# 目录结构
# content of test_mod.py
import pytest
def func(x):
return x + 1
def test_mod():
print("test_mod function was invoked")
assert func(3) == 5
def test_func():
print("test_func was invoked")
assert 0
def test_slow_func():
print("test_slow_func was invoked.")
assert 0
class TestMyClass:
def test_something(self):
print("TestMyClass.test_something was invoked")
assert 0
def test_method_simple(self):
print("TestMyClass.test_method_simple was invoked")
assert 0
class TestClass:
def test_method(self):
print("test_method was invoked.")
assert 0
# content of test_dir.py
def test_dir():
print("test_dir function was invoked")
assert 3 == 5
- 只运行test_mod.py模块里面的测试用例
- 运行testing目录及子目录下的测试用例
- 运行文件名、类名、方法名中包含MyClass但不包含method的所有用例,例如TestMyClass.test_someting会运行,但TestMyClass.test_method_simple不会运行,Windows下用“”,Linux或Mac下可使用’'或""
- 运行test_mod.py模块下的test_func函数
- 运行test_mod.py模块下的TestClass类下的test_method函数
- 运行被@pytest.mark.test装饰的测试用例
- 编写好了一个新的测试用例,想单独调试一下;
- 代码提测后,某个模块发生了改动,要调试一下;
- 生产环境与测试环境回归内容不同,根据mark要进行区分