0 需求描述
id | oid |
1 | 0 |
2 | 0 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 1 |
5 | 2 |
6 | 0 |
7 | 3 |
1 需求分析
1.1 数据源准备
with data as(
select 1 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 2 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 3 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 4 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 5 as id, 2 as oid
union all
select 6 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 7 as id, 3 as oid
select * from data;
1.2 数据分析
题目要求的是原创文章被引用的次数,其中原创文章为oid为0的文章,也就是文章id为【1,2,6】被引用的次数,引用的文章id用oid来描述。一般正常的思路用关联的方式求解,找出非0的oid在oid为0时的id中存在多少个,那么问题就解决了,我们 用 left join形式求解,具体SQL如下:
with data as(
select 1 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 2 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 3 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 4 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 5 as id, 2 as oid
union all
select 6 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 7 as id, 3 as oid
select t2.id
,count(oid) as cnt
(select oid
from data
where oid<>0
) t1
right join
select id
from data
where oid=0
) t2
on t1.oid = t2.id
group by t2.id
order by id

(2条消息) SQL之存在性问题分析-HQL面试题39_莫叫石榴姐的博客-CSDN博客

with data as(
select 1 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 2 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 3 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 4 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 5 as id, 2 as oid
union all
select 6 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 7 as id, 3 as oid
select id
, oid
, collect_set(if(oid=0,id,null)) over() as contains
from data

with data as(
select 1 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 2 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 3 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 4 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 5 as id, 2 as oid
union all
select 6 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 7 as id, 3 as oid
select id,oid,contains,if(array_contains(contains,oid),1,0) as flag
select id
, oid
, collect_set(if(oid=0,id,null)) over() as contains
from data
) t

with data as(
select 1 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 2 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 3 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 4 as id, 1 as oid
union all
select 5 as id, 2 as oid
union all
select 6 as id, 0 as oid
union all
select 7 as id, 3 as oid
select id
,sum(flag) cnt
( select if(array_contains(contains,oid),oid,if(oid=0,id,null)) id --清洗数据,补充完整的原创文章id
,if(array_contains(contains,oid),1,0) as flag
select id
, oid
, collect_set(if(oid=0,id,null)) over() as contains
from data
) t
) t
where id is not null --过滤掉不属于原创文章id的id
group by id
order by id

2 小结
本文给出了一种容器变换中存在性计数问题的分析方法,通过 array_contains(array,colum)进行存在性检测,如果存在则记为1,不存在记为0,最终的计算公式如下: