
Plugin authentication 插件身份验证

  • 前言
  • Plugin authentication 插件身份验证
  • No authentication 无认证
  • Service level 服务级别
  • User level 用户级别
  • OAuth
  • 其它资料下载




Plugin authentication 插件身份验证

Plugins offer numerous authentication schemas to accommodate various use cases. To specify the authentication schema for your plugin, use the manifest file. Our plugin domain policy outlines our strategy for addressing domain security issues. For examples of available authentication options, refer to the examples section, which showcases all the different choices.

Note that the ai-plugin.json file requires an auth schema to be set. Even if you elect to use no authentication, it is still required to specify "auth": { "type": "none" }.
请注意, ai-plugin.json 文件需要设置 auth 模式。即使您选择不使用身份验证,仍然需要指定 "auth": { "type": "none" }

No authentication 无认证

We support no-auth flow for applications that do not require authentication, where a user is able to send requests directly to your API without any restrictions. This is particularly useful if you have an open API that you want to make available to everyone, as it allows traffic from sources other than just OpenAI plugin requests.

"auth": {
  "type": "none"

Service level 服务级别

If you want to specifically enable OpenAI plugins to work with your API, you can provide a client secret during the plugin installation flow. This means that all traffic from OpenAI plugins will be authenticated but not on a user level. This flow benefits from a simple end user experience but less control from an API perspective.

  • To start, a developer pastes in their access token (global key)
  • Then, they have to add the verification token to their manifest file
  • We store an encrypted version of the token
  • Users don’t need to do anything when they install the plugin
  • Last, we pass it in the Authorization header when making requests to the plugin (“Authorization”: “[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
    最后,我们在向插件发出请求时将其传递到Authorization头中(“Authorization”:“[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
"auth": {
  "type": "service_http",
  "authorization_type": "bearer",
  "verification_tokens": {
    "openai": "cb7cdfb8a57e45bc8ad7dea5bc2f8324"

User level 用户级别

Just like how a user might already be using your API, we allow user level authentication through enabling end users to copy and paste their secret API key into the ChatGPT UI during plugin install. While we encrypt the secret key when we store it in our database, we do not recommend this approach given the poor user experience.
就像用户可能已经在使用您的API一样,我们允许最终用户在插件安装期间将其API密钥复制并粘贴到ChatGPT UI中,从而实现用户级身份验证。虽然我们在将密钥存储在数据库中时会对其进行加密,但考虑到用户体验较差,我们不建议使用这种方法。

  • To start, a user pastes in their access token when installing the plugin
  • We store an encrypted version of the token
  • We then pass it in the Authorization header when making requests to the plugin (“Authorization”: “[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
    然后,我们在向插件发出请求时将其传递到Authorization头中(“Authorization”:“[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
"auth": {
  "type": "user_http",
  "authorization_type": "bearer",


The plugin protocol is compatible with OAuth. A simple example of the OAuth flow we are expecting in the manifest looks like the following:

  • To start, a developer pastes in their OAuth client id and client secret
    • Then they have to add the verification token to their manifest file
  • We store an encrypted version of the client secret
  • Users log in through the plugin’s website when they install the plugin
    • That gives us an OAuth access token (and optionally a refresh token) for the user, which we store encrypted
  • Last, we pass that user’s token in the Authorization header when making requests to the plugin (“Authorization”: “[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
    最后,当向插件发出请求时,我们在Authorization头中传递该用户的令牌(“Authorization”:“[Bearer/Basic][user’s token]”)
"auth": {
  "type": "oauth",
  "client_url": "",
  "scope": "",
  "authorization_url": "",
  "authorization_content_type": "application/json",
  "verification_tokens": {
    "openai": "abc123456"

To better understand the URL structure for OAuth, here is a short description of the fields:

  • When you set up your plugin with ChatGPT, you will be asked to provide your OAuth client_id and client_secret
    当您使用ChatGPT设置插件时,系统会要求您提供OAuth client_idclient_secret
  • When a user logs into the plugin, ChatGPT will direct the user’s browser to "[client_url]?response_type=code&client_id=[client_id]&scope=[scope]&[plugin_id]%2Foauth%2Fcallback"
    当用户登录插件时,ChatGPT会将用户的浏览器引导到 "[client_url]?response_type=code&client_id=[client_id]&scope=[scope]&[plugin_id]%2Foauth%2Fcallback"
  • After your plugin redirects back to the given redirect_uri, ChatGPT will complete the OAuth flow by making a POST request to authorization_url with content type authorization_content_type and parameters { “grant_type”: “authorization_code”, “client_id”: [client_id], “client_secret”: [client_secret], “code”: [the code that was returned with the redirect], “redirect_uri”: [the same redirect uri as before] }
    在插件重定向回给定的redirect_uri之后,ChatGPT将通过使用内容类型 authorization_content_type 和参数 { “grant_type”: “authorization_code”, “client_id”: [client_id], “client_secret”: [client_secret], “code”: [the code that was returned with the redirect], “redirect_uri”: [the same redirect uri as before] }authorization_url 发出POST请求来完成OAuth流程


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