


1 数据

1.1 one-hot编码数据集


X_train = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,1],[0,0,0],[1,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]])
y_train = np.array([1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0])
The shape of X_train is: (10, 3)
The shape of y_train is:  (10,)


2 计算熵

  • 计算𝑝1,这是可食用示例的一部分(即具有 value = in y
  • 然后计算熵:


def compute_entropy(y):
    Computes the entropy for 
       y (ndarray): Numpy array indicating whether each example at a node is
           edible (`1`) or poisonous (`0`)
        entropy (float): Entropy at that node
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    entropy = 0.
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    if len(y) != 0:
        p1 = np.count_nonzero(y == 1)/len(y)
        if p1 != 0 and p1 != 1:
            entropy = -p1*np.log2(p1) - (1-p1)*np.log2(1-p1)
    ### END CODE HERE ###        
    return entropy

3 拆分数据集(分裂)

  • 该函数接收训练数据、该节点的数据点索引列表以及要拆分的特征。
  • 它拆分数据并返回左右分支的索引子集。
  • 例如,假设我们从根节点 (so node_indices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) 开始,我们选择在特征上进行拆分0,即示例是否有棕色帽。
    • left_indices = [0,1,2,3,4,7,9]然后函数的输出是right_indices = [5,6,8]


  • 对于中的每个索引node_indices
    • X如果该特征在该索引处的值为1,则将该索引添加到left_indices
    • X如果该特征在该索引处的值为0,则将该索引添加到right_indices
def split_dataset(X, node_indices, feature):
    Splits the data at the given node into
    left and right branches
        X (ndarray):             Data matrix of shape(n_samples, n_features)
        node_indices (ndarray):  List containing the active indices. I.e, the samples being considered at this step.
        feature (int):           Index of feature to split on
        left_indices (ndarray): Indices with feature value == 1
        right_indices (ndarray): Indices with feature value == 0
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    left_indices = []
    right_indices = []
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    X_f = X[:,feature]
    for i in node_indices:
        if X_f[i] == 1:
        elif X_f[i] == 0:
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    return left_indices, right_indices

 4 计算信息增益

  • 𝐻(𝑝node1)是节点处的熵
  • 𝐻(𝑝left1) 和𝐻(𝑝right1)是由分裂产生的左分支和右分支的熵
  • 𝑤分别是左右分支的示例比例
def compute_information_gain(X, y, node_indices, feature):
    Compute the information of splitting the node on a given feature
        X (ndarray):            Data matrix of shape(n_samples, n_features)
        y (array like):         list or ndarray with n_samples containing the target variable
        node_indices (ndarray): List containing the active indices. I.e, the samples being considered in this step.
        cost (float):        Cost computed
    # Split dataset
    left_indices, right_indices = split_dataset(X, node_indices, feature)
    # Some useful variables
    X_node, y_node = X[node_indices], y[node_indices]
    X_left, y_left = X[left_indices], y[left_indices]
    X_right, y_right = X[right_indices], y[right_indices]
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    information_gain = 0
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # Weights 
    wl = len(X_left)/len(X_node)
    wr = len(X_right)/len(X_node)
    #Weighted entropy
    Hn = compute_entropy(y_node)
    Hl = compute_entropy(y_left)
    Hr = compute_entropy(y_right)
    #Information gain                                                   
    information_gain = Hn-(wl*Hl+wr*Hr)
    ### END CODE HERE ###  
    return information_gain

5 获得最佳划分(分裂)


  • 该函数接收训练数据以及该节点的数据点索引
  • 函数的输出给出最大信息增益的特征
    • 您可以使用该compute_information_gain()函数迭代特征并计算每个特征的信息
def get_best_split(X, y, node_indices):   
    Returns the optimal feature and threshold value
    to split the node data 
        X (ndarray):            Data matrix of shape(n_samples, n_features)
        y (array like):         list or ndarray with n_samples containing the target variable
        node_indices (ndarray): List containing the active indices. I.e, the samples being considered in this step.

        best_feature (int):     The index of the best feature to split
    # Some useful variables
    num_features = X.shape[1]
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    best_feature = -1
    gain_max = 0
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    for i in range(num_features):
        gain_ = compute_information_gain(X, y, node_indices, i)
        if gain_ > gain_max:
            gain_max = gain_
            best_feature = i
    ### END CODE HERE ##    
    return best_feature

6 构建树

在上面实现的函数来生成决策树,方法是连续选择最佳特征进行拆分,直到达到停止条件(最大深度为 2)。

tree = []

def build_tree_recursive(X, y, node_indices, branch_name, max_depth, current_depth):
    Build a tree using the recursive algorithm that split the dataset into 2 subgroups at each node.
    This function just prints the tree.
        X (ndarray):            Data matrix of shape(n_samples, n_features)
        y (array like):         list or ndarray with n_samples containing the target variable
        node_indices (ndarray): List containing the active indices. I.e, the samples being considered in this step.
        branch_name (string):   Name of the branch. ['Root', 'Left', 'Right']
        max_depth (int):        Max depth of the resulting tree. 
        current_depth (int):    Current depth. Parameter used during recursive call.

    # Maximum depth reached - stop splitting
    if current_depth == max_depth:
        formatting = " "*current_depth + "-"*current_depth
        print(formatting, "%s leaf node with indices" % branch_name, node_indices)
    # Otherwise, get best split and split the data
    # Get the best feature and threshold at this node
    best_feature = get_best_split(X, y, node_indices) 
    tree.append((current_depth, branch_name, best_feature, node_indices))
    formatting = "-"*current_depth
    print("%s Depth %d, %s: Split on feature: %d" % (formatting, current_depth, branch_name, best_feature))
    # Split the dataset at the best feature
    left_indices, right_indices = split_dataset(X, node_indices, best_feature)
    # continue splitting the left and the right child. Increment current depth
    build_tree_recursive(X, y, left_indices, "Left", max_depth, current_depth+1)
    build_tree_recursive(X, y, right_indices, "Right", max_depth, current_depth+1)
build_tree_recursive(X_train, y_train, root_indices, "Root", max_depth=2, current_depth=0)

(本示例问题来源Andrew NG 机器学习公开课)




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