce0(float* x, int n) {
    int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    x[tid] += x[tid+n];

__global__ void reduce1(float *x,int N)
	int tid = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;
	float tsum = 0.0f;
	int stride = gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
	for(int k=tid; k<N; k += stride) tsum += x[k];
	x[tid] = tsum;

__global__ void reduce2(float *y,float *x,int N)
	extern __shared__ float tsum[]; // Dynamically Allocated Shared Mem
	int id = threadIdx.x;
	int tid = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;
	int stride = gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
	tsum[id] = 0.0f;
	for(int k=tid;k<N;k+=stride) tsum[id] += x[k];
	for(int k=blockDim.x/2; k>0; k /= 2){ // power of 2 reduction loop
		if(id<k) tsum[id] += tsum[id+k];
	if(id==0) y[blockIdx.x] = tsum[0]; // store one value per block

__global__ void reduce3(float *y,float *x,int N)
	extern __shared__ float tsum[];
	int id = threadIdx.x;
	int tid = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;
	int stride = gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
	tsum[id] = 0.0f;
	for(int k=tid;k<N;k+=stride) tsum[id] += x[k];
	int block2 = cx::pow2ceil(blockDim.x); // next higher power of 2
	for(int k=block2/2; k>0; k >>= 1){     // power of 2 reduction loop
		if(id<k && id+k < blockDim.x) tsum[id] += tsum[id+k];
	if(id==0) y[blockIdx.x] = tsum[0]; // store one value per block

__global__ void reduce4(float * y,float * x,int N)
	extern __shared__ float tsum[];
	int id = threadIdx.x;
	int tid = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;
	int stride = gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
	tsum[id] = 0.0f;
	for(int k=tid;k<N;k+=stride) tsum[id] += x[k];
	if(id<256 && id+256 < blockDim.x) tsum[id] += tsum[id+256]; __syncthreads();
	if(id<128) tsum[id] += tsum[id+128]; __syncthreads();
	if(id< 64) tsum[id] += tsum[id+ 64]; __syncthreads();
	if(id< 32) tsum[id] += tsum[id+ 32]; __syncthreads();
	// warp 0 only from here
	if(id< 16) tsum[id] += tsum[id+16]; __syncwarp();
	if(id< 8)  tsum[id] += tsum[id+ 8]; __syncwarp();
	if(id< 4)  tsum[id] += tsum[id+ 4]; __syncwarp();
	if(id< 2)  tsum[id] += tsum[id+ 2]; __syncwarp();
	if(id==0)  y[blockIdx.x] = tsum[0]+tsum[1];

template <int blockSize>
__global__ void reduce5(r_Ptr<float> sums,cr_Ptr<float> data,int n)
	// This template kernel assumes that blockDim.x = blockSize, 
	// that blockSize is power of 2 between 64 and 1024 
	__shared__ float s[blockSize];
	int id = threadIdx.x;       // rank in block   
	s[id] = 0;
	for(int tid = blockSize*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x;
		tid < n; tid += blockSize*gridDim.x) s[id] += data[tid];
	if(blockSize > 512 && id < 512 && id+512 < blockSize)s[id] += s[id+512];
	if(blockSize > 256 && id < 256 && id+256 < blockSize)s[id] += s[id+256];
	if(blockSize > 128 && id < 128 && id+128 < blockSize)s[id] += s[id+128];
	if(blockSize >  64 && id <  64 && id+ 64 < blockSize)s[id] += s[id+64];
	if(id < 32) {  //  single warp from here
		s[id]             += s[id + 32]; __syncwarp(); // the syncwarps
		if(id < 16) s[id] += s[id + 16]; __syncwarp(); // are required
		if(id <  8) s[id] += s[id +  8]; __syncwarp(); // for devices of
		if(id <  4) s[id] += s[id +  4]; __syncwarp(); // CC = 7 and above
		if(id <  2) s[id] += s[id +  2]; __syncwarp(); // for CC < 7
		if(id <  1) s[id] += s[id +  1]; __syncwarp(); // they do nothing

		if(id == 0) sums[blockIdx.x] = s[0]; // store block sum
// using warp_shrl functions
template<int blockSize>
__global__ void reduce6(r_Ptr<float> sums, cr_Ptr<float> data, int n) {
    __shared__ float s[blockSize];
    auto grid = cg::this_grid();
    auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
    auto warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);
    int id = block.thread_rank();
    s[id] = 0.0f;
    for (int tid = grid.thread_rank(); tid < n; tid += grid.size()) {
        s[id] += data[tid];
    if (blockSize > 512 && id < 512 && id + 512 < blockSize) {
        s[id] += s[id + 512];
    if (blockSize > 256 && id < 256 && id + 256 < blockSize) {
        s[id] += s[id+256];
    if (blockSize > 128 && id < 128 && id + 128 < blockSize) {
        s[id] += s[id+128];
    if (blockSize > 64 && id < 64 && id + 64 < blockSize) {
        s[id] += s[id+64];
    if (warp.meta_group_rank() == 0) {
        s[id] += s[id+32];warp.sync();
        s[id] += warp.shfl_down(s[id], 16);
        s[id] += warp.shfl_down(s[id], 8);
        s[id] += warp.shfl_down(s[id], 4);
        s[id] += warp.shfl_down(s[id], 2);
        s[id] += warp.shfl_down(s[id], 1);
        if (id == 0){
            sums[blockIdx.x] = s[0];

// warp-only reduce function
__global__ void reduce7(r_Ptr<float> sums,cr_Ptr<float> data,int n)
	// This kernel assumes the array sums is set to zeros on entry
	// also blockSize is multiple of 32 (should always be true)
	auto grid =  cg::this_grid();
	auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
	auto warp =  cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);

	float v = 0.0f;  // accumulate thread sums in register variable v
	for(int tid=grid.thread_rank(); tid<n; tid+=grid.size()) v += data[tid];
	v += warp.shfl_down(v,16); // | 
	v += warp.shfl_down(v,8);  // | warp level
	v += warp.shfl_down(v,4);  // | reduce here
	v += warp.shfl_down(v,2);  // |
	v += warp.shfl_down(v,1);  // | 
						  //  use atomicAdd here to sum over warps
	if(warp.thread_rank()==0) atomicAdd(&sums[block.group_index().x],v);

// warp-only and L1 cache function
__global__ void reduce7_L1(r_Ptr<float> sums, cr_Ptr<float> data, int n) {
    auto grid = cg::this_grid();
    auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
    auto warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);

    float4 v4 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
    for(int tid = grid.thread_rank(); tid < n/4; tid += grid.size()) {
        v4 += reinterpret_cast<const float4 *>(data)[tid];
    float v = v4.x + v4.y + v4.z + v4.w;
    v += warp.shfl_down(v, 16);
    v += warp.shfl_down(v, 8);
    v += warp.shfl_down(v, 4);
    v += warp.shfl_down(v, 2);
    v += warp.shfl_down(v, 1);
    if (warp.thread_rank() == 0){
        atomicAdd(&sums[block.group_index().x], v);

__device__ void reduce7_L1_coal(r_Ptr<float>sums,cr_Ptr<float>data,int n)
	// This function assumes that a.size() is power of 2 in [1,32]
	// and that n is a multiple of 4
	auto g = cg::this_grid();
	auto b = cg::this_thread_block();
	auto a = cg::coalesced_threads(); // active threads in warp
	float4 v4 ={0,0,0,0};
	for(int tid = g.thread_rank(); tid < n/4; tid += g.size())
		v4 += reinterpret_cast<const float4 *>(data)[tid];

	float v = v4.x + v4.y + v4.z + v4.w;
	if(a.size() > 16) v += a.shfl_down(v,16); // NB no new
	if(a.size() >  8) v += a.shfl_down(v,8);  // thread 
	if(a.size() >  4) v += a.shfl_down(v,4);  // divergence
	if(a.size() >  2) v += a.shfl_down(v,2);  // allowed
	if(a.size() >  1) v += a.shfl_down(v,1);  // here               // rank here is within coal group therefore 
	if(a.thread_rank() == 0) atomicAdd(&sums[b.group_index().x],v); // rank==0 OK even for odd only threads

__global__ void reduce7_coal_even_odd(r_Ptr<float>sumeven,r_Ptr<float>sumodd,cr_Ptr<float>data,int n)
	// divergent code here
	if(threadIdx.x%2==0) reduce7_L1_coal(sumeven,data,n);
	else                 reduce7_L1_coal(sumodd,data,n);

// reduce L1 coal any
__device__ void reduce7_L1_coal_any(r_Ptr<float>sums,cr_Ptr<float>data,int n)
	// This function works for any value of a.size() in [1,32] 
	// it assumes that n is a multiple of 4
	auto g = cg::this_grid();
	auto b = cg::this_thread_block();
	auto w = cg::tiled_partition<32>(b); // whole warp
	auto a = cg::coalesced_threads();    // active threads in warp
	int warps = g.group_dim().x*w.meta_group_size(); // number of warps in grid
	// divide data into contiguous parts, with one part per warp 
	int part_size = ((n/4)+warps-1)/warps;
	int part_start = (b.group_index().x*w.meta_group_size() +
	int part_end = min(part_start+part_size,n/4);
	// get part sub-sums into threads of a
	float4 v4 ={0,0,0,0};
	int id = a.thread_rank();
	for(int k=part_start+id; k<part_end; k+=a.size()) // adjacent adds within
		v4 += reinterpret_cast<const float4 *>(data)[k]; //    the warp
	float v = v4.x + v4.y + v4.z + v4.w;
	// now reduce over a
	// first deal with items held by ranks >= kstart
	int kstart = 1 << (31 - __clz(a.size())); // max power of 2 <= a.size()
	if(a.size() > kstart) {
		float w = a.shfl_down(v,kstart);
		if(a.thread_rank() < a.size()-kstart) v += w;// only update v for         
		a.sync();                                    // valid low ranking threads
	// then do power of 2 reduction
	for(int k = kstart/2; k>0; k /= 2) v += a.shfl_down(v,k);
	if(a.thread_rank() == 0) atomicAdd(&sums[b.group_index().x],v);

__global__ void reduce7_any(r_Ptr<float>sums,cr_Ptr<float>data,int n)
	if(threadIdx.x % 3 == 0)  reduce7_L1_coal_any(sums,data,n);

// cg warp-level function
__global__ void reduce8(r_Ptr<float> sums, cr_Ptr<float> data, int n) {
    auto grid = cg::this_grid();
    auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
    auto warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);

    float v = 0.0f;
    for(int tid = grid.thread_rank(); tid < n; tid += grid.size()) {
        v += data[tid];
    v = cg::reduce(warp, v, cg::plus<float>());
    if (warp.thread_rank() == 0) {
        atomicAdd(&sums[block.group_index().x], v);

void test_reduce(const int N) {
    // const int N = 1 << 24;
    const int blocks = 256;
    const int threads = 256;
    const int nreps = 1000;
    thrust::host_vector<float> x(N);
    thrust::device_vector<float> dx(N);

    // init data
    std::default_random_engine gen(42);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> fran(0.0, 1.0);
    for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
        x[k] = fran(gen);

    // host to device
    dx = x;
    cx::timer tim;
    // cpu time test
    double host_sum = 0.0;
    for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
        host_sum += x[k];
    double t1 = tim.lap_ms();

    // gpu test reduce0
    double gpu_sum = 0.0;
    for (int m = N/2; m > 0; m /= 2) {
        int threads = std::min(256, m);
        int blocks = std::max(m / 256, 1);
        reduce0<<<blocks, threads>>> (dx.data().get(), m);
    double t2 = tim.lap_ms();

    // device to host
    gpu_sum = dx[0];
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 0: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t2);

    // gpu test reduce1
    dx = x;
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce1<<<blocks, threads>>> (dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce1<<<1, threads>>> (dx.data().get(), blocks * threads);
        reduce1<<<1, 1>>> (dx.data().get(), threads);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t3 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 1: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t3);

    // gpu test reduce2
    dx = x;
    thrust::device_vector<float> dy(blocks);
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce2<<<blocks, threads, threads * sizeof(float)>>> (dy.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce2<<<1, threads, blocks * sizeof(float)>>> (dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t4 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 2: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t4);

    // gpu test reduce3
    dx = x;
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce3<<<blocks, threads, threads * sizeof(float)>>> (dy.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce3<<<1, threads, blocks * sizeof(float)>>> (dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t5 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 3: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t5);

    // gpu test reduce4
    dx = x;
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce4<<<blocks, threads, threads * sizeof(float)>>> (dy.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce4<<<1, threads, blocks * sizeof(float)>>> (dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t6 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 4: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t6);

    // gpu test reduce5
    dx = x;
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
    reduce4<<<1, blocks, blocks*sizeof(float)>>>(dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
    double t7 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    gpu_sum = dx[0];
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 5: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t7);

    // gpu tst reduce6
    dx = x;
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce6<256><<<blocks, threads, threads*sizeof(float)>>>(dy.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
    reduce4<<<1, blocks, blocks*sizeof(float)>>>(dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
    double t8 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    gpu_sum = dx[0];
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 6: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t8);

    // gpu test reduce7
    dx = x;
    thrust::device_vector<float> dz(blocks);
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce7<<<blocks, threads, threads*sizeof(float)>>>(dz.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce7<<<1, blocks, blocks*sizeof(float)>>>(dx.data().get(), dz.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t9 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 7: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t9);

    // gpu test reduce7_L1
    dx = x;
    thrust::fill(dz.begin(), dz.end(), 0.0);
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce7_L1<<<blocks, threads, threads*sizeof(float)>>>(dz.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce7_L1<<<1, blocks, blocks*sizeof(float)>>>(dx.data().get(), dz.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t91 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, L1 v7: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t91);

    // gpu test reduce7_L1 coal
    thrust::device_vector<float>  dy_even(blocks);  // only even elements are used
	thrust::device_vector<float>  dy_odd(blocks);   // only odd elements are used
    dx = x;
    for(int rep=0;rep<nreps;rep++){
        if (rep == 0) {
            // use reduce7_L1 for final step
            // dx[0] = 0.0f; // clear output buffer
            gpu_sum  = dx[0];
	double t92 = tim.lap_ms()/nreps;
    // gpu_sum  = dx[0];  // D2H copy (1 word)
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, L1 Co: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t92);

    // gpu test reduce 7 L1 coal any
    dx = x;
    thrust::fill(dy.begin(), dy.end(), 0.0);
    for(int rep=0;rep<nreps;rep++){
        if (rep == 0) {
            gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t93 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, L any: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t93);

    // gpu test reduce8
    dx = x;
    thrust::fill(dy.begin(), dy.end(), 0.0);
    for (int rep = 0; rep < nreps; rep++) {
        reduce8<<<blocks, threads, threads*sizeof(float)>>>(dy.data().get(), dx.data().get(), N);
        reduce8<<<1, blocks, blocks*sizeof(float)>>>(dx.data().get(), dy.data().get(), blocks);
        if (rep == 0) gpu_sum = dx[0];
    double t10 = tim.lap_ms() / nreps;
    printf("sum of %d random nums, host: %.3f, %.4f ms, GPU 8: %.3f, %.4f ms \n", N, host_sum, t1, gpu_sum, t10);
  1. 小结




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Java动态代理实现与原理详细分析 关于Java中的动态代理&#xff0c;我们首先需要了解的是一种常用的设计模式–代理模式&#xff0c;而对于代理&#xff0c;根据创建代理类的 时间点&#xff0c;又可以分为静态代理和动态代理。 1、代理模式 代理模式是常用的java设计模式&…


本文内容来自尚硅谷B站公开教学视频&#xff0c;仅做个人总结、学习、复习使用&#xff0c;任何对此文章的引用&#xff0c;应当说明源出处为尚硅谷&#xff0c;不得用于商业用途。 如有侵权、联系速删 视频教程链接&#xff1a;【尚硅谷】Kafka3.x教程&#xff08;从入门到调优…

Kafka 的消息格式:了解消息结构与序列化

Kafka 作为一款高性能的消息中间件系统&#xff0c;其消息格式对于消息的生产、传输和消费起着至关重要的作用。本篇博客将深入讨论 Kafka 的消息格式&#xff0c;包括消息的结构、序列化与反序列化&#xff0c;以及一些常用的消息格式选项。通过更丰富的示例代码和深入的解析&…


问题描述 Quasar部分组件无法随系统切换主题 。 假如系统、Quasar主题为白天模式。Quasar设置主题随系统切换&#xff0c;当系统切换暗黑模式时&#xff0c;Quasar导航栏无法正常切换为暗黑模式&#xff0c;此时背景还是白天模式&#xff0c;如图 正常切换参考图 正常暗黑…

【musl-pwn】msul-pwn 刷题记录 -- musl libc 1.2.2

前言 本文不分析 musl libc 相关源码&#xff0c;仅仅为刷题记录&#xff0c;请读者自行学习相关知识&#xff08;看看源码就行了&#xff0c;代码量也不大&#xff09; starCTF2022_babynote 保护&#xff1a;保护全开 程序与漏洞分析&#xff1a; 程序实现了一个菜单堆&…



Python 从入门到精通 学习笔记 Day01

Python 从入门到精通 第一天 今日目标 计算机组成原理、编程语言、Python环境安装 第一个Python程序、PyCharm的安装与使用 Python的基础语法、Python的基本数据类型 一、计算机组成原理 计算机的组成 计算机硬件通常由以下几个部分组成: 1.中央处理器(CPU):负责执行计算机…


HarmonyOS&#xff08;二&#xff09;初识ArkTS开发语言&#xff08;中&#xff09;之TypeScript入门 浅析ArkTS的起源和演进 1 引言 Mozilla创造了JS&#xff0c;Microsoft创建了TS&#xff0c;Huawei进一步推出了ArkTS。 从最初的基础的逻辑交互能力&#xff0c;到具备类…


一、概述 到目前为止&#xff0c;你一直在使用单个容器应用。但是&#xff0c;现在您将 MySQL 添加到 应用程序堆栈。经常会出现以下问题 - “MySQL将在哪里运行&#xff1f;将其安装在同一个 容器还是单独运行&#xff1f;一般来说&#xff0c;每个容器都应该做一件事&#x…


第0题: 动态申请二维数组并输出非负数和 和负数出现次数 思路:输入数组大小,然后申请内存并不对其初始化,提高速度,传入数据到申请的数组中,判断如果数组中有元素小于0对其进行计数,否则加上非0数最后输出答案,释放内存 第一题: 解答: 运行结果: 思路分析: 创建长度为20的…

聚观早报 |东方甄选将上架文旅产品;IBM首台模块化量子计算机

【聚观365】12月6日消息 东方甄选将上架文旅产品 IBM首台模块化量子计算机 新思科技携手三星上新兴领域 英伟达与软银推动人工智能研发 苹果对Vision Pro供应商做出调整 东方甄选将上架文旅产品 东方甄选宣布12月10日将在东方甄选APP上线文旅产品&#xff0c;受这一消息影…


这里写目录标题 一、共同路径二、数字列表排序三、给定两个整数 n 和 k&#xff0c;返回 1 … n 中所有可能的 k 个数的组合。 一、共同路径 给你一个完整文件名组成的列表&#xff0c;请编写一个函数&#xff0c;返回他们的共同目录路径。 # nums[/hogwarts/assets/style.cs…


1 tornado的介绍 **Tornado**是一个用Python编写的可扩展的、无阻塞的**Web应用程序框架**和**Web服务器**。 它是由FriendFeed开发使用的&#xff1b;该公司于2009年被Facebook收购&#xff0c;而Tornado很快就开源了龙卷风以其高性能着称。它的设计允许处理大量并发连接&…