[RISCV] 发现一个可以看RISC-V CPU行为的开源项目

最近在浏览某大型程序员交友 网站的时候发现一个好玩的项目,介绍如下:
A small program that handles mie, msi, mti and trap interrupts and updates some global variables on interrupts.
能看到RISCV CSR的行为太酷啦!!!

写这篇博客的时候,我已经go through了一遍,所以下面我会用一种顶层设计的方法来介绍怎么setup。

$ sudo apt install gcc g++ build-essential pip

Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator

$ git clone https://github.com/five-embeddev/riscv-isa-sim.git -b vcd_trace
$ git submodule update --init
$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=/tmp/riscv-isa-sim/__install
$ make
$ [sudo] make install


/tmp/riscv-isa-sim/__install/bin$ ./spike
Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator 1.1.1-dev

usage: spike [host options] <target program> [target options]
Host Options:
  -p<n>                 Simulate <n> processors [default 1]
  -m<n>                 Provide <n> MiB of target memory [default 2048]
  -m<a:m,b:n,...>       Provide memory regions of size m and n bytes
                          at base addresses a and b (with 4 KiB alignment)
  -d                    Interactive debug mode
  -g                    Track histogram of PCs
  -l                    Generate a log of execution
  -h, --help            Print this help message
  -H                    Start halted, allowing a debugger to connect
  --log=<name>          File name for option -l
  --debug-cmd=<name>    Read commands from file (use with -d)
  --isa=<name>          RISC-V ISA string [default RV64IMAFDC]
  --priv=<m|mu|msu>     RISC-V privilege modes supported [default MSU]
  --varch=<name>        RISC-V Vector uArch string [default vlen:128,elen:64]
  --pc=<address>        Override ELF entry point
  --hartids=<a,b,...>   Explicitly specify hartids, default is 0,1,...
  --ic=<S>:<W>:<B>      Instantiate a cache model with S sets,
  --dc=<S>:<W>:<B>        W ways, and B-byte blocks (with S and
  --l2=<S>:<W>:<B>        B both powers of 2).
  --device=<P,B,A>      Attach MMIO plugin device from an --extlib library
                          P -- Name of the MMIO plugin
                          B -- Base memory address of the device
                          A -- String arguments to pass to the plugin
                          This flag can be used multiple times.
                          The extlib flag for the library must come first.
  --log-cache-miss      Generate a log of cache miss
  --extension=<name>    Specify RoCC Extension
                          This flag can be used multiple times.
  --extlib=<name>       Shared library to load
                        This flag can be used multiple times.
  --rbb-port=<port>     Listen on <port> for remote bitbang connection
  --dump-dts            Print device tree string and exit
  --disable-dtb         Don't write the device tree blob into memory
  --kernel=<path>       Load kernel flat image into memory
  --initrd=<path>       Load kernel initrd into memory
  --bootargs=<args>     Provide custom bootargs for kernel [default: console=hvc0 earlycon=sbi]
  --real-time-clint     Increment clint time at real-time rate
  --dm-progsize=<words> Progsize for the debug module [default 2]
  --dm-sba=<bits>       Debug system bus access supports up to <bits> wide accesses [default 0]
  --dm-auth             Debug module requires debugger to authenticate
  --dmi-rti=<n>         Number of Run-Test/Idle cycles required for a DMI access [default 0]
  --dm-abstract-rti=<n> Number of Run-Test/Idle cycles required for an abstract command to execute [default 0]
  --dm-no-hasel         Debug module supports hasel
  --dm-no-abstract-csr  Debug module won't support abstract to authenticate
  --dm-no-halt-groups   Debug module won't support halt groups
  --dm-no-impebreak     Debug module won't support implicit ebreak in program buffer
  --vcd-log=<file>      Log VCD to this file.
  --max-cycles=<cycle count>      Limit simulation to this number of cycles.


$ sudo apt install meson gperf flex desktop-file-utils libgtk-3-dev libbz2-dev libjudy-dev libgirepository1.0-dev

升级meson到 > 1.0,ubuntu自带的是0.61.2版本,不能满足项目的编译要求

$ pip install --upgrade meson

Building GTKWave

$ git clone https://github.com/gtkwave/gtkwave.git
$ cd gtkwave
$ meson setup build
$ meson compile -C build



$ git clone https://github.com/five-embeddev/riscv-scratchpad.git
$ cd riscv-scratchpad/baremetal-vcd-trace
$ make -j$(nproc)
# 把run_sim.sh里SPIKE=改到你刚才编译出来spike的路径,比如:SPIKE=/tmp/riscv-isa-sim/__install/bin/spike
$ source ./run_sim.sh


Warning: the memory at  [0x20010000, 0x2007A11F] has been realigned
to the 4 KiB page size: [0x20010000, 0x2007AFFF]
warning: tohost and fromhost symbols not in ELF; can't communicate with target
echo on
trace timestamp
Tracing timestamp, 8bytes @0x80000028
trace count_123
Tracing count_123, 1bytes @0x80000020
trace wakeup_count
Tracing wakeup_count, 8bytes @0x80000018
trace mei_count
Tracing mei_count, 4bytes @0x80000000
trace mti_count
Tracing mti_count, 4bytes @0x80000008
trace msi_count
Tracing msi_count, 4bytes @0x80000004
trace ecall_count
Tracing ecall_count, 8bytes @0x80000010
until pc 0 main
Run until pc == 0x20010100
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: msi_count @ 0x80000004 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mti_count @ 0x80000008 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xff
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff00000000
pc 0
run 1000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x1-> 0x1 & 0xff
MEI = 0
MEI = 1
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
TRACE: mti_count @ 0x80000008 + 0x0= 0x1-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff00000000
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x0= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: timestamp @ 0x80000028 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x0 & 0xffffffff00000000
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
MEI = 0
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x2-> 0x2 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2-> 0x2 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2-> 0x2 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x3 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x3 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x4-> 0x4 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x4 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x4-> 0x4 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x4 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x5-> 0x5 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x5 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x5-> 0x5 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x5 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x6-> 0x6 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x6 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x6-> 0x6 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x6 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x7-> 0x7 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x7 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x7-> 0x7 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x7 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x8-> 0x8 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x8 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x8-> 0x8 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x8 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x9-> 0x9 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x9 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x9-> 0x9 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x9 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xa-> 0xa & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xa & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xa-> 0xa & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xa & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xb-> 0xb & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xb & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xb-> 0xb & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xb & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xc-> 0xc & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xc & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xc-> 0xc & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xc & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xd-> 0xd & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xd & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xd-> 0xd & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xd & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xe-> 0xe & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xe & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xe-> 0xe & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xe & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0xf-> 0xf & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xf & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0xf-> 0xf & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0xf & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x10-> 0x10 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x10 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x10-> 0x10 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x10 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x11-> 0x11 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x11 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x11-> 0x11 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x11 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x12-> 0x12 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x12 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x12-> 0x12 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x12 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
pc 0
mem timestamp
mem count_123
mem wakeup_count
mem mei_count
mem mti_count
mem msi_count
mem ecall_count
interrupt 0 raise mei
MEI = 1
run 100
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x1-> 0x1 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x2-> 0x2 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x4-> 0x4 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x5-> 0x5 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x6-> 0x6 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x7-> 0x7 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: mei_count @ 0x80000000 + 0x0= 0x8-> 0x8 & 0xffffffff
interrupt 0 clear mei
MEI = 0
pc 0
mem timestamp
mem count_123
mem wakeup_count
mem mei_count
mem mti_count
mem msi_count
mem ecall_count
run 1000
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x13-> 0x13 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x13 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x13-> 0x13 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x13 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x14-> 0x14 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x14 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x14-> 0x14 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x14 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x15-> 0x15 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x15 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x15-> 0x15 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x15 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x16-> 0x16 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x16 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x16-> 0x16 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x16 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x17-> 0x17 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x17 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x17-> 0x17 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x17 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x18-> 0x18 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x18 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x18-> 0x18 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x18 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x19-> 0x19 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x19 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x19-> 0x19 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x19 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1a-> 0x1a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1a-> 0x1a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1b-> 0x1b & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1b & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1b-> 0x1b & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1b & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1c-> 0x1c & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1c & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1c-> 0x1c & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1c & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1d-> 0x1d & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1d & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1d-> 0x1d & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1d & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1e-> 0x1e & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1e & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1e-> 0x1e & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1e & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x1f-> 0x1f & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1f & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x1f-> 0x1f & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x1f & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x20-> 0x20 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x20 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x20-> 0x20 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x20 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x21-> 0x21 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x21 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x21-> 0x21 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x21 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x22-> 0x22 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x22 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x22-> 0x22 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x22 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x23-> 0x23 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x23 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x23-> 0x23 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x23 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x24-> 0x24 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x24 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x24-> 0x24 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x24 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x25-> 0x25 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x25 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x25-> 0x25 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x25 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x26-> 0x26 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x26 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x26-> 0x26 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x26 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x27-> 0x27 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x27 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x27-> 0x27 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x27 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x28-> 0x28 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x28 & 0xffffffff00000000
mem timestamp
mem count_123
mem wakeup_count
mem mei_count
mem mti_count
mem msi_count
mem ecall_count
run 5000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x28-> 0x28 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x28 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x29-> 0x29 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x29 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x29-> 0x29 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x29 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2a-> 0x2a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2a-> 0x2a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2b-> 0x2b & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2b & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2b-> 0x2b & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2b & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2c-> 0x2c & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2c & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2c-> 0x2c & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2c & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2d-> 0x2d & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2d & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2d-> 0x2d & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2d & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2e-> 0x2e & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2e & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2e-> 0x2e & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2e & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x2f-> 0x2f & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2f & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x2f-> 0x2f & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x2f & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x30-> 0x30 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x30 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x30-> 0x30 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x30 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x31-> 0x31 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x31 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x31-> 0x31 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x31 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x32-> 0x32 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x32 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x32-> 0x32 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x32 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x33-> 0x33 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x33 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x33-> 0x33 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x33 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x34-> 0x34 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x34 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x34-> 0x34 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x34 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x35-> 0x35 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x35 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x35-> 0x35 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x35 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x36-> 0x36 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x36 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x36-> 0x36 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x36 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x37-> 0x37 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x37 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x37-> 0x37 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x37 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x38-> 0x38 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x38 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x38-> 0x38 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x38 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x39-> 0x39 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x39 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x39-> 0x39 & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x39 & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x3a-> 0x3a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x3a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x0= 0x3a-> 0x3a & 0xffffffff
TRACE: ecall_count @ 0x80000010 + 0x4= 0x0-> 0x3a & 0xffffffff00000000
TRACE: count_123 @ 0x80000020 + 0x0= 0x3-> 0x3 & 0xff
TRACE: wakeup_count @ 0x80000018 + 0x0= 0x3b-> 0x3b &</





&#x1f34e;Sourcepawn脚本入门(二)命令与事件监听 &#xff08;控制台&#xff09;命令是常用的插件形式&#xff0c;eg. noclip …等都是常用的命令&#xff0c;在游戏中使用也很容易,souremod可以注册自己的命令。 事件的监听则需要考虑到不同的起源游戏支持的事件不同&am…


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前言 当你准备对 Visual Studio Code&#xff08;VSCode&#xff09;进行重新安装时&#xff0c;可能遇到一个常见问题&#xff1a;重新安装后&#xff0c;新的安装似乎仍然保留了旧的配置信息&#xff0c;这可能会导致一些麻烦。这种情况通常是由于卸载不彻底所致&#xff0c…

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1、概述 RasaGpt是一个建立在 Rasa 和 Langchain 之上的没有显示界面的LMM聊天机器人平台。它是一个Rasa和Telegram这种利用像Langchain这样的LMM库进行索引、检索和上下文注入的样板及参考实现。 开源地址&#xff1a; GitHub - paulpierre/RasaGPT: &#x1f4ac; RasaGPT is…


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SAP MM 中的业务伙伴确定配置

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基于JavaSwing实现的学生管理系统&#xff0c;最全的Java基础学生管理系统&#xff0c;Java课程设计必备 系统一共包括学生信息管理&#xff0c;考勤签到管理&#xff0c;学生成绩管理&#xff0c;学生选课管理系统。不仅有基础功能&#xff0c;还有图表统计等功能。功能是非常…

记录 | chrome下载提速

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智能优化算法应用:基于梯度算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码

智能优化算法应用&#xff1a;基于梯度算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码 文章目录 智能优化算法应用&#xff1a;基于梯度算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码1.无线传感网络节点模型2.覆盖数学模型及分析3.梯度算法4.实验参数设定5.算法结果6.参考文献7.MATLAB…

Beam Search学习

BackGround 在生成的时候&#xff0c;模型的输出是一个时间步一个时间步依次获得的&#xff0c;而且前面时间步的结果还会影响后面时间步的结果。也就是说&#xff0c;每一个时间步&#xff0c;模型给出的都是基于历史生成结果的条件概率。 为了生成完整的句子&#xff0c;需…

Codeforces Round 913 (Div. 3) A~E

目录 A. Rook 问题分析: B. YetnotherrokenKeoard 问题分析: C. Removal of Unattractive Pairs 问题分析: D. Jumping Through Segments 问题分析: E. Good Triples 问题分析: A. Rook 问题分析: 给一个棋子将其同行同列的位置输出 #include<bits/s…

ABAP 字符串空白值保留长度或者用其他字符替代

保留空白值在字符串的长度。 DATA lv_char1 TYPE string VALUE Hello. DATA lv_char2 TYPE string VALUE World. DATA LV_CHAR3 TYPE C LENGTH 50.DATA(lv_string3) |{ lv_char1 } { lv_char2 }!|.WRITE: / lv_string3.DATA(lv_string2) lv_char1 && | { lv_char3 } …


在 UI/UX 设计中&#xff0c;原型设计是至关重要的一步。正如用户体验中的其它环节一样&#xff0c;有无数的交互原型工具可以帮助你完成原型设计。市场上有太多的交互原型工具&#xff0c;如果你不知道选择哪一种&#xff0c;那么我们将为你介绍 6 个实用又好用的交互原型工具…

获取文本框中录入得 方法,执行该方法

最近一个同事问我如何将大文本中输入得方法&#xff0c;变成一个真正得方法执行&#xff0c; 于是在控制台临时测试了一下我的想法 解释一下这个过程&#xff0c; 1、从大文本框中获取到一个字符串 var a"function(){alert(2)}" 2、将字符串转换成真正可执行的方…